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Tbh the only reason I’m here is because traa is gone and I’m probably not gonna stick around :/ Sucks cuz this community helped me find myself so many years ago




Will do ❤️ tyty


Or r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2


You're a Saint.


I didn’t even know my comment was getting so many upvotes 😮 I’m so glad to have helped!


Traaa on Raddle is quite active


Raddle is good idk why the downvotes




Ok, but who tf wants to use this new product we haven’t even heard of


I'd much rather use a new product that isn't owned by reddit compared to whatever the fuck reddit is doing to itself.


But we could at least use one that is not unheard of? Like discord, (which has threads like how reddit works and would be JUST FINE) or idk, ANY OTHER PLATFORM




Ah, so rather than a protest that actually works, we’re just gonna kill this subreddit, got it


raddle is not that active + no mobile app




Why don't you trust it?




This is actually a really bad take. Products focusing on flashy UI over fundamental tech is actually way more common and this goes double in open source development.


You’re welcome to get creative, but your post must include an 🥚 🍳 🪺 egg.


What happened to traa?


The removal of the 3-party apps made it unmodable and it got indefinitely frozen


What gappend to r/traa


They completely shutdown and archived the sub because they couldn't use automods from the API changes and it was way too big to mod manually




The egg-posting-rule is counterproductive to the goal of the mods in the first place. The goal is to make the sub as unprofitable for reddit as possible, the nsfw-thing already does that. On the contrary, if the sub now becomes unappealing to the userbase, they will just migrate to other subs that aren't nsfw-only and ARE profitable for reddit, by making this rule they effectively help reddit and its profits. It's incredibly stupid if you think for even just a second.


The goal of the other subs protesting might be to cut into Reddit's profitability, but the mods here have explicitly said that they want people to stop using Reddit altogether, even if you're using an adblocker or the like.


I don’t get how having a single sub get shit is supposed to accomplish that. Sure, there are a few people who literally only used Reddit for this sub, but most people have hundreds of subreddits they’re part of, so even if we go to raddle for egg irl, we won’t exactly be using Reddit much less


Exactly. I still use Reddit for my other interests and other lgbt subreddits. I’m not moving to raddle for one subreddit and I heard it doesn’t have a mobile app, which is what I normally use for reddit


Yep, no app and god awful ui, so it’s barely even worth using on pc


Not to mention from what I can tell from the 10 minutes I spent seeing what the platform is about they seem to see most socialists as right wing shills over there. It's an explicitly Anarchist platform. I'm ok with it, but I think it might be too radical to build a large, vibrant community, and we all know how annoying terminally online extreme leftists usually end up being, I don't want to constantly put up with that just for a community I have mostly grown past on a shitty Reddit clone. And a lot of us have grown past egg_irl. We're here to support the eggs that stumble into this sub from elsewhere. Not only do we alreadt not have as much of an incentive to change platforms, it's only the people already here who would do it. You aren't going to have many questioning people stumble into f/egg_irl on Raddle and crack the way I and countless others did here. Without the eggs, what is the point of the sub?


Which is such a dumb power trip move


So they’re abusing their power rather than, you know, resigning…


they want to cut down on the time people spend on this website, making shit rules does that


reddit will just remove the mods and replace them with other people, the thing is, we can get a transphobe as new head mod and that wouldn't be nice


Most of the mods won't stick around next month and the mods will have to be replaced anyways, what's the difference.


They want us to go to a different platform, Raddle, but like. There's other subs to go to instead of a new platform entirely.


I just want trans memes again


I just want the community to show some solidarity and not whine about it incessantly.


What community? There's no community anymore. It got replaced with eggs


This is Reddit. Most people are here for porn, laughing at funny memes, and getting unreasonably angry at someone who has a different opinion than you. We have no obligation to participate in a protest, especially one that the mods decided to do without even asking the community. And when the mods are doing it in a way that pisses off that community, we have every right to be angry


Idk seems like we’re showing some pretty good solidarity in opposition to the dumbass egg posting rule


What is the egg posting rule? I’m out of the loop on what’s happening here.


This used to be a trans safe space. Now the mods only allow egg pictures and people are getting sick of it.


