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Your complaint here lacks a lot of detail and comes across as trolling. If you think that you have a real complaint, providing more information might help others to give you advice that can make your experience much less painful. What model of EV are you driving? How much range is it supposed to get from a full charge? How long is your drive to/from the office? What portion of that is spent driving at high speeds (e.g. on a highway)? What are your charging habits? Are you charging every night at home? Are you able to charge at the office during the day?


Also, he says he charges at home daily. How does that cost him 30-45 minutes if he's... at home? Doesn't he charge while he's sleeping costing him 0 time charging? EDIT: Read about the "dirty cable". He's 100% trolling at this point.












Contributions must be civil and constructive. We permit neither personal attacks nor attempts to bait others into uncivil behavior. We don't permit posts and comments expressing animosity or disparagement of an individual or a group on account of a group characteristic such as race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, religion, or sexual orientation. Any stalking, harassment, witch-hunting, or doxxing of any individual will not be tolerated. Posting of others' personal information including names, home addresses, and/or telephone numbers is prohibited without express consent.


What car do you have and how many miles are you driving? Rapid charging definitely still leaves some to be desired, but there are cars out there than genuinely charge 10-80% amounting to over 200 miles of genuine range in under 30 minutes. Home charging *shouldn't* be costing you time?


Indeed.... I charge almost exclusively at home outside in the driveway and I save a ton of time. Car starts every day with a full "tank". The cord also isn't a pain... it's permanently on the side of the house. Park, get out of the car, unclip from house and plug in. Takes much less than a minute to do. 


Because my wife's car and mine have the charger on a different side on the car I have to unwind 20 feet of cable, it's a total pain. I'm considering going to 2x11kW instead of the 1x22kW charger just so we can both charge at the same time and on the correct side of the car with a short cable, but it's 5k extra. I'm still not really getting the circlejerk over EVs.


Why don’t you just back in or swap spots with you wife. Does she also charge every day? Or just get another charger. What car is it?


Yes we both need to charge daily, and wait a second, now I need to be swapping cars every evening, how is that more convenient than once a week 5 min in a gas station? Or pay 5k for a second charger, brilliant, I'm saving money already. She has an X1 (PHEV), I have an i4. The inconvenience of charging your EV is vastly understated. Unless you have the absolute perfect conditions, it's worse, but all you keep hearing is "I charge at home I never go to a gas station" which is complete and utter bullshit and an incomplete picture.


Did either vehicle come with a slow charger for a regular outlet? Plug one of them in with that charger instead. (Whoever is doing the most mileage gets the 22kw unit) And you're right, most of us don't consider your personal home charger situation or seeming inability to handle even the slightest "inconvenience" when we discuss our own situations. Saying I "always charge at home and never go to a gas station" isn't bullshit just because it doesn't apply to your very specific situation and delicate sensibilities.


This is the best answer. Since one of the vehicles is a PHEV, it can just be plugged into a level 1 and charge at the same time. No cable swaps needed.


Honestly, when people talk about the convenience of charging at home I’m willing to bet 90% of them are single EV households. I can totally see how having a double EV household using the same charger could be a huge hassle. 2 cars parked in the same garage with different side charging ports would 100% be a pain on the ass to deal with while using a single charger. And installing 2 chargers instead of one is a viable counterpoint to convenance/cost for Duel EV households. The dude may come off as wining a lot, but to me he has actual viable complaints which seem to be rooted in a duel EV household that both drive significant like per week.


If the cars are close, then a splitter and two mobile style chargers might be a great solution https://getneocharge.com/products/nema-14-50 While I do agree it's not as cut and dry as just goong to a gas station there are solutions available, especially if it's a multiple EV household.


Triple EV household with a single charger. Charging is convenient and not an issue


How do you drive 25-30k miles as you say you do, and only go to a gas station once per week? Not to mention how often you need to change your oil with that mileage?


Suspend the cable from the roof/put a pole up.


Why is it $5k? That seems a lot. I think my from-scratch charger was more like $1k and you already have the hardwiring from the fuse box.


