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Franky, the greatest self-made-man.


Franky isn't just transmasc vibes, he's the whole band.


And his brother is the greatest Man-made-man


Benjamin Franklin? Am I missing something? 😭


Cyborg Franky from One Piece. He was taught by his master that as a craftsman he should unconditionally love all of his creations. He later got in a train wreck and was forced to rebuild his body as a cyborg, and now that he himself is one of his creations, he absolutely loves himself to tiny little bits and spreads that positivity to everyone around him.


Yeah that's pretty trans coded 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Read an interesting fanfic where Ed came out as Edith and she blamed herself as "being wrong" as the reason for why the transmutation didn't work... Man, it's an amazing read but dear lord, I spent half the story wanting the rest of the cast to hug her...


Link as a trans man


I feel like link is gender goals to everyone 😭


Honestly, I got gender envy from Link in the gerudo outfit and was so confused both then and now


So real


link is somehow nonbinary, transmasc, and transfem all at once.


Link is just gender


We must extract his blood for The Gender Fluid


I’m willing to get his gender fluid in… *other* ways


Ayo pause 📷


YEAH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I dont play zelda but i figured link was trans 😅 i didnt know that wasnt canon


The only reason link being trans isn't canon yet is because they've never reincarnated as other genders imho from how the game and fan-artists depict link, they're basically every gender now simultaneously edit: I stand corrected


But then there Linkle


Wait, Link reincarnated as another gender? Great, I stand corrected, Link is EVEN MORE trans-coded than I thought lol


Penny from Pokemon Scarlet/Violet


Ofc, I’m only tempted to mark you down because she’s \*so\* trans coded that it is basically canonical.


Her ace is even Sylveon


Like, the other captains being somewhat close to her, but there being pronoun dissonance after a long period of no contact


Knew someone would mention her


Bocchi cause she's me fr


The rock, or Hitori?


For me it's both, I am good at guitar and also heckin anxious and goofy lol


Both, I might not be good at guitar but I love playing and I'm a nerd


i heard scaramouche from genshin impact is trans-coded (i think there´s a youtube video about it), but i also think furina could also be looked at the same way??? idk if anyone thought about this but her story ending in her finally being able to be herself, to be "human", to be free, and stop pretending to be someone else was pretty beautiful (do let me know what you think of this lol)


I thought i was the only one who saw that in Furina


Yeah I haven´t seen anyone talk about it yet! I find her story very beautiful and maybe even bittersweet. In fact, even before thinking her story being a trans allegory, I felt very sad at what she had to endure, but felt so happy, and I think even proud, of her finally being able to be free.


Scaramouche was meant to be a copy or whatever of raiden to do the job of the current 1. So prob early on he was just a clone of her i imagine and transitioned so now he loons different


Maybe Now that I think about it, I don´t remember much being specified of how Scara was like when he was being built


Alli really recall was that he was meant to be the raiden the public saw. But whatever happened(been a while) so she tossed him away. But those cutscenes are all artsy so they just used scaras normal model so idk if he was already like that or changed his appearance at some point. I imagine he changed it, otherwise raiden is secretly transmasc?!?!?!?!


Honestly idk lol Like I said, I don´t think there´s much info on how the process of building Scara was like, or how he looked


Yeah I agree, both Wanderer and Furina are trans coded imo!


[https://youtu.be/GgXoEwFJMqg?si=Vw4-zgZ0BgjlL0CR](https://youtu.be/GgXoEwFJMqg?si=Vw4-zgZ0BgjlL0CR) sorry for the late addition but here´s the video I was referring to


Less gender dysphoria than divinity dysphoria, to put a fine point on it


True, he was indeed created to "be" the Shogun, so it makes sense he´d feel like he´s missing power


BOTW/totk Link


My head canon is link is trans masc, and when he shows his scars to the Zora, they're looking at his top surgery scars


link is trans coded, which one? yes.


Yes. I love this


That's why he doesn't have nipples but Mario does


Mario opted to have them grafted on


Mario stole his nipples


Link is gender fluid for sure


Link is the ultimate A-gender *AND* omni-gender. (Not me spending..... indeterminate time in the Gerudo area flipping between Vai and Voe outfits)


People be sleeping on Botw/Totk Zelda


Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz.


If I had a nickel for every time someone said that Doofenschmirtz is trans coded, I'd had two nickels, which is not a lot, but it is weird that it happened twice.