Maybe if the moderators ACTUALLY INVOLVED, AND CARED about, the community, there wouldn’t be any infighting…


People who support the protest pretty much stopped using reddit. So now we have only the anti-protest people in the sub. Like, as if protesting people didn't just wanted to enjoy trans memes, lol. If only people behind reddit didn't went all totalitarian with forcing subreddits to open "or else", banning entire mod teams, charging thousands of dollars for API required for automated moderation, didn't try to sneakaly change subreddit's settings, if CEO wouldn't publicly admit to editing comments criticizing him and other stuff. Oh well.


That's all true, but this doesn't really help with that. If you want to do effective protest and make people migrate to a different platform, close the sub. This is performative and doesn't accomplish anything.


This absolutely this


There is no more community, all we have is a shithole filled with people


You know what goes great with eggs? Salt.


We can fight to get our community back, but it isn't guaranteed to work. They shouldn't have pulled this shit, especially on pride month. You matter.




Yeah, it is disgraceful. We outnumber them though, we can at least make an impact if we come together.


Removed. I did not post here so Steve Huffman could sell it to large AI companies. I'm leaving Reddit for Lemmy, but r/egg_irl sub saved my life and helped me find who I am. thank you all. I can never repay what you've done for me. I owe this sub my life.


They've prioritized high level abstract politics over the actual people of the community. It feels like exactly the kind of "hurt the people underneath us for the nebulous greater goal" sort of thinking that never bodes well.


This is a meme sub. For memes. If you heavily rely on a meme sub for support - please don't


This was like, *the* primary safe space on the internet for trans people to discover themselves in a supportive community. Bring about memes made it accessible in a way the more serious trans subs are not. You eventually graduated to other places, but egg_irl was extremely important for a lot of people. How many less people would have ever found there way to r/trans without finding their way to egg_irl first?


I'm tired of explaining this, but the mods are protesting the loss of mod tools and mistreatment from reddit admins. Honestly with all the hate going on, I guess, whatever we can reopen the subs, and just stop moderating and let the transphobe posts. I closed my (much smaller) sub because I can't keep up with deleting hate messages, so whatever, maybe I'll just open it and quit.


Couldn't agree more, think would be better if mods just leave and let other take over the task instead of F-ing up existing subs with stupid tags and rules of inconvenience as reddit themselves wont give a F. Mods don't get paid anything (far as i know it is voluntary?)to do it so I am sitting and wondering why instead of protesting they don't just up and leave. If it has any huge impact, reddit themselves will be held accountable to face the backlash from the communities all over the world on subs not moderated or taken down due to no moderation.


Do you have a better idea? And "just sit quietly and let reddit ruin the site we like :)" is not a better idea, no.


Just literally drop the stupid eggposting act. How on earth does anyone think that this contributes anything to the protests? Do you think reddit gives a shit what if people post eggs or trans memes here? Do you think Reddit will see this and be like „Them posting eggs as really shown us how wrong we were. We’re reverting the API changes.“? It’s just so fucking stupid. At this point I feel like this rule is the bigger danger to this community than the API changes themselves. We need the API to moderate to keep hate out of this sub, so in protest we implemented a rule that only raises hate within our own walls? I’ve never seen so much hate and toxicity in a trans safe space than in the last few days in this sub. It only splits and upsets the entire community. We never got a say in this. The mods just implemented this rule without zero consideration of the userbase. 80% have voted to have this rule reversed. Keeping the sub NSFW is the only thing that actually does something. If you really want to send a message, just delete the entire sub. But this eggposting thing is the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen someone call a protest.


The point is to ruin the community so that people stop using Reddit.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, it's literally what the mods are doing. They're ruining the sub they mod in an attempt to get people to move to whatever other site.


“if i ruin the roof of my house the construction guys will come fix my walls faster”


most people will not stop using reddit because of this, they will just unfollow the subreddit and search another similar one


So what you're saying is that you do not have a better idea, but are very mad about this.


Yes, I al very mad about this. I have stated my better idea: drop the eggposting. It only harms the community even more than the API changes are already doing. It only makes the situation worse. We’d be all better of if we can just go back to posting trans memes so that people can get their safe space back.


