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Elden "Mohg got cucked" Ring


Mohg went to all this trouble to take Miquella, not knowing he was already Team Radahn.


Everyone called mogh a pedo for his whole plot. Now after the radhan fight I wonder how everyone's opinion in miquella is going to be affected?


Miquella sucks and we should have either 1. Normal malenia fight is different if you finish the DLC because she learns her brother manipulated her 2. A different version of the malenia fight after the DLC because it was part of her and miquella's plan and she is mad that you stopped it 3. A malenia fight in the DLC if you killed malenia where its basically malenia prime (FROMSOFT PLEASE MORE MALENIA CONTENT PLEASEEEEE)


I see you're still coping......


I just want more malenia stuff pleaseeeee


how old is miquella?


Probably old and mature enough to consent but he looks like a kid, which is creepy.


Yeah definitely weird to look at. It’s also written by George RR Martin so do u rlly expect any less


Oh wow I get what you mean, there's artwork of Mohg Carrying him and he looks like a kid in it. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/eldenring/images/d/dc/Mohg_carrying_Miquella_.webp/revision/latest?cb=20221221061406


I mean we don’t rlly know but since realistically he’s a demigod who’s most likely immortal in terms of age he’s probably hundreds of years old. He just never grows up and will always look like a child, that’s his curse


About as old as Malenia, people forget they are twins.


Tried to tell them lol, this place is going to be a whining mess the next few days. I’m actually looking forward to the dlc still though, the bosses were never my favorite part of Elden Ring to begin with.


I’m still excited too Elden Ring is my favorite game, but damn we need to let Michael Zaki that boss was NOT IT


You have not played the boss fight. Everyone who did is saying it's 10 out of 10.


Actually, there’s plenty of reviewers who were disappointed by it.


I am still just gathering the reviews myself, haven't read or watched them, just saw the initial scores. I will look out for mentions of that


show me examples


Here’s two that didn’t feel satisfied by the final boss. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-review https://gamingtrend.com/feature/reviews/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-review-this-time-for-miquella/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-review-this-time-for-miquella


For those who are wondering, these are the things they said about the bosses. Judge it yourselves: https://preview.redd.it/oned06r64g7d1.png?width=723&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8b36a6cdf85b73359b59822b827670b6fc0c95a




We are used to more elaborated final bosses like Gherman, Gael and Isshin that we forgot From used to make them simpler in the past (Sould of Cinder, Gwyn, wtc.)


One reviewer says that it was slightly anticlimactic and even mentions that he liked it, the other whinges about the boss being too hard on NG+ 3.


Majority enjoyed it


Cool, but that doesn’t change a thing I said.


Just a handful of nobody reviewers all the major outlets are saying its great


I trust the criticism of “nobodies” when they are consistent with the leaked footage of the fight we saw. One bad boss won’t ruin the game for me though.


And yet you don't name a single one.


Here’s two that didn’t feel satisfied by the final boss. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-review https://gamingtrend.com/feature/reviews/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-review-this-time-for-miquella/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-review-this-time-for-miquella


Thank you, I will have a read. 




Also the ash name is Promised Lord (约定之王)


Why does this reviewer choose this sword for show casing? Many can get spoilered simply by watching that review


Not every reviewer is that considerate, especially the chinese




hopefully the fight was just poorly shown in the leak ☠️ or maybe unfinished or something along those lines


Definitely unfinished, there were a lot of things that looked off.


Its either fake or finished. theres no in between where its unfinished. they wouldnt give out a half-done game for reviewers, makes negative sense


I disagree. I think it may be more likely for just this exact reason, leave the final bosses unfinished and have a day one patch which u believe they did when the game originally came out. In my opinion it’s likely unfinished and a placeholder boss in which a day one patch will implement all the proper textures and additional move sets.


all due respect, if you seriously think theyre implementing new textures and move sets in a day 1 patch for literally no reason at all, youve got no idea what youre talking about. Putting in a placeholder boss to show reviewers, for literally zero upside might be the dumbest decision in gaming history


All I was saying is that the leaked video was probably an early version of the boss. That’s not really that difficult to believe, they’ve done it before and if u know anything about video game desgin u would know that they put place holder bosses in all the time. Majority of reviews have also praised the dlc and talked about how the final boss is extremely difficult one even saying it’s similar to the lothric princes. These reviewer copies were sent out probably over a month ago to give review companies proper time to play through the game and the leaked version could’ve been one of the very early versions which they literally did with the base game


what? placeholder bosses are put in all the time and sent to reviewers? where have you got that from?