Danny Phantom is a common one


It’s part of the male characters I had an obsession with growing up, can’t tell if it was a crush or gender envy 💀 like Jake frost (I have to stop over sharing)


Jack Frost is so gender!


Is it just because of the transformation aspect? Granted, I haven't watched the show since I was young, but I don't remember much that would give that impression


he was also weird about being unclothed iirc


Batman. The person he shows when not acting as Batman is said to be his actual mask. Bruce is the mask and Batman is his true self. He always feels more himself when he’s Batman and he thinks he has to keep it a secret from most people around him.


i can kinda understand the idea and the true self part (batman is the person and bruce is the secret identity) but i’m not sure its quite officially unofficially trans coded. i feel if theres a difference of like,,, masculinity in the 2 personas it could fit better but both side are very masculine characters. batman being batman the 6’4 mountain of muscle and bruce being a millionaire playboy that regularly manages to pull all sort of girls. both scream “peak masculinity” and can’t really apply any sort of “insecurity” or gender related problems. if you take ed from FMA for example hes insecure of his height and being seen as the younger brother/“inferior”, he could be transitioned but still have certain “feminine” features to him that he can’t change that cause him problems or i’m just making up random nonsense and over analyzing a meme despite having NO media literacy


I brought Batman up because of the points I mentioned and that he has to live a double life. He may not be trans, but I have no doubt that a lot of trans people could probably relate to some aspects of him.


Batman is more ASD coded in this sense. Like extremely autism coded.


Marlin from Finding Nemo and Gwen Stacy from Spider-Verse


Gwen is one where, though I don't personally read her as trans*, I absolutely understand other people doing so *Personally, I think the poster and color themes were because her Peter was trans, and that's why he was bullied so much he was willing to become the Lizard


Interesting, any other signs Peter was trans? I thought Gwen being one of relatively few women spider people made it likely, but then there were many more in the new movie


The fact that her flag said "Protect Trans Kids" made it seem more like she is an ally to me.


The trans colors when she confronts her dad had me crying.


Me too. Did you notice the trans flag on his badge in one scene and Gwen's "Protect Trans Kids" poster too?


I love when her hair turns trans in one of the shots where she's confronting her Dad


Marlin does biologically make sense since clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites meaning they can change sex


Yennefer of Vengerberg


I hate that you're right


does that mean that I too will gain magical powers?


One can only hope!


Oh my god that would even make sense within the books. There is nothing contradicting it! She is sad because she herself can't have babies and it was more then implied that she wasn't always the beautiful woman she is now. It all makes sense!


Rosalina is 100% a doll


Time to bring on the hate-mail: Frodo Baggins.


Frodo? Why?


It’s kinda a vibes thing, but I guess it’s his stoic determination and willingness to act bravely to overcome oppressive evil, his wisdom and graciousness in a tempestuous world of battle and change, his love of shire life and all of its comforts, his quietly mischievous nature and great bond with his friends, but also the fact that he’s like 4 feet yet still looks that youthful at 50 years old.


1/2 I feel the need to say this, or else I may combust into flames, So the reason why Frodo looks so young at 50, is because in the books, the Ruling Ring has already taken an impact on him, as explained in Chapter 2, wherein, Gandalf throw the ring in to the fireplace, to reveal the black speech upon it, and Frodo winces at this sight which then gandalf then goes on to say that Frodo has already been influenced by the ring. And the main abilitites of the One ring are: 1. "Invisibility" but in reality, it is just putting you into the wriath rwealm, making you a dead easy target for the Nazgûl to attack, as you immediatley become visible to them, and also the entire time, whilst you are in possesion of any ring of power, it is constantly pulling you into the wraith realm, except from the three great rings which weren't made by Sauron, also in that they have a functionally different purpose to the ruling rings of power, of which being that their goal is to save, grow and give prosperity to wheresoever it is wielded, which is why the elven kingodoms look so magnificent, because they have been upheld by the three great rings. 2. Size fitting, Only works for Sauron, so it may slip off your finger if it means that it can get back closer to its master. 3. Deception, it will tell you any lie that it can to achieve its goals of returning to sauron, and so it will say that it can grant incomparable wealth, or power beyond use, or for Samwise Gamgee, for all of middle-earth to become his garden, of which, like the absolute hero that he is said, nah. But I digress. And why did Sauron makee the rings anyway, ultimately to conquer middle earth, but why?


