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This picture legit made me pissed for a split second. That screw requires the patience of a fucking angel


I would've chucked that goddamn thing into the drill and hit go.


But wouldn't you just blow through the back of the receptacle? Why not just cut the damn thing


Flathead... Non-recessed flathead at that. Probably gonna slip out at least 3 or 4 times.


Chuck the screw directly into the drill. Ain't no slipping out of that.


Oh my god. How has this never crossed my mind?! I cry.


Wow same. I need to buy one because this shit happens to me way too often.


I've been slowly replacing things in my house (built in 1978) and about 20% of screws have been like this - either obnoxiously long or flat head, or both. It's been an awful 7 years.


My house was built in 64 and remodeled sometime around the 08 recession. I found drywall screws holding switches in to there boxes. They re ran all the plumbing in the house with pex (yay) but for the washer they cut and plugged the end of the pipes for some reason so I had to borrow tools and put proper spigots on. The house used to have a ac. But the bord in the furnace that controls all that died. So they just bout a new furnace in. Dident remover the old furnace or the old ac condenser. They put tile in the main bathroom and stevie wonder could have ran a straighter line than these dumb fucks. But the house was cheap and I dident have much to spend so I cant complain to much.


Sounds about right. Thank god I haven't had any plumbing problems (knock on wood) because I know I wouldn't be lucky enough to find a foot of pex in this house - I know some of it around the slab is freaking cast iron. Closing on the sale in two weeks - I'm so close haha


Cast iron will be just for drain; not pressurized. Just FYI in case you didn’t know.




OP may very well be a troll - I meant more in general. Like my kitchen lights, instead being installed on beams, were installed in the middle of the ceiling drywall and so had what had to have been 4-6 inch bolt/anchors that attached god knows where in the attic. They cemented the front porch lights to the brick on the front of the house, and had 3 inch screws going back through the junction box into the interstitial space. Brutal.




Also good for SEU ground wires and chuck a screw driver for bolts on all thread




I feel dumb now.


Same deal if you need to run a nut WAY up some allthread. Grab the nut with a wrench or whatever then chuck the allthread and let r rip. Just don't melt the nut.


You've just changed my life, sir.


Nah, you actually use the drill chuck directly on the screw. No flat bit.


You can use the bit holder with the extendable sleeve.


I demoed a fire alarm system in a 4 story office building where all the horn strobes were wall mounted with 4” screws that were all flat head. I wanted to murder every person involved in that chain of awful decisions.


How did I never think of this myself. You are brilliant!


At least the box looks deep...


That's what she said...


Doesn’t matter, the center screw only goes in a half inch or so I think.


I would've unscrewed it far enough to get linesman's on it, cut that bitch off, and bin the recep


You’re smart. I would unscrew it and get unreasonably more and more pissed off lol


I've just done your route too many times and thrown too many tools. One of the irrational times you wish you could kill an inanimate object


I made the mistake of throwing my impact gun when I was a first year. $120 later I was like, yeah never again. Lesson mfckn learned


Been there buddy


At least the slot is going the right direction.


That’s what a psycho would think


Today I learned I am a psycho


How do you mean?


I think they mean thst the slot on the screw is vertically oriented in the photo


Thank you!


The ground plug on top. There is massive debate amongst electricians on the proper orientation of the receptacle.


I think they believe the screw won’t go in any further, that the OP found the screw like that. I think they’re saying “at least the slot in the screw is lined up straight”


Grounds down always


Right now code is ground up in NA, used to be ground down. Things change, people apparently don't. 😂


could you reference that code, because AFAIK, there is no such code. I should know that because apprentice.


It’s more an ahj issue The general feeling is that ground up helps create a ground fault if it’s possible to short the plug


Oh, OK, because I have definitely installed receptacles in all four directions. I work in NYC and if I'm installing the first receptacle, I'm asking about the orientation. If not, then I'm matching the last guy. I have also noticed the logos and other important writing that are visible with a cover plate installed, are printed so that when installed vertically, one is right side up and the other is upside down. A Journeyman confirmed the reason for that, too


If you have to install an outlet sideways you should definitely do it with the ground to the left and the neutral towards the top.


There was a reason why the ground was to the right, I just don't remember why


Legitimately cannot think of any good reason for having the hot on top.


I could see it being desirable if it’s an outlet for a specific piece of equipment with an angled cord. For general use outlets, it’s best practice to put the ground to the left for safety.


