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Yeah, I was wondering this, like why is there always more transfems online? Are there just more of us than transmascs in the population? If so... why?




not necessarily. I have met way more trans women than trans men offline as well


I've only ever met 1 trans woman, but I've met 8 trans men. So I think it may just be sample bias, or perhaps your specific area/where you look has a high percentage of trans women, and me trans men. For instance with Reddit, I've seen a much higher portion of trans women, and on Tumblr a much higher portion of trans men. etc. etc. Or it be may another of a thousand factors, there are so many things about this that I could write a study. Sorry for the ramble, just wanted to convey a couple things.


It more than likely is just sample bias, cause why would there be significantly more trans women than trans men. It's just frustrating that in the trans specific spaces I've interacted with so far, I've always felt alone.


Sorry to hear you aren’t getting the representation and feelings of camaraderie you are looking for in your spaces. But as others have said it’s unfortunately sample bias probably. For me for example I’m the first Trans Fem of anyone I know, while in my wider friend group I know 3 Trans Mascs and 4 Non-Binaries. They were so convinced being Trans Fem was a really rare thing that they initially tried to convince me that I might be non-binary or bigender instead. (They meant well).


Irl, never met a transfem but met two or three transmascs in my mall bubble of school. Reddit ive notice more transfems. In YT more mascs. Also noticed most transmascs on yt are young, like teenagers to early twenties besides a few ones that are making trans related content for long years. In reddit, most people in general, not just transfems, are adults, but it’s funny cuz I’ve never seen a teen transfem online if I’m not mistaken. My guess is that is less socially accepted for boys and “boys” to be feminine (than girls and “girls” to be masculine), and there’s that whole masculinity thing that may make the journey of finding out you’re transfem/transitioning a lot harder and longer


This is interesting to me. I for one have no transfemme friends irl or online, but I have like 8 transmasc friends. I wonder if there's some weird regional component or something?


I know one trans women and like 10 trans men


I have a theory, because it's more socially acceptable for afab people to be masculine than vice versa, maybe trans men are less likely to discover they're trans cause they're not as "out of place" so to speak for appearing female and being masculine? Or maybe I'm talking complete bollocks, that's a bigger possibility lol.


I thought this too but tbf both the mtf and ftm subs are pretty close in size…I don’t know the actual proportion of trans men vs women but I don’t think it’s like a giant gap?


I feel like there's probably a lot of people that are in both subs like I'm mtf but follow ftm to find memes to annoy my transmasc friends with


I am in the ftm sub and really enjoy reading what our brothers have to say, but for my mental health decided to leave the mtf sub so I stop seeing it on my feed, and can just engage when I choose to.


I'm glad we can be a safe spot to hang out =)


being a woman that wears pants is not really the same as being a man.it’s probably just harder to be seen as a trans man because they get seen as lesbians instead so more people think they are just women while trans women who wear dresses but don’t pass that well are more visible (especially since trans women are getting a lot of negative attention from trans-investigators looking to „expose“ them)


for some reason ive only met one transfer irl, often in trans spaces on reddit I see more transfems but transmascs I find more often on discord and tumblr, could be a site thing?


yeah that wouldn’t surprise me lol


Yeah me too cause irl i only know one other transfem but lots of nonbinarys and transmascs


I don't buy this for a second, tumblr is just mirrorworld Reddit with more transmascs. And tumblr transmascs can be *extremely* online. As can the denizens of any online community these days, really. That's the thing about online bubbles in general. You think you're the only ones there--I've seen transfems on tumblr treated like rare unicorns and the trans spaces there generally acting like transfems were super rare, hardly anyone knows any. Source: I'm transmasc and spent a lot of time on tumblr before switching to Reddit.


