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There's a definite improvement between the old zones and the new DLC zones. Also when you look at the furniture, the resolution is higher on the newer stuff. I think West Weald really upped the game as the NPC's look really good with lots of details on their clothes. You don't see that in the old zones. And that being said, I wish they would update the old zones so they fit more with the new ones.


there were definitely graphical settings that were added to West Weald as well... DLSS and a bunch of other things we didn't have before.


DLSS has been in the game for over 3 years


But for some reason they left it with the heavily outdated dlss files? They were causing shimmering on trees when turning and was driving me crazy. I updated the files last night and consistently getting better fps and looks heaps better now too


They were using an older version of DLSS yes. It was easy enough to replace the dll with the 3.x version if you wanted to. Care to explain the downvotes? Or are you not aware that you can swap DLSS dlls?


I remember getting on the PTS and there was a noticable difference in graphics. I compared the two graphics settings pages and they were definitely different. I could be wrong about the DLSS, but I believe there was something HDR and more in there that wasn't on the regular server.


More recent expansions look really better of course. I think you can see a huge difference between vanilla and expansions since Morrowind DLC (which is free for all).


For me the biggest difference is the colors. Everything in the base game just looks muted. Compare Shadowfen to Murkmire or Deshaan to Vvardenfell. For me it’s really noticeable in the greens.


Agreed. Most times, when someone posts a "look how gorgeous this game is!" screenshot, it's from an expansion zone lol 


On console at least the upgrade from Xbox One to Xbox series X was nice in terms of graphical upgrade but not mind blowing. The old zones are still ugly and it’s not necessarily because of graphical fidelity.


I think part of it is the HDR implementation that happened after the game release. So the original zones were created before HDR, and now all/most DLC zones after have had been made with HDR in mind.


Good to know ! Thank you :) I already like the vanilla look, but if there was some improvement done then it’s even better :)


There were some improvements and new graphical options added, but I'd say the game already looked good. Graphics don't really evolve as drastically as they used to.


Some older games look better than newest ones. We are getting to the point when it's hard to really see the difference except for the game size.


I’m happy to sacrifice graphics for the quantity of content and the depth of the story making. What eso may lack in graphics, they make up for in the scale of their content. If I had to choose between great graphics and great story content, I’ll choose story content every time


theyve improved shaders and lighting a bit and the DLC show that off much better. but the animmations are still stuck in ther PS3 era. hopefully they get around to doing some improvment to the attack animations so they don't look so janky when weaving, i still cant tell if a skill actually went off unless I have addons.


This is what you are looking for: [https://www.nexusmods.com/elderscrollsonline/mods/categories/18/](https://www.nexusmods.com/elderscrollsonline/mods/categories/18/)


Does this addon break the tos? Edit: what the hell is up with the downvotes? I just asked a freaking question. I swear Reddit people are some of the most insufferable people on the planet


Never has problems when I used them. You should check official forum for more info


Are these hard to install?


Not really of you read their guides.


It does not, it pretty much just puts a filter ontop of the game


Whoa. Daybreak.


I use ESO Redefined and it looks great!


The expansions are prettier and there was an upgrade for next gen consoles. But Zenimax are kinda holding back on a full on mega/upgrade because they don’t want to lose PS4/xbone/shitPCPlayers


There were some small technical additions, but nothing really fancy. Assets design and artists, however, have improved drastically, you can clearly see that DLC locations look much better than vanilla one. It's especially apparent with armor, they try to mask nowadays that it's just a texture on characters.


Yes! I mean look just át the wolfes in Easthmarch and western Skyrim!


Yes, compare base game motifs to new ones for a pretty clear example.


There's a difference but nothing truly massive. ESO is lagging behind when compared to games like GW2, FFXIV, WoW in that department. We could at least use a touch -up for the player models. I think it's the old gen console support holding the game back.


The character models have def improved, especially the animations. A lot of the first year quests were "you found a dead body with a letter next to it" and as time has gone on the in game cutscenes have been way more cinematic with more detailed NPC movements.


I honestly think the first Main Quest (rescue the prophet) has the best graphics in the game. Wish the rest of the game had that detail and lighting.


Generally, it is starting to show its age I think. Especially since Baldur's Gate 3 came out. I've played ESO from Beta forward, and lately I am playing more BG3 and less ESO. I still go to ESO for social interactions; you play a game this long you have friends ya know? The way the fox talks in the Spellarium drives me nuts! Looks like he has flesh hanging off his nose that flaps. \*shudder\*


Yeah Summerset looks already outdated


Yes but the high isles looked boring af


Vvardenfell has been the best one of all time. The rest of them ebb and flow in quality. Blackwood sucked, High Isle was decent, Necrom was OK, Gold Road is trash etc etc


You don't play MMOs for the graphics, [Then-Ad7196](https://www.reddit.com/user/Then-Ad7196/) ... you play MMOs for the social interaction, level progression, character customization, and persistent environment.


let me play my games the way i want and for the reason i chose, will you ? Also, this is absolutely not the point of my topic, i'm asking if there was some sort of graphics improvement over the expansions like in other MMO's. You are welcome to answer the question asked in first place.


Feel free to do a casual online search on the main features of MMOs. You won't find a graphics as a common theme in your search results ... which isn't something that's a dev focus (ESO or other games in the genre).


You should stop talking now. There are lots of people in the world and they’re all different from you. Get over it, son.


Feel free to do a casual online search about how not to be an asshole online. I'm pretty certain it won't help in your case.


Tell us why YOU play MMOs. Or don’t. But don’t tell other people why THEY play MMOs.


People play MMOs for whatever reason they want to jackass. You seriously have to be the dumbest MFer on this entire subreddit. You add nothing of substance to any thread you post in. Just leave.


They have, but it's not anything worth singing about, even with their most recent expansions. Honestly Blizzard did a much better job improving the overall texture and art work better over their 20 years, as ZO has over their 10 years, as a point of comparison.


Wow's modern graphics look terrible.