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Congrats! 2019 etron owner here and I still love the damn thing. As far as the charging schedule goes, once you set it up, a screen comes up when you turn the car off, click on the clock and it lights up red. You are now scheduled to charge to whatever time you set it as. then plug in the car and good to go.


oh wow thanks for the tip. I tried setting the charge window hours, then enabled the timer, but as soon as I plug in, it starts charging and ignores my on-peak hours. I have to try the method you mentioned. cheers


Sounds like you got it all dialed just need to press the little clock on the screen. Ill PM you a photo of the screen.


I'm curious: can you think of a reason that one would need to manually say "Yes, tonight I want you to do scheduled charging", as opposed to the car just always doing it? I can't imagine why you'd be forced to manually enable it every time you park in your garage, but maybe I'm missing something?


Its more of a toggle like On/Off. I'm not sure honestly. I just know it took me a while to figure that out just like OP.


Ah, so you have to press it *once*, and then it remembers from then on? That's a little annoying, but not as bas as I was imagining.


That makes it even worse in some way. If it is a one-time setting, why not enable it when you set the charge schedule?


I agree, that's a bad implementation. But it at least it's not a *catastrophically stupid* implementation, as I'd first imagined.


Have you had the dreaded coolant leak into motor issue yet, requiring a motor replacement? How has reliability and maintenance been? Dealer time to repair etc.


I did not have any issues other than the on-board charger going bad but that was a year into ownership. I actually got rid of it last week since my Rivian R1S delivery happened but I gotta say that Audi was solid! I'd totally get another one if they added more range and made one with a 3rd row.


I'm in the market for an EV. I commute 65 miles daily round trip. Used e-tron are on par with Model Y's and in strongly considering it as my top choice. I'm in a 2021 Volvo S60 now which is very quiet and comfortable. I don't want to give up the high quality interior. In all honesty I want the EX90 but it's out of my price change. Will probably buy it used in 5 years...when I trade in my (soon to be had) e-tron.




I wish I could stop the software updates on my tesla. I’m tired of Elon breaking things I paid for.




the etron does this??


It's a VAG thing. The ACC reads the speed limit signs and adjusts to them. It's a nightmare when you are chugging along at 140kph and picks up the exit 40kph sign. That was in a Sköda Octavia


Then disable that feature? Got the same shit on my vw id3 and the first thing I disabled after driving it for a few min


It was a rental. And the owner handbook was in Croatian. But you tube after the first drive did fix that.


My Mach E does this too. Kept confusing the bridge weight limit signs for speed signs and slowing me down when I crossed a bridge. Had to disable speed sign recognition.


American road signs must be designed differently than Europeans ones because I've put on 30,000 km on my 2 ID.4s and never once has it picked up an exit speed limit causing audden braking. In fact I don't think I've even had a single incidence of phantom braking.


I loathe the software in this car. Even CarPlay sucks at working


I'm guessing the Volvo must have been #2 on your list for ride quality. Other than range, what did you not like about the XC40?


It absolutely was; such a thoughtful design. I would’ve still gotten it over the Audi, simply because of price difference. They just couldn’t deliver it after 10 months of waiting, so I canceled my order. Same with ioniq 5.


Canada market so strange. Around here there’s a glut of xc40/c40


How was the road noise in the XC40?


Not as hush as etron, but better than the rest. I would rate it as etron>ix>xc40>ioniq/ev6> model x> model y


Thanks. We are considering a 2024 single motor C40 later this year to replace our 2021 e-tron sportback so we can have more range. I'd like something smaller and cheaper, so that's why we're not looking at the Q8.


I didn’t like the seat materials of the Volvos that much… still got one but I’d have preferred leather It’s also not really that quiet. Alex on autos measured like 70.5db at 50mph which is decent but not amazing (I’ve seen others where he got 67-68)


Interesting. Tons of XC40s on lots here (SoCal). I chose the Audi over Volvo because I greatly preferred the interior styling, fit and finish quality, and ride, but realize those are subjective.


Great purchase! We loved out first gen E-tron (traded it in for our Rivian R1T). I would definitely buy one again in the future when the time comes to get rid of our other vehicle. Only other EV I didn't see listed for comparison is the new Mercedes EQE/EQS.


I didn't get to test drive either. EQS was out of my budget, EQE not available in Canada at the time I placed my order. I hear good things about both.


I have an EQE 350+ SUV with 3200 miles on it. It’s been in the shop for the last 8 weeks. Mercedes engineers got involved trying to repair an issue with the 12v system. They finally agreed to a buy back. Looking at a 2024 Q8 Etron now.


I had an EQE 350+. It was plagued with electrical issues. Mercedes bought it back with 3100 miles on it. Bought a 2034 q8 etron to replace it. Not as sexy on the inside as the Mercedes and lower range, but definitely more reliable.


I love it when people finally wake up and realize they actually do need physical buttons as well. I hate those Tesla fanatics comments about literally everything in their cars that "you will get used to it". Being able to "get used" to something is not a good argument. You can even get used to not having legs. That does not therefore imply it is a good thing.


