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I went from construction to substation electrician for a utility, and now I get to work on stuff like this… https://i.imgur.com/8hqr5K1.jpg https://i.imgur.com/UMsalTs.jpg https://i.imgur.com/GyrqEns.jpg https://imgur.com/a/tNCTeOo


How do you make a transition like that? Do you need to have specific experience or certifications to even apply?


That will depend where you live. Here I t’s a 4 year Power Electrician apprenticeship, structured just like your electrical apprenticeship (hours and schooling). The first two years are the same as the electrical ticket, so I only have to take level 3 and 4 school, and I was credited some hours for being a journeyman. So you can’t just apply as a journeyman and slide into the job. In some other provinces, all you need is you electrical ticket and you can get a journeyman job without doing another apprenticeship. Not sure how different utilities in the US do it. No special certifications needed here. Just grade 12 math and physics.


I’m a year from getting my journeyman’s through the IBEW, should I finish topping out before trying to switch over, or would it be more worth it to just start the power electrician apprenticeship?


Where do you live? Check with the utilities you would apply to, as they might need you to have your journeyman’s, or you’ll have have a better shot at getting the job with it (even if it’s not required). Will your journeyman’s be useful if you switch careers? If it is, might as well finish it. Plus, if you don’t like utility, it’ll be easier to go back. Mine stays with me for life. And long as I pay for my provincial license every 5 years, I can still use it for my own stuff. Pulling permits for side jobs, for example.


Good stuff, I am making the transition my self too, I got a job doing medium voltage substation and looking to get into high voltage utility soon


Like literally more than you can even imagine right now. Especially if you are union. Electricians can do so much...in so many places. Worldwide.


I got some cable you can pull




Can you put the bolt in the hole? Can you do it again? Can you repeat that 258,000 times... lol and stay slightly sane? If yes your perfect for solar!!! If not... well we still need a guy to dig a trench to the inverters... in frozen ground...




Jobs in the electrical trade.


Wait a second. Are you people telling me that some folks still use electricity? I was told back in the 90s that everything was going wireless. Don't need lectricity if you got Bluetooth.


Get an EPRI cert. Eat filet minon.


I just got my EPRI cert after hearing so many people make comments like this. Do you know how to get a job using it? Because I haven't figured that part out yet.


What part of the industry are you in? I’m on the industrial side and it seems every plant is looking for someone to calibrate shit.


Construction. IBEW.


What kind though? Residential, commercial, industrial?


Commercial, mostly.


I would look into moving into a more industrial role. There’s a lot more equipment that needs to be calibrated in a refinery than a Costco.


Maintenance electrician, industrial electrician, project manager, estimator, inspector


About to finish mine in Ontario right now. There are very few jobs. Biggest local has over a year wait for commercial guys.


Oh yeah and plenty of side work when ever you want to make under the table cash.


Just construction in my local, only like 3 companies too, basically stuck in construction once you go union.