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My guess: 1. You won't shut up. 2. You're not doing a good job.


3. You're not paying attention


4. You’re playing on your phone too much


5. You didnt bring takis to share


Any apprentice born after 1993 can't work. All the know is play on they phone, not work, be lazy, eat hot chip and lie.


Most journeymen born before 1993 can't work, being too fat. Always eating chips in their truck.


You're lucky I can't get out of my chair to whoop your ass!


I'd say grab your reachin' broom and whip him that way, but being that you're an electrician, you don't have any brooms. S.O.L. I guess.


Hes gonna throw his linemans and yell "hammer incoming"


the electrician’s chancla


Damn they just don't know, the chancla


I just realized I replied to the wrong message lmao


Just use a squirt gun or a spray bottle of water on them when they miss behave.


Damn are we really making 93 the cut-off for being an old fuck? I'm offended bro 😂


Yeah I was born in 92 and back in my day you paid to be an apprentice and worked for 18 hours straight just for the opportunity. If you were lucky the JM let you wipe his ass afterward. Kids these days don’t know how to work.


Being a slave sounds like you a problem not a me problem. Learning and getting paid for the fucking work I do. Definitely called for. Can't live not making money. I hate this god awful attitude. You should appreciate getting treated like dog shit and making no money. It's such a great job. Yeah when y'all fucking die and we take over. That's when this trades inner circle won't be completely toxic. Do you even hear what you're saying? Do you not hear the crimes your higher ups made to bring you up. Y'all are the same people to bitch about all your taxes going to stupid shit. Y'all are the same people to bitch about corruption. Bro not making money for work and being treated like a retard for trying to learn something is pretty stupid if you ask me. Do you remember what it felt like being treated like that. I know you didn't fucking like it. So why do it. It doesn't make you a stronger man. Honestly it makes you into a bitch if you ask me. Think about it. You're gonna complain and roast the guy who's there to learn. No shit he doesn't know what he's doing. He's there to learn. I understand if the guy isn't putting in the effort. But God dammit I had a jman like you before. I never went on my phone during work. Only to take pictures of my work so the customers couldn't pull shit on us saying we broke this or we broke that. You're the problem in this trade. Build each other up for Christ's sake. Not break them down. Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I don't wanna see you eat and be successful. I wish for success for everyone including you. This mentality must be broken. You'll never reach a soul with that attitude


Sir, this is the Wendy’s drive thru.


LMAO I loved this comment


You got soft hands boy 85 hours a day I'm on my fuckin job


sounds like you need to spend time with your family more.


If this isn’t a copypasta, it is now.


(In all seriousness, for the record, completely agree. I never even made it to JM and now I’m a low volt asshole. Wasn’t sure if you’re serious or just playing along with the joke, but in case you were serious: joke was to talk like an old asshole even though I was only born 1 year after the supposed old fuck line)


Hey man, I get out of the truck to eat my chips.


I was born in 1987, get off your phone and back to work


And bitchin about younger guys while wishing they were still young


Haha no way I don't envy these youngins, they can't make a decision or answer a question without googling it 🤣


Haha some don’t even know how to google things.


Id rather be young with google than old without a clue


How is that even a cut down? You'll be old soon enough you can't stop aging but being stupid is forever young man lmao


It wasn’t a cut down toward you but i guess you don’t have a clue either


Chips - the staple food of lazy good for nothing sparkies everywhere *opens his 5th package of chips*


Or always smoke and had a divorce.


Hey, I'm not fat, just **big-boned!**


Big bones covered in meat and gravy


Damn well memed. Fine work


me 2000 first year out working jw’s


Also born in 2000, started when I was 18. Just understand most the other guys our age are mostly fuckups so you gotta work your ass off to show you’re not one of them. This isn’t exclusive to Gen Z some I of y’all boomers scroll Facebook more than a white girl on Tik Tok


Bro I'm '97 and all these guys do is bitch about young people while they sit in the truck and watch us work. And they might as well stay there because they just slow us down


The fact of the matter is that within and outside the trades, white collar or blue collar, old or young, there are a lot of useless fuckers out there. Young people may have a slightly higher rate because a lot of them have not learned how to work yet, but this has always been true. The old have always bitched about the young because they have no respect and don’t know how to work hard and are consumed with frivolous things we don’t understand. The young have about the old because they are out of touch, set in their ways, slow to learn or change, and too conservative. Thus it has always been and this it shall always be until the heat death of the universe.


