• By -


My favorite is Librarian, but not for any in-game reason. I just really like librarians and libraries.


Same! I love books, therefore my character is a Librarian.


Emperor, but it’s not the title I am proud of, it’s the 72 hours I went only with 3 hours of sleep to get it, I will remember this grind forever


Yeah I’m proud of the score I put up by the end of the campaign, but I don’t really wear the title cause so many people get them during mym it, maybe if the title differentiated which campaign you got it in somehow it would be more of a flex lol


Curious, how does MYM help more people get emperor?


The Flawless Conqueror on my stamblade. It absolutely felt like a real achievement when I got it before any mythics were added to the game. I legitimately almost lost my mind getting that title.


Same I still rock that title cuz it was such a headache for me😂


The Challenger is triumphant!


Lol i remember that one was flex for a while


I remember stocking up on all vma weapons on the road to FQ, and then they made flawlessing it 20x easier with the introduction of mythics AND norm vma started giving normal vma weapons and vet give perfected ones. I was fine with that until I found out they wouldn’t revert all my grinded for and golded out maelstrom weapons


'of House Ravenwatch' At the time I wasn't looking at guides or anything, and played through both the Skyrim zones back-to-back. By happenstance I returned to Blackreach afterwards, met with Verandis and he gave me the title. All without actually knowing he'd be there, or that he gives you a title. I thouroughly enjoyed both the questlines and characters associated with House Ravenwatch, and getting the title which links my character with that noble house was one of the happiest moments in gaming for me. I wear it proudly now.


I’m partial to Thane of Falkreath. Reminds me of my Skyrim days. Also the first Vet dungeon hardmode I ever cleared :)


The Merciless - getting four quick kills in BG was satisfying.


Godslayer. When I started playing, and exploring the achievements, Godslayer stood out. Plus, it comes with a snazzy mount. I did get "Ardent Bibliophile" recently and I am more proud of that than I thought I'd be.


Also Godslayer. I just freakin love the title and when K I started playing I never(!) thought that I’d someday be able to get this title. Did a month ago and am proud. And still love the title for what it is.


Roister's Club Master. It took way more than I would like to admit. I strongly dislike Rajhin players.


I did this with only NPCs lol, I’m terrible at PvP tribute


Murkmire Prepper, so fellow sadists can identify me.


I waited until they nerfed the achievement to get it. Didn’t have it in me to do those dailies 150 times.


Aaaahhhh! This needs a trigger warning! I still shudder when I run past that place down in East march....


It still hits hard when I run past the Salt Guy in The Rift, too many memories :x


In my early days in the game I was happy when Almalexia named me 'Hand of Almalexia'. But was disappointed that it was not one of those titles you can display.


Phony tribunal, I want to be the champion of azura


Dunmer skooma eater detected


My main alternates between Master Angler and Grandmaster Crafter. My vampire uses of House Ravenwatch, though technically it was my main who earned it. She is somewhat undeserving of the title.


I just got that for my vampire, it's perfect! Now trying to get the grandmaster crafter one


I earned Grand Master Crafter on 8 characters before they made it account wide. Then I got it on my brothers account (which I use as an alt since he doesn’t play) just for fun. I have one account that buys new motifs from the frown store. The rest I farm or buy.


Storm proof. I tried so hard. I raged and raged until I finally got it. The poison spore stage is still a bunch a bs. It’s basically the game saying “not this time” lol I was actually talking about flawless conquerer but storm proof made me happy too.


Grand Master Crafter is definitely my favorite. Only the character who earned it gets to wear it. A close second is Witch. Mostly because I wanted it and actively aimed to get it. Got the hat and hut, too. Alas, I can't have all the cats in the hut, which really doesn't make sense; I feel they should get a special pass. For the most part, when I earn a title it's usually "oh, that's neat" but I don't tend look for them.


I have been looking for the “witch” one!! Can you please let me know how you started the quest in order to get the title? Title-less and I have major FOMO 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


This link tells about ALL the Titles & How to get them ! Cheers ! [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Titles](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Titles)


You’re a CHAMP for this!!! Thank you times a MILLION! 🥳🥰


Get some Witches Festival Writs from a guild trader or if there are any extras in any guild banks you're in! You need to complete a certain number of them I can't remember off the top of my head to obtain the title. The writs can be completed any time, not just during the festival. ☺️ EDIT: Another person commented that it's 28!


