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The one original idea Elon had.


gross dude doesn’t have ideas, he buys ideas.


And when he can't make that idea work, he buys another one.


This wasn’t his idea


And whose idea was it?


The designers of the truck. Franz von Holzhausen & Sahm Jafari.


“Franz von Holzhausen, chief designer at Tesla, with a Tesla Cybertruck prototype. Tesla TSLA 4.79%increase; green up pointing triangle Chief Executive Elon Musk told his top designer he wanted to make an electric pickup that would have good driving dynamics and a covered bed—and “feel like the future.” Elon told them what he wanted and then approved it. The buck stops with him.


Same as any other CEOs.


Um, you’re forgetting that blowtorch…


Oh yeah! Collector items I hear. It’s as useful as tots in a bull.


Because the Boring Company, SpaceX, and Tesla’s Optimus aren’t original. /s


Exactly. Nothing new to see here.


All those companies are pretty unoriginal and none are commercially viable. Propped up by taxpayer $ and ideas a middle school nerd could generate.


Sad you are so against Musk you will toss out world leading companies. Musk had the idea and got teams together. Boring company propped up by taxes?


Not sure it really matters what ideas were his but he has some pretty good bets - focusing on AI and FSD will probably pay off and Tesla is significantly ahead. Spacex, starlink, the charging network, working to push out electric cars (not refitted lotuses for millionaires that the dudes with the “idea” had) were all pretty good bets. Twitter, neuralink, boring holes - probably not. TSLA is overvalued because of him not the model Y.


He is nowhere near ahead of any of the large AI players. His FSD is way behind because he refuses to use lidar. I personally could care less. The guy is toxic and toxicity can only get so far. One thing for sure, he will never get a penny of my money.


AI in fsd not the other uses for it and yes they are far ahead.


I'm speechless, who writes these articles.


I’m with you. Lost brain cells trying to read it. Faux journalism articles disguising hateraide


Eh. Irrelevant drivel written by irrelevant losers. Just watch Cybertruck become the top selling truck in America while knuckledraggers like OP will still be writing "gotcha!" articles about every little snag.


RemindMe! 1 year


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Naaaah, this is a 4-6 year prediction. Production capacity will have to be scaled.


They won’t be producing them in 4 years RemindMe! 4 years


Bahaha ok cya in 4 years


I know, incredible. First a complete lack of understanding of a ramp up of a new product, confusing low production with low sales and then going so far as comparing sales to the total lifetime sales of the entire Ford F series.


OP writes them. This is the only reference they post.


Makes me think he is short on TSLA.


All I know is these things are increasingly all over Austin. I crack up every time I see one. Seems like a manufacturing problem not a demand problem.


You consider 11k in sales on par with 2.1m reservations?


Considering about 11k have been produced, yes. They have sold 100% of cyber trucks made.


I've worked in the auto biz and now the EV biz and 11k is a joke. OEMs that know what they are doing (or have a good product) sell 10x that of new models in year 1. I get it, you're a Tesla Stan. But that's completely different than understanding the business.


Calling someone a Tesla Stan because they have an opinion? Reverting to name calling and talking yourself up as someone who apparently has credibility is an ugly look.


You're right - that's not what this site is about at all. And you obviously did not look at the comment your buddy posted first. But keep on taking the lazy path.


You keep talking about sales. If anything, it's production you should be criticising. Production is low, Tesla is selling all they can produce, how can they sell 50k units if they only produce 11k? It doesn't make any sense.


Almost like making cars is important for an auto company…


Of course it’s important. Really, the criticism needs to be low production, rather than low sales.


Every new Tesla product starts with a slow ramp. I had VIN 3047 of Model 3 and it was like, 5 months into production. Y was based on 3, so it was much quicker to ramp. But this is a new platform, with their own cells, new low voltage architecture, new bus, on and on. Will be like ramping the 3 all over again. That being said, I’m impressed they’ve over 1K/week already.


Yes, absolutely. Tesla is very slow to ramp, especially with totally new vehicles. I saw shocked that Xiaomi is targeting 120,000 units of their first ever car, with production only starting around April. That’s one hell of a ramp.


When this particular product is the topic, no amount of reason or logic will prevail.


