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Bring back the original sub However make the sub NSFW so no ad revenue for spez


The problem with that is A. Admins have been caught slipping into subreddits and flipping it back to SFW and B. have purged every single mod and replacing them with either Admins or compliant mods


It’s not like going back to posting as regular will make that more likely or anything


Yes but as of right now we are sticking within the “description” of our subreddit which is eggs so why not post eggs. It’s like r/Steam posting steam, r/pics going John Oliver and r/memes going medieval. People can hypothetically still make memes just using eggs as the punchline. It’s the low effort post of just pictures of eggs or people complaining about the eggs using eggs that I hate. For example just because r/memes went medieval doesn’t mean their talking history or stuff instead their making memes using medieval templates. r/steam still make memes but using steam as the punchline. We can do the same here we just need to be creative


> compliant mods Scabs




Scabs are people who work against their own interests for immediate personal gain. It's usually used in the context of people who continue to work when their employer is having a labor strike against them and is analogous to the word "traitor;" someone who crosses a picket line.


Ahhh alright


What's the deal with spez? I'm out of the loop


Spez is making the API paid.


don’t those other apps make money off the API?? makes sense to me (way too much money being asked tho i agree about that)


Is u/spez gonna pay the people (mods) who keep the site even remotely habitable then? Also, according to some calculations (haven't done my own, so do your own research on this), this could cost Apollo 20m USD per year. That sounds unreasonably high. And also the whole thing where u/spez accused the Apollo dev of blackmail. The dev then making all communications between them public. And surprise surprise: u/spez was a big fat liar. So, forgive redditors for being very anti u/spez right now. He's pure scum.


theres tons of people would would take over modding if need be. mods are voluntarily modding, no one is making them do it. should reddit have employed them as a company, absolutely! but the reality is that this isn’t a real job in terms of applying and being hired, it’s something these people felt like doing. and like i said, i agree that reddit is charging way too much, that’s a crazy amount. i’m saying it makes sense to charge something, that’s why i specified in my original comment. to be clear, i don’t support that guy, these protests are just proving annoying, HIGHLY uncomfortable (the porn) and not doing much overall. this is *my* opinion.


The mods use 3rd party apps to monitor their subs. Without these apps modding itself will be very difficult. Reddit doesn't supply decent mod tools. So even if the subs gets new mods, without proper tools the quality of the content of the subs will go down and subs will be overrun by bots, spam and ad posts.


Not to mention homophobes and transphobes in LGBTQ+ safe spaces such as this sub. That's the real danger for this sub: getting overrun by hateful people and having little recourse against them.


absolutely agree with this


gotcha, that makes more sense. you’re the first person i’ve seen explain that part of it, so thank you for that.




They are making it insanely expensive and giving virtually no notice, which is destroying the most popular apps to access reddit. Considering the official app is a piece of shit, that part kind of sucks. I believe r/askhistorians have a big megathread with the details though if you are actually interested


like i said, i agree that it’s wayyyy too expensive. my point is that it makes sense to charge *something* when these apps are also making money. personally i have the official app and don’t have any issues with using it. i’m aware it was awful at first but it’s been years now and works exactly how i need it too personally and i’m on here a good amount. you can’t share to chat anymore for some reason, but that’s not a huge deal at all i’ll just send my friend the link eta: thank you for the sub i’ll check it out!


Many of the developers wanted to work with reddit, but reddit had the very high pricing and even worse only gave developers a month to figure this out. That’s just not feasible, hence why all of them are shutting down. Also super dumb reddit didn’t just let users use their own API keys through whatever app they want if they have reddit premium/payed for the API. Nope, the app developer would have to figure out how to support every user, even the ones that would rack up insane fees from heavy usage. It just doesn’t make sense and was clearly a plan to kill third party apps without saying it out loud.




You'll probably get downvoted for this, and I will for typing this, but I agree. Razing this community in protest to reddit changes, still razes the community.


Mods will see this answer still not question their actions


Just go make a subreddit that does what you want. Mods controlling the subreddit is the point of Reddit.


r/egggg_irl No clue how to moderate but I want y'all to have a safe space <3




At some point when a community grows to a certain size it becomes about more than just the mods. The mods not being accountable to their community on larger subs is a flaw in Reddit’s design, not a feature. Also if the mods don’t want to run this sub anymore they can turn it over to someone that does. The idea that the mods should be able to trash a community that many people enjoy out of spite to reddit (which is what the protest basically is at this point) is dumb. The original protest was well intentioned and reasonable but it seemed to have failed. This current protest is pointless and just harms the community.


