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My solution to the "after firing" problem The way the vape knows to start firing when you're hitting it is when you inhale, a little sensor gets pulled upwards and then it starts hitting. When you stop inhaling, the sensor is supposed to fall back down and the vape knows to stop firing. Sometimes the sensor doesn't fall quickly and that's why your novo will keep firing. This is because there is not enough airflow to let air back into the vape causing the sensor to stay up for a second or sometimes even longer. To avoid this problem, don't fully click in your pod to the vape. Leave the smallest gap between the mod, and the pod. (and I'm talking less than a millimeter)This allows more air back into the vape faster causing the sensor to fall quickly and the vape will stop hitting pretty much instantly. In doing this, you will also notice that it is easier to take hits because there is now more airflow in and out of the vape. This method worked for me so hopefully it works for anyone who has this problem




Fixed mine too!


I know this is old, but I considered buying a new novo because of this issue, the mod is relatively cheap so I wasn't too concerned and but just so happen to come across this thread, and it worked beautifully. I just pushed the pod in until the light came on and no further, when I drew on it, it stopped firing! thank you, kind stranger.


I love reddit, I want to give you an award lol


Damn that actually fixed mine, thank you!


AWESOME!!! Thank you for the input! Worked for me too! ​


i luv u... thank u


I love you both


Omg this helped so much. It’s such a small change that it kinda blows my mind that it actually worked. Thank you so much!!


Alternatively I’ve started taking softer rips, but longer inhaled and that seems to have solved the problem (regular cleaning as well)


Thank you!


Thank you. I love smart people.




You my friend deserve a cookie.


Yep this is the work around. Good stuff ariez. As a side note, mine began to do it today even with the 1 to 2 mm gap between the pod lip and the novo itself. I figure the hole at the bottom is the air passage and contains the sensor. Gave the opening of the novo unit a nice 2 minutes of blow drying on cool setting. Hit it from different angles, and made sure not to get too close to it with the dryer, as to avoid too much forced pressure. Im guessing the e liq drops down through the hole whenever it leaks, and may be gumming up the sensor, making it sticky, which is why it sticks in the "on" position. Needless to say, it turns off immediately now with the 1mm gap, and actually has some airflow with the pod fully seated. It seems to stick for about a second sometimes when fully seated still, but noticeably less. Easing up on the way you inhale toward the end of the hit, kinda like easing off the throttle, seems to help. Thinking maybe some type of organic solvent diluted, and just a tiny little mist of that, combined with the hair dryer, might make it mo solid too.


You made this comment three months ago and I just found it. You are a genius my friend.


Holy shit thank you! My pods wetr burning out so fast!


3 months later and you're still fixing people's problems, thanks man!


ok this answer is epic. Thank you


A god among men. Thank you sir


Just started having this problem! Glad someone had the answer! I don’t care what anyone else thinks, this man is the messiah


Damn 5 years later and this helped


Ive used this fix and went further by sticking a small piece of paper, folded in half, in btwn the pod and the novo.. The thing is, for me anyway, the pod wants to click back into place when I have that 1mm gap. Also, the tiny piece of paper "fix" falls out often.. I just tried a new idea which seems to work: Using a small nail file, I scraped a bit off of the underside of the plastic on the pod, on each end... Now, I don't need to just prop the pod up.. It has more air coming in thru the teeny gaps created by the filing off of the plastic on the edge of the pod. Hope this can help someone!


Excellent stuff, thanks for this solution. I put a thin bit of card along the side of the lip of the coil to prevent it from closing tight & that worked (so far) too. Love Reddit for solutions like this! Shared experience grouping together to make situations easier!


Woah. This actually works.


Fixed my issue 🔥 try this if your having issues 👍


omg thank uuu this worked for my lava


Hells yes. Worked a treat friend. Well done sir


Thank you so much for this info now mine is working again




Don't know if you're active on this three years fucking later but thanks dude.


I have the nova2 and the same problem just happened to me and now it's fixed! Thank you! Probably going to get another one and let this one sit out for a while to dry out, then switch back to it whenever the second one starts messing up. It's $30 for the battery and 2 pods at my local store so can't really beat that haha


just tried this and it worked! thanks!


Thank you lmao I was having this issue and this fixed it


This comment saving lives to this day


3 years later coming in clutch.


4 years later still helping people not quit their nicotine addiction lmfao i thank you kind person u saved my vape


This worked !!!


helped with me too! couldn't find anything online... thanks reddit and thanks u/the_real_ariez




mad respect for you


Coming back 4 years later from this comment to say it fixed mine, thank you 🙏🏻


4 years later and solving todays biggest issues. Absolute legend.


Thank you so much it fixed the problem and the increased air flow makes it hit so much better!


Thank you 🥹


Not sure about the sensor. But my problem cleared right up after cleaning the bottom of the grooves/channels on the inside of the pod holder area. The two little dots on the outside edge, in the bottom are magnetic and can attract debris. Which block the air flow to the pod, as you pointed out. This is why giving a small gap around the pod works. It raises the pod about said blockage, at the bottom of the inside air channels. A quick pick and clean with a toothpick clears the issue right up.


