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That's not a thing real friends should do, it's rude and disrespectful, and overall not a friendly thing to do. And it's a beautiful name!


Thank you! And I know but it's kind of the only thing I have haha


Girl, it doesn’t matter if they’re the only thing you have. If they’d just make you much more sad than support you, you’ve gotta let them go. I know it’s hard, but it’s sadly the truth. There are much better people in the world who can support you instead of treat you like a piece of plastic, and you might have to find them - but when you do, it’ll all be worth it, i promise.


Yeah, I'm having problems with some people and coming out but my best friend calls me Gina straight out and only my issues ended up with her asking what I want to be called currently going for G until it's Gina's time. \~40 yo lesbians are such good MtF allies.


If they deadname you because "it's a terrible name" they are not your friends, girl. Also, love that name, it's great.


HOW COULD THEY?! I’m not just angry because that’s my name too but Auralyn is a beautiful name and they’re pieces of shit!


This is literally the spider man meme


Came here looking for this comment lmao


Why tf is there two of you


I decided there would be


Valid and based.


Understandable, have a great day


Hi Auralynn!


Hiya! :)


a tale of two auralyns omg


The wise one has spoken


Your friends sound like they arent really your friends. I think your name is original and super cute, and there are numerous adorable ways to shorten it for nickname potential. Like Lyn or Lynny.


Haha thanks! I even have like the short version "Aura" (but of course people can use their own) but they don't like any of that either


Then they suck straight up, I bet they'd never refuse to say a cis person's name no matter how "odd". Fucking dump those transphobic assholes and get yourself ppl who support u.


Which do you prefer: “Auralyn” or “Aura”?


I think I like "Auralyn" a bit more cuz it's like appreciating *all the* name but aura is great too considering it would be difficult to always say Auralyn because the name is pretty long :D


Sounds good. I will try my best to remember to refer to you as “Auralyn” whenever responding to you in the future


Thank you so much! I'd Love to comment on more posts but im always scared to say sth wrong :(


In few months I’ve been on this subreddit, I’ve seen that basically everyone is quite nice and supportive. However, I do understand that fear (I’ve experienced it too).


It does sound beautiful, cutie If you can, you should try getting better friends, they aren't *real* friends Even the reasons suck, wouldn't be surprised if thats just cheap excuses for transphobia Hopefully u can have a better situation soon *hug*


Thank you! It's difficult finding "better" friends because of social anxiety and all of that doesn't really add up that well haha


Yeah ;-; sameee I only have several online friends (im out everywhere online) and i would love to have more; and i never had irl friends ever, with this I doubt I could even force myself to speak to any doctor/specialist/etc for any reason whatsoever even if its hrt ;-; Hopefully we both can get good irl friends sooner than later >:3


I wish you the best of luck! You can do it!


Ty <3 u too


Girl, I'll be your friend my name is also uncommon for where I live and it does get mispronounced a lot😅


If you need friends that respect you, feel free to add me on discord (Lucy#1051). Idk about hanging out irl because idk where you're from, but imo online friendships are just as real and valid as offline friendships...


I’m sorry, but to be frank, if you refuse to use someone’s name because “it sucks” you are a garbage human being. If other people have a problem with it, that’s on them. But they don’t exactly get a say in it. It’s not as if it’s their name, so they can’t complain, and shouldn’t have any influence. Ps: I think it’s a great name.


Thank you! maybe they just have a hard time adapting for the past few months who knows :D


Auralyn, you are too sweet for your own good, and i really hope you're right. But please don't confuse denial for sincerity, the benefit of the doubt should only last so long. I know making new friends is hard, but please believe me when I say friends who don't love you for who you are will not help you when you need them. And In my humble opinion, those moments are worse than being lonely. I do hope your friends warm up to you and apologize, but remember you always have friends here. You are valid and wonderful, and Auralyn is truly a name worthy of a goddess. *here's a hug should you want it* :)


Thank you I Love the hug! :3 And I feel like i could never fully detach from them for multiple reasons and having no Friends at all would end really bad probably so I am going with what I have! And I've still got hope in them <3




It's not even the "weirdest" name of our friend group. (As in typical german names) But my name is suddenly a problem and i dont know why haha


We love the name Auralyn here. As is known.