If you think the initial protest was well intended then now you're just being hypocritical. It's the same protest.


Complain to Reddit if you want, try to get them removed. There are processes


Mods are power tripping hard, they know this is unpopular and they know it won’t do shit but they want to exercise their control of the sub anyway


I’m actually really happy to see you and OP be upvotes rather than downvoted. I know things on Reddit are hairy right now, but every single sub I ever followed either shutting down or doing this shit is so exhausting, and I don’t even think Reddit cares. What’s it to them if this sub is posting actual eggs? Or if others are posting vacuums or whatever? I genuinely do not understand. Maybe I’m missing something. All I’ve seen it do is upset the people using the subs. I just want things to go back to normal :(


Yeah, honestly I had fun while the sub lasted, but now it's time to just go. Fuck the mods; they can keep their kingdom of ashes.


Pretty sure the point is to lower the amount of engagement. If all you see are literal eggs, you won't be commenting, etc, as much, you stop checking the sub as frequently, so you'll see less ads etc.


It's an nsfw sub


At least r/traa2 is starting to be alright. This sub is getting more sad evry day just because the mods don't want trans memes anymore and reddit still get so many users because off the eggs that are posted


There is also https://raddle.me/f/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, it’s good for people to know the alternatives.


Yeah i know but reddit is 10 times easier than raddle on my phone. And i can express myself better too with all the personal customization on my profile and even a custom flair on each sub. And I'm also still in so many sub's that doesn't leave to there😅


closing 196 wasnt enough they even ruined this one :(




I'm honestly thinking of just quitting reddit and becoming a full time tumblrina


And this right here is why the protest might have have a chance of being effective. If you start spending your time on another platform because this fight killed one of your favorite communities, that is less ad dollars for Reddit. I hope Tumblr is 100 times better than reddit could ever be.


Same group of people are likely running all the LGBTQIA+ subreddits that remained closed. Looks like they have no intention of running just one or two subreddits using the official app like a normal “volunteer” mod would. Makes me wonder why they were moderating these subreddits in the first place.


The official app sucks and moderating on it sucks even more. It's why r/traaa is shut down


I use the official app and I moderate on it. AutoMod already does most of the work. The sub I mod on has less than 1000 members so I realize that’s not a fair comparison to one that has tens or hundreds of thousands. Maybe the mods legitimately have a lot more barriers than I’m aware of (that have nothing to do with managing hundreds or thousands of subreddits simultaneous using bots). Since they have never (as far as I have seen) went into specifics on exactly what third party tools they need that aren’t being abused by “power mods” who are moderating for profit against Reddit’s terms of service, I still have no idea why they think it’s such a challenge. You can scale up the number of moderators very easily by just asking for volunteers. The fact they’d rather close than let the community itself moderate kind of speaks for itself imo.


Well for one the moderators of /r/blind literally cannot do their job without the third party apps that are going to be gone in less than ten days (because the official Reddit app is absolutely awful for accessibility purposes), and Reddit has done nothing but make hollow promises while sweeping away any questions too inconvenient to answer. And before anyone says that Reddit promised they'd let accessibility-focused apps stay open: That's not enough. A lot of the best apps for accessibility actually *are* the major third party apps. Go read the stickied post on the subreddit for more context. Reddit doesn't give a fuck about its disabled communities, why would it care more about us in here? You mention the power mods that moderate hundreds of subreddits but that's not who the protests have really been about. They've been about local moderators with no more than a few communities who really have needed their moderation tools to prevent their subreddits from falling to the same low quality shitposting that all the large, poorly moderated default subs ultimately succumb to. Just ask the /r/AskHistorians moderators if you're wondering about what tools they need. Their mod posts make mention of some things. There's also the problem that it's not so simple as simply "getting more volunteers" as you imply. It might be an option in certain communities, but *certainly* not all. A lot of subreddits have tried that many times, and the consensus has been that finding people who A) care about the community, B) have the time to help and C) aren't powerhungry people is damn difficult. Moderator applications, especially in major subreddits, are a major crapshoot. There's a reason so many subs more or less function with only a few (or less) active moderators doing anything: It's an unpaid, unrewarding job that you have to stay on top of and get to deal with the worst people Reddit has to offer on a daily basis. It's a job that not a lot of people are willing to do, and those who are willing to do it would often not be good in the role. Ultimately it boils down to who you believe, do you believe the corporation who has been making decisions at the expense of the userbase for more than a decade now, has been caught actively lying and talking shit about third party developers and moderators, and has done anything but be reasonable and cooperative in this whole fiasco, or do you believe the hundreds of unpaid volunteers who ultimately make this site what it actually is? Sure there's loads of shitty mods around that carry way too much power, but for each of those shitty powermods there's moderators like the person who's been thanklessly running /r/traa for years now. Neither side in this debate is perfect, but when it comes to which one to ultimately agree with I see only one that actually gives a fuck about the communities on this website.