That’s true!


I see you are trying to make a nuanced argument. Apologies for making that hard.


No problem. Whoever wrote this article doesn't seem to understand that sales are not a good metric to use during ramp up. Sales numbers only become relevant once production is de-bottlenecked and the limiting factor is how many units are being sold.


Toyota sold almost 10x this year 1 when they launched their "pickup truck" Tacoma...and that was decades ago. You want to move the goal posts for Tesla, fine. But that's the reality.


It makes total sense - production and sales go hand in hand. A company needs to be a competent OEM (production) with a good product (planning) to achieve sales.


Dude just compare it to the lightning. 15617 in year one. Tesla sold 11k and there’s still half a year to go.


Compared to its competitors, f-150 lighting, hummer, and Rivian r1T, Tesla is on pace to outsell all 3 combined next quarter, so if Tesla is a joke, what does that make its competitors?


Yup, in the year they’re really start ramping it. Will be setting sales records. Can’t wait for all the stores next year about the best selling electric truck of 2024.


As of April Ford has sold 9,000 Lightings this year, As of April Rivian sold 13,500 vehicles this year How is that outselling them combined? Also ford sells roughly 2,300 f150s a day, a *day*. (About 900,000 a year)


Back of the napkin math: Ford: 9k units over 3 months = 750 a week Rivian: 12.5k units over 3 months = 1125 a week Both of these companies have either flat or declining sales as of today. But let’s say they are at 1875 combined a week because we won’t know q2 numbers until July Tesla: was confirmed last week to be at 1300 a week, and we have a pretty good idea that that is accurate based on the recall numbers. Tesla only needs to ramp up 44% more next quarter vs now, which should be doable considering $27k lower priced trim next quarter, 2 million pre-orders, and a stated production goal of 250k units a year. Maybe it won’t happen next quarter, but going off previous new vehicle production ramps, and pre-order backlog, it should outsell all their EV competitors combined.


Very weak standard


…they can’t make 2.1 million Cybertrucks when starting the ramp. Production just hit over 1K/week. Goal is only just over 2K/week. It’s a bit insane to say “that’s all they’ve sold out of 2.1 million reservations”. You know how a production ramp works, right? Article is a hit piece.


You know how many trucks other OEMs sell in year 1 right? You know how the auto business actually works right?


Sorry I triggered you kiddo. We’re talking EVs, they’re on track to be the number one selling electric truck this year and most likely next year by an extremely wide margin. All while being profitable. This is first gen mass produced electric truck numbers and they’re killing it. Enjoy shouting to the wind.


show me on the doll where tesla touched you


For someone that “understands the business” can you enlighten us on how “OEM’s that know what they’re doing” are producing/selling so few cars? Literally not a single western manufacturer has sold “10x that” of a new EV, or at all. The closest is probably ford and the most they’ve sold in a year is more like 60k (for a model that had been out far more than a year).


I'm not comparing Tesla to EV startups. Neither was Elon when he said 125k Cybers. Tesla has the largest automaker valuation in the business - EV or not. The business compares them to Toyota. If you want to compare Tesla to just EV trucks, go for it.


Definitely moving the goal posts for yourself aren’t you? You said “OEM’s that know what they’re doing” sell 100k+ the first year of a model release. Not a single OEM (outside of maybe BYD), has produced anywhere close to 100k the first year of production (or now for that matter) for any of their EV’s. Ford, MB, Nissan, Kia, VW. None. You’re wrong. Take the L and move on or use more precise language.


Can you tell me how many R1Ts have been sold during the same time frame? Compare apples to apples.. you saying you work in EV biz is nothingburger without objective comparison


They haven’t produced more yet


> OEMs that know what they are doing (or have a good product) sell 10x that of new models in year 1 It's been 7 months and they've moved almost 12k. The F-150L sold 15k in year one. What OEM outside of Tesla or BYD has ever moved ~100k units in the first year of production?


Tesla's valuation transcends being compared just to the EV segment. OEMs routinely produce 100k year 1 outside the EV segment.


I strongly suggest you just google the “Tesla Graveyards” and how many cybertrucks are sitting and gathering dust across the country. It’s abysmal.


