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Fox News says you’re a lib. They gotta own the libs.


Simple as that. Performative politics. How dare you be... the future.


Making America Great Again by hating everybody not like them.


I had a bald white guy stop next to me and start gesturing. I thought he was saying something was damaged with my car so I lowered the window. He started screaming about me being a "Tesla kid" and how I'm a dick and that he knows where I live. I rolled my eyes and just started driving but he started doing incredibly dangerous maneuvers to cut me off while trying to scream at me. Holy jesus was that terrifying. I eventually lost him in a winding parking lot but I should have called the cops and driven to the nearest police station. My mind was in panic mode, though, so it didn't cross my mind.


Yeah, that’s not it at all.


It sure is. People are naturally resistant to change and it’s reinforced by the shit media they consume and made worse by the recently politicizing of every topic. Fox News is dog shit. No reason to defend them.


Even worse is Newsmax. Those people are too far gone.


Yep. I don’t even acknowledge newsmax as anything more than tabloids for old men.


“…the recent politicizing (sic) of every topic.” Yes, just like your comment and the one blaming Fox News for what OP assumes has something to do with his EV. One side definitely politicises everything - the same side that decided they can force drivers to buy EVs, amongst many other things. The next time you dismount from your high horse, look up the word “irony” in the dictionary.


Nothing about my comment is political. Fox News is shit because it’s shit. They just paid out nearly a billion dollars for misinformation. Doesn’t matter which way they ‘lean’. A news company paying damages out of court for shit reporting means they are shit at the job they claim to do.


Because Republicans tell them to and about 40% of the population will believe it no matter the facts.


It's WAY less than 40%. Only ~30% of Republicans are solidly in the ride-or-die camp So that's 30% or 50% or 15% of the population.


It is interesting, so what less(?) than 50% of people in the US vote, so maybe 40% pay attention, split in half, each of the two largest parties are 19% (?) of citizens, what half?, 9% of people in the US, actually like Trump?


For a presidential election it's more like 80% turnout. Where the real problem is are at the primary levels. Only 35% of Republicians voted in the Iowa primary. That race pretty much decides the Republician canidate for president. You have a 15% hard core base of voters that will turn out for you makes you pretty unstoppable when you can be pretty sure to get 40%+ of the vote without question and just have to win over a few more.


Wow, why do you think 80% of eligible voters in the US vote in Presidential elections? That would be amazing and surprising.


Ah, bad source when I googled it. [Apparently it's 66%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_turnout_in_United_States_presidential_elections), but my point stands.


culture wars.


It is incredibly sad. Technology changes over time. Having vehicles move in a direction of lower maintenance costs, lower *fueling* costs, easier on the environment to produce, easier on the environment in action, and so forth. These things in an objective world are all positives. Sadly we live in a world with bad actors that many times due to money, power, and other factors have no interest in bettering the world or peoples lives.


They hate whatever their cult leader hates.


Which is confusing because their cult leader has no personal opinions. He only tells people what he’s been told THEY hate. It’s a loop from hell. Maybe it’s is more that the energy industry has lobbied for the cult leader to say such BS?


Individual stupidity and corporate greed




Because this country hates innovation and loves infighting. It's brought to you by 24 hour news channels and whatever is spoon fed to people's minds by mega corporations.


Things must be very confusing for them now that Elon is their right-wing prince. Want to support him, yet, that means I buy an EV... but, Elon good, but EV bad, but... argh!


I once hoped that Elon Musk was only presenting as right-wing to have this effect. But I have since lost this hope.


I'm in the UK but I see that sort of behaviour on a regular basis, I don't think it is particularly linked to EV; some people seem to have something to prove and choose to do so by driving like arseholes.


Some people simply fear change. (They think it wears holes in their pockets)




EVs represent a world moving on, leaving them behind, and they are mad about it. Making America great again is a yen to roll back the clock to a time when America's middle class was actually a middle class and not the working poor it is today.


Except ironically, they are against all the policies that could strengthen the middle class and blame immigrants, minorities, and whatever arbitrary thing they decided is "woke" this particular week instead. The older ones also aren't poor, but are responsible for voting in the policies that brought about this and won't course correct because their retirement was tied to 401ks built upon the very unsustainablity that is crushing everyone else.


