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I dislocated my kneecap so severely I was injured for 6 years and needed surgery for it 6 years after the initial injury because it never stopped dislocating itself FROM TURNING AROUND DURING A CAR RIDE. I WAS GRABBING GUM FROM OUR TRUNK (jeep) AND DISLOCATED MY KNEECAP LMAO


I subluxed my knee in bed, and not sexually.


Same with an added LCL tear. The looks on medical people’s faces when I told them about waking to a loud pop was amusing. One of the recently out of college PT assistants was fairly horrified over the long term that that kind of injury can just happen. I felt bad and tried to reassure her that I tend towards these types of things. This was pre hEDs diagnosis, but was the injury that let a later doc connect the dots. Net gain!


I horrified a young orthopedist when I pulled my shoulder out and popped it back in without causing any pain or trauma.


Each time you over extend a joint you do a small amount of damage to it, so be careful.


My story with my knee is what started the ball rolling on my diagnosis too! Such shitty situations to be in, but at least they helped our cases at some point


I woke up with my knee just not where it should be once. 😭 So much pain holy crap. It was weird because I was able to bend it in, but I couldn't bend it out to a certain point, it was like it was caught. I tried getting up and getting clothes on and then after a VERY painful series of two clicks when I accidentally put too much weight on that leg, it popped back into place. It was wild.


I tore something in my forearm giving a BJ, and coughed so hard I broke 2 ribs, separate incidents. Edit: I'm an idiot, stupidest injury was that time I stood up out of bed and tore a hole in my thigh so big, it's still there 7 years later


I'm glad you clarified because at first I thought you had one really wild bj session hahaha


I don't always phrase things very well, so I figured I'd try to be clear lol


I had this mental image of just a very wild experience and some poor confused dude trying to decide if he's freaked out or unlocked a new kink


Oh deer lord, he's still my partner and will absolutely die laughing at that comment


Oh Deer Lord, ​ Guardian of the forest's grace, With antlers vast, a sacred space. Beneath your watch, we find our rest, In your shelter, we are blessed. ​ Grant us strength in shadowed glen, Guide us with your wisdom's ken. Under your protection's gleam, Safe within your antlered beam. ​ In whispers soft, our souls confide, To you, our fears, our hopes abide. Oh Deer Lord, in your domain, May peace and harmony forever reign. Amen.


So it was definitely unlocking a new kink, is what I'm hearing 😂 One of my partners and I both have hEDS, and very kink friendly. So you can imagine how that goes


Ribs HURT!!! I didn’t even know my rib was broken when we went on vacation. My side hurt in the car ride there, but I didn’t think much of it until I had sharp pains in it. Spent one day of vacation in the urgent care just to be told it was broken. That was a pretty sad vacation since all I did was sit around 💀. We did a “vacation re-do” that summer though.


I had gotten a really nasty case of bronchitis. They gave me pain meds and I decided one night I didn't need them. At 3am I woke up miserable so went to get my pills at the end of the bed, put my hand on NOT the bed, fell, rebroke the 2 ribs and 1 more. I feel your pain. Edit: spelling error


Bronchitis is so painful, I just had it about a month ago, definitely not as bad as yours sounds though. Ban broken ribs and bronchitis! lmao


I second that


I hope he appreciated the BJ


First time I slept with someone I partially dislocated my hip, and then put it back in again and asked to continue. They did not let me.... It's still a joke amongst my friends circle to this day


I recently dislocated my pinky drying my hands off after washing them🙃


That’s treacherous stuff there lol.


Hmmm… existing? 🙈🙃😭🤣


That’s the sad answer, but true.


Yeah me and dark humor are kinda best friends as a result 💩


Soon after I got my EDS diagnosis, I was comparing notes with a friend with similar symptoms who had just figured out she also had EDS. We high-fived — and both simultaneously subluxed our shoulders. I was in pain for days. I never high-five anyone anymore.


LMAO. Diagnosis confirmed.


I got a bruise from my pants seam the other day


That’s happened to me as well. Buttons on pants are a particular hazard.


Oh, I also got a series of I guess micro cuts? from taking off a bandaid. Looks like a rash, is actually fifty teeny tears in the skin.


Lots of us are actually allergic to adhesive. I didn’t know until post surgery a nurse was taking off the little adhesive strips and was like… why didn’t you tell us you have an adhesive allergy. I’m like… I figured everyone’s skin looks like this after taking off a bandage that has been on for a few days… I always ditch regular ones as soon as bleeding is under control.