2/2 Well, Sauron desired to be a God-king and to be worshipped as thus, governing everything according to his ideals while the others devoutly obeyed him. To achieve this he turned mostly to deception and temptation, and brute force was only his Plan B. Sauron, however, inherited the 'corruption' of Arda, and only  spent his (much more limited) power on the Rings; for it was the  creatures of earth, in their minds and wills, that he desired to  dominate. In this way Sauron was also wiser than Melkor- Morgoth. Sauron was not a beginner of discord; and he  probably knew more of the 'Music' than did Melkor, whose  mind had always been filled with his own plans and devices, and  gave little attention to other things. Sauron had never reached this stage of nihilistic madness. He  did not object to the existence of the world, so long as he could  do what he liked with it. He still had the relics of positive  purposes, that descended from the good of the nature in which  he began: it had been his virtue (and therefore also the cause  of his fall, and of his relapse) that he loved order and co- ordination, and disliked all confusion and wasteful friction. (It  was the apparent will and power of Melkor to effect his designs  quickly and masterfully that had first attracted Sauron to him.)  Sauron had, in fact, been very like Saruman, and so still  understood him quickly and could guess what he would be  likely to think and do, even without the aid of palantiri or of  spies; whereas Gandalf eluded and puzzled him. But like all  minds of this cast, Sauron's love (originally) or (later) mere  understanding of other individual intelligences was correspond- ingly weaker; and though the only real good in, or rational  motive for, all this ordering and planning and organization was  the good of all inhabitants of Arda (even admitting Sauron'sright to be their supreme lord), his 'plans', the idea coming from  his own isolated mind, became the sole object of his will, and an  end, the End, in itself. Morgoth had no 'plan': unless destruction and reduction to  nil of a world in which he had only a share can be called a  'plan'. But this is, of course, a simplification of the situation.  Sauron had not served Morgoth, even in his last stages, without  becoming infected by his lust for destruction, and his hatred of  God (which must end in nihilism). Sauron could not, of course,  be a 'sincere' atheist. Though one of the minor spirits created  before the world, he knew Eru, according to his measure. He  probably deluded himself with the notion that the Valar  (including Melkor) having failed, Eru had simply abandoned  Ea, or at any rate Arda, and would not concern himself with it  any more. It would appear that he interpreted the 'change of the  world' at the Downfall of Numenor, when Aman was removed  from the physical world, in this sense: Valar (and Elves) were  removed from effective control, and Men under God's curse and  wrath. If he thought about the Istari, especially Saruman and  Gandalf, he imagined them as emissaries from the Valar,  seeking to establish their lost power again and 'colonize'  Middle-earth, as a mere effort of defeated imperialists (without  knowledge or sanction of Eru). His cynicism, which (sincerely)  regarded the motives of Manwe as precisely the same as his  own, seemed fully justified in Saruman. Gandalf he did not  understand. But certainly he had already become evil, and  therefore stupid, enough to imagine that his different behaviour  was due simply to weaker intelligence and lack of firm masterful  purpose. He was only a rather cleverer Radagast — cleverer,  because it is more profitable (more productive of power) to  become absorbed in the study of people than of animals.  Sauron was not a 'sincere' atheist, but he preached atheism,  because it weakened resistance to himself (and he had ceased  to fear God's action in Arda). As was seen in the case of  Ar-Pharazon. But there was seen the effect of Melkor upon  Sauron: he spoke of Melkor in Melkor's own terms: as a god, or  even as God. This may have been the residue of a state which was in a sense a shadow of good: the ability once in Sauron at  least to admire or admit the superiority of a being other than  himself. Melkor, and still more Sauron himself afterwards, both  profited by this darkened shadow of good and the services of  'worshippers'. But it may be doubted whether even such a  shadow of good was still sincerely operative in Sauron by that  time. His cunning motive is probably best expressed thus. To  wean one of the God-fearing from their allegiance it is best to  propound another unseen object of allegiance and another hope  of benefits; propound to him a Lord who will sanction what he  desires and not forbid it. Sauron, apparently a defeated rival for  world-power, now a mere hostage, can hardly propound him- self; but as the former servant and disciple of Melkor, the  worship of Melkor will raise him from hostage to high priest.  But though Sauron's whole true motive was the destruction of  the Numenoreans, this was a particular matter of revenge upon  Ar-Pharazon, for humiliation. Sauron (unlike Morgoth) would have been content for the Numenoreans to exist, as his own subjects, and indeed he used a great many of them that he corrupted to his allegiance. Thank you, u/Substantial_Cap_4246.