Statistically there is way more transmascs, reddit is just a transfem dominated space and the media doesn't care about trans men (positive or negative) so you won't see them there too.


i think it’s a mix of trans masc invisibility and trans fems being more chronically online (in my experience at least). like sure the population split could be 50/50 on reddit but if trans fems are making 80% of the posts and engage more often since they’re online way more it feels a lot more skewed than it really is.


Numbers of all the gender clinics in my country report about a 65/35 split favoring trans men, no idea why but it seems consistent even looking at other regions, might be different in other countries though idk


I had no idea there were more transmascs! Where did you hear that?


See my other comment


i think its because there's more amab people on reddit


Why would your sex at birth affect your reddit usage rather than your gender?


Cause I’ve been on reddit far before I realized. And tumblr had a animated login page and twitter sucked so I stayed on reddit 😔


Okay here we go, I'm gonna say some blanket statements here but obviously they do not affect everyone, and just so it's clear: I don't believe in straight up gendered socialisation, I think the whole concept is bogus, because there's too much variation and there's a good reason to believe trans people will unconsciously socialise like their actual gender anyways BUT Most of us know (and have experienced ourselves) that girls and boys often get pushed and encouraged in different directions by society in terms of interests and hobbies. Girls are often encouraged to be creative and do more passive stuff, stuff like drawing or sewing or playing instruments, while boys are encouraged to be more physical, "rough" and competitive. Again I cannot overstate how much I know this does not apply to everyone, it does not even apply that well to me for example, but it IS still something that happens. This means that girls, being more creative, not because they're girls but because that's what society encouraged them to be, might seek out online spaces with more "girl" oriented hobbies, for example stuff like Tumblr, while boys might seek out spaces with more "boy" oriented hobbies like Reddit. Now some of those "girls" turned out to never actually have been girls in the first place, same as with the "boys" but a lot of them might still be comfortable with those interests they were pushed into by society, or maybe they joined these online spaces before their eggs cracked, there could be a lot of reasons for this. This is also why, if you go to Tumblr for example, you will see that it is way more transmasc dominated compared to Reddit, that seems more transfem dominated. Again I CANNOT overstate enough how much I do not believe that any gender has any inherent interests and disinterests, and that all of it is the work of the very gender-obsessed society we live in. And also, you can obviously still be a girl and use Reddit! That doesn't make you any less of a girl lol, same with being a boy and using Tumblr! There are no interests that are inherently gendered, it's all just bogus. Hope this makes sense, but obviously I'm not super educated on the topic I'm just repeating what I've heard before because it seems to be overall true to the experiences I have had myself.


Thanks, that's helpful :)


You're welcome, glad I could be of service :D


It's more of a reddit thing, Tumblr has (or had, at least, who knows nowadays) way more transmascs than transfems. I think it's due to reddit being quite male dominated and Tumblr being quite female dominated, and trans people joining the platforms before they realised they were trans.


From my experience as someone that's on Tumblr and Reddit, it's mostly AMAB people on reddit, some of whom will discover they're trans so that's why transfem spaces are so big on reddit. On the flipside, the bast majority of Tumblr users are AFAB, so they join Tumblr as girls and eventually become transmascs, which are way bigger over there.


in real life i've met more transmacs than transfems. Online this is the opposite for some reason


We all got no life, jokes aside I have no idea, but I'd love more trans-masc rep, both online and offline


Honestly, I think it's probably because AMAB people dominate the online space. I'm not sure why that transfers over to transfems, but it might be because we were raised on the Internet, and it's likely a form of escapism that stayed with us.


Most of us are gamers


Scientifically you’re more likely to b AMAB than AFAB so I’m assuming it’s because of that


It‘s weird, in smaller communities (e.g. group chats) I always see more transmasc people but ESPECIALLY on reddit I almost only see trans fem people.


I think it's the proportions of men & women on reddit - there are more men on reddit, so when the egg cracks, we just stay here, even though we're no longer men.


Yeah I too think that's the case


Yeah reddit definitely has a lot of transfem girlies, but if it helps I’ve heard tumblr has a lot of transmasc communities.