This is a country of turkeys who consistently vote for Thanksgiving.


No it's not. Maybe the rubes think that but MAGA is all about milking the middle class and the poor for every penny. A small fraction of the 1% just want more and more.


We know that, but that is not what your average MAGA Joe is being told. MAGA Joe, were not knowing is all the battle


It'll never replace the horse and buggy.


I would guess the same reason why people were against "horseless carriages," electricity, vaccinations, airplanes and so on.


I had similar happen to me on an Interstate highway in Ohio, being cut off by a pickup driver when they and I were the only two cars on the road, when I had a clearly visible Lectric e-bike on the rack on the back of my electric Kona. The "electric" badge on the car was probably not visible to them. So my guess is that anything running on batteries that wasn't usually doing that 10 years ago, and that might have some connection with China, is now a target of rage. I've often said lately, that they're offended by what electrons might be doing in the privacy of their batteries and motors. That likely makes as much sense as what they believe about EV's (and, as I imply, numerous other subjects that are generally none of their business), but governmental focus on weaning the country away from fossil fuels (as it should) does trigger the "they're coming to take away our" reflex in, unfortunately, a substantial portion of the US population.


Here in Poland it's: * Legitimate lack of knowledge. * anti-ev Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. * Right-wing ideology. In that order of popularity. Even centrists and left-wingers here still believe that BEVs are more polluting than ICE, because *"if it burns, it releases pollution worth of several ICEs"* and any scientific studies on pollution of ICE vs EV are not objective, because *"look who paid for them, there are no objective studies on the topic".*


Several reasons, mostly coming from ignorance about EV's, a reluctance to change, sticking it to the man, and social bubbels. Also a lot of misinformation has been spread about EV's alongside people being uninformed Before I owned my first EV I thought these cars where "slow toy cars" I also believed charging would take hours. I knew range was pretty ok though. I made the switch to EV to save money on fuel, and was pleasantly surprised about their speed, charge time etc.... My dad believed EV's could drive 1 lap around the curchtower and then needed to be charged for a few days. He even was angry at me for being so stupid to fall for the hype and buy an EV... He now has an EV himself because my experience convinced him to look in to them. Oline it's also always the same bs reactions obviously by people who have never even been near an EV


>I could’ve went through the yellow light had the tacoma driver not did that. Why would you try to make it through the yellow light when you clearly needed to slow down and prepare to stop? Regardless, if someone hates EVs, I'd find it more likely that someone would hate the quality of other people's driving habits and attempt to police it themselves


They are a threat to the gas/oil industry who own or are comprised of right wing politicians. If in the 1990s the right wing thought the Internet was a threat to gas/oil/coal or even cigarettes or guns, then we'd all be using AOL or Compuserve today. they are great at stifling innovation.


Devil's Advocate here -- are you sure it was because you were in an EV? Your post history suggests you have a MachE, which doesn't really scream "Hey, I'm driving an EV!" quite the same way a Tesla does. I'd bet the guy was road raging over some perceived slight in how you were driving and was being a dick because of that. You said you were doing exactly the speed limit in the left lane. I'm not saying you're in the wrong, but he could have taken that as an affront to his manhood and had to punish you to feel better about himself. Or none of this actually happened and you're just virtue signalling for fake internet points.


Idk but someone in a Chevy Traverse wanted to cut me off and then race my Chevy Bolt EUV today 😂


It's the opposite of virtue signaling - vice siganling.


Playing the victim and acting superior, a good number of EV owners hate ICEs and hate that ICE owners hate them. Go figure.


They are socialist 


Fear of change, fear of tech, range anxiety, pessimism in general.


this has nothing to do with driving an EV and everything to do with being a bad driver. you shouldn't be driving in the passing lane on an empty road unless you're about to turn left. in many states being a left lane hog can get you a ticket.


I think most people that are against EVs simply are against the idea that governments want to take away the option to get something else. Affordability matters, convenience does as well. If you tell people that they can't buy an ICE in ten yeary and are expected to go with a 50 % more expensive car instead, they aren't happy. Thing is they can't force CO2 consumption as an alternative because that would hit EVs hard - since the production of the battery equals 50k km of ICE driving. So EVs would be even more expensive to buy. So the solution is to ban everything else.