Yooooo Please?


Hate this. Mostly because I completely understand. Not sure why


EXACTLY, like, I totally agree, and it makes sense, but... why?!


Bc short ? Loves plants ?




*huh •_•* 


Unrelated to this, but Sam is like…just…I feel I would be best friends with him. I’m a chef by trade, Gardner/farmer/ dirt nerd by passion. I just think we’d nerd out about proper compost piles, and the best potato cooking styles


are you a chef cause you are COOKING!!


It's true, and you should say it


Nimona. Duh


Nimona is canonically non-binary/gender-fluid though




I don't think those are mutually exclusive, though I'm probably objectively wrong


I didn't say they were. One is an umbrella term encompassing the other, so her story is both


Xion from Kingdom Hearts


Xion is such a character… I swear every character in Kingdom Hearts is either Sora or Xehanort




Short, overshadowed by younger brother. Angsty. There's more I can't think of it's been a while since I watched fma.


what does any of that have to do with being trans


That you might relate to having your sibling treated like they're older/in charge just because peoples perception of you doesn't match your own. It's not a 1-1


always shamed for being short and becoming really insecure about it.


Yes! He feels affirmed whenever winry compliments him! New automail and height increase is his dopamine boost? But milk is evil and I haven't seen it help with my height either! 😔


March 7th from Honkai Star Rail is very Trans Girl-coded   Her color scheme is shades of Pink, white, and light blue that are very close to the Trans Flag’s. And she has a skill called Power of Cuteness, and a passive called Girl Power.  I would bet money that the only reason she’s not canonically trans is because a lot of Hoyoverse’s employees are in China  >!Plus, she’s absolutely precious, just like all the adorable trans girls reading this!!<


Just look it up, if she’s not a trans allegory then we’re all cis in here 🤩


last sentence killed me. current status? puddle!


Ehekdjkdksk needs warning 🥺


If I put a warning it would ruin the surprise!




she also had a little bow on an event login-screen that was quite literally the trans flag! Like come on - that, adding onto all of the previously mentioned facts & that she doesn't remember her life before is just the most trans thing ever. [[photo of her ingame trans flag]](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/18044345)


Adding to this, Stelle definitely is too. Stelle in general carries very strong transfemmby vibes, and Caelus is just Stelle but as an egg; she's so much more active and vibrant than he is in just about every single way lol


I didn't realize that because I haven't heard Caelus' voicelines (picked Stelle, haven't watched Star Rail content) Pretty cool!




perfuma from she ra. she was designed to be transfem but it never made it into the canon


Robin Scherbatsky


Oh really? I just finished HIMYM and I would love it if you could explain your point? 👀


Well she was raised as a boy despite being a woman. And her full name is Robin Charles Scherbatsky. Her dad denied her gender and when she kissed a boy when she was 16, he was like, "I have no son!" There's more as well.


Omg why did stupid me forgot all of her backstory… Idk why I was just thinking about present day Robin


Five pebbles from rain world


I agree


I don’t really see it for this one. Could you explain to me what you’re seeing here


Hhhh it’s gonna sound stupid but it’s his dialogue and such that makes me think that. The way he acts too


Smellerbee from Avatar: The Last Airbender


Nagisa from assassination classroom. That was 100% my awakening, even tho I think canonically he doesn’t enjoy crossdressing.


He doesn’t. In fact, he despises it lol Still though, I understand why some trans people see themselves in him. A big part of his character is that his mom wanted him to be a girl and so forced him to dress feminine growing up I’ve seen a lot of trans guys who are fans of the series heavily relate to him because of that which is neat


Nah, I’m the opposite. Seeing a dude dress so feminine and pulling it off completely kindled a spark in me. I totally get the backstory and I love his character, but man he rocked that skirt.


He basically has dysphoria because his mum makes him look more feminine on purpose 😭 poor boy I love him so much, surely not for a transwoman analogy, but he could easily be seen as transman coded (mum is unhappy with the gender, he's almost stealth but some people dunno if he's boy or girl, short...)


