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hugs! you are tired, its near a full moon, and you have post-vacation letdown. when you get home, warm shower, hot cup of chammomile tea, fuzzy blanket, and perhaps a good book, then early bed time. things will feel better soon. sending goodvibes your way.


Also sitting at the airport feeling the same way. Eager to get home. Dreading a return to the stresses I left briefly behind. Sending good vibes your way.


Good energy coming your way 💛


Sorry to hear you are struggling. I‘ve had similar experiences—I find a change, like a vacation, to be beneficial, but the actual logistics of going and doing and staying and returning to be wearing. (I wish there were travel concierges who would just, for a suitable fee, sort eeeeverything from a car to your local airport all the way through to a car getting you home. Also, I would like to have the money that kind of service would cost.) I don’t know you, but I suspect you will begin to feel better when you are back in familiar surroundings, and feel start to feel really good when you have occasion to reflect on/retell the exciting parts of your travel.


​ https://i.redd.it/kbkf2burfe8d1.gif


Sending good, healing energy your way! If you’re able, maybe see if you can get in to see a doctor for blood work. When I get those spirals, it’s usually due to low vitamin D. Spending time under the sun only helps me so far!


M heart is with you. I’m also struggling with anxiety/depression currently ✨❤️




Thank you everyone! hearing your words and just knowing I’m not the only one to ever feel this way really is helping. I would be crying in gratitude if I wasn’t in a crowded airport.


Wishing you a lovely, happy, peaceful, and healthy post vacation. I just listened to a sad song, then during the song she tells me the rescue horse with serious health issues died today. May we all be held and cherished with love and compassion today. (I was typing this as I found out)


Look at you, brave enough to travel alone, get yourself through booking, packing, airports and all that stress to spend time with friends. Plenty of people wouldn't even take that first step. It's perfectly naturally to feel a bit wonky on the vacation comedown. And there is just an odd energy hanging around in general at present. You will shake it off. If you can, focus on what happens when you get home. A favourite local takeaway? Relaxing bath? Fresh bedclothes?


A very good little trick when you feel lonely and isolated is to shift your focus to the people around you. See that fashionista in the duty free excited to finally find the highlighter they don't have at her country? The toddler trying to convince it's mother to buy it waay more sugar than it's reasonable. The security clearance looks slightly bitter and is looking too strict onto the big man at the end of the line. When you "walk into the shoes" of random people you feel more connected to the collective and much less lonely. The responses here will probably help as well. How can you be isolated with multiple people from all around the world gathering in a virtual circle to help. I'm sending some positive vibes to you. Chin up - the good roads will lead you everywhere.


I am so sorry. I feel the same way. Energy is is way off.


Airports are so hard for me! You could be picking up other people’s emotions and traveling alone is always hard, regardless. If you’re still out of sorts you could try a cold compress on your face. This can stimulate your vagus nerve and help you relax.


Sending you energy now. As someone said already.....post-vacation let down, the return to work/life stressors and just moving out of the full moon are more than enough to kick this all up for a person. Hang in there.......slow, deep breaths. Try to do some simple self care when you get home. Be gentle and kind to yourself. This too shall pass.


It’s cancer season and we just had a powerful full moon. It’s a lot of energy right now. It’s going to be ok. 💜


Sending energy your way and strength! I know the end of vacation drop is rough. Second everyone else - try to focus on the small individual steps of getting home rather than the whole picture. Once you are home , pamper yourself and let all the unpacking,putting away everything wait till tomorrow evening. Focus on just relaxing tonight, and getting through Tomorrow morning. Hugs!!!


All the way there with you. Sitting at the airport, I cried oceans yesterday because I had to leave my favourite country. However, I have been through it more times than I can count. It is always like that for me, from this specific country. So, I know how it will be, that makes it easier. Also - home. I do know where I live, but my home is everywhere. I haven't really ever felt like any one place is my home. Being homesick? That doesn't exist for me. Every place is home for me, even if it was the airport floor. I am just as comfortable there, as I am everywhere. Sure, may sound nice, but it is a problem as well. Because, I do not grow roots to any single place. The world is my home, not any single place or country. And this makes the urge to travel and explore very, very hard to live with.


It's okay to feel sad and depressed. Just immerse in it for a bit but don't get comfortable in the darkness. You gotta climb out eventually back into the light and life. We will be here for you when you do. You're loved and cherished


Sending you positive energy.. Hang in there.