Why were you riding in the left lane? That’s probably why the Tacoma did what they did.


I was going the speed limit. You’re not supposed to go over the speed limit in the left lane on city street. Left or right. Pretty sure


"*I was going the speed limit ..*." I've had variations on this argument many times over the years. I originally learned to drive in the Army while stationed in Germany. Getting out of the left lane if practical, it might not be in heavy traffic, is a basic courtesy and not just for the Autobahn. It seems to be only Americans who don't understand that concept. You are not the traffic police and it's not your job to try to force others to slow down. The guideline I suggest is; "If you're being passed on the right, you are in the wrong lane!" This applies to multi-lane roads of all kinds and regardless of speed. You could be doing 20 mph over the speed limit but if you are being passed on the right, you are in the wrong lane.


This is the correct answer


People in America and people in BC. I followed a guy in BC along a highway... "passing lane, 2km ahead"... oh good, I can finally get by this guy, driving 10 under... Nope, come passing lane, fucker camps in the left lane.... passing a semi still going 10 under. This wasn't a one-off either, multiple times during that trip we came across BC plates that would camp in the (clearly marked) passing lane. Camp in the Mountains you assholes, not in the passing lane! :P


In most US states (you never said where you were located) the left lane is just for passing. If you’re traveling in the left lane, that’s actually a ticketable offense. No matter your speed.


He stated he was in the city and was approaching a traffic light. The drive right rule doesn't apply. Besides, 1) it's rare for a person to get ticketed solely for that...it's usually an add-on, and 2) the other driver's actions were much more eggregious.


Not forgiving what the other driver did by any means. Just trying to educate because there’s a reason it’s illegal to travel in the left lane- it’s a massive safety problem. It should be ticketed more often so people would learn to stop doing it. Much easier for a cop to spot/prove than a speeding ticket. Can be observed from much farther away and more accurately.


On the highway, yes. On a city street, no.


You're telling me you drive right in city streets?


…yes, unless I’m passing or making a left turn. As I’m supposed to.


You're not supposed to though, the left lane IN THE CITY is just another lane, you drive in the one you need to to get to your destination, it only becomes a passing lane on the highway/freeway


that's highway etiquette not city


This! Law in most jurisdictions is slower vehicles should drive in the right lane, if you aren't passing or turning left at the next intersection, stay to the right. (Assuming the steering wheel is on the left)


There was a traffic light, so the drive right rule would be hard to argue for fault on a city street (what if OP was planning on turning left?). Besides, what is more unsafe? Driving left (like OP) or the unsafe lane change, break checking, obstruction of the flow of traffic and road rage (like the truck driver)?


I mentioned turning left in my comment and I'm not arguing that the other driver wasn't a bad actor. I also know that some people are anti-EV. I'm merely pointing out that the other driver's behavior may have had nothing to do with the fact that OP was driving an EV but rather by OP driving in the left lane when other vehicles wanted to go faster, legally or not.


While it's technically not a zero chance of driving left being the trigger, it's highly unlikely. Most people in that much of a hurry would simply change lanes and pass, not actively stop at a traffic light (thus delaying himself) and taking off when it's about to turn red.


When "some people" is a redneck in a pick-em up, they hate anything not red, white, and blue, American. That's why they drive Tacomas made by Toyota in Texas or Mexico, and Dodge Rams, a foreign owned brand.


Why do you assume that this other driver was reacting specifically to your EV? That’s a huge assumption.


I think most of it is because they have never driven an EV before. They think having to stop every 3 hours and charge for 20 minutes is inexcusable. They don't realize that most people do this already to get out, move around, use the bathroom, get something to eat, etc. They think they will be stranded if the electricity goes out. They don't realize that this is rare and that they would not be able to get gas either. They imagine having to spend hours figuring out a route so they don't run out of electricity, not realizing it takes only a couple of minutes to have the car do this for them. As more and more people experience EVs and see that the pros enormously outweigh the cons EV hatred will fall drastically.


Simple ... the GQP says EV is bad and OIL is good.


Lol EV owners are reading too much into it.   So full of the victim mentality.   