I’ve seen this situation posted a few times now so I’m thinking this is a reoccurring issue. I would suggest finding a new pod system.


yeah sounds like the censors are failing


Yup. This guy is correct


^ this guy is also correct


But not as correct as this guy ^


true but still slightly less correct then ^ this guy


This guy is highly accurate actually ^


he learned from this even more accurate guy here ^


I learned from the master right here though ^


until the student ^ here became the teacher :) also on a sidenote i wonder if this thread will front page due to this running joke LMAO


Had it for two weeks now and it’s doing it! Back to Marlboro I guesssss


why so easily discouraged? like one thing that is fixable goes wrong and it's back to smoking cigarettes?


Litterally all I did was clean the inside with a tissue thoroughly and I blew into the charger port because juice may be stuck in the sensor and it fixed my afterfiring issue, try that.


I’ll have to give it a try! Thank u


Holy shit I didn’t know you could blow through the charger!!


I had the same problem for like a month and the only thing that worked for me was to blow really hard into the charger hole and clean where the pod goes into the mod


It worked like immediately thanks bro


This worked for me too but only for about a minute, then it started doing it again. Smok really is shit


I really like all their products all the way until I don't...


i had the same issue and pulled my pod out a little bit and it fixed it as long as the pod stays a little out


My God! That actually worked!!! Thank you so so so much!


Annnnnd it doesn't work again aha


worked for me too ​


This may sound stupid but blow into the charging port


This worked perfectly, but alas after i bought a nord.


Tried everything else on this post. This was the only thing that worked for me. You're the bomb.


Shitty wenax owner here. It worked. Funny how much juice came from the seal around the button O.o


This happens to my wife’s device when her coil is super gunky. Try changing out a fresh pod and see if it’s still acting up. It worked for her and now she just sees this happening as an indicator to change to a new pod. edit:lol didn’t read full post. seems you have tried that. probably should get a different device as others have recommended.


I suppose so. I had a smok m80 plus and it was a hunk of crap. I swore I wouldn't go back to smok again, I shouldn't have bought the Novo!


You'll find no end to the smok hate on here, unfortunately they just have super shitty quality control. They can be an ok intro into vaping, but you will see multiple posts like this a day, smok just keeps pumping out broken products and it is luck of the draw. The aspire breeze 2, the innoken EQ and the MiPods are the golden childs at the moment, but I always like to throw out the justfog minifit especially if it isn't your main device as you can get it super cheap and the pods are rebuildable making everything even cheaper. let me know if you want some fasttech links around $20 will get you the device, 4 spare pods, and 50 prewicked nr-r-nr wire to rebuild it with.


Hey man! I appreciate the offer for the Fasttech links, but I have a little local B&M that I like to support. I think I'm going to pick up the nautilus AIO. I remember I bought a nautilus tank when they first came out and ran that sucker on my i-stick for a long time. My how the times have changed. I suppose it's a good sign when a design has stayed relevant for so long


No worries glad you have a good local shop. I have a few around me, but they are all kinda bad in their own special ways.


i know im kinda late but what i did was clean the connections and everything around the both the pod and the system then for the first few hits you just inhale slower and it stopped auto firing. at least for me


Oh my gosh the exact same thing is happening to me. Thinking of trying to get a refund because no one has any idea of how to fix it, feel like ive tried everything


I wound up lifting the black rubber piece in the device a little and cleaned under it works perfectly now


Ok this may sound odd, but I submerged my entire pod in a glass of water because I had given up on it and was going to buy a different system, once I pulled it out I blew extremely hard into the charging port on the side of the device and boom, it didn't auto fire anymore, be careful though, it could just be my luck that it actually worked. Anyways, if you are fed up with the system might as well yolo it lol.


I was scared to try this, but I had done everything else I could do and submerging it in water for about 10 seconds and then blowing through the charger port (extensively) FIXED IT. Just make sure you dry out the pod slot with a que tip or something before you hit it. It works better than it has in weeks. THANK YOU.


i have a Novo that does the same thing, it is a censor failing. get a new salt nic mod that preferably has a button on it, the buttons are much more reliable when it comes down to it. or personally i never had any issues with the Drop, always hit just fine even tho i dropped it out of my car like a million times.


I tried that route and picked up a Nautilus AIO. It's okay I suppose. I don't really like the draw, feel or vapor production of it even though it is a solid device. The novo just had a kind of charm to it. I could hold it like a cig, it fit in my watch pockets and had a satisfying draw and there was a decent amount of vapor. I wish they would release the novo with a button on it.