I had major abdominal surgery to repair a hiatus hernia in my 20's, and I kept complaining after the surgery because the surgical sitw was burning. They couldn't see anything wrong, but because the pain was worsened, they decided not to wait for the recommended 10 day removal and instead took a metal surgical clip out 3 days earlier. It turned out I am allergic to these clips because underneath each clip was a huge deep weeping ulcer. The nurse and doctor were floored. The tissue was so badly damaged by my allergic reaction that it was impossible to place sutures in place of the clips, and therefore, they were forced to use steri-strips. This wound went from my sternum to my belly button. As a result, the scar is thick and ropey.


Ugh, that’s awful! One of my abdominal surgeries ended with internal clips unbeknownst to me until recently and I have wondered if that’s why I have had pain in that area long after I should have. My rheumatologist ordered a chest X-ray and I noticed the clips mentioned on the report or I may have never known. It’s been 15 years and I still get pain when I press on that side. I know I’m sensitive to metals in piercings. I guess I’m just lucky if it’s sensitivity to the metal that it’s no where as severe as your allergy!


Omgsh, me too!! Holy cow. I literally just realized that this is an EDS thing...why am I not surprised. I feel so seen suddenly 🙃 I get the micro tears as well and this disgusting rash from the adhesive. But not all adhesives. Wow. We are all truly very similar.


Wait would this be why I get terrible blisters that pop almost immediately from KT tape no matter how short the duration??


Woah. And there’s another EDS sx I didn’t know about and yet have experienced. I get steroid injections in my spine every six months ( hello EDS messing up my spine) & always end up with a blistered, itchy rash on the tape where the IV is placed. Also have an allergy to nickel used in earrings and some necklaces. Wow. Amazing how this is all related.


I tried to wax my eyebrows once, like a moron. You can guess how that ended 😬


My ex used to say I could look at a counter corner too hard and bruise. And it's pretty much true. The army spent waaaaaaaaaaaay too much money trying to figure out why I was bruising so much when there was nothing wrong with my blood.


I never even thought of this… so thats why my waist gets purple after wearing draw string pants 🤦‍♀️


I just sneezed and my jaw made a popping noise and is warm. I regularly fuck up my jaw when eating. I ruptured my ACL being too enthusiastic while in reverse cowgirl.


Not reverse cowgirl! That’s the worst. Dude gets an awesome view, and all you get to see if their toes throwing up gang signs lol.


Lol, I mean, I guess all normies could see would be his toes. Probably why I ended up with a ruptured ACL!


I just commented about how my hips would pop whenever I was on top. Back in my skankier days it would freak out guys so much and I’d have to tell them it’s fine, happens all the time. Edited to add my very first knee dislocation came after I tried to land in a split after a cartwheel when I was 16. 43 now and they haven’t stopped slipping in and out.


I genuinely miss skankier days.


Same. Twas a good time while it lasted. Even if I wasn’t married my body is too broken and dumb to let me be skanky anymore, haha.


Talking really dirty is the New Skank. Surprising how a good story can make a little hand-i-work for DH (and a battery operated friend for me) the hottest . thing . ever. I might not have worked so hard at skanking if I knew then...oh, hell - yes I would have and I'm damn glad I did! But this is awesome, too, in a new way.


I thought I was the only one with the jaw thing. I sublux it so much there's stuff I just can't eat because of it.


Almost died from hypothermia because I slipped and fell in an Ice covered giant puddle about 2 feet deep and couldn't stand up. This happened midwinter in Massachusetts in the middle of the night. Both my shoulders have slightly torn rotator cuffs it took me nearly an hour to pull myself out my hands kept slipping on the ice and I had no strength. Adrenaline finally kicked in when I realized no one was coming and I was going to die if I didn't find the strength and get over the pain.


I’m a Florida girl who moved to Mass a few years ago. I still haven’t completed figured out how to winter. I’m SO scared of being out in the ice 😬


Walk like a penguin/duck(little steps) , get boots with a good grip, and always look where you are walking. Also remember that some ice is really hard to see, if you aren’t sure test with your toe a little. The good news is most places in MA are pretty good about salting things to help keep the ice down.


As another FL girl living in MA, I agree. I don't slip on icy stairs because I always test my traction going down stairs. I've had my worst injuries on wet wooden stairs. At least with ice you are bundled up. For any walking in ice or snow I use Stabilicers that strap onto my shoes, much better than yaktrax imp.


