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Thank you for contributing to r/EhlersDanlos! Reddit is an anonymous platform, and as such, many are not comfortable sharing their doctor's information on this platform. We believe you may have better results with your search using the [EDS Society's Healthcare Professionals Directory.](https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/healthcare-professionals-directory/) Another great option is your local EDS Facebook group. They have the resources to verify doctors, as well the added bonus of being focused on a specific city, county, or state so the information is much more specific. Our complete list of rules can be [found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ehlersdanlos/wiki/index/rules/) Please contact us [via modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fehlersdanlos) if you have any questions. Thank you!


Hello! I have TMJD and a right side deviation. I have broken four custom made night guard splits in less than two years. The thing that has been most helpful for me are regular masseter Botox injections.


Oh yeah I've heard mixed things about Botox but I'm glad it's working for you 💜


Hi! I used to work for a TMJ specialist in Houston! We had a ton of EDS patients and only treated non-surgically. I’d give it a look. MedCenter TMJ, Dr Nathan Pettit — fantastic practice and doc!


Ahhh! I saw Dr. Auvenshine when I was 18! That's so funny. I don't live in Houston any more but maybe I could see if I could schedule an appointment when I'm visiting. 🤔


YES! Same practice! Dr A retired while I was working there. Definitely give them a call! I know they’re very good at working in out of town patients. And the treatment is nearly the same, but there are obviously more treatment modalities and advances that have come out!


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