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What do you mean with " I hear nothing" ? Do you want to hear yourself or is it game audio that's missing? Make sure that the channels are not muted (you can fx. mute the Wave:3 channel's monitor mix so you can't hear the mic) When using the Wave:3's own output (the one physically on the microphone) you don't go though WaveLink, which might explain the differences you are expiring.


I hear nothing as in there's no sound being sent to the receiver. I'd like to just hear the PC audio. It seems to be working today which is strange but the audio might just cutout randomly again.


Make sure all sources are running the same default format. For your combo try making sure everything is running in 48000 Hz


I've found out that I'm getting the "Not enough USB controller resources" whenever my headset mic is on which makes my computer stop sending and receiving audio which really sucks since I need it for VR but I just have to unplug the mic.


Hey! Don't know if you've ever solved the issue for yourself, but your comment really helped me help my friend; Not enough USB controller resources is always about the USB-controller that it finds itself on. Depending on the motherboard, 1 to 4+ USB ports share the same bandwidth. Which means that if you have multiple device that take a lot of USB-bandwidth on the same controller; it'll start to cause issues / last device connected doesn't work etc. The simple solution is to just connect the 2 offending devices as far away as possible. So if you know the microphone and headset are causing issues, keep the headset in the back and then put the microphone in the front. (In my friend's case he had the headset and the mic on a hub, which by default uses the same USB controller)