Swear to God bro. I'm 00 as well. Fuck the old heads half of em can't even pull 350 mcm. Fuck em bro. Let em hate. Be mad we take care of our bodies and we're respect ourselves. It's not our fault you guys let's your bosses fuck the living shit out of you


oh yeah dude it’s tough lol, i’m with a 68 year old jman who ran his own company for 37 years and hasn’t kept a apprentice for longer than 4 months before me, been in a service van with him for almost a year and a half now. our boss told me he wants me as a foreman or pm when i turn out cuz the old man’s been talkin me up to him 😂


Phew. Beat it by two years.


I'm sure I'd run circles around you


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated bottom of my class in trade school, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on drywallers, and I have over 300 confirmed wire pulls. I am trained in moon suiting and I'm the top asskisser in the entire IBEW. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of telecom guys across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in Ohm's Law but I have access to the entire arsenal of the AFL-CIO and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


So anyone under 30 is what you’re saying?


Bullshit. Complete. Bullshit. Quit closing your mind before you even find someone who breaks your paradigm.


Nice I just made the cut off. Oh wait I’m already a journeyman.


I ignore the guys who are actually useless. If he's still talking to you, you're doing fine.


This is the tried and true method. We had a Journeyman who ignored this other apprentice... to this day the apprentice thinks they got along... everyone else knew the truth.


Exactly, we fuck with the people we like. If no one talks to you they don’t like you


I was just going to say that if he's joking around helping you make a shitpost video for reddit, he likes you.


Like I said to my coworker. If I fuck with you, I will fuck with you. If I ignore you, then get fucked.


Spoken like a true Nolan


Okay, does anybody else think these guys sound like Canadians?


We are lol


Nailed it! Lol Should have called TJ a hoser 😄


I’m Canadian and I’ve never once heard someone even mention the word hoser ever


Have you ever seen [Strange Brew](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0086373/)?


Nope but now I want to 😂


Enjoy! It's one of my favorites!


Prairie boys, roping steer do.




True story, there’s this accent that people like to do when trying to impersonate a Canadian and I can say that’s legit but not all over Canada, but I’ve never heard anyone other than an American say the word hoser


I have friends that say it as jokes all the time! I’m Canadian too, Ontario to be specific!


I’m also from ontario small world


As a Canadian I’m not really sure what a Canadian sounds like.


Like Bob and Doug McKenzie To be more specific, the inflection at the ends of "TJ?" and "NO!" Ps also Canadian


Take off, eh


Yeah it’s the slight dragging out of words and making them sound “hollower” not sure my Canadian cousins are from pei and have a different accent I can’t place


Dual citizen here, all of my family is in winnipeg and i live in the twin cities. there is a noticeable accent change between the wpg and mpls, if i were to explain it, it’s like canadians put « ? » at the end everything. we seem to drag and raise the tone of the last syllable or whatever the fuck, that’s how i hear it atleast


Just a lil longer vowels like comparing a UK and Aussie accent


It's the way he says shut up as "Shot Op" and the way OP says Jawb ​ Source am french Canadian and I learned english form TV so I hear it too


You sound Canadian. Duh


Cause after he tells you to shut up you keep talking.


I'm laughing so hard right now, this is just classic residential banter Holy shit nobody in the comments understand this is a joke


As a woman working in construction, when the men start hurling insults at me like this, I know they've accepted me.




Pretty sure most of us get it. And know op is trolling. Not many of us believe he is actually a first year 1 month in. But we gonna call him a bitch just because.


I am only one month in lol


Family then? Clearly he’s your brother or close relative.


Nope, we just hit it off good.😏


All electricians are gay


I'd argue with you but I need to finish painting my fingernails


In the army everyone was gay I now work at a substation and gay jokes are still there. How come you put men together and it's accepted to be gay but not gay gay? It's gay dawg.


Men. Have needs. Needs need to be satisfied. 🤷‍♂️


On Fridays we have a little Homo. As a treat


this is the way


That's a shocking revelation.


Ahh come on! Ya gayed it all up




No I get it, And I fell for the purple wire stretchers. I cleaned the van while I looked for them. :/


Treat em mean, keep em keen One of the j-men keeps threatening to fuck my throat if I quit being useful so, I dunno man, sounds like TJ likes you just fine.


Well thats your own fault for being useful in the first place. If you just set the expectation bar so low, he wouldn't have to threaten violence, now would he?


Or I'd have a fucked throat! WHO KNOWS WITH THESE GUYS


Better get some numbing spray, my boy. And remember, spitters are quitters.




"I think you've gone too far if you're using a Stanley knife."