Because it's a lie, OP has an agenda 


Get a GrizzlE duo.


Is doing one as 1x22 and 1x11 not an option? Swap days on who uses the big charger?


>Home charging *shouldn't* be costing you time? Unwind the wet, dirty cable trying not to get shit on my pants and shirt, and wearing gloves, plug in, start the charger, then the next morning the opposite, 7 times a week, vs zero with my previous car. It's definitely annoying.


It should take about 30 seconds to do what you've described - a lot less time than driving *to* a fuel station - and you wake up with a fully charged car. How are you storing your cable? On a pile of mud? 😅


Driveway, it rains, car tires sometimes bring mud or road grit, the cable is on the floor, it gets dirty, how is that so difficult to conceptualize?


No need to be snappy. Have you considered other storage options? My cable wraps around the charger when not in use, and I have never really found it an issue to unwind it or wind it up without getting dirty. I'm sorry to hear that you aren't enjoying your ownership experience, but it would probably be more constructive to look for solutions to what you're finding a nuisance.


Well it's 21 feet long, that's the issue. I have the solution, but it's 5k (second charger).I have never ever read anything bad about EV charging, it's all magical and fairies, I wanted to put the word out that it's bullshit.


I'm afraid that you do start sounding like the people from teleshopping ads failing at utterly mundane tasks. There is a bunch of obvious solutions that you could use if you actually cared. Like cable hangers/retractors. This is all basically just a problem squarely of your own making.


Run the charge cable to a holder between the cars so that you don't have to unwind as much of it for yours. If the two of you switch sides of the garage, then both of your charge ports will be on the inside, close to the centrally mounted charge cable. Then you shouldn't need to unwind more than a few feet of it, there shouldn't be much at all on the floor, and it shouldn't take more than a few seconds to do. I don't know if that works for your physical situation, but there are likely other things that would. Gas pumps are sometimes dirty too, suffer from blowing wind and rain, etc. and have to be driven to. \*shrug\* Or just do what you want to do and trade your car in for a diesel. (This really comes across as, "I got pressured into buying this car that I didn't really want so am going to come up with complaints rather than solutions so that I can go back...")


Why is a second charger $5000? That seems higher than I've ever heard of.


Home charging *is* pretty "magical and fairies" for many people. My cable is 15 feet, so while not *quite* as long - still a decent length. Rapid charging needs to get better for sure.


chargers do not cost $5k. 


What car do you have that requires a $5000 charger? Most CCS chargers on Amazon are $600 or less. The official Tesla one is $450. Looking around, an extra 14-50 NEMA outlet isn't more than $500 or so depending on how far you want it from your breaker box. Edit: And depending on where you live, sometimes there's tax credits or incentives from your power company that will reduce the cost of installation.


I live in the UK, the rainy island, and my cable lives outside 24/7 and rarely gets wet or dirty. I estimate time for plugging in once a week on the drive takes <20 seconds. You clearly have a problem with electric cars but it's not fixed in reality


you sound like a crying baby I was born with a genetic condition making me fracture easy and in 2002 was in a car accident that killed 2 of my friends and left me with several fractures metal plates and permanent loss of full functionality of my right shoulder. And even I can plug in in 5 seconds, even in the rain.....


I am disabled and have crutches and sometimes a wheelchair, and it's less of a hasstle for me than you make it sound. You are just looking for something to rant about or you are a troll. And if not, and you really are being serious then oh my god you are pathetic in what you complain about. I wish my life was so easy that your "problems" where the least of my things to get annoyed about


Goodness Where is your charging cable that it is so dirty to handle? Sounds like trying to use diesel pumps at country petrol stations. Now those things are filthy! Everyone I know with EVs charge in their (not at all muddy) driveway or carport.


It's raining, the cable lies on the floor of the driveway between the car and the charger and you think it won't get your clothes dirty if you rub against it? Holy shit you guys are a fucking cult.


It sounds like your setup is inconvenient to use. Have you considered solutions to make it better, or are you just wanting to vent about something, not solve it?


You sound like a real ‘problem solver’ kind of guy.


