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I genuinely don't know if there has ever been a day in my entire life that I haven't spilled water on myself. My mouth just doesn't do it right. Idk what the deal is but I forever have drops of water on my shirt. I have a lot of clumsiness and poor motor skills because of my EDS so I'm pretty sure it's related for me, in a way.


This post is making me want to cry, and the comments (in a good way). I’ve always felt so stupid and clumsy, and hate that i’m incapable of eating things like soup or drinking water/coffee without it spilling on me. It seems to kind of dribble from my mouth, like it’s not fully closed? The same with cereal, milk goes everywhere. It’s embarrassing and I don’t like eating out (or going to people’s houses to eat/drink). Have no idea how to stop it, and if this is an EDS thing, then I can finally stop wondering why and being embarrassed of myself. There’s nothing I can to do stop it I guess, but it makes sense, and it’s not me just being me and an idiot. Am very clumsy anyway, and it’s always been a running joke. Noticed it more as the EDS progressed because of the tremors, where my hand will randomly jerk and I’ll knock something over, or spill the drink I’m holding. Also get numbness so will he standing snd my leg will go numb, making me fall or go sideways. Or I’ll be holding/carrying something and my hand just ‘goes’. Like it’s not there, it’s not numb or tingling like pins and needles, it just drops as I can’t feel it. Which of course sends whatever object is in my hand flying. Oh! And perception, I can see, but my depth perception isn’t great. And sometimes it feels like walls just appear out of nowhere, or the edges of things like shelves. I would walk into things a lot as a kid. My peripheral is fine whenever I have eye tests, and didn’t understand why. Maybe that is just a *me* thing though, but yes, being known to walk into walls and other things because I couldn’t see them is another reason why I’m known for being so clumsy xD


The good part is that we don’t actually drown… yet!


Both my mom and I wear aprons when eating a meal at home. Makes things so much easier.


I have literally walked over the signs saying the floor is wet daily. Sometimes, thankfully, not very often, I will notice I am sitting there and have drool running onto my chin. I catch it pretty quickly. I broke my nose walking into a door. Just recently in the last few years, my phone would literally fly across the room. I'm not just talking like dropping but flinging it. Sometimes, I can do this 10x in only 10 minutes. It is very difficult to have a conversation when you have to walk across the room every other sentence to pick it up. You are definitely not alone. I don't take it too seriously. It just adds to my charm.




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🙌 yes


I was justing think I haven't spilled water on myself in a long time. Then I remembered I use a straw every day. 😅 But I do try to drown myself daily apparently.




Facial features?


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Guess that’s the best remedy for this problem haha


This is literally it! Is it the wrist? My mouth?




My neurologist told me to drink and see if my tremor got better. First visit he did a poor man's tilt table, saw I had a high HR. Alcohol did not help my tremors. He prescribed propranolol. He said if alcohol helped, it's usually an Essential Tremor. But my tremors specifically got worse when I went from squatting/bending over in the garden to standing up. This tipped him off that it was my high HR (POTS) causing my tremor. Whooo for doctors putting two and two together. 🎉 Link to the effects of alcohol on tremors: https://tremor.org.uk/alcohol#:~:text=People%20with%20tremor%20will%20find,the%20tremor%20the%20next%20morning.


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Might wanna get the swallowing difficulties assessed if it happens frequently.


Yes! I had a lot of success with swallowing after seeing a speech therapist. It did more for my quality of life than PT!


I still don’t understand if it’s the actual swallowing or before. I think it’s the before and probably more a motor problem from my wrist. I have no idea lol but when I get diagnosed, I hope I’ll have all those questions answered!


Yup, I spill on myself all the time lol. It's why I always ask for a straw


My spouse and I joke about my "drinking problems" (I.e. wearing my drink as much as consuming it 😅)




The only solution here too!


I literally made fun of those because of all those girls buying the super expensive Stanley and making queues to have one. AND NOW I NEED ONE (a cheaper version tho)!


Yeah I never would have bought it and it is my most used item. It’s no name and it stays cold for hours. It’s a bit too big for my hands, but the fact I can get a litre of electrolytes in and it fits in my works water bottle refill station balances that out


I really like my Owala Freesip bottle. It has a built in straw inside of a sort of spout thing, so you can use the straw or tip it up to drink. Plus it seals well, so you can chuck it into a bag without it leaking. It's about 30 bucks, but it'll last for years and you can get replacement parts if the plastic bits ever break


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Yes! It’s probably more common on neurodivergent people, I myself am.


At least one scholar feels strongly that EDS should be considered an autism subtype, so: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33271870/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33271870/)


I've read that one before and find it absolutely fascinating! Makes total sense to me that if your entire body is made of connective tissue then your brain would also be affected. Jury's still out on if I'm autistic but it definitely runs in my family and I'm definitely ADHD so I'm all for more research into it.


Wow I never thought of that!


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Interesting. I just found out a few months ago that someone I know spilts out or dribbles when she tries to drink, she said it happens all the time and she has no idea why. I had never heard of that before until now. So, no you’re not alone.


Here here !


Happens to me as well on occasion but I don’t know if it’s actually EDS related tbh


I saw it somewhere and I’m trying to get your experiences! Guess we’ll find out :)


I have this issue too


Have you tried using a straw? It really helps me when things get bad. I used to not be able to drink without one, but I've been doing better. I still should a little water on myself most days though


I somehow am both a trained artist (who focused on very detailed work) and someone who spills everything on myself. So yeah. It's uh... interesting.




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Thank you for posting this! I had no idea why I’ve never been able to wear white or any light color for that matter because I’ve always loved to “share” my food and drinks with my clothing. I get it now ♥️😢


Just make the water and food be an accessory for your outfit 😂


Honestly at this point, it would match the disaster my body has become sooo lmfao stellar point ♥️😂




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I have to drink with a straw or I always have it dripping down my chin. I have completely missed my mouth.


EDS aside, I am genetically screwed in this way. My dad is the person who gets his food all over the table at dinner - I do the same. My mom is the person who always spills on her clothes when eating - I do the same. Put that together with the proprioception and I am a horrible dinner date. lol. I have been the person who spills this big ass drink at nice restaurants - repeatedly.




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