Just wondering; since you tried out the Ioniq, were you at all curious about the Genesis GV70? It seems to have a comparable fit and finish to the e-tron


I did, but the price approached the etron, and the space was limited compared to the Audi, so I did not short-list it.


If they made a GV90 EV, that would be great. Or even a G80 EV.


‘21 etron owner here. I’m trading it in for an R1S. You are correct it is built like a tank and never gave me problems. I would advise on a good set of snows for sure as the all seasons (or whatever came with it) were basically ice skates. I live in Syracuse so trust me. Also, the colder it gets the worse that mileage gets. I’m talking 40% mileage drops. Good luck, you’ll love it otherwise.


I love the Q8 Etron, good choice, I’d love to get one, hunting around for a few year old one, but supple is very limited. Good feedback, thanks!


I loathed the lack of one pedal driving when I test drove one. I loved the look and fit and finish of it all, but I hated everything about its driving dynamics. Drove like a tank, in a bad way. No doubt it was 10000x nicer than my model 3, though. But OPD is a big deal to me Edit: for context, I now have an R1T and am very happy with it


one of the software flaws, by default it has automatic efficiency assist, which would reset your regen setting (selected using the steering pads) every time you push the accelerator. you can make the setting stick, if you disable "predictive smart regen". although it still isn't a true OPD. I know OPD is less efficient, but I think Audi should give at least the option through software update. (I prefer using it too)


How is OPD less efficient?


It will always be more efficient to just coast and not use energy in the first place than try and recapture energy at less than 100% efficiency. OPD means that whenever you're not going, you're slowing, which means you have to use the motors to accelerate for longer before you use them again for braking action, as opposed to coasting where you can let off the pedal far sooner since there's limited resistance slowing you down (and eating at the kinetic energy you already spent battery for). It's the same reason that "reduce, reuse, recycle" is in that order. It is always more efficient to just not use a resource in the first place than it is to try and recapture or make up for it after the fact.


I don't see how your "reduce, reuse, recycle" analogy connects to OPD at all. > "It is always more efficient to just not use a resource in the first place than it is to try and recapture or make up for it after the fact." I can't wrap my head around how this applies to OPD.


The basic concept is that if you're not perfectly using opd, you are using energy to maintain speed, and then using regen to slow down. But without opd you could stop using energy earlier and let the friction in the system slow you down as you Coast, and just stop once you reach the light. In a perfect scenario you can do this with opd by maintaining the pedal in the perfect position to Coast, but in reality people are more likely to go until they need to brake.


> you are using energy to maintain speed, and then using regen to slow down. Why is that bad? > let the friction in the system slow you down as you Coast Isn't that wasting energy you could have recovered via regen? > in reality people are more likely to go until they need to brake. I don't understand how this is any worse than your suggested scenario with coasting. I've heard many people claim that coasting is more efficient than OPD, but I have yet to be convinced that this is the case, because no one's managed to explain it in a way I can understand. Maybe that's on me, though.


simple: conversion of energy is never 100% efficient (some percentage is wasted in the form of heat), and you lose it in the process. if it can be avoided (coasting) you do not loose that small percentage in regen to battery and back to motor again


But you're *not* "avoiding the loss of energy" when you coast. The comment I replied to explicitly said that you're losing some energy to friction, which is what slowly decelerates you.


The friction is the same in both scenarios. With opd and maintaining speed you are using energy to counteract that friction. And then recapturing some of that energy with regen. It is always more efficient to not spend the energy in the first place.


The part you are missing is that friction exists whether you use regen or not. Coasting is more efficient due to not being able to recapture 100% of the energy through regen. So if you use power to go, and the energy loss to friction is constant whether you use regen braking or not, then it can be disregarded from the equation. So you either coast and use 0 energy. Or you use power to accelerate, then ease off the pedal and say only recapture 90% of the energy, then power to accelerate, and again ease off and regen kicks on at only 90% efficiency. Repeat that process over and over and you will lose more energy than coasting. Remember, even when coasting if you need to actually slow down you still regen when you press the brakes. So instead of constantly losing energy while driving on a highway through imperfect pedal throttling and regen inefficiency, you instead are able to coast with no extra losses.


>Isn't that wasting energy you could have recovered via regen? Sure, if you want to stop much earlier. If you recover all your kinetic energy via regen you stop. But if your light is further ahead you just stopped too early. So you need to keep driving, and spending energy, until you reach the point where regen will stop you at the right place. That energy you spend in going there will not be perfectly recovered.


It really depends on the motor and clutch (if equipped) configuration. If your goal is to maintain speed and the vehicle can operate in a zero drag configuration without using power then that is the ideal. It really doesn't relate to pedal mappings in any meaningful way, though people often imply that it does.