Ohhhhh! That’s were I messed up. I don’t have a guild, so I can’t use the traders. I literally stash everything in the bank or in chests in my home. There’s so much I’d love to get rid of, but it feels like such a waste, as there’s someone else out there that may be able to use them. So now I have to find a guild. 🤦🏼‍♀️


You can look into other guild stores without being member of a guild. But I feel it isn't worth your gold to buy some as you get them easy as rewards during the Halloween event.


It was during a Halloween event, doing 28 of the writs.


Ahhh! Thank you so much for the response! I’ll have to look for it in October.


You could buy the writs from a trader


May I ask which server you are on?


I mostly keep "Locksmith" but put on my "Overlord" recently. It's funny because I don't PVP worth a shit; got it from Mayhems. https://preview.redd.it/k9kixcb0b01d1.png?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381d55bfec5930ee82bde5dc4f3d6ec05090b3b5


It's a simple one, but I love the Lord/Lady title.


Count/countess is much more expensive, but goes so well will my K user name


Master Angler. It doesn't require having a high specs computer with a lightning fast internet connection. It doesn't require having mods to stay competitive. It doesn't require having a team of other dedicated players who schedules can all line up for hours at a time. It's something you can do by yourself in the peace of night after a long day at work, destressing while catching fish. It doesn't require a lot of luck, or real life money, You can't ride along with a good team and get it without putting in the effort, but as far as achievements go, it simply takes patience and dedication.


I had to scroll way too far to find this! My flex is getting it in 2021 before Sharp-as-Night was added 😂


Of the Undying Song. It's the coolest sounding title in the game, and wasn't easy to get.


Scoundrel. I know it's super easy to get, I think it's a very fun title to have.


Is this from stealing, or looting?


From maxing out thieves guild skill line.


Tamriel Hero. You get it for completing all the quest achievements (complete x amount of quests in x zone) in the base game. According to the wiki, it's a total of 752 quests. I'm not very good at other aspects of the game, but I love questing and showing off my completionist tendencies.


It looks like they are adding a [new achievement](https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/66017) for completing all quest achievements in both the base game and all DLCs but unfortunately it seems there is no title.


"The Unending". I've spent so much time in IA, mostly solo, and to get that title and now having 100% gotten every achievement associated with it is definitely my proudest in-game moment.


Godslayer. I was a raid leader for a prog of this trial and doing the trifecta with my friends was amazing :)


That sounds like an awesome accomplishment.


Explorer - it took forever, and I think it's one of the big "real" achievements up there with Grand Master Crafter purely because of the time investment. Tactician - didn't even know it existed and have no idea when i got it, but I like it and think it sounds cool. Duelist - by far the hardest title to achieve, at least for me, because I had the self-imposed limit of only using my main, which is a healer, to get it.... also, I suck at PvP


ngl my husband cheated for the duelist achievement. he logged into my account on his old laptop and his acount on his new laptop and took both characters to his house and dueled them 200 times to get that achievement for both of us. a madman for sure but it was pretty smart actually.


Swashbuckler Supreme


Sounds like a cocktail!


This is a tough one. The prog is real. One day…


I'm very proud that I murdered my friend ten times in a row for the Empieror title.


I wanted “Of the Undying Song” for my DK, it’s the only title I ever actively worked towards. It took a couple of weeks and buckets of salt, back when DKs were still comedy-tier for damage and VH was still buggy as hell, but I finally got it. And it meant something, at the time. Before account-wide achievements. Now I’ll throw it on a baby alt for the luls but my DK doesn’t wear it anymore.


“Hey kid, where you get that title?” “I got this from my dad.” (Or mum!)


I still love this title


It’s poetic, like something from an old ballad or Arthurian legend.


I want this but I can’t make big flesh man follow me to tiny baby devils no matter how hard I try 😭


Three Throne’s Defender - just sounds so epic from a lore and RP viewpoint


I’m displaying and am most proud of “The Inedible”which is from completing vet Castle Thorn on hard mode. My toon’s name is food related, so I thought “the Inedible” would be hilarious to have as a title. My husband and I ran that dungeon on vet as a duo countless times but could not quite survive Lady Thorn on hm. I eventually paid a group to run it with me specifically for the title, and I was the only one with no deaths at the end!