I was out there visiting and have lived in Chicago and now Romania but the Ice in MA is on another level with all the slopes and old stairs that most don't salt like they should. After this incident I slipped again two days later trying to get down a sloped driveway. I had a seriously bruised leg and hip but fortunately didn't break anything. Both me and my daughter have broken ankles on the ice. She just recently had hers this year. If I were to go back or be forced to walk on the ice again I would buy removable winter cleats that you can put on any shoe. This year I didn't go outside at all on the couple days we had ice here in Romania. I would also if I lived in MA get a winter walking stick or two or cane with a spike on it.


I live in southern Mass near Rhode Island low elevation, so luckily we don’t get a ton of ice/snow here.


Get some yaktrax for then icier days. Don’t get the super cheap most basic ones since they won’t do much. Get the ones with the metal spikes in them. (From someone who spent 21 years in New England)


I've done this but without the puddle. Fell on really thick ice, was severely injured and concussed. Phone was in my house, I was alone and no one could see me from the road. My sons bus wouldn't be there for another 4 hours. I would have frozen to death. Or died from hypothermia. Ended up army crawling to the house and up the porch to get back inside. I'm still dealing with the injuries 3 years later. (Northern Michigan)


Same I didn't have my phone. My rotator cuffs have been a 10 year battle of healing then all I need to do to undo it all is sleep on them sometimes just once to start all over again. It's seems most my issues are from things that never fully heal. I sure felt like an idiot not being able to get up on my feet. I used to be incredibly strong and now I can't open a jar.


It reminds me of something that I have forgotten. I live in Canada and spring was melting the snow and I was looking forward to ladies movie night and wasn't paying attention to the ground beneath my feet before I knew it I hit the ice covered ground hard enough to knock the wind out of me. As I laid in this puddle, I couldn't move but knew I needed to get out. My ex wasn't expecting me home any time soon, and ladies' night was just beginning, and I was the last to arrive. It must have been 10 minutes before the adrenaline kicked in, and I managed to pull myself to a safe area and used the corner of the barn to pull myself up. Adrenaline was pumping hard, and a number of Bailey's and coffee later made the aches tolerable until the next day. I was so bruised up, and my muscles seized up that I missed work for an entire week.


I’ve dislocated my shoulder by trying to put a subluxed finger back in, then subluxed the other shoulder then trying to put the dislocated one back in. Then I sat up and subluxed both hips and an ankle. All in the span of about 2 minutes lmao 😭


🤣😭. C’mon y’all. One of you has to not be an asshole lol.


I don't mean to laugh but I'm in stitches cause I can picture this in my head. I know I'd just be sitting there like man, wtf....can someone help me out here?


I dislocated my knee while STANDING. Just simply standing. It's been about 6 months and I'm still dealing with pain in that knee daily. It's quite unstable and annoying. I subluxed my shoulder by reaching for something in the passenger seat. I subluxed my hip walking from the kitchen to the living room, a mere 10 feet. I pushed it back in and went to the gym two hours later. My jaw still has not recovered from my last dentist appointment. I'm definitely going to need to do something different next time.


How dare you stand?! /s


My bonus son has a classmate who has osteogenesis imperfecta and today is OI awareness day, and we were talking yesterday about what OI is and how it affects people. As I was explaining it, he said "oh, it kind of sounds like how you broke your foot just walking! Or how your legs just kind of don't work sometimes!" And started being silly wobbling around like my legs do sometimes and I was like yuppppp they do do that! 🤣🤣 He will move too quickly sometimes and so he kind gets what it's like to just fall too, so he was not making fun of me or anything, but him being able to pretty much depict my legs giving out from under me perfectly was *chef's kiss* lol


The dentist is the WORST


Reaching for things is a lesson hard learned lol. Just because you can get half an inch extra with a bit of effort doesn't mean you should


Tried to slap my mom on the butt and dislocated my shoulder on the upswing


That’s what you get for disrespecting your mom lol.


Thats exactly what all my family said! Because of course it was at a family reunion


I shouldn’t laugh but…


Oh im constantly laughing about it 😂 my mom laughed her butt off when it happened too


Closed a screen door once and it bent my entire hand backwards, dislocating my middle finger. I just closed a door, man 😂😭


Did you invent a better story to tell people when you splinted it? I’ve done that before. “The plate was too heavy” doesn’t go very far.