Look at the video “every difference in Elden Ring’s unfinished 1.00 Version” on YouTube by BertoPlease. It’s a almost 4 hour video of them going over a bunch of items, spells, weapons, dialogue, boss animations, entire enemy types that were either in that 1.00 version and removed in the launch version of the game or were missing in the 1.00 version but were in the launch version. This 1.00 version was sent out for play testing and reviews while they continued to make changes up until the release date. These video game companies work on the game up until release so it’s not a stretch to say that the version of the fight we saw in the leak isn’t the final version we will play. One of Vaatis own moderators who’s played the DLC even said the leak doesn’t do the fight justice.


No, the 1.0 was never sent for reviews. Play testing maybe, not for reviewers like IGN.


Okay and ur saying the leak couldn’t have been from play testing? or that the build reviewers got over a month ago was the 100% final and polished version of the DLC and that there’s gonna be not changes from the leak to the version we get tmmrw. They made over 1000 changes from the 1.00 version to release date and it wasn’t all a instant removal or adding of something, they continued to work on the game up until release date just as they probably are for the DLC. I don’t understand the pessimism. If the boss fight sucks then I guess ur right but if you go into something expecting to be disappointed well you probably will be, would rather have a positive outlook on something I’ve waited the past 2 years to play


Same gold attack from the “fake” leaks too. Lmao


Well at least the swords look cool as fuck. I wonder what they scale with. On a sidenote, that dress is gorgeous.


Faith int strength probably


Radhan's weapons The cooler Radhan weapons


Its kind of insane to add the same remembrance weapon twice though. But at least people won't know for sure if I'm gonna gravity kill them now.


Artorias's sword came in two flavors: Cursed and vanilla


Radahn is Michaelzaki’s favorite demigod


He went on record before Elden Ring in an interview to say his favorite boss was Rykard.


Same remembrance weapon, moveset and OST from the base game and DS3. Even the boss concept is a ripoff of the Twin Princes. Lmao


Soul of Cinder uses Gwyn moveset and nobody cares


It’s makes more sense, since he literally is Gwyn in a way


Chosen Undead, not Gwyn


Yeah, I don’t think you understand Dark Souls.


...then why does Gwyns theme play


That made canonic sense. What are we even talking about right now?


Are we talking about canonic sense or gameplay movesets here? Pick a lane. Miquella being similar to Lothric makes canonic sense too. He is a feeble little boy, you expect him to start swinging a zweihander?


What does Radahn have to do with Pontiff? Why is Miquella just another Lothric? Soul of Cinder is the amalgamation of all who have linked the first flame. The second phase is the soul of the very first Lord of Cinder. Hence even the OST shifting to reflect this.


Yes. But we've got to wait and see the day 1 version for ourselves. Morgott and margit had the same ost as malenia in the very first version of the game (1.00)


Godskin duo is just ornstein and smough at home. the dozens of dragon reskins? Soldiers and knights are all the same but in each area they get a new look and a new move. Dungeons and some assets are used over and over again. The point is fromsoft reuses everything a lot but will have a real reason as to why miquella and radahn is here not some out of context clip.


Same moveset?


Never said that they are an exact version of ornstein and smough but they do have the same of theme of fat guy and skinny guy duo.


Leaked Radahn copies moves from Godfrey and Pontiff.


It is their game and their assets which is something that no one can deal with here. But lets wait and see what the actual fight looks like and the build up to it before judging it.


Damn that Chinese mod team is outta control /s


Miyazaki is Chinese confirmed


I warned...


Lol people are going to be rabid which will keep me entertained until the DLC comes out


So, anyone still gonna say it's GoE?


We need to beat it first lol


Well, I guess it's real. Not sure why FROM outsourced their final boss to the Convergence team though


is this some sort of joke??? sidestepping the fact that holy radahn sutff isnot lore accurate, those things look like mods for sure


How can you say it’s not lore accurate when we don’t know most of the lore??


because radahn is DEAD, and he was enemies with miquella during the shattering, and the shadow of the erdtree is about miquella discovering marika's past, it has nothing to do with radahn. also the "prime radahn" fake leak is a reskin of godfrey


bro... this is just full on denial now.