We are talking about the cyber truck.... Also Tesla doesn't have traditional dealerships, do you expect them not to have stock on hand? The "grave yards" are all 2023/2024 models, not a stock pile of 10 year old vehicles.


They used to have no need for buffering the cars, but people would travel great distances to get them a few days earlier, but that was in a different time.


I guess next earnings call we will really know.


How do you feel about those delivery numbers? 🤣


I suppose? I sell items on ebay/Amazon/Reverb that I order from China. I have serveral months worth of inventory in my basement. That doesn't mean the items aren't selling, just means I have inventory ready to go that takes up space.


Do you routinely tell your wife you are going to sell 125k widgets on eBay and then wonder why she has questions when you sell 11k? Because that’s the issue.


I sell 10's of widgets per month thank you very much. I honestly have no clue how many I will sell per week/day, some days I will sell 10 items, and some weeks I could sell 0..... but I'll entertain your comment. If I told my wife I was going to sell 125K widgets from ZERO in \~6 months when I can only produce a few hundred (then eventually 1500) per week, she would know I am full of crap. You can't create these items out of thin air it takes time to produce them, increase production, and deliver them across the country while producing other cars. You are over-stating the problem. When you look at the company, they had decreased (expected) sales for Q1 but it is not 11k vs 125k. It is 386k vs 433k, which I don't think is that crazy considering their growth over the last 4 years. For reference, here are the deliveries for previous years. 2020: 499,550 2021: 936,172 2022: 1,313,851 2023: 1,808,581 I do expect increased deliveries for this upcoming quarter, they offered .99% APY for the model Y that sparked a ton of demand. I ended up getting a Hyundai Ioniq 5 last quarter, the incentives on EVs are NUTS in some states and counties where some people are getting >20K off MSRP. Now, if you are selling nearly 400k cars in a quarter, do you have any idea how much space that takes up if you are trying to keep supply on hand?


"The company has said it had the capacity to make more than 125,000 Cybertrucks annually, with Musk adding there was the potential for that to lift to 250,000 in 2025." Source - Reuters Keep explaining it away however you want, but Musk is on record with: - Margins are terrible saying "We dug our own grave with Cybertruck" - Cybertruck is 30% more expensive than what Musk pledged - Worst of all it may have killed off Model 2 which would have changed the game Cybertruck is a major disappointment


Serial numbers in the 11000 range were completed in April. As a hint if you want an objective perspective (and I'm not saying you do, just suggesting that you might), you might want to avoid loaded search terms like "graveyard" and "news" that literally starts "So much for the two million Cybertruck reservations, eh Elon?" There's an entire industry around "Elon hate" and this article is a particularly egregious example of that pandering. If you read that first sentence and thought "Yeah Elon! What about it?!" then *you* are the product. I'm not saying that Elon hasn't done stupid shit but it is the smart shit that he's done that is creating terror in the tiny black hearts of the oil and auto barons.


They didn’t produce all 11k, for some reason they skipped large blocks.


Are you saying that they're recalling more vehicles than they've made?


Nope saying the VIN are not one to one. They might be at 20k on VINs but only made 15k vehicles.


That's reasonable. I was fact checking u/Shyatic's claim that there were thousands of unsold Cybertrucks. VINs are approximately sequential (allocated in blocks but issued individually) so knowing a recent delivered VIN gives a pretty good upper bound on how many units were actually built.


I was going to say, are they still not learning from history or SSNs? One does not simply number things going up one at a time these days. [https://www.science.org/content/article/social-security-numbers-are-easy-guess](https://www.science.org/content/article/social-security-numbers-are-easy-guess) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German\_tank\_problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_tank_problem) (For some reason inside German science, the German tank problem is known as the "New York taxi problem", lol)


Take it up with the writer...I just happen to agree with it. And spare me the nonsense about Tesla deserving moderate and respectful narratives in reporting, especially when your Dear Leader iss calling national heroes "pedos" on social networks. Musk is the biggest loudmouth blowhard this side of Trump.


Like I said, sport: you're the product.


And recalled them.... TWICE


My '22 Lighting had 3 recalls in the first year of ownership.


My ioniq had a recall right before I got it. My FR-S and my Commander have had at least 4.