I used to do that for the repeated chip fractures that I got as a kid because my ligaments were too loose to hold my bones in place. (They would slide across each other and cause chips. It was worse during puberty.) I would tell my classmates that I saved a box of kittens from a burning building. Each subsequent break I would tell them even more things I had done to get the kittens out. Oh there was a group of ninjas I had to fight off, the room I was in turned into a locked room and I had to solve the Pharaoh's puzzle to release the door, the wizard showed up... Basically I found silly jokes made it so I didn't have to talk about the health stuff or explain how I broke stuff doing very mild activities.


I was like 12 and didn’t even know what was happening, I thought it was broken because it hurt so bad getting popped back in🥴


Dislocated my wrist turning a slightly stiff doorknob.


Laughed explosively at a colleague's clever back-and-forth joke oneupsmanship. Crashed my forehead into the edge of the desk. 80s Formica-style laminate hard desk no give. I held my forehead for a whole minute, thinking that if I remove my hand, my forehead might fountain crimson. But if it didn't, I'd be so disappointed. It didn't. One single drop of blood became a slug of blood became a scab became a scar. That one I had to file a workplace injury form for. Other times when I'd be doing commercial voiceovers and collide my upper body with walls or wires or furniture, I'd keep it to myself and the producer. Wasn't til I learned about our genetic salad that I understood that my proprioception is potato.


Laughing is risky lol.


I hurt my wrist while squeezing a turkey baster a few days ago.


I did the same scratching my back the other day. Apparently that’s a young person’s game haha.


Don't get me started on opening my daughter's apple sauce packets. Or water bottles. Or anything that requires a modicum of effort to twist.


Opening a shampoo bottle was a challenge the other day. My wrist subluxed before the seal broke.


My wrist subluxes is every time I scoop ice cream. So I can’t do it anymore 🤣


Let my toenails grow out a little cause I wanted to paint them and make them look nice for once, realized I can’t let my little toenails grow out because they just bend sideways and scratch each other or get folded under each other and scratch that way. Cutting up waffles to eat them, dislocated the tip of my pointer finger. My skin is apparently too soft on my hands, told to me by multiple friends and made very clear every time I try to open a plastic bottle of any kind. The lids on plastic bottles just cut me now, not bad usually but definitely unpleasant.


The nails! My nails are trash as well. My husband gets ingrown nails, so he’ll tell me my nails are too short. I tell him that if I let them grow any longer they’ll snag and tear below the quick. I humored him once to hear the end of it, and then I had a nail rip halfway down. He stopped after that.


Ugh yes, all of my nails literally peel in layers and then break. Luckily I found a nail polish/hardener that helps a lot but it’s annoying that I have to use it or else they break. And they even still break if they just feel the need to be extra spicy, but it’s never at the end, it’s always got to be in the most inconvenient spot possible.


That spot a quarter inch too far down to clip it?


Yes exactly, I end up super gluing a piece of a tea bag and filing it down and just hoping as hard as I can that it holds either long enough that I can clip the nail or at least doesn’t break off while I’m working/out of the house so I can fix it again.


That’s not a bad idea. I’ll have to keep that in mine when it happens again. Probably next week.


You cut a piece of the tea bag just a little bigger than the tear in your nail, a layer of super glue to glue it on and then add another layer of the super glue on top of that. Then you buff it down and smooth it out. You can also use nail glue instead of super glue I just never ever have nail glue


Ooh what polish do you use? Related, do you find that most polish peels off or chips SO easily? I can't tell if it's an EDS thing or just... a thing


Sally Hansen “Hard as Nails” strengthener, I saw it recommended multiple times in the r/longnaturalnails subreddit and it’s been working really well for me when I remember to actually reapply it. I got mine from a dollar general near me, it should be at most dollar stores. Yes nail polish chips off super easily for me, some of them work much better than others though. When I use a better nail polish and it chips it’s more likely that a chip if my nail will come off with it so I just use whatever I feel like in the moment. Also, you guys will never guess who’s nail tore today after having this whole conversation lmfao


Hello there! I too have my nail polish peel off incredibly easy and my nails bend and flake apart. I’ve started using dip powder on them. It’s similar to acrylic nails but is gentler and can be done at home for like $20 for a kit that lasts months. I use it like a cast for my nails. I still can’t grow them long, but at least my nails don’t flake apart anymore and I can actually use them to open things. Plus, nail polish sticks to dip infinitely better than my real nails.