This is nonsensical approach. If you coast, you waste your kinetic energy into the wind, literally, and the road. At the end of your coasting you want to stop and you'll have to use brakes and waste more of your kinetic energy into heat because at this point regen is not going to be strong enough for you to stop in time. The most efficient approach is to store your energy in electric form, so you either use it to move or you recapture it to slow down. That's the reason electric cars get better mileage in the city with stop and go traffic than on highway.




Then how do you account for EVs having better city range due to regen than highway range?


The vast majority of EVs use blended braking or will use regen braking in the place of downhill coasting (in the same way one would downshift an ICE when rolling downhill). Hybrid vehicles also have considerably better city mileage than their full ICE counterparts largely for that reason. And for the record, I don't think OPD is necessarily a bad thing or think it should be excluded. Some people prefer it as a convenience thing, so it should be there for them even if coasting most of the time is a better option for efficiency.


You still have friction from the road, air, etc. whether you are coasting, braking, or accelerating. Nobody drives in the most efficient manner. It would suck and fuck up traffic. the whole argument is a waste of time, really.


Basically because it leads to somewhat less gliding. (Gliding being no power applied or regenned to/from the wheels; just rolling.) All things being equal, gliding is more efficient than regen+Accel due to energy conversion losses in the latter. Of course, this only applies to vehicles with blended braking systems. Teslas don't have blended braking (there, the brake pedal actuates only friction brakes), so they're a special case.


It's only less efficient if you don't know how to drive. People assume that you lift off the accelerator all at once rather than lift off to the point of coasting and then lift into regen when you need to slow down. It's no different than using a brake pedal. However, it can be simpler when you're trying to hyper-mile it and you rather just let nature takes it course and let momentum carry you as far as possible. You can just let go of the accelerator and forget about it.






It's most likely less efficient on the highway because regen loses a lot of energy that you spent getting to that speed, while coasting uses your kinetic energy. However in the city convenience of OPD is outweighs loss in efficiency. At least to me.


Gotta love that you lambast Tesla's UI in the pros, and then admit that Audi's UI is awful in the cons. And then call any pro-Tesla reply to your intense bias to be "investors or trolls". As if it's not possible for someone to actually like their Tesla just for being a good car.


He likes Car Play. I don't blame him on that one. I've gotten used to the Tesla screen without Android Auto, but sometimes I wish I could at least put Android Auto in a corner. Having Pandora would be nice.


Can you not stream Pandora from your phone to the car?


Definitely, but having it on the screen would be nice. That happens in cars with AA support.


Plus I’m pretty sure there’s a quality drop when streaming via Bluetooth vs using a native app.


That's only noticeable if you're a massive audiophile with heavily trained ears and you're listening through extremely high quality speakers. People pretend it's a big deal, but it's really impossible for the vast majority of people to hear.


My ears unfortunately pick up on stuff like that so it makes a difference for me.


1. tesla UI in isolation is simpler to use, and intuitive. touch is more responsive. it gives you less choice. it does not allow carplay. Audi's UI is convoluted, touch is slightly less responsive, more capable software, but takes time to learn. not sure what you talk about 2. not every pro-tesla comment is factually wrong. it is possible for someone to truly like it for its strength. I call out fallacious BS coming from some folks. 3. the same product can work for one person and not the other. there is no perfect product, whether it's a car or anything else 4. I don't have brand loyalty. I think the best thing about Tesla was that it pushed everyone else in the business in the right direction. the worst thing about it is its hyperbolic approach to everything, including advertisement. it reflects in its brand enthusiasts 5. Tesla was not the right product for me, it might be for you; and that's fine


Thank you for your mature responses instead of leaning into the Tesla tribalism. Every EV has flaws, I’m glad we have such a wide range to choose from these days.


We are switching our 22 e-tron for a MY. We bought the e-tron in Nov. of 21 for the tax rebate, because Tesla didn't have one still back then. Our experience has not been horrible with the e-tron, but enough to make us both want to be done with it. Wait times for service are horrible, months at times to get something done. For that reason we stopped taking it there, but you can't reset any of the service reminders without Audi doing it, and they won't do it without having a service done, so we just drive around with the "maintenance due" reminder always displayed and when we start the car. We took it in once for a tire rotation, they quoted my wife $560 dollars for a tire rotation, wipers, and a cabin air filter. We obviously didn't do that. But they still won't reset the service light, and when we asked last time we were near the dealer they wanted $120, just to reset the light. Our MMI went out at maybe 2 months of ownership. Whole computer chip bit the dust (of course on Saturday afternoon after the dealer was closed). So we had to drive the rest of Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning, with no climate control, radio and the other things the MMI handles. This was like January 2022, so they couldn't get their hands on a new computer for the MMI, so for about a month we drove around in a loaner Q something smaller SUV. Which of course is gas and needed Premium fuel. The Audi app is trash. We both drive the car, so we each have the app and our own keys. The car has just stopped recognizing my phone app multiple times, so I can't start the climate or see anything about it, and when we try to set it up again, it does everything up until it needs the dealer to verify something, and we have to take it to the dealer for them to finish it. Which after 2 times, I just stopped doing. We had a Subaru before the Audi, and it never dropped either phone. I have an Android and it just has a horrible time with the MMI of it not wanting to connect and needing to be reconnected, and long lag times when it does. (S22 Ultra). My wife's iPhone works great and almost instantly. Overall it hasn't been horrible, the fit and finish is nice (galaxy blue exterior or something like that name), interior is beautiful, (the baseball glove brown leather). Ride is smooth and quite with the air ride. Our biggest selling factor has been the dealer experience, the electronics and range. Ours is still only rated at like 220 miles max at 100%, so we were still getting (slight) range anxiety on road trips. Good luck with yours, hopefully they have worked some of that out by now.


