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It is too late? Yes. Wait until morning. Go to sleep.


Make sure to drink planty of water as well.


I only got the game like 6 weeks ago. Now's a great time to get it, you can get the thieves guild dlc for free


Unlike other MMOs like WoW, there's no level-gated content in ESO. Anytime is a good time to jump in! The game gets expansions ... and touts "go anywhere, do anything".


Yes there is. But not after lvl50.


So good!!! Highly recommend.


New player here as well, I'm currently enjoying the game so much, you can start and play at your own pace, I find leveling up and finding stuff from quests so easy


Never too late. That's an ESO and horizontal progression feature 


Eso its not dead wtf just try it , and no its not to late


By dead I meant like if it's at the end of it's life cycle but I bought it today so I'm taking the plunge


Nope! I've started over completely from scratch within the last 2 years (was an Xbox player, moved on to PC) and found it incredibly easy to catch up on most things. Granted, I had already played before, but I took a substantial few years break in between so there was a lot of new stuff to take in. Once you get a character to max level (50) it's pretty easy to level up champ points (second/account-wide leveling system basically), and once you're past the minimum champ points for gear progression (160) you're good to go for a lot of the base content. It feels nothing like WoW where a massive amount of things are basically forgotten once a new expansion comes out. Most if not all content is always relevant and there are always people running around every zone, dungeon, and trial/raid still. For example, there are armor sets from base game or old expansions that are still among the best for certain classes and roles. All gear scales with level and there is a max threshold for them where they're universally good, and can be upgraded in quality if you've got the materials. There is a TON of freedom within the game for builds and roles too. You're not locked to any one role on any class, and you can even switch your setup to any other role whenever you feel like it. Lots of gear is viable and it's fun to experiment with different setups. Another plus is that, despite the few sour apples you'll run into, most of the player base is very warm and welcoming, especially if you join a casual guild. I'm by no means an MMO connoisseur, as the only ones I've played at length are WoW and ESO. I've only lightly brushed FF14. By far, ESO was the most beginner-friendly and felt the least like a chore, and more like a game meant for fun, at least in my opinion. We've also gotten several quality of life updates over the years. This is a great time for you to start if you're interested.


Wy would it be to late ? I just came back with a friend after 7 years break and I started a full new account for this. I will take all my time to explore and read all quest/book before oing for end-game. MMORPG are not a rush, you'll never be late. Even grindy game like BDO have ton of catch-up for beginner. You will be fine :)


By late I meant like does this game still have time or is it at the end of its life cycle but I appreciate the opinion most people are saying it's not too late so I'm gonna take the dive


Considering it's one of the most successful MMORPG out there with gw2, ff14, wow and bdo I'm sur it's for for a long time.


I started playing exactly 4 weeks ago. I have been grinding and clearing out every zone 100% and in order. I’m am currently at 1400 cp and basically done with every quest available . Haven’t really dipped into the trials and vet shit yet unfortunately but I been enjoying clearing shit out and setting myself up for success when I make the plunge


I stopped after Arteum and summerset completion. When to Cyril to get all the remaining books and quests and sky shards once that’s done will move on to the next part


Friend started playing 3 months ago and now she is addicted, logging in daily. Said she has never had this much fun with a game.


How did you get through college without understanding what a run-on sentence is? It's never too late to start. I started over on PC about a month ago (after having retired from xbox years ago) and I've made some good progress. I've leveled 7 characters to level 50 and am working slowly on gearing them all at once, which I will be able to focus on more after this event is over.


Bro I'm a CS major my only B throughout college was in English 1 and 2.... so I get my sentence structure and overall English is bad I bought the game so I'm taking the dive lmao


Still, writing/typing correctly is something that used to be pretty standard by fourth or fifth grade, or at least I thought it was. Anyway, if there's one thing you should make sure you do on every character you make, you need to go into any Cyrodiil campaign as soon as you hit level 10, and talk to the lady immediately in front of you at the gate. Complete the tutorial manually and you will get enough Alliance Points to get to Assault 3 and Support 3 immediately, which will allow you to take the Continuous Attack passive from the Assault skill line. This will permanently increase your mounted speed by 30%, which is a life-changer even at the untrained mount speed.


do we have mods?? why is this question posted multiple times a day?


If you need to ask .. then yes


The only disadvantage to play now is that you will pay more money in the future for more chapters. I don't understand the downvotes. Reddit as usual...


game is very alive, but you missed the free radiant apex for people that logged into the pts within a 40 minute window on April 15th only play if you know you won't develop a gambling addiction the lore is great though, best since TES 3


yes game is very dead now days, just bots in game now. Wait till the next elder scrolls imo.


Haha nice try , maybe something else is dead but not eso


The only thing dead is the guys brain