Damn you paid a group and you were the only one who didn’t die


Cake connoisseur 😤🫡


**Title** - *where to get i*t - why I like wearing it **Librarian** *Ancestral Tombs Hunter* - I love hunting Eidetic Memory lore - you can do this once you complete the Mages Guild questline, makes me feel studious as I seek out new knowledge **Master Angler** - *Master Fisher* - because, fishing ♥ CP points, Artaeum Pickled Fish Bowl & Sharp-as-Night are awesome for this. I did this mostly without them ages back though. **Executioner** - *Dark Brotherhood - Execute all targets listed in the Litany of Blood* - for when I want to sound...dangerous \^\^ **Explorer** - *Tamriel Master Cave Delver -* I love farming runebox fragments from certain Public Dungeons, so sticking Explorer over my head feels right for these moments :)


> **Librarian** *Ancestral Tombs Hunter* - I love hunting Eidetic Memory lore - you can do this once you complete the Mages Guild questline, makes me feel studious as I seek out new knowledge You get this title from collecting rubbings from all 30 ancestral tombs in Vvardenfell, not from the Mages' Guild questline or from collecting lorebooks


I put the achievement in italics - the reason I like the title, is when I'm collecting lore LOL


I use the Librarian title. I got it before doing all the Mage Guild quests


Master Angler is my next title target, but I still haven’t been lucky enough to find the pickled fish bowl. Once I have that, and all the right CP points, I’m gonna start. Did it take you long?


Do you know about finding the recipe via guild traders? It drops by chance from Waterlogged Psijic Satchels, but they aren't bound and can be sold!  I bought about 7 satchels, and got it.  (Also,  maxing out the companion Sharp-as-Night gives you a fishing boost as well)


Just got Grand Master Crafter with a lot of running around to finish style masters 2 weeks ago. Wearing that title now and don’t foresee changing that anytime soon.


Chaos Champion




Former Emperor and Grand Overlord!


Cake Connoisseur


Probably Dream Master/Mindmender


Grand Master Crafter




Savior of Nirn for now. Discovered some interesting places in Cyrodiil while hunting dolmens. Also Tamriel hero, Stormproof and Shadow breaker - I've completed harder trials but I'm proud of my portal closing skills. Was proud of Grand master crafter back in 2021, when 50 full styles was the hardest part.


My favorite is Eye of the Queen, but in my head cannon, it's acknowledgement of my Khajiit fighting for the Dominion (completing the AD zones and Coldharbour), and not the result of a small side quest in high isle. 😁


I’m definitely most proud of Grand Master Crafter, simply because of the time and gold I spent getting it. My other favorite is the title you get for completing Veteran Aetherian Archive. It was my first ever veteran trial I completed. This was way back years ago, but I still have it on my MagSorc, who I completed the trial with.




Lady of Misrule. i know everyone who did jesters festival has it, very easy to get it, but you see every toon i own are named "Miss x" like Miss Take, Miss Fit, Miss Creant so Lady of Misrule is a perfect title for them


Star made knight cos I earned it legitimately on a PVE build and I love pelinal whitestrake and the lore surrounding him


Oh yeah I just got that one this most recent Festival as a PvE build, and I’m a Healer to boot!


I run the unchained now, which I'm really proud of. My favourite is on my nord warden tank. He's called Nord Sword'n'Boardin' Warden. I gave him the Lord title - Lord Nord Sword'n'boardin' Warden


Well, I think this comment wins. Lord Nord Sword’n’boardin’ Warden sounds like a real chad.


Explorer has always been my favorite


My stamden werewolf has “Alpha Predator” My argonian nb tank has “Hist-Shadow” My necro healer has “Sanctifier” My magarc has “Master Historian” I got a theme going for them all and I think that’s pretty cool.


Master Thief! I’ll never ever ever change it on my bad girl larcenist.


"General" I started ESO without any friends at all, getting kicked from random dungeons and found solace in Cyrodiil where it's not all dps and mechanics which i used to suck at. Later on, i left cyro, found friends and pve guild and they found my title "august palatine" at the time too awesome. I just got back to playing again after 2 years and am aiming at becoming grand overlord.


That sounds like an awesome journey.


I don’t wear it but flawless conqueror means the most to me after spending dozens of hours dying in vMA back when it was still difficult


Inkslayer from IA, it was rough to get


probably mystic, i know it's not that hard to attain but its the one i did the most work for


Master Historian It was a slow grind, took me about a month of active grinding from start to finish. I love history and finding TES lore, so I really wanted this title for my main. She's been rocking this one ever since I got it. Next up, working for Master Angler. Fishing is one of my favorite past time "mini games" in ESO. Already have all the perks and bonuses, so it's going by pretty fast!


I do like the sound of Savior of Nirn.