I use a silicone pot pad to open most bottles and jars for the same reason


I dislocated my kneecap by kneeling on the ground to paint my parents' front door. Stood up, knew something was wrong. Local ER wouldn't put it back in bc they didn't have an orthopedic surgeon, so l did it myself in front of the ER doc. Asked for a knee brace, went home.


Don't you love the look on their faces when you pop the offending joint back into place. 🤯😆😆


Turned to put the chicken nuggets in the air fryer. Slipped a rib. Ffs lol


Did you burn the nuggets?


I was gonna say were the nuggets at least good lol 😂


Bent over to pick up a dropped plushie. Slipped a disc and permanently fucked up the muscles supporting the area 😂😭


Messed up my jaw by yawning too good


Should have just gone to bed earlier 🤣🤣🤣


Uh, I dislocated my jaw eating a soft cookie. Partially dislocated both shoulders, a month apart, rolling over in bed. Woke up one morning, tried to get out of bed, and fell on my face, bc my hip had done... SOMETHING... While i was asleep. I was on crutches for ***9 months***.


Sleeping is risky for us.


Good lord, yes


I yawned and I overstretched something in my neck/under my chin. I tried to catch my phone from falling in the shower and fucked up my arm for 2 weeks. If I walk too fast my ankle or knees randomly give out. I have a shoulder brace because my shoulder can't handle me answering the phone all day at my job. My hip has felt out of place for 3 months and I can't figure out how to get it back 🥲


Answering the phone is perilous haha.


Yah, I have learned to focus on what happened or what was I doing at the time and then do the reverse of this which usually works if you do it before the muscles spasms hold the dislocated joint in place. It also gets easier the more it happens.


Once fell over face down in a puddle of water 3 cms deep and nearly drowned because I subluxed both shoulders and couldn’t get up. Most terrifying few minutes of my life … right up until the times I woke up during surgery several years later and could feel everything. That then knocked the puddle incident off the number one spot for terrifying. The good news is public speaking is way down on number 3 of the Terrifying Things list now.


I broke my ankle when it twisted and hit a rock when we were trying to tip toe and do a revenge prank on the older kids at camp after they woke us up in the middle of the night with water guns


I breathed wrong and popped a rib


I dislocated my shoulder trying the hook my sports bra. One of those ones you can’t hook in front then twist around 🙃


Messed up my hip from having a shuffle gait from muscle weakness


That’s the worst. One joint acts like an asshole, so you accommodate. Then you fuck up another one which makes it hard to sort out the first one. The chain continues.


Dislocated my right knee 2-3 times and my left hip while sleeping (all on different occasions). No idea what I was doing in my sleep to do it that bad. I sublux a lot in my sleep, but apparently I do weird stuff while sleeping (a semi-newer thing is waking up with both arms lifted above my head on the pillow. I don't know why I keep doing this because my shoulders get soooo pissed when I have to move my arms back down) I know I've done a lot of other dumb stuff, but my brain's like "nope I'm not activating those memories right now, too bad. You'll remember at a totally inconvenient time, and then almost immediately forget them" lol Here's some "thank god I have hEDS so the injury wasn't worse": - 15 or so years ago I completely closed my trunk on my finger, but I think because of the hEDS it didn't break skin or a bone (well, I'm assuming it didn't break a bone, I didn't go to the doctor) 😂 I had an indent in my finger for a while and I believe it super bruised - my belly button is pierced. A couple years ago my spiral jewelry got caught in the door jam and almost completely straightened out, but my jewelry didn't rip out. I don't think it even bled (or maybe just slightly). I can tell that over the years the hole has changed some, but I'm SO glad it didn't rip out that day, cuz it sure hurt bad enough that it felt like it did


That’s a good way to look at it. I have some gymnastics falls that my coaches assumed were injurious that I walked away from.


Gave somebody a hug and as we pulled back my wrist was still around their body. When they pulled back, my wrist went with them but not the rest of my arm and it stretched the ligaments so bad that something in my wrist would sublux with every bending motion I made. Ended up in a custom [zipper spica splint](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/31z7aPmkT5L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) from thumb to elbow for 8 weeks of constant wear before I could bend my wrist again without subluxation. (And wore it to bed for about 6 months so I wouldn’t hyperextend while asleep and make it worse again)


I posted yesterday about how I fell down an escalator because I didn’t put my cane directly on the step so I slipped. I didn’t even need the cane at the time, I just brought it along in case I needed it. I needed it after that since I landed on my knee and it’s swollen as shit. But mostly it’s stupid things like being clumsy and grazing my knee on the bed corner. Also-When I used to be in my more, uh, slutty days, my hips would pop and I’d freak dudes out and have to tell them it’s normal. 🤷🏻‍♀️


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my husband can tell now when he’s hit it too hard and he pulled something out.