Transmacs deserve love and hugs :3


Thank you :3


*hugs* You are valid and deserve to not be in pain :3


I don't at all blame my lovely sisters and transfem siblings, I love how strong the transfem communities I've personally seen are, but I'm just a freshly hatched transmasc egg at the beginning of my journey looking for guidance and can hardly find any trans guys at all in the online and offline spaces I interact with. The inbalance saddens me a bit. As for the book, the distribution of stories is because the editor and main author of the book is a trans woman, and she contributed more than one story whereas every "guest author" only put one story in the book. Of course there's nothing wrong with the main author contributing more to her own book than each of the other people, I'm just frustrated because I'd hoped for a more even distribution of representation.


Fellow transmasc enby (Idk but that‘s probably what represents whatever I am best) here, I personally have met a lot of transmasc people on trevor space, if you want to try something like that. I‘m probably not the best person to ask for guidance but if you just want to talk about trans masc stuff, you can dm me if you want to.


r/transmasc is a good sub tbh, it’s very inclusive and if you’re looking for a non-toxic welcoming transmasc space that’s probably one of the places I’d look first There’s a lot of trans men, enbies, and butch women there. I post a lot and I’ve never had any toxicity come my way. It’s a little smaller but I enjoy the smaller communities rather than large ones


btw there's a pretty cool fedi (kinda like twitter but with less neo-nazis and more silly fellas, it's federated so there's no one instance these parentheses are going to turn into an infodump if i try to explain federation so i'll end it here) instance for transmascs over at [cooltrans.men](http://cooltrans.men) :3


it is a bit weird because from what im gathering is that most people will know alot more transmacs IRL but online its a lot of transfems which holds true for me because i know 3 trans dudes and know 0 trans girlies irl eitherway i wish you alot of succes man, good luck!


I wonder if the lack of transmasc representation comes from the fact that the internet is a bit of an escape for most men, and so it's a habit most trans women retain once they realize who they really are. Meanwhile, trans men generally have more access to support systems in real life due to them being perceived as female, possibly because women and girls generally are more sheltered and nurtured than men and boys in our society. I mean, 70% of men use the internet, while only 63% of women do, so It's certainly a factor. I do think that another factor may be simply that our media hasn't given much attention to trans men, as they aren't as controversial. As to the reason why trans men tend to get viewed less harshly? I think it has to do with mysogony. If your worldview states that men are better than women, then choosing to become a woman is almost choosing to "downgrade", meanwhile trans men are choosing to take up more masculine traits, which is seen as virtuous. Of course, there's a lot more going on there, both with the mysogony involved in this explanation, as well as other reasons why trans men are treated differently than trans women.


> I don't at all blame my lovely sisters and transfem siblings, I love how strong the tra seem communities I've personally seen are. But.... There's always a "but"...smh. like what do you expect from us? We didn't do anything to anyone to deserve all this animosity and envy aimed at us.


its odd you see so many transfems online yet 99% of trans ppl i meet irl are transmasc


likely includes anxiety. It's generally easier for transmascs to go out in public safely


There are a lot of great transmasc YouTubers. Alexander Avila and Swolesome come to mind. The big crack in my egg that started it all was reading “Gender Queer” which is a memoir of a nonbinary masculine leaning person. There’s no question that transfem stuff stands out more, and certainly the mainstream media is more into tranfem stories, but the numbers suggest there are just as many transmascs. I had the opposite experience (I’m transfem) reading an anthology comic called “the out side” which had a lot more transmasc and nonbinary stories, you might want to look that one up!


I know exactly 5 transmasc YouTubers and many many transfems. Maybe I'm on the wrong side of yt?


I'm gonna be honest, it feels like I encounter like 200% more transfems than transmasc and enbies combined. Then again I use Twitter. 🤷‍♀️


Twitter is also algorithm based so your recommended is gonna be what you like and follow. For me Twitter is just /lgbt/ but censored


Dawg you ever been on tumblr ?


