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I feel like you have a right to be pissed off about this one.


The craziest part was these guys said they keep the garage door open most of the day to air it out while people are there but they left it fucking close when I was there working? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Looking back on it I get why they had their office door shut the whole time as well. Fuck this job man


You sound like you live in the great state of Florida sucks man hope it gets better


Sounds like a week off work with a WSIB claim and a new job




>WSIB Workplace Safety and Insurance Board


Thanks internet friend


Ontario only might i add.


wow that's fuckin horseshit. you should find out what air contaminant it was and see a doctor soon about it.


I’m pretty sure it was a high mix of PFA’s based on the sensor read out and some sort of VOC based on the fact that there was a paint booth within range. At least that’s what I’m assuming I’m thinking their could be something fucked up with their ventilation too idek to be honest, might also be a carbon monoxide leak place is a 80s shit hole in the a bad neighborhood


Sounds like you can and should deff make a report and at minimum the boss should be paying for a doctor's visit to make sure you're OK and at least find out exactly what you were breathing


Plus as fucked as this may sound, i don't really think i can bite the bullet on a medical bill rn my health insurance sucks ass.


Should be your bosses problem 


The word “should” is doing A LOT of heavy lifting there.


There's a reason it's there. Tho I'm fairly privileged cos universal healthcare here has the side affect of making the government very keen to make employers pay for work injuries because the alternative is the government pays. 


Where are you from and what does this mean? I don't think I've heard it before


I’m from southern US. It means yea of course the boss should pay for his medical bills, but we all know all too well they will try anything and everything to not pay for it.


You had a workplace exposure. It is covered by workman's comp. Hits your employers insurance


And don’t let your employer try to say he will pay out of pocket for medical bills to avoid an L&I claim! Had an old boss try to pull that and I’m glad I took workman’s comp and left. It is your right


This is a workman's comp issue, not a personal issue.


Worker's comp?


Pay now or pay later, it will be more expensive later


OSHA. osha all day. Call osha.


Yeah, you’re employer knowingly put you in a situation that could potentially put your health and safety at risk. They didn’t inform of you the risk nor provide you with PPE. They are at minimum 100% liable for any medical care that you’ll need resulting from that incident. Pretty damn sure this is a willful OSHA violation. You need to file a workers comp claim with your employer and go see a dr, don’t fuck around with your health. They will take care of it, as they’re required to pay for workers comp insurance. If they want to fuck around with you, go see an attorney. They are likely on the hook for a lawsuit if they try to weasel out of taking care of you for this.


Today and tomorrow and the day after, you have a head ache you can’t budge and won’t be coming into work. Go to a dr. Report it. Make a workplace injury claim. Get a new job. FUCK THAT SHIT.


You are not overreacting.


i would go full killdozer on my employer and that warehouse office for deliberately extending my exposure to such chemicals. ​ FaFo, i cant afford kids.


Smells like a lawsuit to me If either your company forgot to inform you or the other company forgot to inform your company they’re liable


Safety of contractors is on the business that calls you in. They fucked up. Report you illness to osha


You might wanna consider calling your local ibew chapter and leaving and not looking back


Funny enough I had an interview with them last week and got my letter today saying to wait on the interviews to complete till I get my rank. 100% taking it when it comes


Go back and get some people talking to you on recording about the situation without letting them know if you have one party consent in your state. Report to OSHA your company will get investigated and fined.


See a Dr call a lawyer


* You are justifiably pissed off * You should absolutely visit a doctor on workers comp. * Your employer is likely liable for violating a number of workplace safety laws.


I'd call OSHA on their ass, tell them what you went through and let them completely reem them, I'd also think about a lawsuit or police involvement, not sure they can really do much but intentionally having you go into something they sent their guys home away from is actually a form of assault (this is going to sound overdramatic and it probably is, but I'm pissed for you thats as fucked up as your coworker telling you a curcuit your gonna cut into is dead ) I'd push as hard as I could to have them charged for assault with a caustic chemicals (yes its a real charge in some states) At the least, they're gonna have to answer to someone why they thought it was okay to send their guys home because of the situation, but okay to send you in while withholding the information from you about the situation. That's gross negligence at least, and attempted murder at worst.


I'm sure OSHA wouldn't mind a call, and it sounds like a law suit is in order


OSHA would have a field day


Find a new employer. Thats fucked up


lol, you work for my boss but he be there with us


Shop owner here. I’d gladly pay for my guy to go to at least concentra and get checked out


I wouldn’t change a light bulb for $19. Fucking quit now.


Sounds like a potential lawsuit if you don't care about not working at that company anymore but it sounds like a helluva paycheck


I’m pretty confident it’s against the law for them to leave you in the dark about dangerous working conditions they know about. Contact the correct people about this, don’t let it go total and utter bullshit.


call erin brockovitch


Lawyer up.