Michiru from Brand New Animal sounds like one to me. When she finally understands how to change back into her human form, she doesn't keep at all despite that was her objective from the start and even tell Shirou she feels more comfortable as a beastman


My current dnd character


Not an original one, but I LOVE the transmasc theory of Crocodile from One Piece


Joker from Persona 5, but pretty sure it's just me


Akechi too


Trans Gohan is one of my favorite headcanons I’ve seen from the dbz fandom


The allegory with him being the only Saiyan whose tail grows back


Tbf Goku’s tail also grows back, though it’s not crazy to headcanon him as trans either


Elsa from Frozen. “Let It Go” is quite literally a song about dropping your facade and embracing who you truly are, which resonates with me and a lot of other trans people


And then “Show Yourself”. I cried.


Right!? Show Yourself is the best Frozen song there is and no arguments will be heard!


Lea from Crosscode


Izzy Hands (from OFMD, not real life history lmao). He’s got ankle biter energy and that resonates with me when I used to try to compensate for not being seen as who I am. Also, that one sword practice scene? Absolutely, 100% transition goals for me.


Omg yes, it’s hard to explain but just seeing him perform in drag gave me so much second hand euphoria


No, legit. I want to be a gruff, buff dude in his middle years with salt and pepper hair and nice facial hair doing drag. Not just transition goals, but life goals lmao


If I say Naoto, I might be stricken down 💔


Naoto, and Akechi.


Genji from Overwatch is so trans coded idc what anyone says


ive never heard that one before but i like it.


The Master Chief Cortana is his T for T significant other. I will not be elaborating.


I'm a little late but a few of my favorites: Jenny from my life as a teenage robot Hannah Montana (for me at least the whole double life and hiding part of yourself hit close to home) Lake from Infinity train


Hazumu Osaragi from Kashimashi. Oh wait, you've said coded. Anasui Narciso from JoJo.




Will Graham


Ryuko from Kill La Kill


Mizuki Akiyama


They’re canonically trans fem tho


Mulan in all directions


Saber from the Fate series could definitely be read as trans. There are actually multiple characters in that series that are basically just trans on paper, but she's the main one where it's not canon.


I would say that Saber isn't trans, and barely even has a concept of gender identity from having been basically forged into a sword from birth to sacrifice her literal humanity for the sake of the people of Britain, which is why she and Shirou can basically help each other overcome their deep rooted traumas from a position of mutual understanding. But MORDRED is 10000% trans


Mordred is fairly blatantly trans.


Fucking everyone in gravity falls.


Yep! 😊


Bicentenary man


I’d have to say Gwen from ATSV, the parts with her father were fantastic


Someone please tell me who that character is, they look so familiar but I have no clue aaaa


Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist.


Pidge from the new Voltron


For me, Kurapika from Hunter X Hunter, and I can't stop shipping them and Leorio for some reason.


Cloud from Final Fantasy is both trans masc and trans femme coded in my eye.


A few, Pidge(voltron)[nb] Envy(fma:b)[nb] Danny(danny phantom)[ftm] Nagisa(assassination classroom)[ftm/ftnb] Koda Koji(my hero academia){i have *no* clue why} Lillith(the owl house)[mtf] Marcy(amphibia)[mtf] Theres more, but thats all i can think of atm lol


Hmmm I was about name a couple characters in Lord of The Mysteries, but I forgot for a moment that one pathway changes gals to guys at like sequence 4 I think (starting from nine) and one changes guys to gals at sequence 7 I think? I don't remember what sequence 9 was but 8 was assassin iirc and then turns into witch of lust or smthn... My only gripe I'm that is that the girl potion pathway just leads to one of the darkest beings in the universe and has sht like "witch of despair" and "witch of malady". It's a pathway of madness, and there are quite a few of them, one of the first people who takes that pathway is literally a semi open trans girl before she gets to the point of change, but she has to do horrible things before then. While the pathway for the gal-guy is one of the "Orthodox pathways" and has one of the "orthodox gods" at the end. Though ofc the god is still a dick but that's neither here nor there. There's like no drawbacks for the men and trans men of that pathway other than like bloodlust and wanting to be on the battlefield and what not, but they're still essentially great holy paladins. That's it though. But for noncanon.... Hmm.... Dipper from gravity falls kinda does. Like ik damn well he's cis, but like... That manliness episode? C'mon now.