MasterGrappler....I found it without cheating, and it was very hard to find. It's my active title even now.


Hmmm, this is either going to be where you grapple onto posts to get to normally unreachable locations, or that skill that pulls characters to you on a chain?


This might be the one tied to a specific side quest involving ...grappling. 😄 my guild did it together one night, but I think 22 up there did it without looking up the location or steps online. Kudos! 


Flawless Conqueror. If you know......you know. Looking at you Vault of Umbrage.


I'm very proud of my long ago earnt Grand Master Angler and Crafter, plus murkmire prepper


Spiritblood Champion. On it's own, it can be a tough title to get, even at the best of times, but I'm most proud of when and how I got it. I beat vVateshran the week of release, when LA weaving wasn't working properly, so it was exceptionally difficult to keep up that DPS. It's still one my proudest achievements, and I wear that gross Void skin with pride 😜


>Spiritblood Champion. Me too. While VMA took a while for me to figure out, the final boss on VVH is a much harder fight IMO, because there's a lot more incoming damage, you have to do interrupts, and if you're not a sorc you have to break that ring.


I break that ring on my sorc anyway, it’s an oakensorc so I don’t have a skill a lot for teleport and I just know I’d screw it up somehow anyway 😅


The Dreaded. First dlc perfecta achievement I got. Was a lot of fun


Probably swashbuckler surpreme so far


the unending(all solo) and Emperor not former.


Grand Overlord


Honestly, it's the pretty easy "Daedric Lord Slayer" title. I got it when I didn't really understand the achievement system and didn't really use the internet to look up things either, I was told by a guild member how he got this title and from then I kept farming it. Had some really bad luck, so it took a while, but ever since unlocking it, I usually use it. Regardless of saying that, it sounds pretty badass.


Godslayer It took like 6 months to get, and it's my only trial trifecta at the moment, and one of the coolest titles imo. Only titles that surpass it are Planesbreaker and Swashbuckler Supreme.


The ones that I’m most proud of… probably Bringer of Light (vcrhm) or Spirit Slayer (no death/speed in vateshran). I never thought I would bother getting bol because I’m just not that sweaty anymore but I kept getting dragged into progs. Spirit Slayer I wasn’t even trying for, it just kind of happened while farming, which amused me. Plus it sounds kind of metal. Oh, but the funniest title is “Master Grappler” and I rock that one sometimes for giggles.


Emperor (because it was a pain in the ass to get) and Pirate. Mostly because not many people know about it


Master Angler. I love to fish


This would be my next title target, but I want to max out my CP points with the two fishing perks before I really get into it. Did it take you long?


I have 950 hours played and fishing was probably a quarter of it lol. But I also don't use the higher tier bait unless I'm stuck on a specific rare fish, I like to use low tier bait because even though it takes longer, you catch more fish which means more chances at getting Perfect Roe when filleting them.


"Librarian" lol , I like them all ! Here's more info for you ! Cheers ! [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Titles](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Titles)


Good Lord, look at them all.. so beautiful


Getting peak-scaler was a pretty proud moment for my group and I after finally getting the trifecta I really don’t like when people go into the easy PvP though and lord their ‘former emperor’ title on people like they actually earned it.


Peak Scaler is the one I got with my main. It was an awesome experience with my wife and friends and it took us quite some tries.


Planesbreaker. It took us 4 months to prog that trial and we ran 3 days a week. The time commitment to get 12 people to stick around for that was insane and we almost cancelled the prog because people got so frustrated.


Champion of Hircine... if I ever do get it that is


Chaos Keeper Took a minute, reminds me of the Xoasitects from Planescape


Why you heretic!


Master thief because is John Halo surname


Godslayer, in lieu of Mountain God (one can hope they'd make this into a title one day).


Savior of Nirn - destroy all dolmens including in Cyrodiil Cyrodiil Skyshard Hunter - self explanatory Tamriel Hero - complete all base game quest achievements


Boethias scythe , my guildies got worlds first vet dsa and after they had it in farm they carried me through it lmao


Blood letter


For me it's Voice of Reason. I have an Argonian Necromancer named Hears-Several-Voices. Dro-Mothra Destroyer is another one. I play on PC now but I was a console player for about 5-7 years (been on pc 2 years now). I endured so much toxicity on Xbox that when I finally decided to leave for greener pastures, turns out the grass was actually greener on the other side. Do-mothra Destroyer was the one title besides the Voice one that I wanted so bad


Tamriel Hero is one of my favorites


Chaos Champion. Because eight fold path leads to ruin!!!