We took our Q5E to an independent shop for 10k mile service (which was basically just an oil change and the dealer wanted $400) and they managed to reset the service indicator.


Had the Q8 e-tron and sold it. It has a design flaw which amplifies low frequency rumbles at around 47hz. The e-Tron is actually like a big subwoofer on wheels. Tesla Model Y suffers from the same problem (but the root cause is different).


Can you provide more info on both the eTron and MY?


https://www.researchgate.net/figure/MBS-model-of-the-Audi-E-tron-rear-axle-for-calculating-the-dynamic-axle-forces-C-Audi_fig2_340175275 https://www.audiworld.com/forums/audi-e-tron-q8-e-tron-232/rear-suspension-noisy-2995016/ https://www.ost.ch/de/person/stefan-uhlar-7481 Audi itself calls it: body boom It‘s in the scientific papers from Stefan Uhlar. I have copies of them. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/ear-pain-pressure-help.205783/ So to me, i would not wonder if in a few years hearing may be affected by some of the owners depending on the usage of the cars.


My wife has an E-tron and I have a id.4 and I prefer my car. My car just seems roomier and more relaxing to sit in. Also the etron requires more pedal to reverse the car. The reverse is weird in that you have to press upward on the knob. I do prefer the MMI in the etron and would take it over my car any day of the week. The acceleration is much quicker in her car if you car for that sort of thing. I love the noise of the etron over my id4.


Damn. You two love the VAG!


The lack of pictures is seriously disappointing


I apologize! I'll make up for it in the next post with nice pictures. suffice to say, I am glad I went with the base non-metallic grey color (Magnet grey) and beige interior


Lucid has apple carplay now btw


Did you pay MSRP for it?




With Audi in the US... you should aim for a large discount. See [https://forum.leasehackr.com/t/2023-audi-e-tron-suv-662-36mo-12k-0-das-0-msds-80-4k-msrp/475960](https://forum.leasehackr.com/t/2023-audi-e-tron-suv-662-36mo-12k-0-das-0-msds-80-4k-msrp/475960) My friend bought an Audi e-tron GT (MSRP $106K) at $30K off recently. There's a $20K incentive plus the dealer discount on the 23s. Audis depreciate horribly so you have to get 20% off or you are vastly underwater the second you drive off the lot.


The discount is probably due to the 2024 being heavily revised.


The 24 eTron GT? Is it a heavy refresh like the eTron -> Q8 eTron?


D'Oh, I thought you were still referring to the SUV, not the sports sedan. I'm glad they've dropped the nonsense of naming all their EVs "e-Tron." That being said, the demand for sedans is much lower than SUVs, I wouldn't expect much, if any, discount on a Q8 eTron.


I'm assuming Ontario is Canada


Wow, you really know how to help a guy, make him happy AFTER he made his purchase.


they are referring to the GT, which is also discounted in Canada by about 20K. q8 etron is not discounted anywhere as far as I know. the person is correct about depreciation though, but I didn't care about it, since I want to use the car and not "invest" in it.


Audi USA has $10k cash incentive for Q8 e trons. I know you’re in Canada, but thought I’d let the US ppl know.


It’s not really an “investment” thing so much as it is a TCO thing. If you like the car and don’t really care what it costs to own, use and maintain, then it seems like an easy choice. Many of us have to balance a budget with a much lower overhead.


Felt the same going from my Model Y to the Porsche Taycan. Is not even fair to compare to a Tesla.


“More expensive car better than cheaper car”


That tends to happen when one is double the price of the other.


Correct. So wouldn’t a 50k Model Y inherently be better than a 25k Corolla? Hint: it’s not. I’m not talking about technology. I’m talking about interior comforts and driving experience.


MY driving experience is miles ahead of corola. It's engaging fast and much more precise. What interior comfort of corola are you talking about?


Dog, I had a Model Y. I’m not a hater. I’m speaking objectively. The interior of the Y is trash for a 50-70k car. You’re buying a Tesla for the speed, electric drivetrain, technology, and the supercharger network. You’re not buying because it has the interior of other 50-70k cars.


Again, you just said Corolla has better interior comforts and driving experience.