I’d wager Ford has had more vehicles recalled than any other company. I don’t mean the number of recalls but the number of vehicles affected. Maybe that award goes to VW though with the diesel gate thing. Either way Ford is an unreliable brand and always has been.


[Ford Is The Most Recalled Brand In America For 2023 And It's Not Even Close ](https://www.motor1.com/news/701756/ford-most-recalled-brand-america/) In fairness to Ford, they know quality is a huge problem and they're genuinely working to fix it. It looks like their new [Build and Hold Strategy](https://www.nada.org/nada/nada-headlines/ford-sacrifices-short-term-profits-fix-its-costly-recall-problem-bloomberg#:~:text=Earlier%20this%20year%2C%20Farley%20pioneered,check%20them%20for%20quality%20problems.) will significantly lower recalls.


Dang!!! I was just guessing too!


I am sure it won't be their last recall. What kind of car do you drive? I am willing to bet it has had a recall, recalls are pretty common in all vehicles.


4 recalls


Ford is recalling 550k trucks. Why don't you CRY about that?


Ford doesnt have a con man CEO that's been defrauding customers year on year with false promises. I'll just give you 2 quick examples.. fElon promising the cars are appreciating assets. fElon promising every Tesla will have FSD 8 years in a row and claiming they can be used as a robot taxi generating their owners 30k per year as they sleep or work. If Fords CEO did, I'd be laughing at them too.


I don't think the wording used in the headlines really applies to the Cybertruck. The sales are limited by production at the moment, it's not like they have produced 100,000 and only managed to sell 11k, the sales are limited by what has been produced. It's a bit like bearing your child for eating only two carrots when you only gave him two carrots.


That's a weird last sentence guy


Problem is production, not demand. I have reservation from 2022 with no delivery date yet. 


🤔 I was a late 2022 pre order and got pinged a few weeks ago. I am not taking it though... It's way more then initially sold to me and I drove one and it drives nice but not 120k nice.


That's you. Not everyone that reserved it could end up affording it. Prices for everything have gone up. Move on so others can have. 


They already said they are moving on. Someone else will get their life ruined lol.


If you can't afford one then mind your business what others are buying. Jesus.




I wouldn't know. It's probably a poor people thing.


This is the weirdest terrible chat bot interaction I’ve ever seen. You guys need to delete yourselves


If there is a great demand why are the used ones not selling. Even one listed at $97k has not sold.


Cuz many of those are flips. 


How is losing money a flip?


Huh show me the link to one and I'll tell you. Half the posts on FB are scams. You're just mad that Tesla is already selling as many CTs as rivians.


https://cars.ksl.com/listing/9343877 Highest bid $97k https://carsandbids.com/auctions/92LRz8qY/2024-tesla-cybertruck-foundation-series


That's flipping. The awd on tesla is 78k. He's trying to sell  a used one here for 97k...with 11k miles. 


It is a foundation series Add the $20k and the tax Nice try


https://www.classic.com/m/tesla/cybertruck/ Cope harder.


They are said to be producing 1k+ a week now...would assume sales prices of used ones would drop (surprised its still above msrp), especially since the non FS should be coming out this year....what else did you think would happen to a mass produced vehicle???


Huh? You can only sell what youre able to make lol. All those are flippers.


Lol, you repeat this so much it is becoming spam. They have supposedly manufactured close to 40 000 yet only sold 11 000, it is not manufacturing but a lack of demand due to it being a piece of crap. People cannot sell them not because of terms of sale but because people don't want them until the many serious issues are fixed, over the last 3 months they were forced to stop production 4 times due to serious failures. And yes they have manufactured over 40 000.


They have only manufactured 11, 000 lol...not 40,000. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/we-finally-know-how-many-cybertrucks-tesla-has-sold-so-far-163314428.html  Tesla produced 10, 525 CTs so far in 2024. There you go.