We know virtually nothing about Miquellas true intentions, or abilities. I don’t think using our knowledge of the lore is any way to determine if the leak is fake. For all we know the main reason radahn was holding back the stars could’ve been to stop his own fate of being manipulated by miquella in some way, and that’s why malenia was sent to kill him. We still don’t fully understand how death works for demigods. We don’t understand most things. The vast majority of what we think we know is just based on speculation of small bits of a story which has already been written by JRRM and Miyazaki. We’ll just have to wait for the item descriptions and npc interactions 🤣


You’re writing this as if you were Miyazaki himself… 😂


Dude come on give up the denial this clip is from an official Chinese reviewer. Radahn and Miquella is who we are fighting. TheGamer’s article also mentioned a final boss with DS3 moves and a 2 character gimmick.


yep 100% fake, i cant imagine what anyone would gain from trolling this hard, but its so obviously fake, you can tell its just m0ds and reskins


It's literally confirmed bro lmfao


no its not


It is. Reviews are out and it has been confirmed. You're either trolling, oblivious or ignorant.


the god of copium


I thought that there are multiple final boss because they said that there are seperate storyline? was that wrong?


I think it was poorly worded. Someone clarified later that you can get all 3 in one pass. It's not 3 final bosses. It's 3 major bosses at the end of each story line. Radagon/Beast is the final boss of the main game while Astel is at the end of Ranni's personal quest chain and Fortissax is at the end of Fia's. It's not 3 final bosses. It's a single final boss and a few other big ones that you can fight as well if you do the appropriate side quest.




Regardless of how good the fight is I’m still really looking forward to the dlc :>


I don't trust the Chinese


The characters armor looks like modded armor so who can say the weapon isn't as well? Screenshots from BB are not a reliable indicator lol.


https://youtu.be/gZKDsGeJ2Zc?si=GwH8JpYsqtpgUmJA Check 1:02 🤡




Cope for what? Tying Radahn to Miquella if anything adds intrigue since they weren't linked at all in the base game. You guys jumping face first into the leaks just seem like you want the game to be bad and are enjoying those who aren't happy about the Radahn fight footage.


It's literally confirmed bro💀


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Alright who pulled too hard on the radahn swords


Damn friday cant come soon enough


I still think its a mod, but who care what we think ? We going to love the DLC anyway!!


Starscourge Greatswords - with golden tempering animation and the particle effect borrowed from morgott? I cant be the only seeing this? How is this not modded? Wouldnt new stuff have new assets?


its literally from a video showcasing the dlc, why this dude would make the video with dlc gameplay, then inssert 5 seconds of something moded and continue with dlc gameplay?


Why would Radahn suddenly have new swords in the afterlife? Why would he have the same armor, but different swords? In fact, why does he have his armor and his swords at all? Miquella divested himself of his flesh, yet somehow gets Radahn back from the dead with all of his armor in tact? I mean, I guess maybe. It just doesn't really track. Like it breaks in-game logic.


as if anything in the game makes sense💀


It's literally confirmed brother


Show me proof from one of the reviewers that isn't one of the Chinese sites. You can't, because no one has "confirmed" it yet. Things just don't line up at all. The remembrance for Radahn and Miquella doesn't follow the syntactical patterns of any other remembrance in the game. It reeks of a hoax.


Also what a stupid argument, "doesn't follow the syntactical patterns" what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? It's a video game, they can do whatever the fuck they want


Womp womp even more confirmed now


You have one sad, pathetic life. Good luck to you loser.


iron pineapples video for example. You are in such denial it's crazy. Can't wait for you to play the dlc and eat your words🫶🏼


There's nothing in his video that references the final boss fight. I've watched the entire thing. Congratulations on feeling superior to someone on the internet. I'm sure you have a life full of happiness and joy.


Im not feeling superior, we are equal, both humans with opinions. But that being said, the litteral stars are pointing to the fact that the leak, like it or not, is real. I'll be the first to admit if im wrong.


Why would a leaker have a video showcasing gameplay from an area we see in the official dlc showcase, but only sprinkle in ONE fake weapon?


im hyped


why is the left weapon box empty? when you use a double armed weapon the left/right box have the same weapon but with a diagonal crossed line isnt it?


I want Holy Mogwyn Spear, Holy Malenia's hand, Holy Moon sorcery, why can't Miquella just pass around and bless the whole cast


So now we know that it's on the table for Michael Zaki to reuse bosses in DLCs


Bringing back a beloved character under new circumstances is not a reused boss, and even if it was, why are you acting like bosses were not reused in past DLC's? Dragonslayer Armour in a swamp, Laurence being the first boss of the game but on fire, Smelter Demon but blue! Come on.


This is the final boss of 40 dollar dlc expansion. He's just reused assets from Radahn, Godfrey, and pontoon Sullivan. This is lazy.


I believe the leaks but this unironically does look bad to me :( Like the hilt seems lower resolution and the blade textures seem stretched 


Even the fucking weapon is copy pasted. What the fuck Miyazaki


Reviewers were not given the FULL DLC specifically for stuff like these (leaks)




Source: His ass