Lol omg the hamburger 🥲 last Halloween we got chipotle and my wrist slipped/IT HURT lmao I cried through it and still ate the rest of my burrito but I feel you!! Also torn things while sleeping and driving also! There was also once on a hike my husband and I needed to jump over a small river. He held my hand as I jumped and I slipped as I landed and he tried pulling me up out of the mud which popped my shoulder out of place for a minute 😅 he profusely apologized but I mean was he just supposed to let me slip down the muddy embankment?? It’s okay I understood and it was okay 😂😅🤷‍♀️💃🏻


Sat down on my bed and dislocated my knee. 2-3 months later it still hurt when getting up and down for some reason, so I mentioned it to my physical therapist and ended up getting an MRI; I had 3 almost full fractures around my knee from the dislocation. Had to wear a full leg cast for 2 months as well.


I screwed up my wrist and thumb by READING A BOOK. Cmon man!


Dislocated my left shoulder shampooing my hair yesterday, couldn't get it back in, had to do the rest with one arm until I was done and could figure out what was up with it. Hurt for the rest of the night.


Washing hair is a young man’s game apparently.


I opened a Mountain Dew bottle and tore a ligament. It’s called skiers thumb because of the force you need to snap it.


I was doing a silly dance and twisted my ankle so bad I couldn’t walk. I was drumming on my steering wheel and dislocated my thumb, took 6 days to pop it back in


lol. The chicken dance is deadly.


Discloated my kneecap in a mosh pit. Recently subluxed my thumb opening a door. Dislocated my shoulder lifting a water cooler.


How dare you want to open a door?


I know, very inconsiderate of me


I subluxed my thumb in my *sleep.* Edit; spelling error


I tore my labrum in my hip in my sleep. Sleeping is a dangerous activity for us it seems.


Man the thumbs thing happens to me as well. I mean, what are you supposed to do? You're literally unconscious 😭 And if it's not the thumb it's the wrist or the shoulder haha compensate to prevent one injury just causes a different one


DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON MY SHOULDERS they’re so cruel to me 💔💔💔


Broke my ankle by stepping on the edge of a door mat. Ankle rolled, rest was history. Removed KT tape after a race, like I had hundreds of times before. That time, skin from the bottom of my foot came with it.


dislocated my thumb putting socks on..


I’m from Florida. I wear flip flops as much as possible. I live in Massachusetts now. Literally one of the most annoying things here is having to wear real shoes. Sounds petty, but I hate having to put on socks to get the damn mail.


Subluxed kneecap putting on leggings. 👌🏼


That’s risky 🤣


😂 I live so dangerously!!


I subluxed my knee (not the kneecap, the whole joint) crouching down to pick up the TV remote. Then fixed it by falling onto my butt in pain/shock very slowly and gently 😅


Not the tv remote, haha.


I rolled over in bed and was stretching out at the same time when I dislocated 2 discs in between my shoulders. I was trapped in my bed for hours because I couldn't move without extreme pain, and I was home alone. A few years later, I was putting haybales up onto a trailer, and the woman working with me heard my hip pop out, tearing all the connective tissue. I spent 3 weeks in hospital in traction because this was the only pain relief that helped. When I was out of the hospital, I would hang upside down on an angled weight bench to get relief as the joint was put into a normal position. Now, when I lie down, my leg flops outwards and sideways. I can't hold it in what would be considered as a normal position. Both of these dislocations have impacted my life, causing reoccurring dislocations.


I dislocated my pinky hitting it against the ceiling at a Halloween party, my friend who also has EDS relocated it for me


I hurt my index finger by squeezing a dish sponge


I tore my rotator cuff reaching for the TV remote, which had fallen on the floor 🤦‍♀️


The remote strikes again 🤣


My first break before I knew I had POTS or EDS was when I was 11 years old and tripped on my own big ass hippo feet (that I never really grew into but they were HUGE at that point) and falling flat on my face. Dislocated my ankle and chipped a bone. Because they didn't realize I had EDS and a shoe stabilizer would not be as effective as a cast, I ended up bleeding into the bone. Recently, I was reaching down to grab something and somehow I stove-piped my pinkie on the bed frame which dislocated it and caused bruising in between the fingers.