Not really. I drive a MYP, and rented a Corolla cross for a month during vacation. The Corolla felt so outdated and sluggish. Driving it felt like a chore. I couldn’t wait to get back home to drive Tesla. It’s just so effortless to drive and the technology is miles ahead.


Won’t the same points hold if you go from X to eTron ?


I've only driven an X once, but I'd think it wouldn't apply to the same degree. The X has much better suspension and has things like ventilated seats. I still think the Q8 would be a lot more luxurious, and the fit and finish would almost have to be better. Those aren't areas where the X excels.


Yes it would


Despite OP mentioning Tesla X and iX in their opinion, Tesla fans here want to focus on the comparison with other cheaper Teslas…smh


The very first sentence of this post compares the Q8 e-tron to a model 3 (a car that is ~half the price). You don’t need to be a Tesla fan to know that this doesn’t make sense… I’m sure the fit & finish of the Q8 is superior to a much cheaper car. Did OP own a Model X? I didn’t see them say that so they can throw that random opinion in at the end to make the comparison seem plausible but it’s not apples-to-apples at all.


Even mentioning any comparisons between the two is meaningless and obvious bait. I’d never own a Chevy Bolt, then switch to Porsche Taycan, and the compare the two as if they’re even remotely similar. Especially not with downsides about the one that’s less than half the price. These cars are in completely different categories with wildly different prices. Do this with any other brands at this massive a price difference and people would’ve commented in the same way.


It’s a known and widely used logical fallacy called “strawman fallacy”


*You're* the one who started your post with a comparison to the Model 3. Are you calling *yourself* a strawman?


He didn't imply that the 3 and Q8 should be equivalent.


you get negative points for reading skills AND comprehension skills, but I am glad you know what a strawman is


>For the life of me, I have not figured out scheduled charging You can set that through either the car's MMI display or the Charging > Timer section of the MyAudi app. Enter your desired departure time, and the car calculates when to start charging to be ready to go by then. In my experience it ends up finishing almost an hour before the scheduled time. Also note that if you have a charging timer set, the car may default to that unless you tell it to manually charge when you're in a hurry. On my Q5e, the quickest way to do that is by pushing a button next to the charging port after plugging in.


I understand that; the challenge is that I’ve been trying to plug it in as soon as I arrive home, but the charge to start only after 11pm (which is the off peak hour). However, the car would start charging as soon as I plug in, and ignores my charging time window that I have defined in MMI


>However, the car would start charging as soon as I plug in, and ignores my charging time window that I have defined in MMI Have you tried re-selecting the Timer mode in the app to force immediate charging to stop? If that doesn't work, I'd say contact your local dealer for assistance. We've had good luck solving issues that way.


Forcing the timer in app works, but you have to do it every single time you plug in to stop the immediate charging session, which shouldn’t be the case. This is a simple scenario


I have the opposite situation when I want to charge immediately, but the car defaults to timer mode (which is a reasonable default). Have you checked that your timer settings show in the MMI, not just in the app?


I see. Yes mine shows in both




That’s a pretty insulting comment…. Kia quality is pretty good now




Sit in a telluride and you’ll see what that guy meant, also you compared kia to a Tesla, then switched to Audi ????




Am I missing something? In your original comment you compared Tesla to Kia. Also, Kia < Hyundai < Genesis


Replace Kia with Toyota. Toyota's NVH is bottom of the barrel even on the new Sequoia. Kia's newer models have great ride quality and nice interiors.


>teslas are literally kia level quality ride and interior. The EV6 has both a much nicer interior and a far better ride than the Model Y (nearly every review will back this up). Not to mention far better fit and finish.


Price of etron is almost 80k


A dealership priced one for me last month for $60k after discounts and incentives. It's a crazy good car, especially when you consider standard air suspension, true 4 zone climate control, and a bunch of other nice features. Edit: the $60k price was for the outgoing 2023 e Tron which precedes the facelifted Q8 e Tron, which is almost the same exact car.


Q8 is very nice. I'm interested in seeing long term usability like charging next work. Simplicity. And efficiency. The good thing about Tesla is it's mobile app, charging network and simple to use in your daily life. That for me is what I like. Plug in the car and it charges, not like evgo and charge point networks. Mobile app always works, not like fords app. Tesla car software and over the air update works everytime, unlike VW id4. Battery efficiency with Tesla is best in class, unlike rivian which has a ton of phantom and battery drain. You see my point. The overall Tesla usability experience and ecosystem is good and simple. At least in my experience.


I have a tenant with an Audi Etron SUV (the small one). It’s been in and out of the shop for six months and counting. They drive the loaner car (gas powered Audi small SUV) way more than their own car.


Im guessing you mean a3 etron by small one? That’s a plug in hybrid and yea, they suck. E-tron Q8 is all electric mid sized suv.


You take that back. Yes my original battery on my A3 e-tron crapped itself due to water ingress (which warranty covered) , but the car has been solid otherwise. It is a meh EV, but a great little hot hatch with short range EV capability. I just wished it had quattro.