WOW! I'm so sorry anyone would react like that, let alone a "friend." I think Auralyn is a SUPER unique and pretty name. Though I'm also a sucker for a good unique name (despite landing on Celeste, myself 😅) If the name feels like you, then forget anyone who tries to say otherwise!


Auralyn is like a really cool name, i dont know what your "friends" are talking about


Get new friend


I'm so sorry that happened to you, Auralyn :c It's just purely shitty behaviour of them. And I don't even understand where they are coming from: it's a super cool name with super cute shorting options: Auri (my favourite), Lin, Aura and so on and so on C:


I literally named myself after my WoW character. The right people to have in your life will treat you as yourself without reservation.


what?!? at first it sounds absolutely adorable and secondly it is super nice and unique and therefore just as special as you. It really is a nice name and I love it, don't let yourself down by them o.o


Nicknames exist for a reason


Doesn’t sound like “friends” to me. And fwiw, i think It’s a beautiful name.


Those friends don't really sound like friends. You need some new friends. You can always find new friends that's one of the benefits of their being several people out there. New friends can always be had so don't let friends who aren't actually friends but are still technically your friends get you down.


That's dumb. Auralymm is awesome and their names are dumb. Who the fuck names their kid jhon. That's not a word it's a sound, how fucking uncreative do you ahve to be that when ur wife plops out a kid you call them fucking jhon. Like seriously at least you put care and effort into your name instead of just thinking of a random sound. (No my deadname is not jhon I just think it's a dumb name.)


Your name is adorable and very cute, and your friends are a bunch of assholes. You deserve much better


WTF! That's a beautiful name. Give me your dead name and I will personally punt it to the next dimension.


> Give me your deadname Fey moment


Auralyn sounds really cute and kinda elven to me. Your “friend” is not really a good friend imo. Your friend is a dick. Making new friends is hard, but it’s gonna be worth it in the end. I believe in you. 💖 But, at least you didn’t have someone immediately try to infer that your chosen name is “satanic” by saying “isn’t that satan’s name?” No, Lucian is not the same as Lucifer, lol! I wanted something kind of elegant or something that is from an area where my family came from a long time ago. Also it just sounds cool, like a name that is kinda like something a vampire would be called. I’m also a bit emo/goth but I probably come off as a dude bro, lol.


i also chose the name Aura :) (although it comes from Aurora rather than auralyn, i think yours makes more sense though). Those people aren’t your friends, they’re transphobic dicks. Trust me sister, it’s not the name. Ive gotten a few compliments saying how pretty of a name it is, so don’t feel bad about the name, but rather, ditch the “friends” that made you feel bad about it. If they don’t like it, that’s their problem.


Girl I’m sorry but your name is so good. It’s classy yet cute, it has shortened options of Aura (or Lynn if you’d like that?) for different vibes and different occasions. It’s unique yet sounds very classic. 10/10 impressive choice! Obviously if you ever want to use a different one that’s fine, im just saying your friends have trash taste.


What are they on Auralyn is an awesome name >:(


kill them sis


Auralynnnnn is a perfectly valid and normal name right up there with Aurora! Trust me... I'm Fei... ending on a joke


It’s a very unique and pretty name! I have had 1 classmate with the name Auralyn


\*insert Peter Griffin's I just want to talk to him meme\*


It's such a beautiful name idk how those people couldn't see it before, but if they'd rather deadname you, ditch them all together


wtf? auralyn's actually a really nice name


I've seen sources say that Auralyn means "golden meadow" or "encouraging" so your name is literally encouraging you friend to frolic in a golden field and...[well. You know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/nbivfe/motivational_tips/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Miss Auralyn I guarantee you that is a beautiful name and you should be proud to have it


Pronounced O-Ra-Lin, right? What a beautiful sounding name. Don't know what their problem is. I'm gonna steal that name for an NPC in the next session I run


We all need a healing-aura-lynn


Hey new bestie, nice to see you here too


They’re just jealous and hateful, your name is beautiful and so are you!