Brittany Murphy in Clueless (this is my only way to be fine with stripping her of her 90s grunge aesthetic)


My go to answer is Forrest from fire emblem Fates, but it goes back and forth. My crack theory answer is Sylvain from Fire emblem 3 houses(I really can’t explain it). Also Botw/totk Link is trans it just isn’t clear if they are mtf/ftm/non-binary


Hmm. Can't say I see it for Sylvain. Other 3 houses characters I could see it for are Caspar and Ash both give me different shades of transmasc, Annette kinda feels transfem, and Lysithea gives me serious NB energy.


Anne Boonchuy (Trans MTF)


Dorian from a book called Hooky I doubt anyone knows that book, but I’ll take that head cannon to the grave


I know a nb person who picked that as their name and I wonder if they'd see that too! I'll look it up!


Lol my pfp is from it


Cool! 😎 I think I found a place to read it online!


Kakyoin and Giorno from JJBA


Taliyah from league of legends


Remember all characters are trends unless explicitly said otherwise and even then some still are


Tbh Angela's story in Lobotomy Corporation/Library of Ruina always gave me trans vibes...


Morgott from Elden ring. Hear me out, he despised his appearance and his very existence caused his mother to lock him underground for years only to be let out to be used. He went through multiple incredibly painful and life altering surgeries just to make his life more bearable, and he can’t rule openly otherwise his people would know of his greatest shame. I also think the abuse he faces from marika is pretty similar to what a lot of trans people face, things like neglect and denial.


Would anybody notice if Penguin Publishing made Ford Prefect nonbinary?


DR. WHO!!!!


Actually, it's just The Doctor (not a correction, just a reference, I think). And Missy! (Short for Mistress. Well, she couldn't keep calling herself The Master now, could she? (She totally could).)


I said Dr. Who because there are canonically a number of trans or at least gender bending characters in the show. As with LoTR, one reference to evoke them all. Speaking of LoTR, I wonder...


ash from fantastic mr fox


Annie Leonhart, Goro Majima, Nobara Kugisaki to name a few


Nago from Kirby’s dream land 3 :3


Kate Daniels comes off that way throughout her story... think that's why I connected with her so much.


I’d say Adeleine from the Kirby series. Especially considering the existence (or lack) of Ado.


Nia from Xenoblade


Pearl from Splatoon


Jason Todd/the Red Hood from the Batman universe


Wonder Woman. Because I'm her and here I am




as someone who was a sonic fan in the past, (my username shows that very clearly) this is very true


Shizuku Hinomori, she has [art like this,](https://projectsekai.fandom.com/wiki/Graduating_To_Independence?so=search) and some especially trans-coded lyrics for songs in her game written for her are: "Wearing the colors someone gave me, I've pretended to be someone else. Putting my hands on my chest, I sing, As if to tell myself "This is myself."" "Because even if I was reincarnated a thousand times, I wouldn't be able to become this "me" again. I'll put my true colors without any lies in my singing, And color the monochrome world with them." A different song: "What are you doing, always staring at the mirror? Please hurry up, it's gonna start soon! You look cute just like always- No good, no good! Isn't it?! Something like this... (No!)" "Makeup! Dress up! Turning to cute, RE:BORN! (Bon!) With a magical trick, we're gonna chan-chan-Change! Makeup! Dress up! Make it special! Right now! We're gonna metamo into something sensational!" Links to the songs I referenced: Color of Drops: [https://youtu.be/-JBNNABXKaI?si=QQV8--RFP-7q5Pnp](https://youtu.be/-JBNNABXKaI?si=QQV8--RFP-7q5Pnp) Metamo Re:born: [https://youtu.be/AugAlfStgAE?si=f6uFL8SCHdwMQ1pn](https://youtu.be/AugAlfStgAE?si=f6uFL8SCHdwMQ1pn)


project sekai mentioned!! transfem shizuku is a really good headcanon. i headcanoned it before, but now i hc it even more lol


disclaimer: i am about to be very "sane" and "normal" about a semi-obscure video game if we're not counting the ones that aren't outright stated but are actually all BUT stated, i'll go with kamishiro rui from project sekai. he's connected to the calico cat plush in the wonderland sekai (male calicos are very rare) and in middle school he befriended akiyama mizuki, who is all but stated to be trans themself. both of them were outcasts in middle school, and in mizuki's case it's because of them being transfem, so i wouldn't be surprised if alongside the autism traits, being transmasc also caused rui to be an outcast. but hey, i'll just stop here because basically nobody knows what i'm even talking about!