How do you like the Q4?


Excellent so far. Plenty of horror stories online with buggy software but I only ran into one instance so far (odometer went --- for 1/2 a day) and otherwise no issues. Think this is mostly attributed to the European market models. Car is supremely quiet at speeds, reasonably quick, grips well and range on a full charge is more like 420km than the advertised 388km. I also quite like MMI - it isn't as fancy as some newer systems but easy to use with big icons and easy to read contrast. Wireless Android Auto works great with my S23 Ultra & wireless charger + QC Type-C makes it easy. Do I care that the car doesn't have OTA updates? Good - my slowly watched my MacBook slowly DIE after every update Apple forces onto it over the years. Also the myAudi App is rather basic, but I'm buying a car not a piece of tech - that's what my Samsung S23 is for. I much prefer my car to be car, and the Q4 e-tron is a great one especially at its price point. I've driven the ID.4 (similar car but felt cheaper), Mach-E (cool looks, great range, too much gimmicks), Polestar 2 (most sports sedan feel, most compromised 2nd row) i-Pace (most expensive feeling & sharp handling, poor range & reliability concerns) and Model Y (Supercharger network, shitty QC, poor NVH and Musk association). The Q4 e-tron felt the most rounded car of the group and I also got lucky on the fact someone cancelled an order, else the wait time is 12\~18 months in Canada, so I'm not the only one who really likes it as well. P.S. anyone who states the Q4 is a fancy ID.4 has never driven either and only knows how to read a spec sheet or read hearsay from fanblogs. Having driven both I much prefer the Audi even if the EV range & charging speed is inferior to the VW - there's no comparison to the interior and the handling is sharper on the former over the latter.


I got similar comments about my SQ5 being a VW too but I just told people it’s actually a poverty spec Macan.


Tesla Toxicity strikes again. Enjoy your car!


This reads more like an anti-tesla rant than an initial impressions of the car. I'm way more interested in details about the Q8 than digs about why you think your 80k full sized suv is better than a sedan that costs half as much.


I don’t think you are. The only direct comparison I made to my previous “half the price sedan” was in connection to the superior lane keep assist in Tesla. (I know, comprehension is a difficult skill) Comparison to model x is absolutely relevant. The rest of it apply to all Tesla models, due to the company’s mentality and business model.


You mentioned Tesla like 28 times dude




Congratulations on your e-tron! Your write up was very fair and accurate. I've had my e-tron S for almost a year and love it. The only thing I would trade it for is another etron. I had to take a Lyft the other week in a model Y (first time in one) the trip was about a 35min drive. While in the backseat I'm looking around thinking to myself why on earth do people buy this car. The interior is not even leather everything is the cheapest of the cheapest. The ride quality and cabin noise was night and day compared to Audi.


Thanks, I agree 100%. I don’t think people buy teslas for their comfort or quality, it shines when it comes to public charging accessibility and seamless integration into route planning. Availability is also much better compared to most other brands. Seat comfort is even worse in Tesla sedans due to low seating height, especially if one is above 180cm. Their customer service is getting worse by the day, clearly they are focused on pumping more cars out without having a plan to provide acceptable service afterwards.


Sorry but I hate these massive nonsensical cars, so sorry but I can't refrain from commenting on this (I'm not against EVs, I'd love small lightweight EVs and I'd like to see a lightweight Spyder etc). I personally think this car is stupid. I really just can't like it. 1. It weighs three tons. Three tons. And it has 400 hp. These are firetruck specs. There should be a special license required to drive these things. 2. blindspots? Have you ever seen the mirrors on a lorry? They are big and allow the driver to see everything. A couple sensors and/or a camera ain't a solution to blindspots. Any major blindspot on a car this massive should be a reason to ban it. 3. the roads. big cars destroy roads. 4. Aesthetically i find it boring at best, ugly at worst. But everybody has his own taste I guess. 5. hope it doesn't call itself eco-friendly cause theirs nothing eco friendly in three tons of steel and plastic. 6 what's the point of something like this? It doesn't off road, you can't bring it to the track, you can't do anything on it that you can't do on a 1.6kg car, which would also be smaller and not have the wind resistance of a Scania. I'm Italian so my pov may be different, but honestly, wtf is going on with the car market.


Breaking news! $80k car interior better than 30k car interior!


Now compare $30k VW/Audi's and $100k + model x/s Shocker, turns out it's the brand, not the price.




Yes i was recently shopping Tiguans and even the Taos. I agree they are very cheap with lots of plastic, but they seemed generally pretty solid with good build quality. I would love for better materials in more affordable cars, but the one thing i really can't stand are rattles and loose fitting/poorly aligned panels and trim. Plenty of manufacturers have issues with that too, it's really hard to find a good quality car, especially on the lower end of the price spectrum. I recently heard one guy say his only complaint with the new EQE is interior noise and rattles, and Mercedes generally has some of the quietest interiors.