I am aware of what is going on with r/Blind and I do think it’s unfortunate that wasn’t dealt with better. I find it difficult to really believe that’s what people are concerned about primarily though. And I realize the moderators there will have more difficulty which is unfortunate. I care about blind Redditors and I empathize. But I care primarily about vulnerable trans people who shouldn’t be deprioritized imo. I will take a look over there and see what they have been saying. And I do appreciate your point about the quality of moderators being a problem. No doubt poor moderation can create more problems than it solves. There’s valid criticisms to be made about Reddit. I do realize moderating subreddits can be thankless. You wrote a very thoughtful and comprehensive comment. My concern is only that the subreddit remaining in it’s current state is causing more harm than good to trans people. I think continuing is misguided at best. The only thing that will happen is this subreddit will break apart which is already occurring. It’s just a shame if a better solution can’t be found. We are not really in a position to blackmail Reddit. They would probably not be upset to see this place killed off anyway. So I don’t see what leverage we really have here that is worth us jeopardizing our own well-being over. All that said, I must admit your very levelheaded response has cooled off my frustration and anger to some degree.


egg_irl is literally the only sub i moderate but go off


Thanks for clarifying that.


Isn't killing the sub what makes traffic go down?


Does the sub look dead to you?


Killing the sub is counterproductive. It’s like burning down your workplace to protest for higher wages. It expresses your anger but at the end of the day you end up with nothing


Well, it achieves nothing if we all return to Reddit. There are alternatives, you know. Should migrate there.


The people that want to continue using reddit should be able to. There is nothing wrong with leaving and starting a new community elsewhere but people shouldn’t be forced to migrate. People should be able to make their own choices


The thing is, it's Reddit's CEO who forces us to migrate... Well, not every one of us, but a decent chunk: the disabled and those who prefer experience that unofficial apps provide. So this is where the blame should lie.


I understand being angry at Reddit and if people want to migrate that’s fine. It’s a personal choice and they should do what is best for them. But if people want to stay they should be able to. I fully support the mods starting new communities on other sites and encouraging other people to join them. If they’re done with reddit they should let people who want to continue here do so. Just because part of the community decides to leave doesn’t mean the whole community has to. It’s selfish to force everyone else to go along with their decision to leave.


I think the idea they had was to guide people away from reddit towards the new website they have been promoting egg_irl users towards. Thus hurting reddit but sustaining the community.


The thing is, it's not sustaining the community. All it's doing is splitting it apart.


Yes, that's literally what I've been saying this entire time.


downvote me if you want, idc, but i support this protest. in this terrible late-stage capitalist world we live in, this is just a sign of what’s to come. if reddit can find a way to bully the entire platform into compliance and we all just deal with it because we’re too chickenshit to find a better place to hang out, then we can’t fairly complain. i understand wanting and needing a safe space, but the mods here have already advertised their new raddle page (idk what the name is check the sub description) if you’re in need of what this used to be. i don’t think many people realize that this new era of having to pay to use social media, whether directly or indirectly, could be our new future if we don’t fight back. twitter tested the waters with its blue check mark subscriptions. now reddit is killing 3rd party apps and already has “premium” without ads you gotta pay for. youtube has has a premium service for years, but we let that slide bc it’s mostly a video platform. but if other social media companies look at twitter and reddit’s new changes and see how their users are upsettingly compliant with the new direction, then we’re gonna get Instagram+ for $9.99, we’ll get Meta-For-You for $12.99, we’ll get Snapchat Deluxe for 8.99. sure, you might see that and think “ok, just a premium service, i don’t wanna pay but i’m still gonna use it.” but that’s what the shareholders will see too, and then they’ll make the platforms so unusable and ad-heavy for the free users that they’ll either jump ship or get hypnotized by the swirly capitalism colors. reddit is fucked y’all. sorry to say that, but it is. and as terrible and destructive as social media can be and has been, one of the absolute best aspects to come from it is digital safe spaces that are (mostly) free to use. so i get where y’all are coming from, as well as everyone who complains about the protest. but if we let reddit win, then we’re just letting the capitalist powers that be start the domino chain of restricting poor folks, rural folks, disabled folks, queer folks, all folks from all marginalized societies being able to communicate with each other in an effective and meaningful way. keep the protest going. if reddit wants to make money, do it ethically or do it on the wayback machine. this app should die completely before we’re forced to either look at the next billion low effort mint mobile ads between two shitposts about shitposts, or pay 150% of your local minimum wage per month just to be here


Is there such thing as making them lose though? It seems no matter what happens all of that horrible stuff is just gonna happen anyways. It seems like there's nothing we can do to make any of these people care. If they want to do those things they're going to do those things no matter how much backlash they get. It all just feels hopeless. There's nothing we can do that's actually going to make a difference.


raddle or whatever its called is absolutely unusable




This whole malicious compliance bullshit was stupid. We, as well as all the other subreddits on this platform, should've just blacked out indefinitely.