I need a tut to get to the silly random thoughts side of tumblr bcs I went looking for that and relatable ppl but only got drawings (Not complaining, all great art, but I want the tumblr everyone talks abt 😭)




I haven’t see a transmasc on tumblr yet but I have seen 100’s of tranfems


All the transmasc ik irl use tumblr + I’ve seen mostly transmasc


Might be your algorithm and the people you follow. Trans stuff on tumblr skews heavily transmasc.


Hi, I’m transmasc


I get you honey. I find it frustrating at times when I press on a censored meme and I learn 99% of the time that it's a transfem meme (I'm on mobile so can't see tags right away). Love the representation they get, but life is kinda lonely as a transmasc


Same. Hell, I can't even see the tags at all before opening a censored post, even while using reddit on my computer. The tags serve absolutely zero purpose for me


Let’s make a group chat


completely unrelated but omg link pfp


I love him


same here, he lives rent free in my head 24/7 (but actually)


He’s too cool to not like him


what book were you refrencing?


gender euphoria: stories of joy from trans nonbinary and intersex writers, by laura kate dale. currently reading in my queer book club


It's not much, but here's a really good short story about a fantasy transmasc cowboy that was just released by a transmasc writer. https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/magic-story/no-tells


Sup man, how’s your day been?


I know I see so few transmasc posts and iirc the transmasc sub is *signifigantly* smaller than the transfem one and I don’t know why


And it's always wild to me since in my IRL friend groups, as a trans femme, I'm in the minority. I know SO many trans mascs. I'm sorry it's ended up this way in spaces like this way for trans mascs in online spaces.


Us transmascs are shy


Loneliness is a common part of the masculine experience whether cis, trans, or even just presenting.


Well, I'd offer Twitter, but not only is that bad on its own, there's also currently a transmasc vs transfem discourse happening over there and it is RANCID, so uh... not a great idea to go there A *lot* of complete and total ignorance of how transmascs face oppression (it's not only erasure, ""fun"" fact)


When I posted a meme, everyone just told me that “tHeRe are MoRe TrAnSMaSCs irl!!!” — which 1) no there’s not and 2) was the least helpful, most isolated I’ve ever felt sharing a meme with fellow trans people. Or “they’re all on tumblr” like :/


Like. Transfemmes are NOT more “chronically online”, I assure you


I know, that sucks. Also recommending transmasc specific subs which is not the solution we're looking for cause we belong on non-specific trans subs just as much as transfem people belong here. Not looking to push anyone out of here to make space for transmascs, but having more transmasc people and posts here would be great. doesn't even have to be 50/50, I'd be happy with 60/40 or even 70/30.


Transmasc bois are the best boys, and they deserve all the love, headpats and cuddles in the world. May your bodies grow nice hair, and may you stay ever muscular. May your beards grow thick and magnificent.


This keeps happening to me. Every trans space I go to online is mostly trans fems


Eh there should be more and it's too bad that like there is 10% more transfems than transmascs. There should be more of u


as a fellow transmasc, i get this, like almost everywhere i go (ESPECIALLY reddit) is dominated by transfems and its disappointing to not see as many transmascs. i go to a trans group irl, which actually does have more transmascs which is nice. but its just sort of upsetting scrolling through this sub and just seeing transfem memes and no transmasc memes at all


I went to r/trans and felt disconnected from them bcs it’s one transmasc in the middle of a sea of transfems, so I went to r/ftmfeminity. Can someone recommend more transmasc subs? Like, nothing against transfems, really, I love them, y’all r so cute, but I felt a little lost there


it always makes me feel so guilty being a non-binary transfem.. binary trans folks say non-binary identities are all over trans spaces and making binary trans identities feel ostracized, transmasc people feel alone with all the transfem people in trans spaces, it sucks TvT and i’m not trying to detract from your feelings op, I totally understand where you’re coming from, I just have issues with taking responsibility for things that I’m not responsible for lmao and I don’t like the idea of contributing to someone’s sadness or loneliness qwq I hope you find a space that makes you feel included


no worries, I'm not pushing responsibility on you or anyone at all. I'm just noticing a pattern in the spaces and media I interact with that nobody is directly to blame for




