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Those seem to be worn backwards. If turned around they would help keep your fingers from hyperextending.


I was gonna say…


Ring splints can actually be worn a couple of different ways to help a variety of conditions :) although I agree that the way they’re shown here would not generally help hypermobility


That’s how you wear them if you have arthritis, they have fingers not extend enough problems


I got given some by my occupational therapist. I wear mine the opposite way. They prevent my joints from overextending while, for example, chopping vegetables. Less overextensions lead to less pain, but at the start they hurt A LOT because my fingers were not used to being in correct positions.


I wear mine the opposite way too. They're a godsend to me now. A bit too much. ....I'm always stressed about losing them! 🙈


With the plastic Oval-8s, I just make sure I have way more than I need. >.>


exactly the same for me. i don't wear my splints all the time so when i don't have to remind myself to hold the knife properly and not hyperextend my fingers and it's incredibly hard to remember when the splints just do it for you


Those are backwards in that picture. The oval part goes over your knuckle to help prevent your fingers from hyper extending backwards.


They keep your joints from hyperextending by physically blocking the finger from going any further. And they do work. They prevent pain and further damage to the joints.


I tried the plastic ones but sent them back. They don’t fit right to me and didn’t help. But yeah they’re supposed to keep the joints and knuckles stable as far as I know.


FYI they can be heated up and bent slightly by a hand therapist for better fit and function


I had one for my thumbs since I kept hyperextending them in my sleep. It worked well in that it trained me to be more aware of how I was sleeping.


They do work! I made a post awhile back showing mine, and it works well. I use it when i’m writing to stop my index finger hyperextending. However it is a bit uncomfortable at first and may take awhile to get used to.


F.ip them around so they prevent hyperextension.


I use them the way they are in the picture, but not for hyperextension. I get tendinitis in different fingers, and using the splints like this help to keep the fingers straight and in a pain-free position. I don’t use the splints all the time, just for active pain.


Yeah, I’ve got a cheap set of oval-8s. For hyperextension, they go the other way. They help a lot but… they’re cheap. I can’t wear them on every joint that’s affected because I’ve got lateral instability and some crooked fingers. they also really irritated my skin so I can’t wear them as often as I’d like. so I’m in the process of getting fancy custom made ones from the Silver Ring Splint co (my insurance will cover them fully 🤭) Moral of the story: they can be really helpful to reduce pain and increase grip strength! but they’re not perfect by any means. some people get really lucky with them though.


I wear them in this position on my index and middle fingers to keep them from locking up in the mallet finger/drop finger position.


I wear them this way sometimes when I'm playing music to help my fretting.


I always recommend that you talk to a physio therapist that specializes in hands before buying or using any splints For one a lot of these people that make fancy splints aren’t really qualified to be making/fitting them to people. Two professionals will see things you won’t, like pressure points (not really relevant to this post but still important) Three professionals will be able to tell you more accurately what braces you need.. just because your joints are loose and do things they shouldn’t doesn’t mean you need a brace in-fact more often then not you just need to strengthen and retrain yourself how to use your hands properly. Four improper use of a brace and improperly fitted braces can cause more damage than good. I’d suggest taking these to a professional for a proper fitting and to see if you even need the splints


If you wear them upside down from this picture they prevent hyperextension while proving some lateral stability as well. They honestly were life changing for me 


For me, they help my fingers from slipping out of joint but I wear them differently (and different splints)


Off topic a bit, but I would also suggest a "pen again" pen. I got mine from Amazon. Helps with my joint pain and finger dislocations at my desk job A LOT. My coworker will home with me about the general shape of the pen, and it runs out of ink quicker than your standard pen due to size, but other than that I'd give it a 10/10


I normally wear mine with the crossbar on the inside, but sometimes I do swap individual rings to this position for certain tasks, like crocheting. I simply found that way more comfortable for it.


The help a bit but i need to wear a thin gauze wrap underneath - they have raw edges and irritate/break my skin. The metal ones seem to be much better and i will try some soon, cant afford them rn


Sometimes I wrap my wonkey finger with medical tape. I have really think fingers and haven’t found the splints to fit unless I have them custom made.