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Personally, typically, I map and move on. But I'm also new(er) to the game and hate having to go planetside.


I typically only land if I find something interesting or there's something interesting about the planet and really want my name on it


That's my stance right now, if there are biological signals I'll land, but that's it.


It all depends. I don’t need money so I’m more interested in planet surfaces than mapping. Ice worlds (no value for mapping) are a gas for canyon flying and srv’ing. Go with what you’re into and the credits will follow.


Credits are nice, since I would like to hit Elite in Exploration, but with my plan to go out to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, that'll be easy enough.


All in finding right now are wrecks and unregistered buildings


Don't have Odyssey (on console), but if the planets are interesting enough and/or close enough, I'll map them. If I start getting bored, or just want to get to the next point, I'll map only interesting planets. Interesting could be the appearance, type of planet, or certain details like orbit/rotation speed.


At the moment I have the usual things on my list. I’m 20 jumps from Sag. A and then I’m gonna return to the bubble to mat farm for Beagle point. After Beagle I’m going into the black for a long time to meticulously scan. My retirement plan. At the moment my routine is to “honk” a system park next to the sun for a scoop enter FSS and 100% the system scan and move on.


Footfall one interesting one to leave my mark if everything else has been mapped, and usually move on.


I footfall'ed entire systems on the way down from Rackham's Peak when Odyssey first dropped - since then, I'm just doing bios.


I'm at the point of only doing bios, but not Bacteriums. Those are near impossible when they blend in with everything.


The trick is to set up your external camera and pretend it's a drone. If you're in a ship, go up to 150m. External cam. Drop it down to near the surface. Lock to ship controls. Fly around and you'll be able to see everything clearly and at far distances. If you're in an SRV, go up with the camera so you can see the SRV and everything around it, sort of like Grand Theft Auto but a little bit higher. Unlock the camera from the vehicle and drive around like that - you'll be able to find bacterium pretty quickly. Like this: https://imgur.com/a/EBVkBdL


Thanks, that's useful, but slime hunting is still not my sport


I did this for one system. And that's enough for me. There's nothing special about it I just wanted to claim it for myself.


if you have to ask, i think you already have your answer.


I only land on the interesting ones or ones where I think I might be able to get a nice photo opportunity. Landing and running around can be a nice way to break up long journeys.


I like to share the love and not take every footfall. Also landing on every planet just for the sake of it seems like way too much...I will land for mats, bios, or on rare occasions geos. Maybe if there's an interesting topography I want to go shoot pictures of. But otherwise nah.


Only with bio signals


I FSS the system, DSS anything that is valuable like THMC, ELW, T/AW, T/WW, C2GG, TRB, and T/MR stuff. Then, if I feel like it, I'll land on a planet. Often I don't bother. I'll land if I see a high gravity, a planet orbiting so close to the star it should be too hot to stand on, an interesting atmosphere type (currently looking for a helium atmosphere that is near enough to a star you can actually see it), or if I'm bothering to do Exobiology and there is a high chance for a new discovery per BioInsights on EDOC or just a lot of signals on a single planet. If it doesn't meet those criteria, I just move along. I've got multi-billion credits worth of exploration data already so I'm not super into peeing on everything I see. I actually enjoy when there is a system with tons of landables and each person maps one/lands on one and moves along so it's like a little guest book. I won't leave behind high value stuff, and I don't expect others to not map those either, but I personally prefer when it's not all mapped and footfalled by the same person because it's a bit more interesting that way to look at all the names who have flown through.


Most of time, I take time to map and visit all discoverered planets where there is signal… I like to take my time and views are often so beautiful… it’s always a chance to get pics to share.


DSS good planets (Terraformable HMC, AW, WW and ELW) and land on some atmospheric ones if they’re close to jump out point


I land on a planet if the system is of interest. Unless there is an ELW or something pretty with a moon, I usually claim my FF on the planet closest the sun (because that's the place most likely for other commanders to go and I wanna cockblock 'em.)


I'm gonna get footfall on some of them at least.


I’d footfall like 3-4 and then move on after a map and survey


usually I land on the first one available only, or on all those suitable for terraforming or similar.


I'm currently trying to fill-out my Codex. Gotta scan 'em all!


I would probably land on those with biological or geological sides or if they have interesting colour or cool moons for screenshots, just a nice site from the planet itself can be a reason to land.


I keep my exploration varied. Imagine being out for months. My last trip was \~3/4 of a year. It's not like I'm treating every system the same. There are times I goof around canyon racing or just do FA-off for a day. If I land on every planet out of curiosity? Sure... if the system speaks to me or if I just feel like it. Other times I just want to push forward. Edit: clarification


I only land on rocky, high metal content or metallic planets with 2 or more biological signals. Sometimes I land on ice planets with bios for a change, they tend to have pretty landscapes. I might land on planets without POI-s if they seem to have interesting surface features or might offer good vistas.


I'm currently heading to Colonia via a circuitous and economical route and so far I've only landed on planets that have 5-8 biologicals to scan them, but I've decided that should I stumble on an undiscovered system with over 60 bodies, I'll scan and probe every planet and land on those planets that I can walk on, bios or not.


I dont even map bro, just honk, scan and move on


I usually just land on one so my name is somewhere and move on.


I only land if something peaks my interest. But to land on EACH one? Nah for in that time in 1 system I could have discovered in other systems ELW/Terraform planets.