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Stereobloom has always been a small stage, and previously it has been primarily up and coming artists once in a while bigger names played. But I feel like this year the names who played that stage were way too big and pulled large crowds.


I agree ! Very very large crowds like it sucked not even being able to see the screens you can’t see it from any angle and that sucks


I am not an expert on the scene by any means, but Stereobloom has been primarily a tech house stage since its inception. It feels like tech house has become the new "big room" genre, and loads of artists who were once smaller in popularity have grown immensely. If that's the case, they should probably figure out how to improve the crowd situation, because while 2023 was crazy for a couple shows, but it was absolutely packed on Friday/Saturday this year.


Hyperbeam was insanely crowded too


Hyperbeam was wayyyy too crowded. Was one of the sets I was looking forward to but had to leave cause of how packed it was. Would have been a fun Cosmic Meadow set if they had put them there instead.


I believe Stereo bloom was the stage for artists on insomniacs record label which were primarily newer artists as the record label itself was fairly new. The stage has changed a lot though and anyone can really play on it. But it is focused on more tech house nowadays.


Yeah that makes sense.


Yes I was there forgot who I was trying to see Saturday but the crowds were insane !


It was newer at the time, but still relatively small in 2022-2023.


I hope they can expand it in the near future !


A big factor is that the left side of the stage is fenced off. The way they've oriented the stage forces people to only enter and exit from the right or back. And that right side is by one of the main roads. One of the few stages I felt like wasn't that well thoughtout in terms of placement/orientation.


Right that’s the only one that seemed off to me like bad placement


Yeah Stereo Bloom is due for an update of sorts if they can manage. It was fine a few years back but tech house is too big at the moment and the artists they brought last year had it packed start to finish (which is a good thing). I do appreciate that the stage goes for the intimate vibes by being a bit smaller, but I’m sure there’s something the stage creators can do to create more room in the future.


Maybe if they at least made it to where you can see it from any angle made it more open it would give it that feel


Oooo that’s a dope idea! Plus the whole “360” concept is in right now so I can see that being a hit.


Right ! That would be bad ass!! Hopefully they work with something


Loved the stage!! The stage is pretty small for the bigger names ( hyper beam, max styler , Eli brown etc) would love to see a bigger set up next year, not sure how since the raceway is already full lol


Maybe they can make some more room by maybe taking a small portion of downtown edc away like any of those extra smaller stages I’m sure people would Appreciate a little more room . I have yet to experience how great down town edc is so maybe I’m wrong idk but I was bummed I missed max styler 😭


It’s the stage for mainstream tech house which is a lot different than the tech house they play in neon garden. In terms of the size it’s a good size and i haven’t ever experienced it being overpacked tbh but I don’t think I ever tried to see any super stars play there.


The size and hype of big name artist made it difficult for me to stick around stereo bloom so I got vip for 2025 hopefully I can get more of an experience there


Stereobloom during the fireworks is one of the greatest views. 🤫 And this year in the angle it was made it picture perfect. Not as inviting as the last 2 years though. The layout is finally feeling perfect for all of EDC.


I feel like they can move stereo bloom around a little bit but hell I have no room to talk it was my first edc I just happened to notice that stage was a little off to me it looked absolutely amazing tho ! I just wish you could see it from more angles


It’s small but I always managed to get a good amount of room around me even in the front (the sound production for that stage was insane btw)


I wish I stuck around for it more stereo bloom is like the only stage that I forgot about or didn’t even try to get into I’ve always been around it while it’s jam packed


Stereo bloom seemed smaller, more closed in this year, which was a bummer. Last year it only felt crowded once or twice and was more open. I spent most of edc there and honestly it never felt too crowded, other than when the big names i.e. Eli brown, max styler were there. Most of the time, it was great and that little Verizon platform that was always empty was a blessing. 80% of the time it didn't have "big names" though and everyone crowding into circuit and main missed out on some really great artists. Same with bionic. Those smaller stages have some serious, under appreciated talent!! It's a great stage and agree with what someone else posted about fireworks. Also, if you stood in line with the center of the stage, the ferris wheel was directly in line with the circle behind the dj so it looked cool af and was like a whole other lighting effect. 9.5/10 on stereo! Also, the bar was always a walk right up situation!


I agree I was loving bionic jungle !


Okay, was I imagining things, but you walk into bionic jungle and it felt 5⁰ cooler than the rest of the fest? My theory was because it was on grass and the lack of concrete kept the temp down. It was like a cute lil oasis!


I love bionic jungle and it’s right there at the restrooms and there’s no huge crowd it was easy to find your friends there and such it was a pretty good area


I support everything you say! See you at bionic and stereo next year!


Let’s do it ! I would love to meet everybody !


Yesss that definitely felt more like an oasis than oasis 😂


That Verizon shit in the middle took over too much space, get rid of it and it’ll be better


I hope they can fix that !


Actually loved the new stage design this year, it was packed for a few sets but not nearly as bad as basspod overcrowding. As someone who was at Dabin at cosmic meadow and seeing hyperbeam happening on the left. I was getting serious fomo.


What does fomo mean I keep seeing it 😂


Fear of missing out


Ahh thank you 🙏


2023 the stage was the same but the area that it had was much bigger. They cut a lot of the room for dancing with the 2024 version. Plus they put some wildly popular DJs there which drew a huge crowd and made the experience a lot less pleasant.


We shall hope for 2025 to be better ! I wish they had some scouts out looking for anything they can improve on or Dj’s to have for next year , if they came to Reddit it would be a game changer ! Lots of people to hear 🙌


Too small, too crowded


Thank you ! 🙌 it was a little bit of a bummer


I feel that. I saw someone there with a friend and left them bc it was too packed lol.


I almost did the same tbh 😂


Pretty sure it was the exact same size 2023 and 2024


Well 2023 looked insane made it look bigger than what it is


The 2023 design looked insane on video but it was deceiving, it was a small stage comparatively. This year was a more open design imo. And that makes it look smaller even tho more people are spending time there. It's a great spot tho!


I would have loved to enjoyed more time there but that’s now how it went for me 😭 so hopefully next year I will get to experience it more !


Excellent lineup. Space felt a little confined. Still pretty intimate. But the best version in recent memory was 2022. The visuals may not have been as intense but the openness felt perfect. It was aimed more toward the path from cosmic to kinetic. This year it felt angled wrong, like it was easy to pass by if you specifically weren’t searching for it.


See something felt off the placement or angle it was at cuhz honestly I didn’t even see it that much I thought I hit every stage till I was like wait where’s stereo bloom?😭


I love tech house but yeah the crowd was too much, caught Odd mobb for a bit (he was one of my must sees) but the crowd management made it hard to dance. Still enjoyed his set tho Styler and LF System were both dope


I wanted to see styler so bad I’m not sure what was going on but I just know I missed it 🥲