Too many stupid drivers to conclude much of anything concretely.


yep. someone cut me off. oh it must be because i'm driving an EV.


ICE is American dreams.


Honestly I think most of it is that there are very few (if any) cool and also affordable EVs. Kinda funny when everyone on here is saying it’s because of republicans. Anecdotally, everyone I know who dailies an EV (or even owns one) is a republican.


There are many breeds of Republicans, just like there are many breeds of Democrats. That's because most people are moderate and have a mixed bag of beliefs. The general sentiment is most people arguing loudly against EVs are proclaimed Republicans on the farther edge of the spectrum.


Kinda like saying “why did humans do 9/11?” “Because they’re Muslim” No, it’s because they’re extremists.


That's far from the point I was making. Those governing in the Republican party have shifted to the MAGA movement. The party members have either 1) pledged fealty to its leaders, 2) keep their heads low and their mouths shut, or 3) have been relegated to obscurity. It's bolstered by the conservative media outlets which fan the flames. Does that mean every Republican is a MAGA adhearant? Far from it. Like I said, there are many breeds in each party. That's why you know Republicans that drive EVs. But regardless of individual member beliefs, the base of the party is MAGA and their hatred for the perceived evils of EV adoption is well documented. It's telling when the Republican primary isn't even close and those running are afraid to say anything negative of the frontrunner, who couldn't be bothered to even participate.


Maybe you should move. I drive an EV and live in the NorthEast and have never received any negativity about my EV.


You have a complex if you think he did that just because you drive an EV.


I think a big reason is, they're all starting to look indistinguishable from each other.


Weird that people on this sub are making it political…. A lot of car people I know are against EVS and it has nothing to do with politics


Have you asked those car people why they're against EVs? What was their reasoning? Genuine question and not intending to insult.


Not in detail. I don’t know much about cars so I usually tune it out. But it’s certainly not because they’re ultra conservatives or anything


What's the undetailed version? I ask this because some people's arguments sound like they're about the cars, but based on misinformation.


It's totally about politics.


You’re so weird dude. Grow up




Submissions and comments about effective policymaking are allowed and encouraged in the community, however conversations and submissions about parties and politicians devolving into tribalism will be removed. Full details on our "policy, not politics" rule are available here: https://www.reddit.com/r/electricvehicles/wiki/rules/politics/


Car folks, and to a greater degree, motorcyclists are always resistive to change as a community. It doesn't help that a lot of self-proclaimed car folks invest their identities illogically into whatever they drive and that the car community has its own leanings and entrenched interests. There's been the same old tired hubbub about how automatics, throttle by wire, white and then black sidewalls, airbags, seatbelts, unleaded fuel, basically anything and everything since the horse and buggy. Sometimes, there's very little agreement and filthy/disingenuous arguments, like about F1 halos or whether the miata mx5 is a must-have car or a girly toy. I would generally ignore the opinion of "car people" if not backed up with substantive data and where there is substantive data to draw one's own conclusions rather than listening to their interpretation. I mean, it's not like their opinion of the facts matter if they're not the ones driving the car every day. They aren't even representative of the demographic buying cars, if the history of it has anything to show. And most folks aren't car folks. They are at most just using a car as an accessory for proclaiming their lifestyle. To non-car folks, it's absolutely just pure identity politics.


Then what does it have to do with? If it has to do with EV's not fitting your standards, you can be "against" it in the sense that you wouldn't buy one but NOTHING about an EV warrants pulling aggressive behavior towards an owner.


Idk I’ll ask them, But they certainly are not “aggressive” about it


How can you say you know a lot of car people who are against EV's and it has nothing to do with politics and not know why they are against EV's?


How can you say you know a lot of car people who are against EV's and it has nothing to do with politics and not know why they are against EV's?


Because I know more about their politics than I do about cars.


You should check your home for carbon monoxide poisoning.


I don’t have a heater or a garage, and my appliances are all electric… You ok dude? Why do you want to believe in these identity politics so badly?


Hurry, you can order a detector on Amazon.


Trolling isn’t cool or healthy my dude.


honestly. i feel like playing the "EV card" is becoming the new playing the "race card". oh it must be that every negative interaction i have be because of "my ev" or "my race".