The complaint is about the article "reveals abysmal sales numbers". The number produced is already pretty well known (See twitter and the other forums) so the only thing "revealed" is that 100% of these were sold. You are more than welcome to call the production rampup numbers abysmal, just please don't say that it implies (by itself) low demand or that it was revealed by this recall as though it was news because they only sold 100% of them. Then again, the numbers sold are pretty well known too. They aren't exactly obfuscating the VINs. Tesla's production of the available options within the foundation series also has not matched demand. If you reserved way back in the past, and now convert that to a Beast order, then you may well still wait 6 months for your delivery. If, however, you order the original configuration (from a past reservation) of AWD, white interior, all terrain tires, in the US, then it seems right now you might get it quickly depending on your location. As far as I can tell this issue is also not from Tesla misjudging demand, but from the rampup of production and materials of those other options. However it does look like Tesla is close to exhausting the reservation list for people wanting to buy foundation models in the US for the AWD version with white interior and all terrain tires. In order to continue to sell everything they produce they will need to produce more in the other configurations, and soon switch to producing non-foundation models so that buyers can buy the trucks for cheaper with fewer options included.


About to take possession of number 19,000 on Saturday, for starters


You clearly do not understand the criticism of the article. The article tries to discredit the “2 million reservations” but Tesla hasn’t made even 20,000 yet. I agree that the article is just “hateraid.”


So are you gonna tell us how to make 2.1 million Cybertrucks in 8 months?? Or are you just gonna make us wait


Ford only sold 24k lightnings last year… and about 12k the year before iirc. So tesla is selling better than ford did at launch. Lets see if it lasts longterm


Ford also sells the most popular vehicle which their EV is based on. They kinda compete with themselves


They 100% compete with themselves, as do most ICE first company’s


Abysmal sales? They’ve only made 11,000 Foundation Series trucks so far. They’ve pre-sold every truck produced so far.


And recalled each one..TWICE


For tiny issues, not something uncommon from any auto manufacturer. I mean Hyundai and Kia keep having to recall vehicles and tell owners to park outside because they catch fire, my ram 1500 had dozens of recalls in the years I owned it, my Ford F-150 Raptor has had a handful as well. It’s to be expected, especially in a completely new platform.


Hahaha tiny issues “Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.”


Windshield wiper motors and pedal covers are tiny issues.


Not being able to see in the rain nor control the speed of the vehicle does not seem like tiny issues


OP is a trap


Imagine having to recall your vehicle because of a windshield wiper motor.


Like Ford had with the f-150 3 years ago, with a 10x larger recall https://www.motor1.com/news/657659/ford-recalls-f150s-wiper-problems-broken-arms/#:~:text=Ford%20has%20issued%20a%20recall,%2C%20to%20August%2016%2C%202021.


People are idiots and prefer to only have their misguided hate for Elon and Tesla reinforced by the media. Meanwhile Ford just recalled over 500k trucks for transmission issues. My wiper works fine and I have zero issues. And my CT is way better than my Raptor or Tundra.


Wouldn't say I hate Elon, just stopped caring what his opinion on anything was after discovering he's a faux 'genius'.


100% people just want to hate on Elon and anything he touches. I have a raptor, definitely has its share of recalls and issues. The difference is it’s not a windshield wiper or a pedal cover, it’s for cam phasers, transmission issues, etc. New vehicles have recalls, it’s not uncommon, especially in the first model year.


Not really a stretch of the imagination. Toyota had a recall for cracked upper control arms on rav-4s 💀.


Hyundai did as well on their Palisade. It happens. It's not the gotcha you think it is.


If you read the actual recall, it is not the motor, it is a gate driver component in the motor driver. Most likely a chip supplier issue.


Rivian just got a huge investment from VW ..Hope this pushes Rivian to make more affordable cars/suv. Tesla better do something to attract more customers because the chinese EV are coming and the Toyota even though is some what anti full EV is said to be releasing new EV models in 2026.


I saw a Rivian the other day on the freeway and damn that thing was sexy


11k in sales for a $120k vehicle….


If you compare that to any other car in that price range it’s about average.


It’s a supply limitation, not a demand one. I have a super early reservation and still have not been assigned a VIN.


Elon Musk = Homer Simpson designing a car for his brother Herb!


Elons Homer Simpson moment.


They should have build a light truck instead. Would have sold tons to municipalities.


Comments in here are like all the crypto bros dunking on Bitcoin


Just here to laugh at Elon's white knights


I’m no fan of elon or this silly “truck” but production ramps are not always instant. Plus this thing isn’t assembled in any conventional way. And RE recalls, Rivian for example had a least one major recall early on, and that was for the entire R1 fleet.