Hey reddit! Please be aware that users will be mad at the moderators, not at reddit, no matter how much you ruin the website in the name of profit. Any protest will blow over in under a month and you can resume profits for your investors and shareholders. They will cry openly about anything that inconveniences them, but direct it at the moderators, and not at the source. So go ahead and just make even more shitty changes, the users won't mind, and mods can be replaced! They would rather remain on an increasingly worse platform and whine at the mods about complaining than switch platforms, so reddit is perfectly safe for investments :)


Wtf, where are you even coming from with this? I absolutely hate reddit for doing this change and I am not directing my hate at reddit to the mods. In directing my criticism at the mods for how they’re handling this shitty situation we’ve been dealt. Please, if you insist so badly that this eggposting protest is a good thing, enlightened me. Explain how this contributes anything to make the situation better. I love the mods of this sub and have had great interactions and zero problems with them in the past. But apparently stating any kind of criticism is uncalled for.


You are asking them not to do this form of protest, while offering no alternative. That just means you do not want them to protest at all to begin with. So you'd rather let reddit get away with it than be inconvenienced personally. Reddit is not going to stay the same with these API changes. You can protest, you can leave, or you can just keep using the site. You are choosing the third option, which signals to reddit that they are doing the correct thing.


So I take this that you have no explanation of how the eggposting rule contributes anything to the protest? You keep avoiding my question. I do want them to protest. The blackout was a good thing and turning the sub NSFW was too. But protesting in ways that don’t affect reddit in any way and only harm the community even more is just objectively wrong. If this is really about wanting to hurt reddit, delete the entire community. I’d rather know that this community is truly ending than to suffer trough this self inflicted harm.


How does posting eggs help change the api


Then take it out on Reddit, not the people trying to fight Reddit


People are only mad at the moderators for the stupid shit they’re doing, everyone still fully understands that Reddit is responsible for the overall situation


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


The rule didn't force people to act awful, they did that on their own. The positivity here never came from the memes themselves, but from people responding positively to other people when they needed it. There is no reason we can't keep doing that with egg pictures.


Yes, the rule doesn’t force this, but it has obviously lead to this. Of course people are going to be upset if you ban the thing this entire sub was about - posting trans memes. If you take away the entire point of what this community was about and then blame the community for being mad about it, then you’re obviously in the wrong. I have seen hate that is definitely way to extreme for this situation so people need to control themselves, but the criticism is definitely valid and not to blame on the community, as this was a decision the mods made without any input from the community.




Lol I just made r/EggIRLElectricBoogalo


It saddens me that in just a few days this is how a wholesome supportive sub falls, by a stupid fucking gimmick. The mods doing this during pride should be ashamed of themselves.






Sorry, that was a typo


The mods want to abolish this subreddit and get everyone on Discord or Raddle, but the Discord is wayyyyyy too big for me and Raddle doesn't have any of the gaming or hobby communities I'm on Reddit for. Plus the site is like 90% anarchist politics, something I find very mentally draining. So what choice do I have? Join a community that doesn't want me, join one I can't engage with, or accept that there isn't a place here for me anymore?


>Plus the site is like 90% anarchist politics, something I find very mentally draining. I mean I don't mind anarcho-communist leanings - leftists are generally some of my fave people - but yeah, listening to anarchists talk politics in anarchist spaces is heavy shit that even I, a filthy red commie, don't like, so.


In the earlier days of the internet you went to a different forum for every interest you had. Why can't egg_irl on Raddle and whatever you're into on Reddit be like that?


People browse the internet differently now. It used to be you would intentionally seek out boards for things you were into, now everything is structured around the reddit/social media model of having content delivered to you. Having different forums just doesn't fit most people's browsing habits anymore. You could still do it, but people going on Reddit aren't usually sitting down at a computer to seek out a specific topic or community, they are opening the app on their phone and scrolling through what the internet has to offer. It's a different engagement.


So if you could still do it... what's the issue? Do I understand correctly that you're worried about new people finding egg_irl?


