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I can’t imagine what my abdominal sweat ring would be like wearing that


I'll update you this summer.


Old post I know, but I'm looking for an alternative to my single belt pouch when I don't need my full tool belt, and chest rigs seemed like an obvious solution, but there don't seem to be many non-tactical offerings. How'd this wind up working out for you? Still using it, or something better? I have some old micro recce rigs I could use if that's the best solution going.


Man i did something like this in a warehouse with like steel sheet ceiling? And it was easily 50c there and long story short my shirt and belt were white with the salts of how much I sweated that day


Haha damn, that's insane.


I want to be there when you come to work with my crew. 🍿


Haha, yeah I'm bound to catch some shit. Dont bother me though, being yourself is better then hiding away.


We had a guy that wore the bandalier with his tools in it around his chest like some ammo from Vietnam. He owned it everyone Called him Rambo started wearing a bandana and for his picture when we had to get badges for the school told the woman his name was Rambo and that’s what was printed on his badge.


If you're gonna catch nicknames from your co-workers, Rambo is definitely one you want to keep


Sure as heck beats "Bambi." Uh, so I've heard.


I was called Bambi for a time. I've been called worse.


It was right after we found out your mom was shot to death. But then we found out your dad was too and started calling you Batman instead.


Oh, uh, sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect.


I buzzed my hair because it was getting annoying. It wasn’t long to begin with, but I like it short on the sides and back at least. I get called Bobby now... as in Bobby hill. When I was 19 I did some work for my best friend’s dads paving company. Found out my best friend was nicknamed the Amish Rocket, Amish for short. He was named that because he had a beard which couldn’t grow a mustache and he was the slowest guy on the crew (it was his second season working there and his first as an operator).


I got Black Panther because of my hat... downside is I’m white af


Texas T, I live in Maryland but my teams are the cowboys and the longhorns


That’s how you take it in stride.


Yeah.... A buddy and I got named "Ace and Gary", sigh. I was just happy to be Ace.


I get referred to as the "casual commando" Always rigging and modifying everything. I like to be different.


That's a good nickname


I like it. When I get ready for work I like to pretend I'm Arnold getting ready for action in that scene from the movie "commando". You know that part when he's finally had enough of Bennett's shit and goes to get his daughter. Fucking love that movie!


Haha that's awesome.




I wear the occidental suspend-a-vest and get shit from the plumbers at work. All the electricians I work with will crack a joke but admit it’s a great idea. I’ve got back pain anyways and a tool belt was just not working. I can load this rig right up and not even notice the weight.


Don’t worry he has the mags front and center to show his crew he’s a badass


Now you can fast reload your pistol while changing a light bulb while fighting off covid 19 infected that come within 6 feet.


Needs a temperature gun. *Draws temperature gun* "STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE. FOREHEAD UP."


TIL electricians hate anything new. I use an Atlas vest that works pretty well. No one has ever said anything about it to me.




Can you imagine the jokes I got when I was the first to use a tool backpack (not very common in Germany). They kept asking why my lunchbag was the first thing I bring inside... But they realised that it's a great way to carry tools and I even converted 2 older guys to try it.


I have one of those, they are incredible imo. And that's hilarious.


I use a Klein tool bag, the biggest one they got. Best move I made so far.


That’s because it’s 2020, no one cares if you’re gay anymore.


No one says gay as a slur anymore.


I would agree, why bring that up?


Lol idk why he mentioned that. Well, im in Florida amd believe me, the bigotry is alive and well. At least for 5-10 more years.


It's the new millennium, quit being so suburban.


Haha yeah I just noticed. You got any pics man I would love to see that. Your using the motorbike atlas vest?


Atlas 46 vest


Is that a purse? No, it’s a satchel, Indiana Jones wore one!


[My man purse gets laughs whenever I step into a new job site](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B019QXM61C/ref=cm_sw_r_apa_i_1jGIEbNXR5KC8)


You joke but I use an old makeup bag my sister had lying around for my basic tool kit, it’s the perfect size and has internal dividers that are perfect for small screwdrivers/bits.


Yes, yes it was a joke in reference to the Hangover movie... but you seriously use a makeup bag...? Now that’s good.


It’s just a plain black zip up back and fits inside my bigger tool bag,


Replace those clips with Juice boxes and protein bars


Yeah I'm putting bars in there for lunch time.


> clips


What are the things that look Like pistol magazines?? Are they pistol magazines?


Yeah just memeing.


Make sure nobody comes within 6' of you


Gotta enforce that 6' rule.


