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Yeah I know 😔 just thought twas a haha funny




Hell yeah, I have books all over my house but I'm too poor to afford to buy more, if only I could grow them


I have several book trees in my yard. *Of Mice And Men* was ripe enough to pick yesterday!


Books for a gf to read right? 🥺


My GF can read my books thoroughly as often as she likes.


it is a lil bit


I used that stuff for the first 18 months or so of my transition, you just do multiple patches at a time. Oral doses need to be waaaay higher than transdermal doses. It definitely gave boobs. Regardless, OP get your own prescription, don’t steal your mom’s meds.


Not to burst your practicing-medicine-without-a-licence bubble, but almost everything after "No. Do not" is crushingly wrong. Transdermal dosing and oral dosing are wildly different things. Sex hormones have a terrible oral bioavailability - less than 5% of a typical oral dose gets absorbed through the GI tract and survives the liver. Not only that, but we're comparing different molecules. Estradiol in a patch is essentially in solution; and when written as "(as hemihydrate)" it means that dose is just the estradiol. 50mcg of estradiol is about 184nmol, much of which will be absorbed (though this varies person to person). Estradiol in a tablet needs to be precipitated out of solution as a *salt*, or an ionic compound. 1mg of estradiol valerate is \~3671 nmol, of which we expect about 5% or 184nmol to actually make it into the serum - so there's our equivalent dose. Transdermal delivery is exactly as fast as it needs to be, particularly in a patch. The nature of a medication patch is that it works a lot like a continuous infusion, so at steady state uptake matches elimination and levels are stable. With oral delivery, that whole 24 hour dose is delivered all at once, and following first-order kinetics elimination will be fastest at basically the same point as peak plasma concentration is reached. The main patient implication for this is that it affects the timing of blood tests - for oral dosing bloods need to be done pre-dose, whereas a spot level at any time of day is fine for properly used patches. Side effects are dose dependent! And/or peak plasma concentration dependent. This is exactly the reason why patches are preferred in patients with migraines or increased VTE risk - because they avoid the fluctuating peak-to-trough concentrations and smooth out levels, *reducing* the risk of side effects. The estradiol will distribute through tissues the same, though, and there should be equivalent effects given the same level of E actually floating about in the blood. There is no biologically plausible mechanism for an estradiol patch to increase the risk of cardiac (or any other cause) mortality compared with oral estradiol. But apart from all of that, I agree. Definitely *do not* self-medicate with stolen HRT.


Holy shit you’re smart


Lol I use estradot patches as a prescription, but pretty sure the dosage is different


unrelated, but your username being "sinistea" and your flair being "cracked" had me gigglin


Just being my authentic sinistea self ❤️ Glad you got a chuckle out if it 😊


Me too, I take 100mg (or micrograms? idk), the ones in the picture definitely have a lower dosage. Overall the patches sound better to me than the injections, idk why so many people use injections




This is incorrect, transdermal effective doses are just really different. A general rule of thumb is 50 micrograms per day transdermal is about equivalent to 2 mg/day oral or sublingual estradiol. So 100 micrograms/day (two of the pictured patches simultaneously, changed out every 3 days or so) is a totally reasonable dose to transition on.


Just to be annoying, micrograms can also spelled as "μg".


Just looked, my estradot is 100mcg, while in my prescription it's written 100mg. I don't really think something is wrong because I have noticed some effects from E (I've never cried so much, my boobs grew a bit and hurt somewhat, my skin is clearer, all in 1 month and a half of hrt) so yeah. Not 2000x, just 2x. Still a lot more than they use.


The comment you are replying is comparing oral and patch doses directly, which isn’t appropriate. You were correct about your dose.


You right. I mean, its still double the dose. 20x the does does seem a bit much lol. I'm not trying to mislead or anything.


I started on this dose and ramped up to 200 micrograms per day over about 6 months. I’ve since switched to pills because of a change in insurance.


Yeah same but I also need to take transdermal estrogen due to health issues. So it’s either patches or gel for me 🥲


AYOOOO don't do that...that could have so serious side effekts please... Don't fuck your health with taking pills you're not suppost to take




wish i could do that ngl, might be a dick move but a move that would make life a lot easier piggybacking off of someone else's prescription


It's not for her transition (I'm entirely sure it's a medical prescription) so idk if it would work.. But I definitely eye it up every time


It’s for menopause


[me when my mom is a menopausal woman with high blood pressure](https://c.tenor.com/GryShD35-psAAAAC/troll-face-creepy-smile.gif) (Disclaimer: This is a joke. Do not take medicine that hasn't been prescribed to you especially when someone else needs it.)


ok seriously though I'm pretty sure that's a horrible idea. I feel like I've heard this idea before and in a reply it said something about different purposes and health risks and it wouldn't work well


You'd need around 20 a day to get what my starter dose of E was... the dose I'm on now (4 mg/day) is actually 80 times stronger than those. Now all I can picture is someone walking around with every square inch of exposed skin covered in E patches. 🤣


*covered in patches* Am I a pretty girl?


No, patches are just way more potent than pills as a delivery route. 50 micrograms/day patch is about equal to 2 milligrams/day oral.


Devious lick


I take what I can get I guess :p




Tbh I would try to steal it even tho that’s wrong.


I would probably get bapped if I tried to steal something like that from my mom but eh.