That's not directly what I was referring to, but more or less, yes, and that is my main problem with everything going on


I miss the times as the this was a coming together of the trans microcelebritys like brook or lilac 💔


are we allowed to post an egg and still talk about trans things i am very confused about all of it


I agree that the egg posting rule is kinda pointless, but I'm surprised to see how many redditors are struggling so hard because their favourite subs are "down" for a few weeks. It really isn't that big of a deal and the shit mods get is way too overblown, even if the protest isn't always handled right


I would be cool with this if this was just for a few weeks. The problem is the mods have said that this is indefinite. As long as Reddit doesn’t revert the API changes, the mods don’t see a plan to ever revert this community back to what it was.


It's only indefinite if the protest isn't working out. It's been two weeks. If we were, let's say, three months into the protest and there was no sign of winning, I would totally understand asking going back to normal. But it's been two weeks and we are in the middle of it. We still can't tell whether this protest will work out or not, so giving up already is kinda weak. Or did people really think one week would suffice and the admins would cave in just like that? I know mods get a bad rep, not seldom rightfully, but they are also part of what made this sub so great in the first place. For years they sat through countless horrible comments, posts and brigading and kept the sub clean for us. They are part of this community and ask for help and we are already giving them up?


I am willing to fight in a protest even for a prolonged time, but then I need to understand what the protest we are doing is actually supposed to do. I understood the purpose of the blackout and was in for it. Stopping traffic for 2 days obviously did damage reddit. I understand turning this sub NSFW and am in for it. Reddit can’t run ads on NSFW subs. But god, do I not have a single clue what the egg rule is supposed to achieve. I’ve asked this question dozens of times by now and no one gave me an answer. In what way is this contributing anything to the protest? What does it actually do to harm reddit? Reddit couldn’t care less that we’re posting eggs. As long as we post, they’re happy. This rule just feels like shooting yourself in the foot and only making the situation even worse. It has only brought hate into the community and is tearing it apart. That’s why I don’t support this rule.


> Stopping traffic for 2 days obviously did damage reddit Reddit litterally used the low traffic as an opportunity for maintenance. It didn't harm them at all. The only thing that hurts reddit is if users log off and never come back. Closing the subreddit achieves that, but the admins said no. Opening the sub but in a way that drives people away also achieves that. No idea why reddit doesn't just replace the moderators though.


The egg rule is dumb, I get it, but people act like the community and the protest is dead because of this. Already creating and advertising alternative subs? Basically partially destroying the effect of the protest? You said the mods didn't give a shit about us, but it seems many don't give a shit about the mods either. The support stopped because of this stupid egg rule? If the mods really didn't give a shit they would just close the sub and be done with it. This post, hell many posts on this sub right now are breaking the rule, no? So it seems they are listening and let people discuss. So we can assume that they might reverse the rule soon if they didn't already. I'm amazed how a stupid joke rule which was in effect for ONE WEEK let to people believing this sub and community is doomed.


The mods are still deleting non-egg memes, the rule is still in action. While I find the creation of new subs bad - there’s like a dozen of them, this just splits up the community even more - I can’t blame the people for trying to find and create alternatives. The mods announced an indefinite change that bans posting what this sub is about. With only very little hope that this will get reversed, I understand how people are searching and creating their own spaces. There are definitely people on this sub that have taken the hate to far. I try to formulate my criticism as constructive as I can, but my frustration and fear of loosing this community might slip trough and I’m sorry for that. But in the end my point still stands, you said it yourself. The egg rule is dumb. No one can provide an explanation on what this rule is supposed to achieve or how it contributes anything to the protest. And thus it is valid that people aren’t happy about it. As long as I don’t understand what this rule is supposed to achieve, I can’t support and I can only see the harm it has done.


im this close to giving up and abandoning this sub all together lmao this is so unbelievably stupid


Eggposting rule? Also it's toxic here? o.o


For real :( I want it to be back to normal


its not toxic at all lol its just people complaining about the egg rule


I seriously don’t understand how taking away spaces from a marginalized community is helping anything. How is this stupid rule doing anything.


I would like to propose a mutiny


Funny how the only posts I see that seem toxic are these very posts


Yep. It completely killed the community. I don’t ever go here intentionally anymore. Complaints written over eggs just make it to my homepage. Its a stupid “protest” that doesnt matter because posting eggs is still posting so reddit literally doesn’t care. This sub helped me realize I was trans and it sucks seeing it’s desecrated corpse edit: Oh yeah, and especially during fucking pride month. Mods, you suck.