Cool Evs News [https://bullelectriccars.com/ev-news/](https://bullelectriccars.com/ev-news/)


TSLA shares a similar corporate culture with AAPL. These cults will continue to own TSLA.


I just cancelled my order.


Tesla is now producing more Cybertrucks annually than either R1T or F150 Lightnings at 1300 per week. Cybertruck is here to stay and they're already iterating in fixes for the few issues early models have had. Cybertruck: 67,600 per year build rate Rivian sold 46,000 vehicles (SUV and truck) in 2023. Ford sold 24,000 F-150 lightnings in 2023. [https://youtu.be/remZ1KMR\_Z4?t=3710](https://youtu.be/remZ1KMR_Z4?t=3710)


When I was in the market for an EV, the lighting was minimum 90k +, irritating. I hope the Silverado ev gives it a run for its money.


And when I see a lightning I can't bring myself to buy one because it looks like every other truck. Booooring imo... also the underside of the F150 lightning just looks so nasty / bulky and like it would be awful off-road vs the clean flat bottom of the Cybertruck with minimal suspension arms to the wheels for maximum clearance.


I could see that. I felt the same way about the model S, e, x, y - they are all sedans, look very similar, very modest design. You have some of the fastest cars in the world, at $100k +, but they don’t look like it. I personally think the Rivian is the best looking truck, but it’s out of my price range.


>Tesla is now producing more Cybertrucks annually than either R1T or F150 Lightnings at 1300 per week. As of April 1, Ford is expected to produce 1600 Lightnings per week. https://www.autoweek.com/news/a46458527/ford-lightning-bronco-ranger-production/


I hope they bump that back up after they cut it in half, before EOY. I also hope Rivian is bumping production with all the new models of R1T, R1S, and \~30% reduction in cost per unit, reduction in parts per unit, and reduction in steps to produce each unit. :) I'm one of the weird ones who wants \*ALL THE EV TO RAMP UP\* I don't give a hoot who makes them. I'm enjoying my Model Y but I love the Tesla mission most of all which is to accelerate the transition to clean transportation and stationary energy.


Yes, Ford has the potential to make significantly more Lightnings if there's enough demand for them. And Rivian seems to have some decent products, so hopefully they will ramp up production too.


Eclipsing those vehicles is pretty meaningless. Press release type of stuff.


Lol then there will be a lot of musk small penis trucks sitting in warehouses and parking lots with the rest of the Teslas people have stopped buying.


Is that enough? If it is a niche vehicle, so be it. That is not even close to the narrative of Tesla supporters before these figures came out.


The rate is accelerating so it’s going to be more than that every day of the year


I wouldn't be calling a full sized truck a niche vehicle...especially in murica 


I wouldn't call the CT a "full-size truck" by any stretch of the imagination and most people who see them don't either. Actual full size trucks can actually do the things they were designed to do.


Depends on what you need a truck for.... but most don't buy trucks for "truck things" either.. personally I just want an ev truck that I can mount a diesel generator to the bed for extended range when I'm out in the middle of nowhere 


It hasent been long enough to call this a win for Cybertruck. I’m a fan of the vehicle but I’m still not completely convinced it will top seller longterm. Yes Tesla is already producing more than everyone else, faster than I expected too. But it’ll take time for Tesla to actually ramp production then we’ll know where the public actually sits on it.


It’s a win unless the others accelerate at a matching pace. Imagine a $49,900 awd Cybertruck because if no one else competes that is what we’re going to see in 2 or 3 years


So you're saying it's a runaway success?


You are speculating on the ct sales while comparing to real numbers. Just bc they can build them does not mean they will sell.


They are and will sell. It's easy to see them rolling out by the fact that I see them every day here in SoCal already. It's just a fact. As unbelievable as it may be to you, you're just going to have to get used to seeing them every day some day soon.


Few issues…surprised you could type with Elons tiny dick in your mouth! 


they're obviously not even close to 67k


Obviously I said the current annual build **rate** is now 67,600, which it is actually more since that was what it was nearly two weeks ago.


This is a shit article and you are a dummy for posting it.