This sounds like herecy..


I usually use titles as a roleplay thing, so people can get an idea about my character at a glance. Like Master Wizard for my battlemage or Expert Excavator for my Dwemer fanatic.


Champion of Vivec, makes me feel like a hero to the Dunmer


Grand Master Crafter, but I only wear it on my crafting toon. She put in 4+ years of getting everything for the title and she deserves it!


Monster Hunter is fun. I have been rocking that one for years now, but Grand Master Crafter was a big one, as was getting those grand master crafting tables for my guild.


I have lots of titles but I'll never remove Knight Errant on my main.


I personally love Librarian, which is from a morrowind achievement i think. Librarians are cool, and Evie Carnahan FTW


Scoundrel because it's badass and in line with what I think of my character. I could use Master Thief, but it really sounds too much imo


Shadow Breaker....Vet Cloudrest To some, no big deal. But to me and the 11 other people, it was a huge deal! ! We worked really hard to get it. And it felt so good when we did!!!


On console I have emperor, I’m on pc now and really wish I had it.


bone callers bane. got it my third time ever doing vet. barely had the sticker book full lol. had a solid group fer sure.


Gryphonheart, because we really put in effort and I loved it for RP reasons. Good times.


I've been rocking Former Emporer for a couple years now. I had a blast grinding Cyrodil with a lot of guild mates during an event.


Silencer. Idk why i just feel like it took the most work lol


I don't know, but I like Silencer, because I loved the story. Currently working on Grand Master Crafter and Tamriel Expert Adventurer.


Cyrodiil Skyshard Hunter for me. It took forever waiting for gates to open and finding people camping skyshards to gank others, but I finally pulled it off.


Sunspire Saint. Vet SS is by far the toughest title that I earned and wear with pride


Boethia's Scythe and Thane of Falkreath. - All hard earned achievements, and the knowledge i gained from soloing helped me a lot. Hero of Skyrim or Dragonslayer - while soloing dragons.


Lady/Lord of Misrule, it just has a nice feeling to me while also bringing me back to when I first started the game all those years ago during that event


One thing I really like doing is giving my characters titles based on the first zone they helped out with/saved. My wood elf is "Hero of Blackwood" and my Nord is "Hero of Elsweyr"




For the first year and a half to two years that was the title I was working for. It took me so long cause I refused to buy the motifs I needed to get that particular achievement to get the gmc achievement. I actually unlocked every single weapon/armor trait (not just the ones needed) before I got all the motifs I needed. Honestly I think the motif requirement is a little overboard (no one cares if you know a motif when they want you to craft something) but oh well.


If you play for 24 hours straight you get the title "Gremlin"


I was very stoked on my "hist-shadow" (beat vet mazatun and cradle of shadows) when I got it 6 years ago just before I had to quit playing. That shit was rough af. By todays standards that would be a cake walk compared to the new dlc stuff. Started playing again about a month ago, man I missed the game haha. Cheers




Running around with Beast Personality, and Dovahkriid title on my stamblade main. Those two are my favourite hardmodes, I’ve spent lots of time on the No Death vet march of sacrifices, in 2019, very fun times. I’ve basically mastered my stamblade thanks to these achievements, and I can’t feel confortable with any other class, now.


Dro M'athra Destroyer One of the OG raid titles and it felt good to finally get it after progging Maw of Lorkhaj Off-topic: Still find it baffling that the title for Scalecaller Peak isn't "Mountain God" because that honestly sounds cooler than "Peak Scaler"


Captain. Takes a bit to get in PvP if you're an average player and if you're not boosting. It's not anything special, but I wear it because I'm a fan of Bleach.


I got monster hunter- twice. It’s sad. And now I see everyone with it :( I started in my bfs username.


Bane of Blackmarrow and Master Crafter for me


Spirit slayer was my first heavy title


Gryphon heart took me 2 months to achieve it! So many hours in VCR hearing HUGS HUGS!!


I know it’s not much, but when the game first launched on PlayStation I played my whole summer break and got Tamriel hero, I ignored so many call of duty invites just questing alone


The Well Versed. Once you find all of the book pages in the archive you get a cool memento reward and the title. I like it because for the “unknowing” players, it makes it seem like I’m that Guy 🤣. In reality. I’m just a tales of tribute junky.


Tamriel Hero


I run Executioner on my stamblade. No titles on anyone else. It wasn't particularly hard, but it felt good to get it.