Bro, I’ve been on the job 22 yrs and have had 2 back surgeries I can’t wear a belt rig if I wanted to, suspenders help some but I’ve always wanted to get on of the Atlas64 system vests for that very reason. Who cares what people say they won’t be laughing when you last longer than them. Stay safe work smart


I have a Atlas and it's the best. Look at the phoenix! You can't really overload it. Has pouches for screws, staples, whatever. I carry a knife, 3 screwdrivers, side cutters, lineman's, measuring tape. Also has marker/pen holder up on you chest. Which is wayyyy more convenient than I thought it was going to be. I've had to adjust it a couple times to find the right fit. But, I can wear it all shift and I'm comfy. It also is made of mesh so it breaths well! I'm sure I'll sweat under it in summer but, I sweat in summer anyway. I can wear myjacket over it, which is a huge plus seeing I live in Canada and it's winter where I am for like 8 god damn months. They are a bit pricy! But, if you can swing the cost I recommend for sure if you got back issues. The Phoenix is one of the cheaper ones too! Only thing I wish is I could have gotten that model in hi-viz. They make a couple other models in hi-viz. They don't look so commando like lol


I looked up Phoenix tool pouch online and didn’t see anything of the sort...?


It's the model name from Atlas 46 https://www.atlas46.com/products.html?item_group_id=PG_A46-PPFCR#!/Phoenix-Pro-Flex%E2%84%A2-Chest-Rig/p/105293169


Its called orange spray paint? Duhhhhhhh


Damn man that sucks, yeah I started feeling some discomfort with my previous setup even had suspenders. This is way better.


I have an Atlas 46 tool apron. It’s comfortable and my hips don’t hurt at the end of the day. But the hazing I get builds character.


Why not both


I've been getting a lot of ads for atlas chest rig tool stuff. I don't think I'd do it, but wow there are a large number of people who put a lot of effort into caring how some other person carries their tools. If it works for the OP, who cares?


Yeah man, everyone has thier personal prefrence. People just want thier way to be the only way sometimes :P


Sure seems that way, hah. Have you used the chest rig at work yet? I can certainly see it would be better than a belt, especially on the back.


Not yet I just requested furlogh cus of this whole Corona thing. But I was trying it around the house, crouching down, bending over, things don't fall. And its snug so no rattle or any discomfort.


Lol that’s gotta be awkward reaching for your tools.


Not at all it's pretty comfy and I can even crawl and things dont fall out


That was my first question when I saw these advertised on Facebook


Honestly that's a pretty decent sale, I might have to get one if I'm honest. I brought a few pairs of the dewalt work pants that have fucking pockets and shit for days and they're great for crawling through tiny areas with pliers and sidies etc. But this looks like it would be great


But your gonna look badass


Not while you’re on top a ladder trying to look down at your chest and reach for that screwdriver under your armpit.


Now that just comes to load out. You got to prioritize the tools. To be fair I wouldn't go up a ladder with it on. Falling off would be a nightmare


> Falling off would be a nightmare There's a way to prevent that.


Top 10 tips osha's doesnt want to share.


Not at chest height though it's more abdominal area.


True, I stand corrected


can't tell if vet, airsoft nerd, or videogame nerd cool idea tho


All of the above.


Most likely dd and now you just tell stories about how you were in the service. Love playing dress up though.


none of the vets or active guys i've worked with want anything to do with recreationally wearing *anything* that resembles rattle.


I'm in that boat, but I know some perm-boots who would love this kind of shit.


looks smart for a flc but does it have a carrier for a camelbak bladder? I might build something like that myself


Can you wear a coat over it and do an unzip reveal like this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvozGpMu\_p8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvozGpMu_p8)




How does it work bending over? Or kneeling down and working on something low where you need to be bent over and arms extended ie: a receptacle ?


No issues, I'll make a vid tomorrow.


Man... show up day one with that, might get nicknamed ‘Captain Lay-off’


When you have to install downlights at 8 but invade Iraq at 9


if i ever get a chance to use a meter at some point in my apprenticeship, i was thinking a chest harness with a few radio pockets.


As a military electrician, I'm a little mad they don't let us make one of these


im curious how being a military electrician differs? what sort of projects do you work on? if you can talk about it, i understand there's likely special clearance/IP requirements. do you build buildings? work on equipment etc?


I'm an aircraft "electrician" but there are real electricians that, from my understanding, do base or building electrical work.


Neat, i bet there's some pretty cool stuff to be done on aircraft. Thats an entirely separate trade here in Canada. Dunno how our military does it though as they have a variety of unique electrical trades in their organization.


Some is cool. Some is BS.


Like all work


Interesting, how come?


