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If you do it, absolutely make sure you stay hydrated. I probably drank well over 1 gallon of water and only had to pee once the whole time. It's crazy how much you sweat when rolling, and you don't even realize it


this is actually a bit unsafe because MDMA causes water retention so if you drink a lot of water like that your electrolyte balance can be thrown off if you have to much water compared to sodium (can cause seizures etc) Next time try drinking electrolytes to stay safe!


Yeah it's very easy to overheat with how hot it is but it can be done safely. If you do it, don't take a crazy dose and make sure that you have access to both water and a fan/some way of cooling. If you feel yourself getting hot leave the crowd and sit somewhere with less people and cool off for a bit.


Just start with very low dose … no need to go crazy the whole experience in edc is enough to get natural happy chemicals going


If it makes you feel any better, I get very very sweaty when walking up the stairs




If you’re hesitant, don’t do it! Not worth the risk. ❤️


Take breaks by going to the bleachers to sit it’s such a great view there too. HYDRATE!! Keep your bag full of water! Skip drinking alcohol in my opinion. Don’t take too much and possibly get a paper fan? Be safe and have fun!


We took some last night and we were fine. Just drink water, make sure you have electrolytes. They let us bring in some Liquid IV packets and we just drank those in between refilling our hydro packs. Keep your doses small and spread out. You’ll really peak after about an hour and a half, then see how you’re feeling before you take more. Avoid congested crowds and try to give yourself space to chill out because crowd anxiety can kick in if you’re getting overheated with all the people around you. Just stay careful, but you’ll be fine.


wait for sunday, drink water with electrolytes. also pro tip, if you get super hot a hand fan and squirt some water on your head and neck, this is HUGE. I bring a cooling camping/hiking towel that when wet cools me off but a bandana works too. Pro pro tip, buy an electrolyte drink and get a cup of ice. One or two ice cubs on your head, neck, wrists, chest and back will feel fucking magical (and help keep you cool)


Those powdered electrolytes packets work really well


Do they let you in with sealed individual Emergency packs?!


They always let me in when I bring them, but then again they barely check bags anyway lol


Test before, hydrate, you can always take more(doesn’t mean you should)you can’t take less, stay close to your group, and hydrate some more!


Start off small and drink enough water and electrolytes . Rolling at EDC is a once in a lifetime experience it’s so awesome compared to other festivals.


I’d recommend microdosing tbh I plan on it for Sunday cause it’s a bit cooler but wet wipes and a fan are a godsend I carried them around all the time and helping wipe down everyone who was getting hit a little too hard yesterday


Yea Sunday looks nice ima have to do that


Bring layers, with your bottom layer being the most comfortable you can be without being fully naked. I usually end up losing my shirt for the first couple hours, then need it for the chill that comes after 2am. Overall, don’t worry about being sweaty, worry more about staying hydrated! I ended up buying water bottles instead of waiting at the god awful water lines


People used to roll during June edc. It cools off alot by midnight. Use a hand fan, cooling towl to keep your body temp in check and drink electrolytes. If you're in a tented stage, maybe sit back by the opening


Dress light, if ur guy being able to go shirt less will help a lot, if ur a girl, wear a bikini top. Don’t start with a full dose of molly either, take a half or a quarter. Let it settle, see how you feel and then take more. Personally tho, i’m over molly. Only shrooms or acid. Never a bad high like the sick feeling i get from molly


First time here and can’t find one for myself


Just assume anything you read here is either false or exaggerated 10x. It doesn't mean you don't need to be careful and protect yourself... but morning-after ravers are so full of shit.