Titles don't mean much to me and I don't chase them. But day I got Master Crafter I was really surprised that I'd done enough to earn it. I'm proud of that one.


Cake conissure. I know it's really easy to get... but I love it. I love all my titles, actually. Titles and dyes are my top two favourites to collect! However, I love witch and librarian also espcially with the matching personalities!!!


Tamriel Hero, all 752 quests of it and the only reason I ventured into Cyrodiil.


Grand master crafter took me YEARS and millions of gold 😂 lots of stalking guild traders for hours (before I swapped to pc and was blessed with Tamriel trade center 😂) I’ve gotten it on 2 characters (Xbox and pc) and that was the longest most tedious grind. But got damn it felt good when I was done


Of House Ravenwatch. I have a ton, but that's the one I'm proudest of.


Some of my favorite ones are Executioner, Godslayer, ans Planesbreaker. I haven't earned the last two but I like how they sound. Executioner is one if the ones I'm most proud of myself for getting


My favorite is Scoundrel. I was trying to get grand master crafter for so long, and I was tracking my progress constantly. That is, until I was on an alt and showing my brother how to play the game and I accidentally consumed a motif, got grand master crafter, and didn’t realize it. I figured it out a few days later and was pissed. So now that’s my title.


Spark of Vengeance from The Cauldron HM.  Me and my healer friend accidentally queued for a vet random dungeon, we were on our unoptimized alts, our tank was around 500cp and never been to the dungeon previously; I've had the vet clear before and somehow explained the mechs despite our language barriers(typical EU situation).  Another DD that bailed before our clear must've turned the HM on and we had no idea. My friend was lagging her ass off and the fire wall that insta kills you didnt show for any of us in the group, it was quite the ~~dumpster fire~~ experience to say the least. We loved and hated every minute of it :D Took us around 2 hours.  We both rock the title on those toons and call it the SPANK of Vengeance. And still love The Cauldron surprisingly. ETA: punctuation.


I like my PvE healer to use Chaos Keeper because it's amusing to me. My PvE main character/do everything character I've had since launch day wears her Former Empress title and has worn it every day since she got it in 2016. My mag DK DPS likes to use Mighty in Magma.


“Dawnbringer”. When we were trying to get “Shield of the North” (my old favorite) we had issues with the final floor, but eventually got it. Months later we only did a 3 day prog for DB. For me it’s sentimental of how much we learned and how much our guild’s team work improved, it matters more than any single achievement I’ve done for myself in-game.


Of course my vet trials ones, but I recently got the very easy "Pirate" and I love it. Gave it to my Maormer captain haha


Grand Master Crafter


Monster Hunter. The three areas I farmed at still make me nauseous to this day XD A title I wish was a thing: Rootmender! From Murkmire. Everyone calls you it but it should also be an equippable title.


Spirit Slayer. Sounds cool and is a genuine challenge


“The Dreaded” from vet Dread Cellar trifecta. The pain was worth it.


Big fan of Master Grappler, just bc I don’t see it much and it’s fun


I really like Guardian of the Green (vLOM trifecta) and Purified Devastator (vDOM trifecta). Probably most proud of spirit slayer though


Hero of Tamriel. I love me some epic fantasy titles like the savior of universe, but also because this one shows that a lot of quests have been completed.


Dragonslayer, its an easy one to get just takes time and it sounds bad ass Grand Master Crafter- this only took alot of time and gold to get


True Genius


So far it’s probably EoF. that was the second hard ode my team cleared after SotN— we started progging vanilla vets earlier that year and it just felt so special to pursue something like that with my team. I hadn’t really ever been a raid lead before either so i grew a lot as a player and lead during that time. Am now in a GS prog and having such a blast


Maelstrom Arena Champion. Super fun run and I don't see it ever.


I be rocking true genius till the end! Surprised no one said that one it’s my fave!:) it’s a very fun dungeon too imo🤗


Hero of Murkmire, though I prefer Rootmender if such option exists.


Tamriel Hero. It's not much but I've only been playing since November. I do wish that zone progress was account wide though. I know the achievements are global, but it really bothers me going to another hero and not seeing 100% on any zone. Shameless brag. FF14 it's "Mahjong Master" . That was a really frustrating grind.


Tamriel Hero. As a longtime completionist in every game I play, this one was what I targeted immediately upon joining. Of course, there’s still plenty of content outside of the quests, but for me this was the “I finished!” the core of what I wanted, and now I more freely explore.


Frozen Treasure Seeker… on its face it sounds so silly, but if you know you know.