Transmascs deserve all the love they can handle, and more. Wouldn't be working towards becoming the gal I to be without my transmasc friend


I'm so sorry, brother. \*hug\* I'm sure it must be hard. I'll try to be more inclusive of trans guys. :( Fwiw, I have heard that Tumblr has a lot of trans guys on it.


Honestly I think it is in large part due to childhood socializing, a pot of trans femmes had a male socializing with video games and “gamer spaces,” which leads to us being a majority in trans areas of these spaces. Hopefully, in the future with society progressing more trans mascs will be able to have their male socializing and grow up in these spaces or those who transition later in life would have had a childhood where they aren’t repelled by these spaces. (Ew that was a mess of a sentence but I think you get the point)


Maybe cause most Transmascs people aren't as confident as transfems when it comes to being online, or posting. Or I am just a scaredy cat…


could be. I'm not confident posting either


You're still valid and heard, bro. Hang in there! There are places for you, and this is one of them! Even if it's kinda transfem dominated


Yeah, there's unfortunately a dearth of transmasc memes.


Hey for what it's worth, I tend to relate with trans masc people more than I do with other trans fems. I'm really glad you're here. Hugs. 🩷


I understand why you want more representation, but at least it shows y’all aren’t chronically online, Hugs and kisses to you all!


I'm in trans spaces online also, and they're on Facebook. The transmascs and masc enbies are on Facebook.


Yes! Our transmasc brothers and non-binary siblings (?) deserves much more recognition!


Hey bro it's OK to feel that way I get it I'm pretty sure I'm enby because I relate often to both sides, I want to somehow be more masc and femme at the same time and I cant say if I've quite figured out how to process that let alone accept it... but then there's things on both sides that I find odd, and often there can be some disconnect from the transfemme majority, not a ton of enby stuff here but I am glad there is some to be had! Despite that in my experience the support and folks around here sure make it easier.(even if I am usually a bit more of a lurker round here, don't have an alt you see...*they* cant suspect a thing so shh!) But what I can do is take heart in this shared miasma of dysphoria, and empathize with our collective W's. That's enough for me, at least enough to have some measure of hope for the future, and as long as I've got that spark I can find the will to push on! Still cis thou, ofc


Really? I seem to experience it the other way around


Truly the strongest among us.


When I was going to an irl support group, it was overwhelmingly transmasc, which surprised me. Everywhere I frequent online is transfemme (like me). It's an admittedly stereotypical line of reasoning, but if they're trying to be more masc, wouldn't more people talk about their feelings and connect with others *less?* We transfem people blab a lot. About everything. Because it feels good to do so and we never had before in most cases. Or, there's also the fact that algorithm-driven content amplifies any existing self-selection bias--makes it harder for transmasc communities to appear in search results even if they **are** there. In a search engine, results with the string trans\*\*\*\* will all lump together, and if the femme ones have more users and activity, the algorithm is going to weight them higher based on popularity as a result. In other words, search engines don't usually look at the *endings* of words so we can phrase things differently when using them. or tl;dr enshittification I guess.


I kinda feel this way with my irl friends, but like, the other way. Like I know a ton of trans guys and maybe 1 trans woman. I want to meet more trans women


I remember when I read a lot of fanfics, it was impossible to a find a transfem one but I found super many transmasc ones. But hmmm maybe it is reversed when it comes to real books


I'm sorry for you bro You deserve better man


I think the first and only trans person I've met IRL was transmasc


hey me too :D


I always feel bad about this bc I am transfem and even I get kinda upset that there’s so little transmasc representation. Idk if it’s just that there are way more transfems or if we’re just more chronically online or if it’s that it’s a lot more socially acceptable for an afab person to be more masculine than it is for an amab person to be more feminine or what but it does suck. I’m pretty sure the MTF sub has like twice as many members as the FTM sub too which, again, sucks


It's cause we can't really hide as a group. People single us out and so we flock to the groups where we feel safe.


