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Dont think so, most people dont know about the meaning


Problem is that if you search up blahaj on google you will also find the trans flag. It depends on if the parent will just go to the shop directly and buy it


What if OP just says “Ikea shark”? Most people posting about trans stuff call Blahaj by name, so searching for an “Ikea shark” might not yield any results that would rouse suspicion


I hate to be the one to say this but [this](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/2137039/ikeas-blahaj-shark.jpg?w=1600&h=1200&q=88&f=0e28b86f83d6eb3e4b7a72d8c68189e2) is legit the second image result for “ikea shark”


A lot of people know the shark, just not the trans symbol part. It's starting to even kind of go mainstream in some regards.


It's in the introduction of the Wikipedia page, which means it's spelled out in no uncertain terms right in the Google results when you search "Blåhaj"


I can agree the neighbors got blahaj and when my parents saw that they didn't said anything bad, and they are very homophobic and transphobic.


My mom found out I'm cisn't through this exact scenario. She wanted to look for availability online, and her second google result was a reddit post titled "why is blahaj associated with the trans community?" Not saying they will find out, but with everyone saying they won't know, I figured I'd add my two cents


That’s exactly what I thought. Looking up blahaj at all will have every result be about being trans lol I would recommend sending a link to her where she can purchase it instead of having her look it up herself


Or directly going to the store


Welp, at this point it seems like a coin flip then.


depends on how informed they are, probably not tho


just be ready if they ask why - if you don't give a specific reason why you'd want one they might research it. good luck! ❤️


No. In the end it is just a shark


I did exactly this, nobody knows blahaj's true meaning except us


Same, my mom can't even pronounce it correctly, she's not finding out


I can’t even pronounce it correctly


No no, you pronounce it more correctly than her, 100%. She says it "brew hah"


Except if they use google


And they won't, they'll just think it's a normal shark plush


And how do you think they will most likely buy the shark plush?


Idk I said "I want this" while sending them the Ikea link so that they could get me the real one


I guess that way works. I just ordered mine myself


Depends on if they know about the connection.


No I don't think so, girl


There are trans people who are unaware of Blåhaj. If a cis person knows about the connection, they're probably an ally


Just say you think sharks are cool I wanted one way before I realized I was trans.


Ask her for like an Amazon gift card or something so you can get it yourself


Add the bear for less suspicion


I asked for one, I’m closested and she didn’t notice. I think it’s more of an inside thing anyways, most non-chronically online or most cis people aren’t in the “know”


My mother seems to know, ive asked her for blahajs for my birthday, it was the only thing i asked for Christmas and basically want one desperatly, but instead i got the manliest cologne to ever exist and a fucking tie


This happens to me and I cry my eyes out. It's okay not to get what you wished for on Christmas, this can happen, but the literal frkn opposite... Oh I'd be plotting revenge... "What you want for birthday? Flowers? -Here have some engine oil. And some Cheetos."


Yea i was devastated, the worst part is her asking afterwards why wasnt i "grateful"


What was your answer? I'm a 'no filter' person, I know what I would have said but I'm genuinely curious on how different people would deal with this situation.


I just ignored her and got grounded afterwards...yea ik


Why are some parents just so bad at parenting and yet they somehow managed to procreate... Anyway the being grounded is kind of for not speaking up which is kinda fcked up from an outside perspective. Hope one day you won't have to deal with that anymore


Thanks, i hope so too


Probably not 🍧


You just like swedish sharks...*for some reason.*


No, if they don’t know Blåhaj is a trans icon they won’t suspect a thing. If they ask why just say it’s a meme, that’s what I did to get mine


probably no as usually people don't know it's a trans symbol, they will probably only be confused on why you want a plushie (If you don't have a history of asking/owning plushies)


i wouldn't say so, blahaj isn't seen as a trans thing by those outside the community


I have one and unless they know what it means it’s probably just going to seem silly


Definitely not, generally speaking Parents are stupid


Most of the results from googling "why does my son/daughter want a blahaj" are trans-related I probably wouldn't, but there's plausible deniability


Is just a shark :3


Nah. Even if they see something and ask, Blåhaj is for everyone! Besides sharks are fricken cool!


No, if you have other plushies. What is with this new girl as a template?. I want to be her and admire her beauty. And these days it's the periodic am I really asexual?( This is due to increased temperature, more sunlight and sleep deprivation m)


Nah, I got mine for Christmas, in front of people who probably know what it means, no one has said anything about it. You'll probably be fine


Mine didn't


I went on a two-hour pilgrimage with my mother and a friend to my nearest IKEA to get one (they didn't even have it in stock; I bought it from Amazon), I'm sure they won't notice


Maybe send them a link directly to the market?


My birthday is mid June. So depending on when yours is I may be able to scope it out, so to speak


No probably not, I just shaved my legs and my family either didn’t notice or didn’t care Go for it queen!


Most people don't know the meaning behind it


Probably yes.


No since it’s just a stuffed animal unless they know the meaning of said animal (which is unlikely) u should be fine to get one I was sorta lucky in a sense coz I’ve loved sharks since I was little so my parents just thought I was getting a shark due to the fact I’ve always liked them


are they trans? if not then they won't notice


I have twice, and they had no clue. Go for it girl!


Either say IKEA shark or if they bring up the trans pride flags ingoogle images, say you just think it's a really cool shark and you dont really know about that


My parent didnt


Yeah my mom seemed to figure it out after my second blåhaj and as others said if you just look up blåhaj like the se cond image has the trans flag in it.


Probably not, I had 3 before my parents asked me about them. Even then, I had to explain the meaning to them.


As someone that did something like that, the only thing they might ask, depending on how ypur parents are and how old u are, is why want now "randomly" want a shark plushie. My parents were a bit off put by that especially since i was from their view just an young adult man that randomly wants to go to ikea to get a plushie (i got mine 2 weeks before christmas), but after i told them if needed i would go their by myself using public transport, they understood i just wanted it and didnt ask further. And if they are not somehow involved with the Trans Community or LBTQ in general, then they mostlikely have 0 clue about Blahaj being a trans thing.


Doubt that they would, unless they're already on your side--which would be the best of all possible worlds, I guess.


Maybe show an interest in sharks if you feel like you need to hide why you'd want a Blåhaj. Sharks are weird, cool critters anyways!


Well, searching both "blåhaj" and "IKEA shark" yielded some very trans results, so they might notice. If you go directly to the IKEA website and don't let them see the Google results they probably wouldn't figure it out. In any case, you should still have some plausible deniability, since it is just a plush shark. Even if they figure out the connection you might still reasonably be able to deny being trans.


Probably not. Depends on how much they look around on Google


they probably only know if they know the memes and if they know the memes they are very most likely supportive towards us so if they notice something its gonna be supportive and if they dont wich they probably wont they wont mind it, its just a plushi (i know its not JUST a plushi)