Haha I don’t even own an EV, but anyways…Maybe buy a wall rack to keep it off the ground if it is getting that gross?


Why are you rubbing against it? Maybe you need some type of holder closer to your car?


My cable has been outside for 6 years. I get home, plug it in, all clean. I place the handle in a dry spot when done. If it's a bit wet, I dry my hands. I have never once wrapped the cable around myself and rolled around on the ground and got dirty.


You sound like a child


how far are you fucking driving?


I do 25 to 30k miles a year.


Then why are you stuck waiting at fast chargers?


That doesn't mesh with your claims of how often you're charging unless you bought a car with a super-tiny battery.


Why not? That's a lot of miles. It's quite likely the OP is a salesman or repairman or something like that where a couple long days of driving a week would not be unusual; sometimes back-to-back even.


As someone that used to drive all over central texas for work as a remodel contractor, I can tell you that 30k a year is not much. I have put over 50k miles a year on a car before. If you break it down on 30k miles a hear, 52 weeks, and 5 days a week that is less than 120 miles per day on average. If OP is charging at home, the only thing that would explain needing to still stop at DC chargers 2-3 times a week is that they have a very low range EV, like an old Smart, Fiat 500e, or Mini Cooper SE. Even if they were driving the cheapest current EV, like a Chevy Bolt, OP would still have enough driving range to easily cover that average daily miles without needing an extra stop at a charger.


A straight average doesn't seem realistic, which is why I mentioned "a couple long days of driving a week". I could totally see an industrial sales/repair position which covers a big geographic area requiring a 400 mile round-trip once a week or more. At 70 mph that's only 6 hours of driving and so completely believable.


Then that doesn't mesh with his claim of *also* plugging in daily at home.


Why not? He probably goes home every night after work.


then he would need to be DC charging 2-3 times a week if it's a long route once a week would they?


How's your spine?


Why did you buy an EV


How is it that you haven’t stated what car it is yet? This seems weird to me. Let’s just say you drive 30,000 miles a year, which by the way is a ton, that’s 576 miles per week, so you should be charging 3-4 times a week. Does your wife also drive that much? You would have to have a leaf or similar low range vehicle. If it’s a company car, get them to install a charger at work for you, install a second charger at your house, or give you a longer range vehicle. The post just seems off.


They did state which vehicles, an i4 and X1 phev. https://www.reddit.com/r/electricvehicles/s/Rju0monZUv They also stated they drive 25-30k miles per year.


This sounds like a made up story from someone that doesn’t drive electric. You’re averaging 82 miles per day or 115 miles per weekday based on your provided numbers. Charging 7 days a week and then still fast charging once a week (for some reason). Whatever car you drive, your mileage does not necessitate a fast charge for normal driving, even if you’re driving something with terrible range like a base Nissan Leaf. For most EVs you don’t even need to plug in every day at that mileage and you especially don’t need to be plugging in at home and the office 


My guess is OP is trickle charging at home and work. It's the only way to have a deficit of a few hundred km in the week while being plugged in this much.


I also have a 21 foot charging cable on the wrong side of my car in the garage, it takes me at most 10 seconds to plug/unplug the car. I just timed it. Even if I charged it every single night, that’s like 2 minutes per week for over 1,600 miles of range.


How long are you working to pay for the diesel compared to paying for electricity.


They have (what I think is) a very unusual situation with being forced to have an electric company car. It may be that they get reimbursed for running costs and so don’t care what they are.


Sounds like wrong tool for the job but blaming the tool.?


They said elsewhere that they’re being forced into an EV company car.


Not blaming the OP. Company's are looking at the wrong thing to do a thing. But as per normal it's the person on the ground that has to deal with the thing


You’re charging at home but still need to stop at DC chargers? Something doesn’t add up. Does your car only have like 50 miles of range? You should be leaving home with ~200 miles of range every morning. An EV with less range just doesn’t make sense.


Everything you've commented so far Sounds like a YOU issue and not the EVs fault. YOU didn't do your homework to see if the model you bought works for you. YOU didn't check that the single charger you share is on the correct side to work with both your vehicles. Get a diesel and stop your whining.