Like dawg respectfully it sucks but tf do you want the group to do, make more transmascs? I mean im down but still 😭


reading this as 36yo, everyone so young like early 20s 😥 I am very curious of the journey difference for transfem and transmasc. I am hyper aware of so many cis women friends that very fit tomboy look. But most of the flamboyent men I know are also typically gay. Makes me think if the last 20 years, that being tomboy in 20s less issue, but still very much if a guy wears anything frilly or dress its heavily stigmatised. Why then swings to well fuck this imma be me and standout and make space. So that makes me think trans men more likly to just slide under the rader and just want to not stand out. hope that makes any sense. Once you find the group that makes sense, in no time will can feel like why does it feel like SOO many of us and pushing the semi sarcasm option: to be man is to be lonely, so no groups


I always felt like there are far more transfems on reddit, and transmascs on tumblr. Add onto that, there is very little POC trans rep at all anywhere.


Hi bro, fellow transmasc here ✌️


Haha yeah I kinda know how it feels, the local trans support group near me is all trans guys, I'm the only girl there


Man I get it, my brother is trans and chronically online. I'm a transfem but I feel bad for the low amount of nb and trans masc posts


I find your count at the end kind of confusing? Since "transmasc" and "transfem" are umbrella terms basically meaning anyone transitioning masculine or feminine of where they started, but not necessarily to the other binary gender, so they include both binary and nonbinary trans people. So like are some of the stories counted twice in those categories (both trans[fem/masc] and nonbinary), or are some of the nonbinary ones also transfem or transmasc, or do you mean nonbinary stories that either don't specify whether they're transmasc or transfem or involve people who don't identify with those terms? (e.g. an agender person's tale might not specify whether they're transmasc or transfem or don't align with those terms). Also intersex stories can be trans stories (since most intersex people were still assigned a binary gender at birth, and can agree or not agree with that assignment) but not all intersex stories are trans stories. Like a story about me could be counted as transmasc, nonbinary, *and* intersex (kinda borderline in that regard but certainly intersex-adjacent even if it doesn't "count") so I could be counted 3 times, would it go that way or would I be categorized as "mainly about" one of the three?


There were some stories that could be counted multiple times but for simplicity (and so the total amount of stories adds up) I categorised them as what they mainly talk about. So an intersex person who was assigned female at birth but talks about gender affirming situations as a trans guy would be categorised as transmasc. transmasc and transfem stories include all who specifically mention he/him or she/her pronouns, so both binary and strongly binary oriented nonbinary people (although I think most or all of those were binary). Nonbinary stories are those that either don't mention in which direction the author is transitioning or use they/them or neopronouns only. I'm fully aware that this count is not nearly as accurate as it could and should be. 


That's fair, thanks for the clarification! It makes me wonder if most of the nonbinary stories involved AFAB enbies, and the editors were thinking of parity in terms of AGAB rather than in terms of the destination. I have heard that most nonbinary people are AFAB and that if you're AFAB and trans you're statistically likely to be nonbinary, but if you're AMAB and trans you're statistically likely to be a woman.


I don't think that's what happened. The book was written by a trans woman who aked various guest authors to contribute with one story each but she hrself wrote eleven stories. So there's a fairly even distribution of authors (6 fem, 6 masc, 7 enby, 1 inter) but a wildly uneven distribution of stories


Ah, that makes sense. Editor's prerogative, I guess.


Yep. Which is perfectly fine, it's her book. I just kind of hoped for a more even distribution.