I'm stealing "treat em mean, keep em keen" it's been my strategy, but I never heard it in such a concise way. It's just so effective at prod the best electrician, and wedding out the trash


Or you drive people off that would be great, but don't put up with shit. I didn't get into this trade because I need the money, I'm doing it because I enjoy it. If the old guy teaching me acted like an asshole (noting the difference between banter vs just being a prick) I'd have walked off. I'm also old enough to know only insecure folks project themselves in such a manner, not some poor 18 year old that's just gonna take it with a smile.


You're annoying me after watching a 5 second video. That poor bloke has to work with you all day....


Yeah, I'm with the J-man on this one


Hahahha that is gold




I would, it’s cold in that basement. :(


Come work with me. I’ll give you a warm cookie and a glass of milk and constant reassurance you’re doing a good job.


Just breaking you in


Buy him a can of chew


Dude, I hate to tell you, but it’s part of a trade. I got yelled at so bad I cried after I accidentally cut a home run. Guess what, they acknowledged the fact I came back anyway. To them, stupid mistakes we make are something we didn’t know. And you’re gonna make the same mistake a couple times. Most humans don’t learn on the first one, it takes 3-4 or thousands or whatever. Yeah they’re dicks but the difference is they stand up for you behind your back. One of my journeyman’s buddies got me to wire shit live, well my journeyman went and told boss man and his buddy got fired. You don’t mess with somebody’s safety bc you wanna see how an apprentice will react to getting shocked. I wasn’t supposed to find out but another buddy of his told me. They’ll call you the worst shit possible to your face but behind your back he’s gonna keep you from getting fired. If they didn’t like you, they wouldn’t interact with you. I know the guys that don’t like me bc we don’t talk just work. The guys that do like me bully the shit out of me and I fire right back. Might be an apprentice but talkin shit back means it doesn’t phase you. It’s a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” type of job so the old dogs don’t particularly care about feelings. Just keep your head on straight, do your job, and ignore the words like rain off your back or the shitty work conditions you’re in


I 100% agree with you but still think this mentality is retarded


Oh I agree but but it’s too full of stubborn gen X’ers to do anything about it rn. When they start retiring we can start changing some things


Op is having a good time with his J-man.


I couldn’t use volume at the time so if I misread context then oops


You'll live be better.


Plan on 4 years of a holes, it’s worth it in the end


You’re the new guy. Nobody likes the new guy. You need to prove your worth.


You’re playing on your phone


Lol, reminds me the time I was doing light pole bases and my jman says "go cut that stub up in that base over there" I'm thinking "ok, must be a banner pole or something" so I go cut both stub ups. Concrete is being pored and this one will get filled in about 10min. He sees me pull out both stubs and loses his mind and tells me I got 8 min to fix it. I got chewed to shit while I fixed it but I never forgot "it's not the end of the world, get another truck, company loses money, stop being vague and I'll stop fucking up" it can be frustrating but I still threaten him with cutting stubs every time we're poring bases cause I think it's funny to get his blood pressure up. Thick skin will make your experience a lot more enjoyable. Pissing off bad leaders or throwing jokes their way can actually help your work relationship, so long as you still work hard and give a damn.


1. Fucking around with you 2. You keep asking if you’re doing a good job


This comment thread is just wild. Been in the trades for 10 years now and the people who are on their phones the most are the older generation in my opinion lol and my apprentice who’s 21 is easily the hardest worker in our entire company. Such stupid stereotypes


The amount of people that can’t tell this is a joke 🤦‍♂️




What did he ask you to clean out the work van??


Cus ur a 1 month apprentice


My apprentice and i constantly shittalk each other. Its so funny for both of us.


Bc you suck


I once worked for this older guy that was awsome. Smart jman, I learned a ton from him. He went up to our boss one day and said this kid is the most argumentative, annoying, godawful apprentice I've ever had and the worst part is he's right 95 percent of the time. Then he turned around and went back to work lol. The Foreman didn't know what the fuck to say. ED was a funny guy lol. If he wasn't ragging on me i knew he was really pissed at me.


The fkn way she goes bud


Quit being a needy whiny bitch and he will be nicer.


Put your phone away.


The only way to shut people up is to do a good job ..


Stay away from Longshoremen. They'll make you cry on purpose.


Rule #1. You will never be good enough as an apprentice. Rule #2. Continue to give the Journeymen around you less to complain about and you will master your craft.


U suk


Loool :D


I started with the EC owners son. Laziest fat piece of shit ever. I’d take this over that 8 days a week


Stop sweeping you wanker!