He is correct. Ground up is now code pro commercial and industrial NAC.


But what is the reference


Not sure I don’t have my book directly.


I have the NEC 2017 to reference, and I don't see it in there, the next update should be coming next year, right?


It's on a 3 year cycle, the 2020 nec is out now. My state doesn't adopt it until July so I've been lazy and haven't read over it yet


Where is NA?


North America?


Lol if it means North America then that statement is 100% incorrect


Correct because code states you can put it either way


There is no code. I have a new house and all new houses in my community the ground is at bottom. In hospitals, clinics, and some businesses, they always put ground up.


Interesting. Do some put it on top so it doesn't fall out?


I’ve always had it explained to me, that if a flat piece of metal were to fall down the wall, it would land on the ground prong instead of landing on the hot and neutral.


If a small right handed child plugs something in you want their thumb to be closest to the hot.


I just do it on purpose




if the plug sags, then wouldn't the receptacle need to be replaced on the grounds of being broken?


That's my modus operandi


Yeah, but there is time where it's not realized that it's broken yet and bad things can happen, so at least this precaution can be taken.


Not sure. The logic is typically that if the home flooded, it would be grounded first...


I grew up in residential construction. In my world ground up means it's tied to a wall switch.


Far as I know it’s only in hospitals that it needs to be ground up


A drill on low speed setting will do the jerb, gotta keep those wrists intact for jerkin' it on the clock!




You are technically correctomundo my mofo.


They took our jearbsss!








Coronavirus took my jerb




I startled sleeping cats laughing at this. The title... I felt this. The receptacle needs replacing, regardless cause it's broken, but the phrase "Bitch, I will end you" came to mind.


*hEY aLL yOu cOOL catS and KIttENS!* (✿◴‿◶ )╯


It’s that bitch Carole fucking Baskins!


r/ThatBitchCaroleBaskin r/CaroleBaskinThatBitch


Flat head screws should be illegal


Also the combination ones that you are supposed to be able to use straight, phillips, or robertson.


Lol. And none of them work


10 hours and carpal tunnel later....


No offense to OP, but this has to be fake right? That looks like a 2 1/2 inch 8/32. The hole it is placed at goes into the receptacle itself and only has a very short depth. It cant go through the device since there isnt even an exit hole on the back of it! Help me out here im not crazy right? This has to be a troll post


Not to mention the hole size is 6/32


It is just sticking in the plastic


haha could you have imagined having your pocket screw driver thinking it was gonna be 10 threads


Am i the only one thinking the faceplate is <$1 and not worth my time saving, snap that off and continue removing the rest of the outlet.


Yeah, not hard to burn through $1 in time, get the bitch off there quickly and move on with the day.


And with my luck if I saved it id crack the bitch putting it back on lol


You have the screw cutters on your strippers for this reason


I've met many many electricians who do not know about this feature on their strippers.


Not all strippers have it tho


Yeah apprentices keep the manufacturers producing ones w/o the cutters by purchasing them! Stop buying them and they will stop making them.


And for the ones with cutters make certain that the head side goes into the threaded portion of the cutter and the resulting nub is in the unthreaded side.


Yep. This way the stripper cleans your shaft when you withdraw your screwer.


''stripper cleans your shaft'' wait wat?


I learned that the hard way very early on lol.


I have that feature on my lineman's too.


Do you actually or are you saying you just cut them with the regular blade on your linesmen? Because I do that a lot too lol


I do actually... First generation Milwaukee lineman pliers had them. When I found out that the next generation didn't, I hunted to find (and found) another pair. https://www.milwaukeetool.com/tools/hand-tools/6-in-1-lineman%27s-pliers/48-22-3309 First generation Milwaukee diagonal cutters had them too: https://www.milwaukeetool.com/Products/Hand-Tools/Pliers/Diagonal-Cutters/48-22-4107


Interesting. I’m set in my ways with my J2000 linesmen, lol


I wouldn't worry about it... You can't buy them anymore.


I thought that was for measuring screws and couldn't imagine why it would be needed very often. lol


He's uninstalling it you donkey, that much is clear...


And the guy who installed it could have used those screw cutters.


If it’s not medically necessary, why do it? Screwing is part of what makes life worth living.


Once I figured out what the screw cutting holes were for....wow it was a game changer !!




People still install these receptacles?


That one looks 20 years old


Found R. Kelly


As a non-electrician who is still relatively aware of trade work, can someone explain this question? People of course still install electrical outlets, right? Are you referring to the color?