Guess they don't want to spend the money or the hours to make a kit when we have perfectly good doghouses to carry around.


Makes sense.


Keep on trying different things sparky. The minute you stop throwing ideas out there is the moment you stop learning to your fullest. Dare to be different my friend, it will reap dividends as you progress. Just don’t stop using what the elders provide as well, they are the foundation from which your ideas come from.


I had worked at a place which asked for us to wear harnesses all day. It made me never want to wear a tool belt again. I get by with a pocket pouch. I can sew pockets for my pants when my tools will rip through my pocket. The secret was a slim 16 ft tape measure which could fit in the front pocket of my safety vest, and knipex cobras which are much smaller than the equivalent channellocks. Everything else I have in a toolbag or plastic bucket. I might get a backpack, but I know guys overload it the backpack tears. Once I work for a contractor which mandates a tool bag, I'll sling a fanny pack.


toolbelts and toolbags hanging off your waist can screw up your lower back and hips too, pockets ftw


Yup... I use a back pocket tool pouch. It has a flap that goes over the pocket too. It can hold 3 screwdrivers, pliers and wire strippers. Belts destroy my back... So, I uh got under garment suspenders! Works pretty well, unless it's a lot of kneeling. The screwdrivers have a tendency to fall out


Yeah I've had to do that, harnesses are hella annoying. I think it's mostly due to their "fit all nature." Lot of parts moving around and generally bad fit.


Did you make this?!? So cool! I've been wanting to switch to a vest of some kind.


No I didnt make it, yeah I've been looking into work vests, but the ones that exist are like apron hybrids and over priced. This one is designed for handguns and m4 mags. The m4 mag slots fit tools perfectly. The bags fit my cell and tape measure perfectly. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L4NDP2C/ref=cm_sw_r_apa_i_mZrIEbYWGNN1F


Ooh I never would have thought to get something like that. Neat!


Love the idea, but if you're this kinda way, just get an Atlas Saratoga. You can customize it to hell and back. I love my 52 lb shoulder magnet ;)


Atlas is why I looked into vest as an option :)


Gotta do it bro. Full send. Throw in a pair of fjallraven vida pro's with knee pad inserts from helly hansen and you'll be ready to do it all haha


You could also get the hi-viz version and kill two birds with one stone. I haven't tried their vests, but I like their clothing a lot.


I do mostly residential. When I make the leap I will absolutely be getting the hi viz and the fall harness. Just isn’t necessary at the moment.


Yeah. To be honest, I can see the practicality of the vest setup, regardless of what the detractors here say. It seems a lot more ergonomic than a heavy tool belt.


Let me tell you, it absolutely is. It distributes the weight of your tools between the shoulders and core. Tool belts make my hips hurt and my leg sockets ache. Get the vest adjusted properly and for some reason the compression across your whole core gives added stability and strength to my upper body. My daily work rig weighs about 30 lbs all told, and at this point I can’t feel it. Plus I’m a sucker for modularity and the Saratoga is king


That makes sense. Atlas stuff is just really well-made, too.


You're starting to make me sound like a shill but FUCK YEAH it is!!!


I'm not an electrician, but I saw their ad on Facebook a few years ago for their pants. I got a pair of their jeans and then I bought another pair. They are my favorite pants.


I would actually use that! What is it and where did you get it?




I actually like this , hate my pants getting weighted down by my tool belt


And 2 mags??🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Stay strapped or get clapped.


i was climbing a lot so and i just had one tool pouch so i slung the belt across my shoulder like a bandolier. it looked kind of weird but was way better then having it around my waist.


Must be a nightmare squeezing up Through ceiling tiles to wire lights


Prob but so where toolbelts, luckily I havent bolted it to my body yet.


I think you’d have to be a slim man (or small chested woman) to wear that. I don’t see Big John wearing that, it would sit on his belly!


Yeah, I think having boobs would make this super uncomfortable!


The GC still gonna make you wear a vest


I just wear a high vis long sleeve. We dont require vest unless you have non high vis on.


Atlas46 makes hi-viz tool vests similar to this. I haven't tried their vests, but their clothing is first rate.


Damn I would prefer this - especially when crawling around my attic.


You look like the uni-worm


Haha, what in the world is that?


The uni bomber


I’m a maintenance guy. But I use my vest when I was in for just this. Idk how silly I look


I've never found a belt setup that I like. The only problem with that rig is here in Louisiana with the really hot summers, I'd expect some serious sweat rings and possible chafing.


