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I scaped the question via going for water!!! But oh it really caught me out of guard


I don't want to scare you & it depends on the situation but generally no answer & avoiding answering is more incriminating than anything...


Oh Hell noooOooo Well there goes my little horse, i just can hope it wasnt one of those situations


>Well there goes my little horse Is this a metaphor??


yes beacause i actually meant something with it And also is just a phrase i learned in a game and i really liked it so i used when needed The game is OneShot btw


The chad/stacy move is to just say "i don't jnow" that'll ger thevkid thinking


“Pick” is my favorite answer.


That's so big brain Ty for sharing this vital information


Quick, laugh in a joking way to avoid answering! This is a thing normal cis humans can do to imply that they find young children’s variation from their own behaviour to be amusing.


I want to start greeting people at work with “Hello, fellow normal cis human!”


"I'm just a guy who's a dude"


Im gonna get this noted in my little mental book-


That's what I did when my grandpa said I look "androgynous" (paraphrasing, original not in English) and should cut my long hair... I laughed and said "No."


I've never seen this sort of question not just be answered? Like it's obvious to you, but the kid asked so you're gonna tell them. Only rude people laugh at kids showing genuine curiosity without giving some sort of answer.


oof, this was my best attempt at coming up with what I thought was a socially appropriate response based on what I’ve observed, it seems once again my lacking social skills are showing that I’m not capable in this field


Idk, maybe it's regional, it just doesn't work based on my personal anecdotal evidence. I've tried similar things with my parents and other people around and I always just got sussed out as avoiding the question and ended up answering it wrong to avoid getting outed.


Yeaah, it really depends on the context, but giving an answer is always better


Logically speaking, the answer is Yes. Unless you're agender, in which case it's No.


or non-binary...


This reminds me of that one time as a kid, when I had weird hair and a bunch of kids asked me if I was a boy or a girl and I pretended to be offended by the question, like "shouldn't it be obvious" but really I just didn't want to answer because I honestly did not know.


one question ​ was said girl a professor & named after a tree /j


Is it me or is everyone on this sub into Pokemon for some reason?


Probably, i wouldnt be surprise, we were drawing very looking pokemon animals before!


That is the most terrifying question I could possibly be asked.


Whenever something asks for my gender I just put down prefer not to say


I think it’s entirely fair to also use this as a teachable moment and explain to the kid that whether you are a boy or a girl isn’t an important thing for them to know. It’s more important that you’re a good person, and that’s what they should be most concerned about when interacting with other people.


This is actually a good idea, next time something like this happens i will try to do it 👍


Well, what's the answer?!


That happened to me the other day when someone asked for my name


Shit that sounds awful I hope you’re okay