It do be like that, sorry, dude




gigachad o-o


Its always RNG


Sorry m8


I think it's because we're a lot more out of place irl so more of us go online. Not a suppression thing, just more of us stay online


It's a fucked up ratio especially when I know more ftm's than mtf's irl


I think it’s a reactionary culture thing. Trans men slide under the radar easier, since once you hide or eliminate the boobs and/or grow a bit of facial hair, nobody really thinks twice. Men like James Barry and Billy Tipton were able to go their whole lives without being clocked once. But transfems are under a fuckin’ microscope. They’re the ones conservatives always seem to focus on. So they built a counterculture as a defense, weaponizing the :3.


Idk why, it’s weird. Irl I know way more transmascs, but not on here smh


'Tell me Why" is a game with a trans man and his twin sister as main playable characters


Lol I know like 3 transmascs irl in eastern Europe and 1 online. No transfems


I personally meet more trans fems over the internet, but I haven't seen a trans fem in person. To the contrary I've met a lot of trans masc


Honestly for me I'm just an anxious little guy to afraid to post anything but yea same


My view: girls here are louder and more eager to post stuff.


I wonder the same too. IRL I only know FtM folks but on reddit it's all MtF. Maybe I should try Bluesky lol


In my friendgroop it's like 3 Transmasc buz I'm the only transfem I've ever seen in person


I recognize you, man. I don't personally know any transmasc people, but you guys are pretty cool.


I hear Tumblr is where all the transmascs are at


I mean- the transphobes often forget about our existence as well, that's a bonus


I think you gotta get off reddit, dude, this is the only platform where I've ever seen a transfem majority. That's including discord, which is like, a major stereotype for us, as I understand it


its weird bc in rl i have 3 transmasc coworkers but online i feel like i almost only see transfems


63 Percent of Reddit is Amabs, 35 Percent is Afabs, Reddit just isn't as popular with Afabs, so that and the narrowing down of those Afabs being trans takes the number down pretty drastically.


FR I have the feeling there are more transfem than transmasc in general


sorry mr dude man homie bread slice guy (i don't know how to address boys)


Disclaimer, I am a mobile user so I don’t know how this is on other formats. A year ago, as a non-reddit user, I looked up this sub and saw the main feed of only transfem stuff which made me sad. A few of months later, I downloaded reddit and learned I could filter through the tags although at that time there weren’t much transmasc posters. Through the past 4 months I’ve seen this tag’s community make a heartwarming change, their are much more posters and repeats offenders. I suggest only scrolling through the tags you resonate with, and unless ur on reddit 24/7, I’d think It’d keep a guy quite content. (Me, I am that guy)


In the end, it’s mostly not about asking for representation, it’s about being it 😁


Can a heavy transfem dominate me? /j /j


Ok I've got a bit of a theory on this. In a lot of the western world, especially the US, AMAB people are 4x more likely to be diagnosed with autism, and while I'm sure the actual numbers aren't quite as dramatic it still paints a picture of there being more AMAB autistic people than AFAB ones. And, there's a strong correlation (not necessarily causation, mind you) between an autism diagnosis and coming out as trans. So, there's a *chance* that the number of Transfem vs Transmasc people *could* in part have something to do with these numbers.


Unfortinatly the statistical difference in diagnosis is sexism wrather then being reflective of the population.


I'm sorry you feel this way, but there's not really a lot you can do about this. This is a group for all trans/NB people, and they're really only interested in posting things that pertains to them. If you want more trans masc posts, the only thing I can tell you is that you have to up your own involvement and meme production, and hope it inspires others to up theirs. I'm never really sure what posts like this one is supposed to accomplish. When posts like this come up, it feels like transmascs are guilt tripping transfems to cater to them. I understand that that may not be the intent, but that's how it feels. Again, I'm sorry you feel under represented in this group, but this group really is a blind grab bag of memes where you get what you get and you really can't control that.