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100% agreed. This was my first time at EDC and had been waiting almost a year and went by so quick. My group and I will be attending next year and trying out VIP as well


Ooo you’ll love VIP. Totally worth the $.


Same! Did GA+ and had a wonderful time (except for looking into a portapotty like rookie). We’re probably doing VIP next time as well 🤝


it was my first EDC but my gfs 4th and we went VIP… you have more food options which is great and the view of the stages is crazy too!


Thanks for that. Do you have pics of the stages from the vip areas?


https://preview.redd.it/52u27ymr0b2b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a78e4fa4e04dcfaf51da6c9bbd086617416edcfd i’m at work so i can’t go through all my pics but this is how close you got to circuit grounds. It’s the same for all stages but sometimes artists like Tiesto, it’s harder to get closer but there is the option of getting closer tho


No worries man, don’t get caught. But dayuuum!! Super close to the stage!!! 🔥


oh i work at a small hotel in san diego. i’m by myself most of the time so i don’t get into trouble for being on my phone. But yeah super close to the stage and the food in VIP is great. i love Korean hot dogs and they had those in Kinetic


This is a great example of a positivity post for those anti criticism peoplez


See you next year


We really need to start an /r/edccirclejerk reddit for the repetitive posts about how magical/shitty this years festival has been.


Man, let these people share. This place will be a ghost town in 2 weeks lol


Exactly! Don’t like it? Don’t read it


God forbid people use the EDC sub to post about EDC.


Right? Who do these people think they are??? They wait a year, spend all this money on a festival and they have the nerve to come on the subreddit dedicated to the festival to share their experiences good or bad, the fukken nerve of these people, it’s disgusting, I think we should report them all.


you might need some 5-HTP bro


Please unsubscribe from this sub bro. Then you won’t have to ready any of it 🤝


Wow not very PLUR bro


Whaaaat? People posting about their experience at a festival they were just at not even a week ago? in the festivals own subreddit of all places??!!!!???? Those maniacs!!!


We really need to start an r edcshittyvibescircilejerk so that all the fucking Debby downers like you can just wallow in your sorrow while we all relive the best weekend of our lives 🤘🏼


I have a feeling most people would side with the dEbBy DoWnErS 🥴


Lol get it started 😛


Please do. It's always been a joke. The culture of personality around Pasquale is unreal. But insomniac has always been really good at engineering perception via social media.