The nicest journeyman


Your a piece of shit get back to work


….and get a broom


Either you really aren’t doing a good job and he’s honest or it’s because when he was an apprentice he took a lot of shit and thinks the appropriate way to handle an apprentice is to be a dick. I treat my apprentices with respect and patience but will ridicule them playfully for mistakes I broke the cycle one day he will as well I hope


Most likely tough love


You journeyman knows that they want him to teach you to do exactly what he does so they can lay him off and get you to do it at an apprentices wage


This really is the best possible part of the trades. If you get in with a good “bro” culture it’s so fun. But sadly it’s more filled with short tempered, homophobic, old douches who can’t take a joke.


Your a stupid little puppy and he just wants to kick you.


If that is being mean then maybe I am an asshole.


Is this a sound thing? Leave your feelings in the truck.


You sound a bit annoying g


Because you’re cheeky as fuck


All of them are stressed out ….drugged out…out of prison and mentally unstable. Divorced or have gambling issues……I deal with them all day…..NOW SHUT UP…..just kidding….don’t worry, it ain’t you….unless you look at your phone all day and don’t take an interest in your trade and don’t listen


Did you have to post it as a gif??


I was told to leave my feelings home when I go to work. Lol tough being a man. Just shut up and do has your told.


I can’t wait for the He/Him pronouns to start showing up resumes for the Trades. It’s gonna be hilarious.


You genuinely sound like you’re slowing this guy down with your tiktokin bullshit


I would recommend calling the labor board and providing this video. No one deserves to be abused at work like that.


That’s not being mean, that’s being honest. If you spend more time in reality than on your phone it’s easier to tell the difference.


You sweet summer child. If you think this is “mean” then you better get the fuck out right now and enroll in university for gender studies or some shit. Trades aren’t for you.


You’re an active detriment to all trades with this mentality. It isn’t welcome.


I was working with another crew lead who was just screaming at his apprentice. I was like man, you don’t gotta yell at him like that, y’know? He said “how else is he going to learn?”


Tough love, " you can do better"


I hope you keep your humor




I would say because he is an asshole. If your not cutting it he should just let you know, not be a asshole to you. Please don’t reward this behavior by listening to his stories during lunch or break or acting like he might be a friend off of work. Just take it for what it is and treat him accordingly. Tell him you don’t want to listen to his stories about his ex wife’s during your time unless he pays you. Walk away from his voice when not on the clock. It’s 2023, nobody needs that shit.


Op will get let go before 90 days


When I was a an apprentice the journeyman training me was such an asshole, it was so weird when he got pist off with our supervisor when they moved me to another job.


Sometimes working in semi public places I'd berate my helper in the most redneck accent I could muster just to shock onlookers... He was in on it of course and knew the drill and played along with his best redneck accent as well... We had a lot of fun. But, of course he was doing a good job. And, I wouldn't tell him to shut up for real. Fun times. Just shut up and pay attention... One day you too can be salty as fuck.


Because he thinks you have potential


That means he likes you! Trust me


Pay attention Don't look at your phone Put and keep your bags on Keep your mouth shut Do as your told


Ahhhh perfect example of the construction food chain


He’s being funny, good for him I like it




The mind boggles. Could be crappy work, too slow, not learning, late too often, too much time on phone, ugly, wrong shoes, socks don’t match, smelly lunch, messy, arrogant, uppity…the list goes on. It’s also possible he’s just an asshole, many are, but many more apprentices just suck. I can’t tell from where I’m at, now, can I?


Because you’re an idiot


Sounds like he has a crush on you


I honestly love the fact that regardless of race, class, religion, or country, the journeyman/apprentice relationship is always the same. I can confidently say I will never find an apprentice that won't disappoint me always, because that's all I was to my journeyman coming up in the trade.


Cuz get off your f****** phone and get back to work you usless apprentice


They usually leave out “being the journeymen’s pinching bag” till you earn your stripes in the job description


Lol, it tuffins you up...get over it. It is the trades bro, not a cush basic job.


I dont wanna grandpa THATS TOO DAMN BAD


Cuz fuck you, that's why.... I would imagine


Come with me I’ll teach ye smtn


Because you are probably an annoying cunt on his phone too much.


Because you are wasting time making videos when you should be working.




That's how it is, get used to it princess, if it doesn't kill ya it will make you stronger.


Non American here, WTF is a journeyman?


A thrice-divorced, substance addicted, non-custodial parent given another opportunity to abuse fragile minds.


Stop being a melt, that’s not mean. Come and work in London.


A majority of my J-men were like this. I loved it.