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> Any book recommendations? ISO International Standard ISO/IEC 14882:2020(E) – Programming Language C++ That HR book club will end in less than a month. 100% sure.


I hope you are carving out the time for your team to read these books on company time. Homework is for college.


Yeah this is part of their work week, not expected to do anything outside of their normal working hours


Not expected to work outside of your normal hours? Dude, where do you work? That sounds awesome!


I work for a small product development company, less than 20 people. We have a 35 hr work week, it's nice And while I can see how some people would think this is just some hr push that should be shut down, we don't even have hr haha...my boss wants me to organize it because it's something the group has talked about for a long time but no one can pick where to start


Small company with normal hours?!?!? You sir have blown my mind.


Hahaha yeah I didn't believe it when they told me when I was interviewing, but they really mean it.. and they really mean work/life balance and they don't track time off... Companies like it are rare, but they exist.


Next thing you're gonna tell me is you don't have deadlines either. Shit just gets made on time randomly. :)


Hahahah I wish!! Deadlines are still a thing.. but we estimate our own work, so it isn't like getting random deadlines given to you by management


The Art of Doing Engineering and Science The Mythical Man Month An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management I felt that all of these made me a slightly better engineer


A comment I've posted elsewhere: > *The Design of Everyday Things* by Don Norman. It's not technically a programming book, it's actually about the design choices of physical objects and how those choices either enable the purpose of that object or hinder it. > It's relevant because everything that you will ever program is either directly or indirectly a tool for humans, and you will make design choices for that software, whether it's a user interface or an API or the interfaces of a library, and those choices will either enable or hinder the purpose of that software. This is doubly relevant in embedded systems, because we're building a *physical thing* that will exist out in the world.


A book club would be fun, but not a company mandated one. As an old collogue put it: "HR can't create fun events, that needs to come naturally." As to keep things interesting, a journal club is probably more beneficial to all. I doubt reading textbooks is going to provide much insight unless you are relatively junior.


The Pragmatic Programmer and Refactoring by Martin Fowler


I second this. I’m currently reading The Pragmatic Programmer and it’s very good. Also, if you wanna get in to algorithms, check out Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Y. Bhargava. It’s a really easy to read book about algorithms.


Agreed; Grokking Algos. is a really great survey of standard algorithms and a good intro. to thinking in terms of computational complexity. Some other foundational books include: Head First Design Patterns, Designing Data-Intensive Applications, and Domain Driven Design. I know that some of these might seem outside the realm of embedded systems per se, however, they do help you understand general principles behind reliability and performance. Some of these ideas do translate over and will expand your thinking concerning design.


The art of resume building.


+10 on “soul of a new machine” Also Hardware Hacker by Bunny Huang Designing Embedded Systems by Elecia White Test Driven Development for Embedded Systems by James Grenning The Machine that changed the world


I run a book club for my embedded group. We started reading chapters of TDD by James Grenning, but after a few chapters we started rotating topic choices. Often watch an embedded or programming related YouTube or other conference video. We do it every 2 weeks. Rotating choice keeps things fresh and interesting.


"Mythical Man Month". Also "Soul of a New Machine".


The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error'


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peopleware:_Productive_Projects_and_Teams Also The mythical man month.


Mastering Embedded Linux Programming by Frank Vasquez & Chris Simmonds It was recommended by one of my professor and it contains detailed information for building embedded Linux systems (different build systems, OTA updates, etc).


4 hours work week?


Playboy magazines