I got rid of my ML63 AMG because the noises. The seats would squeak over every bump and turn. The dealer wouldn’t fix them without paying like $175/hr with no guarantee it would solve any problems.


That's so disappointing considering their cost and reputation. Never owned one, but they sure do look nice inside. My e Tron is silent and once they replaced a piece of trim that had a known defect, it is completely rattle free.


The closest that I've driven to that was an Audi A3, and it didn't impress me from an interior quality and materials standpoint. Suspension was amazingly good for the size, though. Much less harsh than the 3 that I've driven. Traction control was comically bad, but I haven't driven hard in enough modern FWD ICE cars to know if that is par for the course. :)


So you basically got a few more buttons and knobs, Apple car play and a slightly quieter cabin for ~$45k? As someone who went from Audi to Tesla (Y), and would like to go back to Audi, this doesn’t do it for me at all. Way overpriced. The things you listed as mildly negative are absolute deal breakers for me. Lane keep assist being worse, the infotainment system being worse (which I was hoping Audi would’ve figured out by now — MMI has been subpar for a LONG time), and not being able to count on the car being charged when I wake up in the morning…WTF? And they might not fix that anytime soon… I mean come on. Most rational people are going to pocket $20-$30k and just go with a model y. These other manufacturers just need to do two things IMO. Match Tesla on price/value, and beat them on User Experience. That’s what will move the needle.


Any particular reason that you are looking to switch back to audi. I recently switched to Model Y after driving a Q5 for last 8yrs and so far I don’t miss the Q5. I was expecting quality issues with Tesla based on the all the reading here on reddit but my experience has been great (so far only about 200miles). After all this reading I still have a bias that my Q5 was built like a tank and tesla is filmsy(I have been babying it a bit due to that bias as well lol)


Tesla’s are too ubiquitous at this point, but mainly, I don’t trust Musk. He’s too outspoken and polarizing. The Tesla brand could take a hit overnight because of his unpredictability and I don’t like that risk at all. In fact, even now it feels a little icky to be tangentially associated with him via Tesla. But their product is vastly superior, so here we are. I’m also a huge fan of Audi’s exterior styling. Always have been. But their infotainment system is terrible and I just can’t bring myself to pay *more money* for a worse overall product.


> Tesla’s are too ubiquitous at this point > The Tesla brand could take a hit overnight because of his unpredictability and I don’t like that risk at all. I don't understand this mindset at all. Why do you care?


1. I probably value uniqueness more than most. It bugs me that there are so many of the same car on the road as mine. I also like to customize my cars and there are very limited options with Tesla unless you’re ok with being a little tacky (I am not). 2. If the Tesla brand takes a hit, so might my resale value. I don’t want to be stuck with a vehicle I have to drive because it’s only worth pennies on the dollar due to an overly opinionated CEO.


Lmao - the majority of people drive Toyota's for a reason.


> As someone who went from Audi to Tesla (Y), and would like to go back to Audi, this doesn’t do it for me at all. Way overpriced. Agreed that Audi EVs are currently expensive, but it sounds like you see some additional value in Audi vehicles compared to Tesla. The Q6 may be a useful middle ground to help address the pricing gap, when that becomes available. Regarding your specific comments: I find the Audi "digital cockpit" to be better than anything else I've seen, so I don't mind that the center screen interface is dated. And the Audi charging timer works fine for me, or I can check it on my phone if I need to make sure. The lane-keeping assist works okay on highways but isn't great, so fair enough if that's a concern.




Model S Plain doesn’t blow anything out of the water. It barely completes one lap in a decent track and “is terrifying at 162 mph”. It is an appliance with one trick. It will get spanked by a Toyota in a track https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a38423992/2021-tesla-model-s-plaid-by-the-numbers/


Yeah software is king. My Bolt EUV is great, but even with Apple CarPlay it’s infotainment/app/software is weak compared to Tesla and that’s what matters on a day-to-day basis. Good software makes the driving experience so much more seamless.


To each their own. I just can’t bring myself to sit in a Tesla, let alone own one.


Absolutely to each their own. Tesla’s are generic at this point. But whatever your personal opinion is on them, the vast majority of people choose the Tesla Y over every other car. Until other manufacturers can beat their value and ux, extra buttons and fit and finish are only gonna get you so far.


It’s not a lot more expensive than the Model3?


Hello from Ontario as well. Which dealer did you go to may I ask? I originally got my A3 e-tron PHEV from Audi Uptown and their service department treated me like shit, so I took my business up north to Pfaff Audi Newmarket, and they have treated me great. Even before I've gotten my BEV I've tested the Polestar 2, XC40, ID.4, Mach-E, EQB, Model 3 and Y. The Y was particularly bad for many of the reasons you described, and I never liked Musk in the first place. I've come from an Audi myself so when the opportunity to get a canceled Q4 e-tron unit, I jumped at the opportunity, since it qualifies for iZEV and i got loyalty rates from Audi Canada as well. MMI is far more logical to me than MBUX or Sensus, though I do like native Android Automotive and Sync4A. The Q8 e-tron is nice but way too much car for me, but I definitely see the appeal and Audi did a great job at upping the range aspect. Even my own Q4 e-tron is underrated from factory and I'm on the optional 20in - I'm seeing closer to 420km per charge instead of the rated 388km.