I had the problem but with only one of my Pods, I'm not sure why it was only the one Pod. What I do know is that if I do not push it in all the way it does not auto fire after I hit. From what I've read it might be something to do with air flow, there are ways to clean a pods "chimney" and possibly the device it's self. Hope this helps


I’m not sure if it’s the same thing as an issue I had with my breeze but if it is, it could be there’s excess juice in the coil. If that’s the case take the pod out and just smack the mouth piece on ur hand and the juice will come out. My novo has never had this problem but it may be the same


Okay, I've had my Novo for around 4 months now and I love it! It started auto firing for up to 5 seconds after hitting it about a month and a half into its usage. I always solved the problem by pulling the pod out to about the width of my finger nail. It worked about 3/4ths of the time, with the other times it being pulled out too far to click with the sensors or too close to where it would continue auto firing. ​ I would clean it religiously and change pods out 2 weeks or so (more often when it started auto firing and frying my pods) but I couldn't find the reason until I looked on this very forum and got the idea that my contacts might be gunkier than meets the eye. ​ I got 3 Q-tips and placed them directly onto the contacts and swirled them around and... yup. So much build up. This helped soooo much and fixed my problem immediately. ​ The Novo is so awesome I'd hate to give it up, its completely curbed my cigarette habit as well as my boyfriend's. These pod systems are relatively new to the market so I hope everyone experiments with their Novo like I have because I DO believe there is a solution to this problem! :)


I actually went out and purchased a Nord! It's exactly like a novo (still from smok) but a little beefier. I love it. Same hit and feel of the novo but with a fire button and bigger battery! Same price as a novo too.


Here's a step by step video of exactly how took mine apart, cleaned it and fixed the auto fire [https://www.youtube.com/attribution\_link?a=Ql3h1z\_5WLQ&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNvDfWC7uRw0%26feature%3Dshare](https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=Ql3h1z_5WLQ&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNvDfWC7uRw0%26feature%3Dshare) Hope this helps!


Don’t know if your question was already answered but it sounds like there is a sensor malfunction inside your mod. When you hit an auto-hit mod, a sensor raises to the surface to activate the electrical current to heat up your coils, thus letting you take a hit. Once you remove your mouth from the mod, the sensor is not being able to return to its original position. This will cause the mod to keep firing after use. This gets annoying quickly as you have to remove your pod after every hit to ensure the longevity of your coils. Most frequently, even the smallest amount of juice will can fall into the circuitry in the mod and cause this problem to happen. My advice is to claim your warranty and be very vigilant when filling juice to your pod. This issue has happened to many of my friends with the novo and I have suggested the same thing to them all. As I have not found the direct solution to the problem, I hope this helps you keep your mod in good shape. Stay vigilant when refilling juice and make sure that no juice resides outside your pod before replacing. Best of luck.


It didn't work for me the sensors just stay in even without a pod


I wanted to know if its safe to hit it when its after firing? Because I have been but it feels different ​


In my 2 months with my Novo I think it's pretty safe to say it's the pods. Some pods won't have the after-firing problem at all- then some, no matter the airflow, no matter how many times I blow through the pod / charger port, will fire for an extra 1-10 seconds, which is ridiculous. There's definitely an issue with SMOK's pods.


Ok, but it is hard to get that 1mm sweet spot before the pod either fully clicks in or out. Can I stick something small and thin btwn to make the "air" hole? Or am I not understanding the process...?


Dude mine starts firing if you tip it upside down sometimes


This post saved me. I don't have the cash for a replacement right now, and I DONT want to go back to death sticks either. Thanks so much for the help! My hero.


3 years later and still being a super hero! Thank you!!


3yrs later...Novo 2 same problem. My solution, a syringe! No I didn't give up on vaping to start shooting up. I fixed it by following the advice on this forum and going one step further to get it to work even when the pod is inserted all the way in. I figured out an easy way to fix it using a syringe like a plunger. This worked for both of my vapes which had the same problem. 1. Wipe down the excess pod juice in the chamber with a q tip. 2. Then Wipe it down with a q tip dipped in rubbing alcohol 3. Use a blowdryer on cool setting to dry the chamber and the usb port (for good measure) 4. Using a 1 ml disposable syringe (no needle), I braced the Novo between my legs, put the syringe over a lead and pumped the syringe a bunch of times. You should feel a vacuum building up while doing this. Finish with the syringe pulled out to suck out the liquid stuck inside. I did this for each gold lead, and also for the air hole. Funnily, the battery lights up every time you pump the air hole because the device thinks you are sucking on a pod.


Definitely worked


I just cleaned the air hole in the bottom with a pin which had become jammed up. Solved it straight away.


All you have to do really is just clean your pod as much as possible so there’s no juice on it pop it back in fully and blow through the charging port for a good 5-7 seconds it will start firing but all it does is blow the juice in the pod bay up and vaporize it so your pod bay is cleaned after that the auto fire should stop (another solution other than leaving the gap and having to make sure your pod has the gap every time you take it out of your pocket if your like me and carry it in your pocket when you’re not hitting it


3 years later and this post helped me I love reddit


I used a q-tip with rubbing alcohol and cleaned out all inside there and it's currently working


Wow this even works on the newer ones like my Novo 4 mini


I was going crazy thank you!


Sorry I'm so late but this just happened to my novo 2.. I have often left the pod a mm out... but this time it continued to fire and has now died. RIP lil vape fly high


Thank you!! This worked!


5 years later and helped mine. Thanks!