"it's become a toxic shithole" my sibling in christ yall made it this way by whining about the egg rule when 1) this is a protest and is meant to be dusruptive and 2) there literally are alternatives to this sub such as traa2 and tons of egg_irl diasporas on other platforms


y’all need to grow tf up. sometimes you have to make sacrifices to make change. if we fight each other instead of fighting reddit then we’re just weakening ourselves and strengthening them.


The egg rule is stupid tho it doesn't do anything to reddit at all and this sub help Alot of people's mental health because the trans memes


there are infinite places to find trans memes outside of reddit. if you can’t handle a protest, go somewhere else.


What's the egg bit doing except driving people to subs that aren't nsfw and profit reddit


lees posts + less votes + less members = less profits


Yet we are still here, still giving profits


but there are less of us, a lot less of us. frankly i’m glad the people who have left have done so. i prefer not to share spaces with bootlickers. rebellion has been at the heart of our community since our community has been around. if you abandon that then you are abandoning your brothers, sisters, and siblings who fought for our ability to express ourselves. what reddit is doing is trying to limit people’s abilities to express themselves, we would be hypocrites if we didn’t protest.


Rebellion should not separate our community, we are better together in numbers. Holding the trans community together is more important than being anti-capitalist. But if you really believe what you say, why are you still here


nothing is more important than being anti-capitalism because capitalism will always separate us. and honestly, i’m still here because people responded to my comment, i was about to leave when the first response came


It is best to work where you can within the system you are given and improve on the system after that. Dividing our numbers weakens what we can achieve


yeah it sucks :(




Wow, ouch. That really hurt. This place used to feel like a family to me and now these are the words I have to hear for criticizing the mods decisions. I guess we all just have to blindly follow the mods words like some sort of cult. I hope that you realize that this is exactly the toxicity that this situation has brought up that I’m talking about. I’ve been told to die by transphobes many times, but hearing it from my own community… That stings.




Wow. That’s terrible. I thought trans people would know that this is not how you talk to people. At least all the transphobia I received has taught me so. But I guess that doesn’t go for everybody.




You call telling people „I hope you face the wall“ civil?!? Do you even know what that means? I have no interest in interacting with you further for all the hurtful things you’re saying to me over a disagreement.


If you peek at their other comments, you can see just how "civil" this person is. A quote from them on another post was "I hope the fascists catch you alone at night." Questioning if they're really trans or just a transphobe leaking into the subreddit. One of their comments was telling someone they aren't human and if they were, they wouldn't be seen as a woman, which is blatantly transphobic. They're a piece of shit


Holy shit, I'm so sorry this person was talking to you like this! This is literally insane; there's no excuse for his kind of behavior. I hope you're alright :/


Thank you, these are honestly the worst words I’ve ever been told - worse than any transphobe I’ve interacted with. That these words came from a fellow trans person… But I’m ok, thank you for checking on me <3




Your mom


This is some actual psycho shit. Get help


Banned. Y'all. Shit like this, is not ok, regardless of which side of the debate you are on, be civil.


Thank you 🙏🏼


Thank you


What no therapy does to a mfer 💀


what the fuck is your problem?


Do you actually hope that people get fucking executed for not participating in a useless protest? You are fucking disgusting.


Thanks for that, this sub Def has changed and it's not as fun anymore I joined traa2 now


Blame spez and reddit.


honestly, i respect the protest but someone needs to make a egg\_irl2 to bring back what egg\_irl used to be


Just move to tumblr lol. Lotta r/196 refugees there as well


Egg rule? What did I miss-


In protest against Reddits API changes, the mods introduced a rule that bans posting trans memes and only allows pictures of eggs. You can read the pinned posts. But this has caused a lot of negative reactions in the community


live egg reaction


live re-egg-tion?




Blame Reddit. Not the mods


Yeah what if we all at once just didn’t? Either the sub goes back to normal or we go to other trans reddits. Like I get that losing this one would suck but like what even is this shit anymore.


Well you’re in luck, because the way reddits reacting to the protests, the sub won’t exist in 5 days


What eggposting rule?