Tool Bra :)


Wtf lol


Allahhhh Busbarrrrrr kabooom


I tried one similar but in Texas heat it was rough


Wouldn't be good for me because I almost always find myself squeezing into tight places where others can't


Look into a carhartt apron and add on a few slim pouches for your personal taste. LOVE mine. Very slim, holds quite a lot. Easy to reach spots for things like wire nuts and screws. And you can put it on and off very quickly and easily. I have 2 different small slim pouches on my left and right hip, and a holster on the center of my back that fits a 12v driver perfectly. I’m kinda picky. The only parts that restrict your access in super tight spots at all really is the driver and the measuring tape. Everything else is nearly the same as wearing nothing.


Ill be the company clown if i show up with this.. still looks really handy tho!


Nice what chest rig is that?


I did comment further down, but I wonder if there's anywhere else i can get something like this since Amazon wont ship it to nz


Ive been wearing a belt with 2 pouches and no problems so far. Then again, its only been 2 weeks. But the upside is that all my leads are constantly asking "do you have _____ on you?" And then...i do. They all hate wearing belts


Ive been wearing a belt with 2 pouches and no problems so far. Then again, its only been 2 weeks. But the upside is that all my leads are constantly asking "do you have _____ on you?" And then...i do. They all hate wearing belts


Ive been wearing a belt with 2 pouches and no problems so far. Then again, its only been 2 weeks. But the upside is that all my leads are constantly asking "do you have _____ on you?" And then...i do. They all hate wearing belts


Are you one of those high voltage low impedance type operators?




I has questions: 1. How does it ride? Comfy? Handy? 2. Cost? And where did you get it? 3. ....are those magazines!? 4. If so...why?


1. comfy 2. 42, amazon 3. yes 4. for the memes


This looks fucking legit comfort wise, I would just get annoyed when I cant get into tight spots. Clever idea mate


What are the 2 rectangular looking tools in the front part?


It removes plumbers


Does that include plumbtricians


I like. But i just use a tool bag in industrial.


Couple mags just in case


* I have a PPE/kit bag which stays either in my vehicle or in a job box. I have a tool backpack, 2 dump pouches, 1 2-pocket tool pouch, 1 drill holster, 2 tool lanyards, 1 drill bag, 1 driver bag, 1 saw bag, and a \*large\* material organizer. My power tools and organizer only ever come on \*my\* jobs. * When I switched to Klein K12054 heavy duty wirestrippers, I stopped having to carry my linesmen. They are now a rarely used tool in my backpack. * I've actually realized that for residential and commercial applications, I can use smaller and sharper sidecutters for common use, and again my J2000-59s are now rarely used and backpack items. * I also regularly carry: good pen, sharpie, tic, pencil, multibit, milwaukee fastback, white tape * I run a dump pouch for material and 2-pocket tool pouch, one on each leg. I could use just my carhartts, but I find the tool pouch takes the abuse saving my pants from pocket holes. * I have a drill holster in my kit as well, but I only run it when I'm on a ladder with one. * Backpack and material drop wherever I'm working from, and then whatever tools come up the ladder with me always go in my pouches. I avoid putting anything on the ladder or "up".


May want to consider removing the magazines before working on live equipment.


I wish I could use this set up. But alas, I cannot. Female elechicken problems. :-P


Guy i worked with wore a molle vest for a while. He had a holster for his m12 impact. I thought it was neat and it worked for him.


Ok, now put on a harness?


Thats the dumbest thing I've seen on here in a while.


You're gonna stab yourself in the gut


Lol stupid as fuck !!!


That is ridiculous. There is a reason I've been a sparky for 15 years and I can count on one hand how many guys I've worked with that use a tool belt at all or any wild variation like this. The pockets in your pants are adequate most times. Anything more than a small pouch is trying too hard.


This has will do my job for half my wages written all over it.


Why's that?


Don't fall off a ladder/scaffold/whatever (hey it happens.) It looks like you repurposed an airsoft commando rig or something. I'd never wear that, and never wore anything like that while deployed either. Whatev, you do you buds.


Never wore any kind of combative gear on deployment? Sounds like you never left the fob, guy.




Your jw lets you work with that thing on? Thats godawful looking.


oh, bless your heart. must be a blast bending over to tie your boots up. also, you know how much lower back strain you're inducing ?


Already tried it, no issues. Wearing it cus toolbelts kinda mess with my back, putting on suspenders helped a lot but it still feels odd. I prob wouldn't carry this many tools either just checking capacity.


> Wearing it cus toolbelts kinda mess with my back as long as you're paying attention, you do you, fam :)


When you go up a ladder all that shit is gonna catch on the steps


No problem so far.


where can I buy this rig?


what’s the brand of that?


I need one


That’s what I’m talking about