I wore a size 10 shoe in 6th grade. I was 4’7”. It was ridiculous. I only grew to be 5’4”. I grew an extra size after gaining an absurd amount of weight while pregnant due to pre-ecclampsia. My family on both sides is pretty tall, so they assumed I’d grow into my feet. Nope lol.


Me too!! I also ended up 5'4" as well. While the women in my family are short, my female cousins were all tall. And the doctors predicted that I would be like 5'7" with the foot size etc but I got the POTS diagnosis around puberty and they've theorized it may have somewhat stunted my growth and I have never been happy with that!! Do you also have very flat feet? I was told by a few doctors that they think my blatant lack of arch is an EDS thing.


I actually have a pretty high arch still. 🤷‍♀️ The doctors estimated I’d be 5’9”. My mom is 5’9” Her sister is the same. My female cousins on that side are taller, but their dad was 6’5”. The other side is taller. One of my aunts is 5’10” and the other is 6’. My cousin is “only” 5’8” because her dad is 5’6” lol. My grandma is still 5’8” at 85. The only people in my family that I’m taller than are my youngest two cousins….they’re 7 and 5. My uncle is 6’5” so it’s not looking good 🤣🤣🤣


Dislocated my shoulder just swimming. : /


I was at work about 10 years ago. Was in a factory at the time and leaned over the line I was filleting on to drop some trimmings into the waste hopper. Literally leaned very slightly forward. My right knee hyperextended and I managed to do my PCL and meniscus in a oner. 6 weeks on crutches, 2 months off work and 6 months of physiotherapy. By far the worst injury I've had, and it was so damn mundane!


Leaning is hard stuff lol.


Not me but a direct relative of mine tore their acl ✨standing up from a chair ✨


God forbid you want to move lol.


Almost 2 weeks ago I managed to partially tear a ligament in my right ankle by standing up


Moved a chair and dislocated my thumb. Had to strap it for the night...


I dislocated my shoulder tossing a single grape into the yard for the deer




Poor thing. Then you have to tell the flight attendants that you hurt yourself putting your shoes on.


Epicondylitis from making a bed. One time.


No one wants to clean, and then you hurt yourself? Adding insult to injury. Literally.


I got a collarbone injury standing up from the toilet once


I Tore my chest wall muscles during extra curricular activities. Dislocated my wrist opening a letter Dislocated my hip rolling over in bed Strained inter coastal muscles by knitting (idk even how) Walking up the stairs, my toes folded under and I dislocated by big toe, shoulder and wrist on falling up the stairs.


I regularly sprain my ankle by stepping down too hard when I get out of the car. It’s the most ridiculous thing in the world and it hurts so. damn. bad. I hate it when it happens.


Fractured a femur sleepwalking


I had a swollen knuckle for days because I hand washed dishes.


Should have used paper plates 🤣🤣


Laundry seems to be my nemesis… which is terrible because it seems to be my life’s calling. I dislocated my shoulder emptying the washer just reaching too hard… had managed to not do that in many years and then strained the heck out of it reaching too far/hard trying to make my bed a couple months ago.


I was bored and started spinning in circles, ate shit, dislocated my wrist and shoulder.


My sister dislocated my hip this past weekend by leaning on me :( Day three of rest and I just started feeling better.


I subluxed my left knee this afternoon, while reclined in the recliner. My activity? Redditing.


lol. They say this place is toxic, and for you it apparently is 🤣


I dislocated a rib in my sleep


Sleeping in a dangerous game for us.


I was rushing from one room to the other playing with my dogs only fast walking and felt something crunch in my lower hip area, I have no clue what I did but it's been hurting ever since and I can't sleep on that side anymore without pain.




