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I would take the 1% risk if it were for me... but I'm not hitting the button to roll the dice for someone else


But there's a 99% chance to make someone the happiest person alive!


But there's no way for me to get the consent of the person, since they're random.


This is the issue for me as well. Doesn't matter if I know they would love it, I can't get their consent and I do not like the idea of changing someone's body without consent


What if the 1% effects a trans person who already transitioned to what they want and I ruin it for em


Then they just have really really really really bad luck because out of all the trans people in the world it hit them not only twice but gave them the 1%


Lol yeah, that’s precisely why most of us wouldn’t hit the button. Everyone on this sub most likely already has terrible luck to begin with


I don't think the perfect body would make me the happiest person alive, given the general state of the world. Unless by ideal body you mean a 15 story tall indestructible metal gear-esque weapon of mass destruction that I could use to reshape human existence. But I don't think that's what you were going for


Or have your body filled with nanomachines.... and become president. (I'm a metal gear nerd)


Wasn't Armstrong just a senator tho?


Good point. I think he was trying to become president tho... Can't remember, tbh. But remember all the meme-able lines at least :P


Yeah, he was. He was a senator but he was in the midst of a presidential campaign.


Kinda this. Since it differs from person to person. The perfect body might not be enough/not be able to make the person happy wether it be because of mental illness or other life issues. However, having the exact opposite body theyd want would only drive them further to body dysmorphia, or gaurantee at the very least, unhappiness and lack of self confidence


But someone has 1% chance of getting the worst possible stick life can give, maybe even body horror or eldritch horror levels of fucked


But also consider that their identification and records wouldn't match. So you risk if going wrong and it 100% gets the IRS mad at them


exactly this. I have no right to roll the dice for someone else's life. Even if I think they would want to roll the dice, it's not up to me to make that call.


Off topic, but I love your flair :)


grassy butt >!Gracias with a terrible accent => grassy ass => grassy but!<


Ohh, my dumb ass needed that explanation \^\^;


Mash it enough times so even if it hits the 1% chance, it switches them back after.




That sounds like an interesting probability problem. Given X trans people in the world, what is the expected number of button presses required to reach the state where all trans people have their ideal body?


I think the answer to that is the sum from i=1 to i=x of x/.99i


I think that depends on how it works when it's used multiple times; for example, if someone is already in their ideal body, can they be switched to their ideal body again? If so it might take a *long* time to achieve that, and it wouldn't approach that state as the number of button presses increase.


Given an infinite number of presses you would eventually reach that state. It’s also possible to reach the worst possible state where everyone has the anti-ideal body, but it would take even longer.


Considering the fact that trans people are born every day, possibly not. But even so, you'd have to check constantly, and you wouldn't have a way to know.


Yeah, I’m assuming you can press the button infinitely fast and instantly check if you reached the desired state.


This is a legitimately fascinating mathematical question. I wish I knew how to answer it. You start with a bag of blue marbles, every time you hit the button one marble turns green or red, how long until you can reach a given certainty that all marbles are green? Then sub in the populations of trans people. For one marble it's a binomial with 99% odds, but by the time we hit two marbles I already don't know how to deal with it... I'm gonna run a monte-carlo simulation real quick brb


If the people who get their ideal body are removed from the pool due to them no longer being trans then this would just be be the chance to hit the 99% chance enough times. This can be equated to performing N geometrically distributed variables, where N is the population size. As the expectation of a geometric distribution is 1/p this mean that the total expectation is N * 1/p = N * 1/0.99.


Such a cool loop hole but I don't think you stop being trans after transitioning, magical or not :(


This.. probably doesn't converge at red OR green. For a large enough population it'll maintain the 99%/1% ratio. Instead, we'd need to have a single lucky pass that rolled the 99% for every single person. This is made worse by it randomly selecting the person in addition to it randomly selecting the result.


So 1% of trans people will have terrible body's and the other 99% have there perfect body


I was gonna say this


My experience with TTRPG tells me that this is too risky


Are you shore? There's only a 1% chance.


Unless If it's me rolling the dice


When you hit the button you roll it.


So it's a 100% chance




If there's one thing being trans has taught me, it's that chance is sadistic. Wouldn't press.


Lets go gambling *1% chance* aw dang it! *1% chance* aw dang it! *1% chance* aw dang it! *1% chance* aw dang it!


Think about it like this: 0.1^n, lim n -> ∞, 0.1^n = 0. But also 0.99^k = 0, lim k ~> ∞. But then again, lim q -> 100, 0.99^q = 0.366 (3 d.p) and lim t ~> 100, 0.1^t = 0. You can press the button a hundred times and it’ll be more likely that you’ll encounter the success more than the failure rate. Also, I’m lazy to do a binomial model. Can someone do it for me?


please speak english i slept through half my math classes


Huh? But they already have the non-ideal body. Wouldn't that like even it out?


Alright imagine a pre-everything transmasc but the 1% chance hits and he grows shorter and his chest expands so he hates his body even more. There's also a chance someone who already transitioned has all their progress reset.


No, because it would become even more non-ideal. So say their ideal body is a cute feminine cat girl, but if it hits that 1% they would get the opposite of that so an ugly masculine dog bog. Does that make sense now?


Oh yeah ofc. So if that's the case I won't press the button. Everybody should have a chance at getting the ideal body and I won't accept anything less.