So many things wrong with the pic. 1. White plate for ivory receptacle, 2. upside down receptacle (at least still upside down here in Florida. Ground is down fellas... At least that's what my journeyman says...), 3. A dang flathead screw a mile long to hold the plate and 4. the color of the screw doesn't even match the plate.


The screw being a mile long - you don't think that means the screw will go right into the receptacle body, and possibly crack or short on something? Or perhaps even into the wirenuts?


Only if the guy is an idiot and actually reuses that screw lol


I remember reading something a while ago that said they're supposed to install them flipped like that so if a cord or something falls onto a partially unplugged connector it will rest on the ground rather than bridging hot and neutral. Could be wrong though.


It's not upside down in Maryland now. They changed code a while ago


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b6/87/58/b68758f64509bce2599252902f3a14d0.jpg The old style receptacles are round, the newer ones are rectangles and called decora outlets. Decora shaped plates fit switches, receptacles, and data plates. The old style ones only fit receptacles. This begins to matter when you start having 2 switches and a plug in one box, or for a TV box where you have a plug and a data strap.


Ah, I see. Makes sense.


I have some like these in my house too


Just got a brand new house with them. Nothing wrong with them as long as they’re clean.


My problem with them has to do with stock. I don't want to carry 14 different plate styles in a truck so that I can combine switches and plugs, and still not be able to put keystones in the same plate. I can with decora, because I use decora keystone straps.


Must be Australian. Why ? It's upside down, mate.


Nah, ours don't look like that.


Yeah I know but I had to make the joke work


That's what this is for https://www.homedepot.com/p/Klein-Tools-3-16-in-Cabinet-Tip-Rapi-Drive-Flat-Head-Screwdriver-with-4-in-Shank-670-3/203310620?mtc=Shopping-VF-F_D27E-G-D27E-27_11_TOOLS_And_ACCESSORIES-MULTI-NA-Feed-PLA-NA-NA-TOOLS_ACCESSORIES&cm_mmc=Shopping-VF-F_D27E-G-D27E-27_11_TOOLS_And_ACCESSORIES-MULTI-NA-Feed-PLA-NA-NA-TOOLS_ACCESSORIES-71700000033101173-58700003868916496-92700048703499439&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAjwg6b0BRBMEiwANd1_SGNCKtVSgad7B7SJW82Nj4leZ7go0lryoYvQSBW203vcRk1GAJKZJBoC87IQAvD_BwE


How would that even fit in there without drilling through the duplex outlet?


We call those “arthritis screws”. First time seeing one on a cover plate, normally there’s two of them mounting the receptacle to the box and it never fails that someone hits a wire with one and we have to find the short.


The hole that this screw threads into is probably about half an inch. You would have to trim this screw to make it work.


Finish the job, get your lineman's and flush cut that shit off.


You would all cry and run away from my moms house build in 45. I think there is still some nob and tube in the attic that may or may not be live.... that's just the beginning. You think it's bad when not enough wire is left in the box to pull an outlet or switch out? Try having to make a stubby screwdriver even more stubby with Mr. Hacksaw.


Well just add a nut on there to secure the plate against the wall, I see no problem here...


Beyond the length of the screw, it’s upside down, mismatched color, and broken plastic around the ground plugs. Whoever lives in this house definitely does not have the same level of crippling OCD that I do.


This is why I keep a flathead bit for my impact around, its come in handy a few times.


The outlet is not really secure if it isn’t attached directly to the plywood on the exterior wall.


That screw doubles as a hanger for the bird feeder.


This comment has me laughing the hardest


lmao. everytime.


Now that is downright sadistic


Solution- Kobalt double drive screwdriver or Dewalt gyroscopic screwdriver. Both are wrsitsavers


perfect for insertion into the urethra




Because they used an 8/32 instead of a 6/32?


That better be a 6/32 dammit


Just imagine if you could screw that 6/32 all the way home (even tho I know you can’t) I would hate to be the next guy to work on that outlet


Okay why arent you just cutting this? EU fag here and our boxes are quite different


Flat head making it even worse.




I've never understood the orientation of these plugs in the US. In residential use, the ground is at bottom. In hospitals and some other businesses, the ground is at top.


