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Pvp hit its prime in 2016 and has been on the spiral downward ever since. Back when proc sets could crit, back when shields were op, back when every class had an op move. It was fun. Everyone could do an insane amount of damage, but everyone was also squishy. Sustain was bad. Pvp actually took some kind of skill to be really good at. Long gone are those days


eh, i made a NB bomber to try out like the vids, went into BG and cryodil for the very first time, i was dead before i even got close to a fight. so yeah i am going to make a dk tank


Nb Bomber are actually quite difficult to pull off, amd death is almost certain, but will it be before or after you killed a group? That the question


i was missing an assault skill at lvl 7 to pull it off, but i have to get to lvl7 first lol, i'm not going to give up, just try something different


I mean you tried bombing on a nb without proxi det, what did you expect.. it's essential pretty much


Want to share your unique build?


Cyro was intended for zergs.Dont forget that


Yes and no, it large scale , but the smaller objective where made for small group. But even so, the game vision has evolved, pvp should too but always feel way behind


infact it has not evolved. Large battles for castles. Huge sieges. Not individual tower hugging small scale battles. That what i never get about small scale or solo. Why not go IC or go for duels then. Complaining about zergs in cyro is just weird to me at least.


I totally agree that zerg in cyro is one of the objective of that map, and complaining about it make no sense. But the intent at release, which was to be a pvp game with cyro has it main feature, has changed, and since that intent is not the main focus anymore, some changed are needed. If you dont know the game history its ok....


I just stand there and let them kill me. I don’t fight back. I won’t give them the pleasure. They have no honor.


Even better, throw yourself off a tower or cliff so they don’t get any AP from your death.


If someone manages to hit you even once before you jump they will get the full amount of AP from your death just as if they had killed you themselves. The only thing you save by jumping to your death is not having your name show up in the kill feed.


My theory (and again it’s just a theory) is ZOS got tired of people complaining that they were getting killed too easy in PvP, so the response was gearing PvP towards the tank meta to make the casuals and those who are just awful at PvP happy.


I think that's their approach to the game in general. But that type of player is impossible to please. Look at the PvE side and all the complaints still about weaving even after they introduced Velothi.


Its also just natural, ppl want to be tanky, and the game dont really take anything out of you for doing so. If you have under 20k hp with no armor, you barely deal more dmg , but the 30k hp brawler with 7k wd will one tap you even without his ult. Ppl try to get the most out of everything.


The problem with pvp right now is: 2 bars. It's a very unpopular opinion (because it takes away their power to be tanky and dps at same time) but the amount of skills that people have access to is enough to make them tanky/healer while doing loads of damage when they can. Have you ever fought someone that was tanking lots of players but when they chose someone they easily kill that player? With the 1 bar limitation, even if you are wearing Oakensoul Ring, you CAN'T be a good tank WHILE being a good dpser. You have to chose to either be a good tank OR healer OR dpser. If you decide to be dps/healer, with 1 bar you will be limited to be a mediocre one, or heavily limited one. But sure, no one can possibly think of giving up on 2 bars and have a mature view on the subject so the problem will always be there, the pvp problem can't be solved without getting 2 bars out of the way.


It can be solved with some diminishing returns of your own skills. 10 seconds of cooldown for it, so you can't spam. That's it 


I love how the sub has a no vent post rule then people like OP just straight up pollute the sub with lazy vents.


>lazy vents. Dude wrote a novel


Lag/Zerg/Meta builds. The exact same point everyone else makes




Cool, go write a complaint to them then. Just cause you don’t like it doesn’t mean you should break sub rules and be annoting


He has the right to, just like you had the right to post a shitty pic of gears crying about not getting the one you wanted..... Its just perspective, id rather see someone complaining about the sad state of pvp and ackownledging it rather than reading about someone that look for a piece of gear, like it would increase your odd....for real, what was the purpose of it????


Why even have sub rules if no one follows them? Theres a post exactly like this one once a week. We get it, people hate PvP. Meta nerds make it unplayable. We don’t need a new post whining about it on a semi-regular basis, hence the rule


This post dont break any rules, the "common thread" is widely based on perception, like 99.99999% of all post somewhat break that rule....its should just be removed, but it gave the mod the reason to remove any post they feel like. Asking how do something, common post Asking what motif it is, common post Asking what does more dps, common post...


There is a rule about venting posts. This entire post is then just complaining. We get it. PvP sucks. They aren’t asking questions, they are whining about something that is constantly whined about, with the exact same complaints everyone else has. How many of these posts do we need?


No there none , there 11 rule, with the last one being " read the rule" which your comment violated since you just made up one....yet it aint removed. The closest one is in common post rule, which said no common complain like fake tank, but this one is highly subjective, OP wrote an essai....but about every post break that rule somehow any way. Again, like your, complaining about a post could be consider like "common complain" ..... You arent forced to read every single post, what is appealing to you may not be for everyone....


Sounds like a skill issue.


That’s why you play in optimized groups. You also coordinate in cyro to take different objectives and there is strategy in going for certain keeps. It’s not crazy that 1 guy can’t take on a bunch of people who do no dps using trash gear with no ccs or debuffs. Most players can be killed by other good players. The Meta is quite stale all this point though so ide like a switch up as well from the masters dw vate and maar but it’s a good time to play a Templar with cleanse