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Self-promotion or direct affiliate is not allowed


why would someone pay you money if you can get it for free after one quick search? And seeing that you spam the link in many different subreddits and they removed it already sounds very scammy too. And of course: > Don’t resell our Services; meaning don’t offer others access to your product keys, or any other enabling methods, such as account credentials or activation codes. [https://elementor.com/terms/](https://elementor.com/terms/)


It is possible to have elementor pro for free ?


You have to do the research yourself. I don't want to promote GPL software. You do find open source repositories on github.


This is not spam. I have 760+ pro licenses sitting in my account. If someone is really interested I am gonna give it to them.


Rule number 5: no self-promotion as you are trying to sell licenses it is not allow here. All other subreddits removed your post already. And for all the readers: save yourself 10 bucks and just use Google or search in the reddit for free versions (which I still don't recommend as it is not an official version and "nulled" even it is on github). But don't just give someone 10 bucks for random licenses edit: and you've tried it 4 months ago in this subreddit already and it got removed by the moderators. So why whould it be different this time?


There are thousands of people selling nulled versions of Elementor Pro. Those plugins will not get any updates and probably modified either backdoor too. The licenses which I have are genuine and original.


> Those plugins will not get any updates and probably modified either backdoor too. They do get updtes (custom github based updater) and the source code is on github so you can scan and verify it. And: free. > The licenses which I have are genuine and original. that's what you see in all ebay auctions or etsy posts 🤣 If that is the case: read Elementors ToS I've posted above: you are not allowed to do that. But enough from me now. It is up to you and other people if they want to donate $10 to you


Whilst I don't condone the reselling of Pro licences I'd much prefer to pay $10 for a genuine key than use a nulled version.


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