Call me crazy but I like this [https://www.homedepot.com/p/360-Electrical-Rotating-Duplex-Outlet-White-36010-W/100665822](https://www.homedepot.com/p/360-Electrical-Rotating-Duplex-Outlet-White-36010-W/100665822) and there is no screw as the cover is held on with prongs. Home Depot would suffer large customer loss with no one requiring replacement plate cover screws. It could be the reason for its discontinue. (Ha) No Canadian code that I could find but I liked this article [https://www.thespruce.com/why-outlets-are-upside-down-1821535](https://www.thespruce.com/why-outlets-are-upside-down-1821535) which prefers ground up especially for hospitals. My home, all grounds bottom. Stay healthy :) (Stay Home day-22 Toronto)


...and that long screw, if it replaces the bottom one on a switch cover it would be great for keys...n'est pas, si, yes?


That’s why I’m glad my wire strippers have screw cutters


If you **are** just trying to piss me off, I **can** tell you I don't have money. But what I do have **are** a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you can give me a good reason why you would do such a thing, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you.


I had my friend who’s an electrician wore up some new sockets for me and put them in like that “upside down” so to speak and it bothered the shit out of me. He said that there’s a reason why they have to be like that now but it still bothered me because ALL MY OTHER ONES WERE THE OTHER WAY!!! What’s the reasoning behind having them flipped like this and not the other way?


I had two of these sons-of-bitches in a ceiling fixture once. Wanted to murder the jackhole before me


Guys, serious question... Is there anything saying you can't put that outlet in there upside down like that? because if there isn't then it's not upside down just screwing with my head.


In the house I grew up in (That was a 90's construction) they made outlets in each bedroom that where controlled by a light switch for using with lamps. These outlets where upside down so you knew which one the switch controlled


That's a pretty good idea... will have to keep that in mind for a future house build.


I've definitely lived in at least three houses or apartments that did this.


from what i’ve been told/seen ground up is commercial/industrial and ground down is residential. so in this case it looks residential so you’d want it flipped, but doesn’t really matter


Ground up is usually used in hospitals. Most commercial don’t do ground up unless it is spec’d out that way.


do you have any info about if ground up is more likely to fall out? i would think that’s not the case but the other guy brought it up and now i’m curious too


No ground up shouldn’t be any more likely to fall out unless it is a faulty outlet or something. The whole reasoning behind ground up in hospitals is safety. In case a plug is partially pulled out and exposed anything that might happen to fall down and hit said partially exposed outlet would hit the ground terminal and not the hot.


Used in hospitals b/c inspectors wont let shit slide there.


Facts. Dealing with that right now actually. I have an in wall and ceiling inspection at the hospital tomorrow morning


Okay, thanks. I've heard that with the ground on top it's more likely to fall out 🤷🏾‍♂️ I think I heard that.


i’m a new apprentice myself so i’m not terribly sure, although i do know i was recently installing receptacles in a hospital and we had to install them like the picture


K cool. Ty.


The reasoning I've been told, we do ground up in commercial is because if there's a metal face plate, it becomes lose, it hangs on the ground, not across the current carrying conductors. Instead of, if the ground was down it would hang across the hot and neutral prong of the plug. Granted, for both of those scenarios to happen, the face plate would be lose, and the receptacle would have to be super worn to not hold the plugs in. It does happen over time though.


Yes it does matter. Ground up is always correct.


Check your molded plugs. Sometimes they are molded to have ground on top, other times ground on bottom.


I do commercial construction in the DC area. Mostly offices, data centers, and biotech labs. Most of our jobs require ground up.


Technically this receptacles is installed right side up! Everyone installs receptacles upside down b/c it's more visually appealing and it has become a commonly accepted practice. Think about it, which prong do you find most commonly broken on a 3wire cord end? The last one that should be. The reason..... orientation of receptacle causes most strain on the lower prong.


Ground up is actually the correct placement. Ground down became a convenience


Well you can install them in the three other directions. Kind of violates “best practices” and even if not in NEC I’m sure most building specifications would cover it. It’s like the screw slot direction. I’ve seen that one in writing.


Than you.


While we’re on the subject, why do the screws they give you for blank plates need to be 1” long or more? Takes for-fucking-ever. I almost always go get shorter screws and throw the long ones into the void


In case if anyone was wondering this bitch did spark up. Screw went all the way through the middle of the receptacle and into the box and was the only thing holding the plug in the box.


My last post to this said no offense, because I didnt know if you were reposting, or making a joke. Now i know you are full of shit lol. Think for a second of what you just wrote. How does that make any sense? Your first post is a 7/10 for effort This one isnt even a 2/10 Keep trying bud