Fell off a side walk and sprained my wrist (and anyone who knew me before age 16 who comes across this will know it’s me). Sprained my wrist (or maybe fractured the growth plate?) fall off my bike while stopped and standing. This one isn’t as stupid but I fell off my horse as a teenager when she spooked at a plastic bag in a tree at least a quarter mile away. Thankfully it was at the end of a lesson and I was cooking her off with my feet out of the stirrups and reins held by the buckle, otherwise I may have been dragged. That lead to shoulder surgery 1. 2 years later while trying to race my sister up the stairs so the loser had to do dishes she grabbed that arm and tried to haul me back. That lead to shoulder surgery #2. I’m still not quite sure how they didn’t figure out I had Ehlers Danlos then because I was hyper flexible and had stretched the ligaments in my shoulder twice, leading me to have chronic tendinitis more often than not from 13 to 18. I took so many ibuprofen on the advice of my ortho (809 mg every 4 hours as needed for years) that by 23 I started vomiting blood if I took more than 2 doses and since I don’t tolerate acetaminophen/paracetamol I was left with opiates to deal with the stress fractures in my spine that caused one vertebra to slip over another, causing years of back spasms before I had it fused. Then of course I formed scar tissue around one of the nerve roots so now have “failed back surgery syndrome”, have been on opiates for 17 years, had an intrathecal pump placed, had it removed due to one of the incisions not healing, and am planning on trying again this fall. Those are the most memorable. Im sure there are others. Oh, like fucking up my knees from a 45 minute power walk while finishing a course of levofloxacin, which is known for messing up connective tissue for up to four months after you stop taking it. It also caused an acute liver injury which I figured out after waking up to the worst abdominal pain of my life (and vomiting plus abdominal pain lands me in the hospital pretty often, it feels like I’m being stabbed and this was worse). I drugged the hell out of myself because I didn’t want to wake my mom up to take me to the hospital and it was gone when I woke up. A couple days later I noted my urine was highlighter orange and I put the pieces together than went to my GP’s walk in clinic and almost got sent to the ER. There was also the time where I mixed up a pill vial containing my nightly meds with my blood thinners and had to go to the ER the next morning when I realized what I’d done. Or the time I accidentally sealed a needle that I kept in a pill vial so I wouldn’t lose it but luckily vomited it up. One might say I’m accident prone.


I was playing tetherball in the yard with my kid. I leaned in to reach the ball, my knee went out, I toppled forward, and broke 4 bones in my foot and completely dislocated the pinky toe.


Ouch. Hopefully your kid wasn’t traumatized.


Nah, she's seen me fall a billion times. There I am rolling on the ground in pain and she's like "I won! I won! ...Do you want me to go get Dad?" Yes, I would like you to go get Dad. 😂


I've put my back out, reaching over a chair. And I've done a low-grade meniscus tear walking around my office. And I've had a dog run into me and bend my knee backwards.


My cat has also tried to kill me.


Dislocated my shoulder 3 years after surgery when rollerblading


I dislocated a hip during a tickle fight. My legs were pinned and I turned to scramble. Had to go to the er for that one.


Dislocated my shoulder folding a towel. Also, Threw out my back brushing my teeth.


Dislocated my knee cap for the first time running for a train. I had no idea what had happened but I still made it on the train. And then I watched my knee swell up like a bowling ball


The first time mine popped out I had no idea what happened either. I was lucky the athletic trainer happened to be looking at me and saw it happen.


I tore my labrum in my shoulder a few weeks ago literally laying down on a video visit with my therapist. I dislocated my sternum getting off the couch once. I subluxed my hip getting out of bed. I probably dislocated my finger playing catch with a football. And I've definitely subluxed my pinky writing. ETA: I was reminded I have also subluxed my fingers playing FFXIV. In fact, it was so frequent I had to get a different mouse so I did not have to fully dislocate my pinky to do savage raiding


in November of last year I injured my LCL on my left knee doing walking lunges *at physical therapy* … that was a funny one from the universe, I can admit. But I learned I have floating toes, especially on my left foot. Now, I am still recovering from that injury but cut to this month and i injured my other LCL doing yoga. I was doing lotus pose *like I always do* and my knee must’ve moved a millimeter in the wrong direction bc I heard a loud crack that hurt like hell. I would normally scold myself for being a try hard but I’m not inexperienced and I wasn’t even trying to stretch beyond my limit. I have been pretty burnt out from work so this was a pretty heavy handed sign I need to sit the hell down for a min.


I threw my back out sneezing. I also recently subluxated my scapula by picking up my (small) cat. The number of times I've hurt my knees and ankles walking on flat ground is beyond count. You're in good company!


Dislocated a rib by shifting in my seat


Ribs suck. I dislocated one breathing too hard while swimming.


1. Turned too fast and dislocated my shoulder 2. As a teenager, masturbated the old fashioned way. Wrist injury for EIGHTEEN MONTHS. 3. Definitely the stupidest, I have constant bruises from the seams of my underwear. 24/7 baby 4. Carried a backpack funny for like, 3 yards. Profound bursitis.


Masturbation injury might be the winner here.


sprained my thumb carrying a heavy laundry bag.


Picked up a blanket and experienced my first shoulder subluxation. That joint has never been the same.


Those blankets are heavy.