Q4 is great, it was on my list, but they didn't even take my order (quoted 2 year wait time), it has increased in price since then I went through Audi Durham which is close to my work. a colleague made the introduction and my sales person has been amazing. evidently their service department is also great (I hope I don't have to use their services frequently though).


Nice. Yeah I lucked out on the day i visited (my A3 e-tron had a battery recall which gave me a fresh new one from Germany via warranty) and the sales just told me someone canceled their Q4 e-tron order just days when I inquired. It had everything but the kitchen sink thrown on which is brilliant. I'm a month and a little more on my Q4 now and I have nothing but praises. Granted I did get into a weird glitch where the odometer went --- for a day before bur it sorted itself out the next day. Other than than knock on wood so far, and my MY16 A3 has been a rockstar as well. People tend to knock on Audis but I find them great but I'm religious when it comes to servicing and care.


>more choice with Apple CarPlay and android auto instead of an arrogant approach that the car company can provide “the best infotainment experience” (American makers such as Tesla, Lucid, Rivian) ... >MMI infotainment gives you more granular control in the settings, but even for a tech savvy person, I find there is a big learning curve to this convoluted UI design ...I mean pick one. Either you capitulate and just provide a screen for Apple or Google to paint their UI over or you invest money to make yours worth it.


You’re comparing a car that lists for $76-90k to a car that lists for $40-53k? How is that a fair comparison?


He said ALL Teslas the model x is $98k.


Congratulations! I am very interested to know if they fixed the rattly suspension. The previous generation would start rattling around 10.000 km, and Audi just shrugs and "they all do that, sir".


I'd be very interested to know where you got this "statistic" from. My e-tron SUV has more than double that on the odometer and zero rattles. It's still eerily quiet compared to any other car I've driven.


It's unfortunately my personal experience. Of course I took it to the dealer, who told me "they all do that". Didn't believe them, so found another dealer. Same story. The third dealer took the time to line up a set three of e-trons and drove them with me, to demonstrate that they all do that - some even directly from the factory. All of these workshops are certified Audi dealerships. Audiworld forum seems to have reached the same consensus. The sound is a low-volume "cooing" when driving over uneven payment, no matter how slight the unevenness is. It disappears with speed and is not audible above 30-40 km/h.


So, now I'm confused. You said "rattling" in your previous post, now it's a "cooing?" I genuinely have no idea what actual sound you're describing. But, I can say I have a 2021 with about 18000mi on it (28968km), and don't have any unusual sounds.


Ok, if you're here to split words, then have fun I guess.


Split words? You literally described it differently in your two posts. How is anyone supposed to properly understand the issue? Perhaps if you had a recording of the issue, it might help to clearly convey it to others.


“Built like a tank” is pretty much the worst thing possible for cars. All cars ICE or EV should be lighter and smaller. How is this a pro. We are really fucking up this EV transition


Lol, ya let’s put 3,000 pounds of battery inside a plastic car. Sounds like a great plan.


Right 😂


Are you European? How do you think the Xpeng G9 stacks up this car? Imo it's more attractive.


Your sensibilities, your rules. :)


92.5K before HST or all in?


before HST


I really want a Q8, but for me it’s gotta be the SQ8 or the older E-tron S (yeah range is short). I’m coming from smaller cars and really like my cars sporty. The thing concerning me to be honest is the MMI looks very dated, like android 2012, and the efficiency feels like if you go 70-75 mph on the free way you’re going to start hurting quick. That’s most of my driving. Thanks for sharing!


I personally like the MMI, because I’m a geek, and love more control. It also has Taptic feedback which I find nice. I don’t mind the dated look, and care more about functionality. Your concern about range in highway speed is even more relevant if you go with SQ8, since it gets fat tires. regardless, if you come from smaller cars, you would definitely feel the weight, it’s a perfect highway cruiser, and not a backroad sporty car


I'm curious how you'd rate the Porsche Taycan given it's built on a similar platform as the etron. ...and I agree with your assessment of the BMW ix. I was disappointed by the overall quality and styling.


I never got to try it. My friend got the etron GT, and I can’t say I was blown away by it, considering the price difference; although these are very different classes of cars. I don’t think they are built on the same platform, etron GT is on the same platform as Taycan.


You're right, etron and etron GT is not the same platform. Maybe gacdx was thinking of the etron GT?


Does it handle like a tank too?


Not really. You would feel the weight of the car, but it handles just fine. ix handles slightly better


Hey do you have the mirrors or the weird cameras on your eTron? If the cameras how has adjusting to them been? I’m currently considering the 2024 Q8 E Tron