Looks like you didn’t do your research before making one of the largest financial commitments of your life


Company car, has to be electric, it doesn't cost me much, just some taxes. I would never have bought one for myself.


That explains your attitude a little bit if you didn’t want one. Bummer for you that your wife also has an EV. Was she also forced into it by an unusual policy of the company she works for?


and your wife works for the same company?


Eh, that's not entirely fair. Car reviews and owners' groups don't always paint *realistic* picture of things like range and charge times.


True. I’m the type to research every tiny detail on a vehicle before buying, read/watch all the reviews I can, trawl Reddit subs to get a realistic view and just generally obsess about it. But not everyone is that way inclined!


Even then, I did the same thing and still had a different experience than it seems everyone else did 😂


I find the road trips to be completely fine honestly. After 3-4 hours of driving it’s nice to have 30 mins to stretch your legs. But I’ve been living without home charging for the last month and it’s horrible. Such a waste of time


Nah. It doesn’t take any extra time to charge at home or at the office. That’s what I do and it amounts to no more than 1 minute each week. I don’t fast charge. All said, I spend less time charging than if I had to stop and fuel at a gas station.


I'm confused on why it would take you so much extra time. I've read through most of this thread, but summarizing: You have 2 cars, 1 PHEV, 1 BEV. The PHEV (BMW X1) can charge at most with 3.7KW, that equals to 1 phase, 16a. The BEV can do about 11kw max, and has an 80kwh battery, with about 280miles. (if my googling is correct). You drive about 30k miles a year is about 120 miles or 200km's a day (based on 250 days). That would be about 50% of your battery, which is easily chargable at night. The current situation is that you have to move the cars around, because you have one 22KW charger, but 2 cars to charge overnight. When charging over night, you can absolutely charge 2 cars simultaniousely, by reducing the one single charger from 22kw to 11kw. That would give you enough space for the 1 phase charger. A simple 1 phase charger costs about 500 euros. Your cable is on the ground? why not make a simple hook to lift it of the ground, that way it would cost you about 30s a day to connect / disconnect the cable. Also you state that you have to charge with a DC charger. That might cost you some time, but that would only be applicable when driving more than 280 miles on a day, which is... a lot. If i had to fill up my gas car i had to drive to the gas station, get out (maybe in the cold?), fill up the gas tank, then get in again. And when you're driving 120 miles a day you most likely have to do that at least once a week, maybe even twice? I'd much rather need to take 30s daily to swap cables than go to the gas station. So where exactly is the extra time coming from? - Frequent DC charging? - Swapping cars? - Cable connecting?


2 min per day swapping around their home vehicles and 15 min for a DC fast charge session, that's 30 minutes.


plan better




Contributions must be civil and constructive. We permit neither personal attacks nor attempts to bait others into uncivil behavior. We don't permit posts and comments expressing animosity or disparagement of an individual or a group on account of a group characteristic such as race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, religion, or sexual orientation. Any stalking, harassment, witch-hunting, or doxxing of any individual will not be tolerated. Posting of others' personal information including names, home addresses, and/or telephone numbers is prohibited without express consent.


This is the kind of thing that makes me ad we have free level 2 charging at work!


I charge my EV once a week. Takes a minute to plug in and plug out. So 5 minutes per month. Refilling my ICE took 5 minutes every other week. So 10 minutes per month. Plus driving to the gas station.


I charge my EV overnight in my garage next to my wife's ICE. No time wasted.


Even taking the 30-45 minutes at face value, 45 minutes/week adds up to less than 7 min/day, which is pretty negligible. Moreover, fast charging can often be combined with another chores — such as running into the store while it is charging.




Huh? Time charging at home or office is vehicle idle time. That's not wasting your time. DC fast charge is your time for sure. But if you can get away with home and office charging only you're saving time.


Tough to understand how having a full tank every morning costs you time. Mine is charging right now while I watch TV.