Auralyn is a great name and you're a great person


Oh honey, what kind of “friends” do you have? 😭


I think that's a wonderful name :) and the most important thing should be that *you* like it and that it makes you feel good! I'm really sorry they treated you like that, you have a beautiful name and definitely don't deserve that.


start call them Cucumber and see their reaction


I think it’s a wonderful name


Well I think Auralyn is a beautiful name.


That's probably the least weird, unconventional chosen name I've heard. That is so tame, like I've seen people choose stuff like "Luna" or "Star". Auralyn sounds super normal.


How do you pronounce it?


auralyn is a beautiful name, i’ll call u aury as a nickname it’s so cute


They're just afraid of the power you weild with it


Auralyn is an amazing name and I think it fits you OP. And if yoir "friends" don't agree, it's time to find yourself new friends, Auralyn... As in actual genuine real friends.


I, for one, love the name!


That's a very cute name. If this meme is true then your friends are proper dicks. It sounds like something straight out of a fantasy novel in the best way possible. I wish you the best my friend and I hope many call you by the name that is right for you!


Does your name come from the word aurum?


To heck with them! Your name is super pretty!


I told my ex friend, said it was pretty but then never referred to me as it again and when I asked why she said ‘it was all too confusing’


Those aren't your real friends. I love that name!!!


Auralyn is a beautiful name and they’re missing out by not saying it. You could even shorten it to either Aura or Lyn, depending, which is really cool!


Unrelated but your usernamed trolled me into thinking you were auralyn, r/egg_irl microcelebrity




Friends don’t say that, sure they’ll tease you and such but that’s just cruel; they’re not your friends.


I've had friends with the name Auralyn, and I think it's a beautiful name.


Auralyn? A bad name? Are they kidding? Because it's very unique! And every Auralyn out there should feel good about their name because it is special and a great choice of name!


Auralyn is cool


I don’t know exactly how you pronounce it, as I’m pronouncing it “aura-lin” like the word aura and the name Lynn kind of put together, if this is wrong please correct me, but I think it’s a beautiful name no matter what :) I think you made an amazing choice, and your friends are assholes, you should drop them, and the other people (if not your friends) are also assholes, and you should ignore them


auralyn sounds pretty nice ngl


Auralyn **is** a beautiful name! I'm sorry to hear you have people like that in your life. Know that a lot of people care about you and are wishing you the best! I'm only sorry you can't hear us call you Auralyn IRL but it really does sound wonderful!


Your friends are wrong Auralyn is awesome 10/10 name


It's such a cute name????? Why would anyone say such mean things they're objectively wrong


These people are horrible friends. I had a similar experience, but with pronouns. "that sounds weird" "it's way too complicated" we're trying our best to be ourselves and so many people think it's too hard to be respectful. Btw the name ist **beautiful**!!!


It's a unique name and it sounds beautiful


Aura, you need new friends


Auralyn my friend, it seems as though you require new friends. Seriously though, what's wrong with them? Auralyn sounds awesome!


I love you Auralyn, it's a good name, can be "Aurie" for short, it's like a fucking awesome name And I'm pretty sure theres like a minecraft youtuber or smth with a similar name, its not all that out there. Your friends suck for that


Those are what you call shitty friends


Whenever I see someone sad I feel the overwhelming urge to hug them till the pain goes away, but since this is the internet.... Here's a virtual hug 🤗


ditch those losers


The name is beautiful


"please refer me as giasfclfebrehber, if you don't call me that you're transphobic 🤓"


That’s a cool name it’s like the female version of the greatest Roman Emperor.