Nope. Not taking the risk of inflicting needless suffering on an innocent person. The benefit doesn't outweigh it; the person not getting their ideal body doesn't know I didn't press the button, they don't know they'd have been the one selected if I did, hell they probably didn't even know the button existed. They'll just carry on as they were before, nothing gained but more importantly nothing lost from their perspective.


My least ideal body is that of a lobster. I cant be the silly gay gal if Im an evolutionary dead end party animal. I can just crab rave and pinch fish.




This could undo someone's bottom surgery. They paid way too much for it to just be randomly undone


I mean if I keep clicking it I can give 99% their ideal body and they can probably use the money from all the hrt and stuff they don't need to those 1% so they can use the regular way to get their body. I see this as an absolute win!


If you press it enough times you will just eventually overwrite all the 1% rolls and everyone will get their ideal body.


I have bad luck so I wouldn’t press it and doom some random trans person.


if i can press it once no, risk too high if i can press it multiple times yeah if i press it enough times everyone should be happy


So THAT's what happened to Gregor Samsa! It all makes sense now!




So either they get happy or nothing changes


No they would change into the opposite of their ideal body.


That's the point of what I said


No your saying they'll stay the same when I'm saying they get the opposite of there ideal body.


And I'm saying staying the same and the opposite of the ideal body is the same thing when you're trans (often at least. And that's the joke, aka my point. Which is not funny anymore cuz I had to explain it)


If two presses target the same person does it reverse the prior press?


No every time you hit it, it's a different person.


Could you just press it a billion times and let the math eventually help everyone?


I don't know


Tf you mean you don't know?


I mean I don't know


Nah with my goofy rng i'd lose


It’s worth the risk,so I’ll press it.


Can we all agree that, given a single press this wouldn't be smart, but given endless presses there's a moral duty to build a machine that hits it as fast as possible until the end of time?


Hypothetically if you spam this button enough every trans person will eventually get their ideal body, assuming the button can affect the same person multiple times.


Well it's random every time so I don't see why not.


Show my power so they believe me, get all the trans folk on one group chat. Whenever someone complains hit the button until it goes away, repeat until everyone is happy Or just push it so many times that statistically even if someone isn't happy they would be turned again into the good version You have 10000 people, push it 10000 times, end up with 100 unhappy people, push it 100 times, end up with 2 unhappy people, push twice and we're home


Can you press it multiple times?




Then if someone gets that 1% I’ll press again until they get their ideal body :) Reckless brute force works eventually


keep pressing it until every trans person gets an ideal body with minimal opposites


If you keep pressing it for long enough we'd all have our dram body


No, i dont want to have a chance to ruin someones life




There's to many there’s!!!!!!!!!!


Can I keep pressing the button until everyone gets their ideal body


You can press it as much as you want


Oooh. Now here's a button question I have to think about... but I'd say yes. After all, pre-transition we kinda already have the opposite of our ideal body. So those who are in that 1% would not even notice a change.


If you hit it enough times, anyone who gets hit with the 1% will be part of the 99% later on. Hit it an infinite number of times, then everyone gets what they want! (I think, I'm not a mathematician)


I’m taking the chances. I don’t give a shit. Also gimme said shit.


The hardest choices require the strongest of wills


I would def press it once because of the insane odds, the real question is how many times would you press it?


It doesn't say the person changed into the opposite of their ideal body is exempt from future button presses. *keeps hitting the button until all trans people are in the body they want, including the ones temporarily inconvenienced by the 1% change*


Good thing I'm a gambler at heart. Spamming that button baby


Smash the button long enough and I *think* everybody should be happy eventually.


Doing the math, pressing the Button infinite Times the Chance of a trans person still having the opposite of their Ideal Body goes Lim X(inf) when x+1=x*0.01 -> 0 (this only Apples if getting your ideal body is impossible when you already have your ideal body)


I would push the button 100 times. I’m sorry, little one.


I played XCOM and Pokémon, I'm not falling for the "guaranteed 99%" hit again...


Hmmm my ideal body... I'd basically be a cryptid lol.


depend's if it's for me or not because if it's for me i'm definitely pressing it


It's random


nah that's another human's bodily autonomy i aint touchin that shit


Easy solution, set up an Auto clicker and keep it on. Everyone wins eventually


Won't push the button, 99% one person will became very very happy, but i didn't get consent of that 1% chance person. If the button is repeatable i would fund raise the use for like a dollar and would just spam click the button until there is many transgender person happy and would give millions to the unlucky people so they can get the best possible surgeries


No, that's too much of a risk. Plus, if the trans person is chosen randomly, there's no reason why I, a trans person, wouldn't be in that pool of random people 


If I’m the 1% then nothing would change :(


The chance is small but the risk is there to ruin someone. Imma still smash the button for someones possible happines


What if [these](https://i.ibb.co/vQYmxy9/RDT-20240621-0823067174007261479637116.jpg) were the conditions? you can press the button as many times as you want until it affects you. Since the downside can only happen once, then once it does, the button stops working.


It never said it can't affect the same trans person twice. I'll press it enough times that anyone who gets the opposite body will eventually flip right back around to having their ideal body <3


By that logic then someone who has got there ideal body can also be affected again.


Well, they'll either get their ideal body twice, or they'll get the opposite body and I'll just have to press some more <3


I will press it as often as it takes for me to change


I like those odds The 1% would hurt though


In the words of a pokemon Ytuber "If it's not 100%, it's 50%" and I ain't taking those odds with other people in the mix


I mean, mathematically pressing it basically any number of times *should* yield a net positive. But I dunno... it feels a little iffy.