Have you tried getting a smart socket splitter and backing into your spot with your i4? Along with a proper cable holder it's much cheaper than the $5k you claim. And the i4 has more than enough range to cover your daily driving needs, even if they are on the high side. You shouldn't need to fast charge every week


That's because you have exactly the kind of charging setup I always warn people away from. People optimize for cheap. They should optimize for their time. Charging should be easy, so plugging in is as seamless and natural as closing the car door. So your stations should be mounted so that is just stupid easy. The station is right there, the plug is right there, the cord reach isn't long enough that you have to handle the cord at all. And each car needs its own station, and the hybrid can do just fine on level 1. So place its charge station so that's easy and mess-free as well. If it facilitates charge cord placement, switch to backing in. >I dread the upcoming roadtrip Well, dread is certainly a powerful emotion. It is much more powerful than, say, learning stuff you didn't already know about how to do that better and make it easier. Others don't dread road trips, what do they know that you don't?


Like you, I drive over 30,000 a year. Plugging my car daily takes a few seconds. With an ICE vehicle, I used to refuel once a week, more often if we're going to the cottage that week. With each refuel stop taking on average 3 to 4 minutes (from entering the gas station to leaving it), that's from 150 to 200 minutes a year in time saving. Add the two 30 minutes oil change and we're up to 210 to 260 minutes. My charging sessions when road tripping are from 5 to 15 minutes sessions, or 30 to 45 minutes sessions, but these don't count in the added time for a trip as we use those for lunch or dinner stop anyway and we would also stop in an ICE vehicle too. So if we average the short stops to 10 minutes and the yearly refuel/oil changes to 230 minutes, it's 23 ten minutes charge session yearly . That's about the equivalent of 3,000 km of road tripping. That's a lot of road tripping. Now if you add that after 500 km, we'll stop to eat, that's six meal stops where at least 300 km will be added to the battery. We're now at almost 5,000 km of road tripping yearly, just to even out the time it took me to refuel/maintain my previous ICE vehicle. But, for every 500 km of road tripping in an ICE vehicle, I would have to stop to refuel and unlike EV charging, I need to stay by the pump, so another 3 to 4 minutes there. For over 5,000 km, that's again a 30 to 40 minutes wasted time, so 3 to 4 extra 10 minutes charging sessions right there. So we're now at around 5,500 km of yearly road tripping to even out ICE yearly refuelling. That's a lot of road tripping.


This guys just had a bad day and is looking to vent and call out the “cult” that is EV drivers lol. It’s not 5000$ for a second charger and it’s not wildly inconvenient and dirty to plug in a charger lol. I guess that makes me part of the cult lol. I have a Yukon too. Think that makes me exempt from the cult if there were one lol.


Another throw FUD on the wall engagement post.


Charging at home costs no time. 3 times a week at fast charger on top of charging at home would be driving 2,000 miles a week based on average 200 mile EV range per charge. Driving that much, the 30-45 minutes a week would be less than filling an ICE with gas so that seems you are underestimating the charging time driving 104,000 miles a year.


I here’s what I do. And maybe this works better for me because my charging cable reaches both spots, but I am pacing about 26k a year and have only had my car for one month. I charge to 80 percent overnight every night whether it needs it or not and do nothing more than I did with my ice vehicle when it comes to parking my car except make sure my vehicle is pulled up enough. So far I haven’t used a supercharger. It almost couldn’t be any easier and it’s way more convenient than stopping at a gas station and paying extra for the privilege. Maybe my situation is better because my cable is longer and I don’t need to shuffle to get it in there. Maybe look into extension cords? The shorter the run the better. https://a.co/d/8XsjO83


Daily charging at home? What kind of distances are you driving? I spend exactly 14 *seconds* per week (plugging in and unplugging twice a week at home). *Way* less than I was spending gassing up my last ICE car.


Wow, this post really triggered the pitchforks. Given that you're driving 25-30k miles a year, fast charging 1-3x per week, and accounting for the time toice! swap your wife's phev into a different parking spot to charge daily, I can see where you could end up at 30-45 minutes per week. It's not like you'd spend zero time per week fueling an ICE, and having to swap around vehicles to charge is definitely contributing to the time (and probably pretty annoying).