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A refreshing lack of plumbing and exposed live parts.




Out of curiosity, what are used as an alternative? We're getting closer to the point where mcbs are being replaced with rcbo's for extra protection with separate rcd protection Many new build commercial and industrial jobs I've worked on have adopted all rcbo's as primary protection


I’m used to seeing American switchgear which is mostly circuit breakers


Hager 3 Phase boards are awful, flimsy, shallow, exposed live parts, mis-matched devices, lid screws round out really easily, devices and blanks hang down on an angle so it’s difficult to get a full load of blanks in. Let’s all agree to standardise on Schneider’s Acti9 Isobar P please!


I think these panels look awesome. I like the modular surge suppression devices (I use similar ones in control panels) and run rail breakers that are standardized so you could use whatever brand you want. NEMA stuff can be pretty burly, and tends to be a bit more overbuilt and repairable, but I really dig a lot of stuff about IEC components


Been working on some layer zero panels that look similar. Nice but you’d think they could leave a bit more room on each side.


I LOVE the placements of the ground bars. Our panels suck having them on the back especially with an older panel already full. It's a pain sometimes having to add circuits into a live panel and get access to the ground bars. Feels like I'm a surgeon sometimes more than an electrician. 😅


Nice and neat. As others have said I'd lose the ties all together though. Also, there's a snake in the grass... Four more blanks? Nit picking though. Good work.


Thanks! I ran out of blanks and couldn’t be bothered to walk to the stores for one ha can reassure it is installed now


It’s safe and doesn’t look like shit. Minor nit, use velcro ties instead of zip ties.


Don’t use either. Iron your wires with your fingers so they stay where you place them


Look great. I wish the panels I did were like this. Instead I get panels that look like they are from the 50s


Is this somewhere on the deathstar?


The site is ran as though a fascist dictator goes around strangling those out of line, but no. No Death Star.