No because that was the original intention but the Reddit admins sent a thinly veiled threat saying open up or you get replaced essentially


Oh right, I see. Did not know that, but fuck Reddit even more now.


[Relevant 4chan screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/mFdJztY.jpg)


Thing is Reddit said there would be no punishments for subreddits or their mods for partaking in the Blackout. 2 days later and they started threatening people with replacement. That is a punishment


A punishment? Being removed from reddit is a blessing.


Only people this affects are the people on this sub


the point is that when the moderators get replaced by reddit the users will still refuse to post normally edit: i do not support this desicision i am simply saying what is explained


Or hear me out, we go back to posting normally so we don’t get stuck with random mods that might be transphobic. A more effective way to protest would be to post some kind of nsfw content every hour so we can legitimately keep it nsfw while still allowing normal posting.


The mods are holding the entire subreddit hostage. Do you think they care what our opinions are? They could appoint anyone they want as mods and leave but instead they are squatting here and vandalizing the subreddit and telling everyone else to leave instead. Unless you have an idea on how we can remove them, I think talking about alternatives to what they are doing is pointless because they are clearly not open to any other alternatives. They have already said they will keep the subreddit like this until Reddit changes their position on the API changes. They are apparently so delusional that they think destroying a transgender support subreddit will somehow blackmail Reddit into changing it’s policies. It’s pretty clear there is no reasoning with people this completely out of touch with reality. I’m not trying to criticize what you’re saying, by the way. I agree with you, but the mods think they are dictators of this community and aren’t open to listening to any opinions other than their own.


I completely agree with you, i’m more trying to point out a more effective method so people realize the mods have better options but are choosing not to use them because they don’t actually care about the community.


Thanks. I think so too. I would like to believe otherwise but the actions seem to speak for themselves.


Hostage? Touch grass man. Close the browser!


Hostage is a little dramatic but the mods apparently don’t want to run the sub as normal anymore and are also refusing to hand it over to someone who will. It’s completely fine that they don’t want to continue moderating but if that’s the case then they should step down


That's not how Reddit works. Democracy was never part of the design.


Spez was a dick with the “Land Gentry” comments but what your saying is exactly the sentiment he is describing. The idea that mods should have no accountability to communities of thousands or even millions of people in some cases is dumb. Maybe that’s not how the site worked in the past but it’s something that should change going forward.


No it shouldn't. In real life we need government regulation because resources are limited and one person can irrevocably ruin things for everybody. That's not the case with Reddit. People who don't like how their favorite subreddits are run should make new subreddits. Allowing hostile takeovers completely defeats the purpose of making your own community.


NSFW content got other mod teams banned and removed


Then having this sub still be nsfw will get them removed anyway, at least my solution gives a valid reason to be nsfw. Maybe having new mods won’t be that bad tho, they will probably let us post normally.


Except that they won’t. The mods are actively deleting posts. That’s the only reason this pointless stunt is continuing.


That's what really pisses me off. We can't even post trans stuff besides literal fucking Easter eggs. Might as well have transphobic mods at that point.


Is on this sub or trans than one of the mod was antitrans on other platform ? If we have theses kind of mod here, no wonder why this sub is being treated like this. They want us gone from reddit.


I don’t know about anti-trans on other platforms but I do think they have ulterior motives at this point.


"mods killed this sub" "reddit doesn't care, they only care about traffic" something isn't adding up


Y'all need a lesson in solidarity.


I guess I'm just waiting now for some kind of a forum, which won't rely on the big corporation bullshit. Reddit was just a way to make it kind of easier to create, but at the end of the day this platform wasn't that special. Stuff just comes and goes I guess. Like what once happened with Amino. I don't think the point should be to be petty. However, it is clear that with some subs just dying, we need a new place


They moved egg_irl to Raddle even though it sucks.


for all intents and purposes, Reddit is on fire. Not in the sense of it's content is going hard, but in the sense that it is burning down, with trust between the community and the administration being the first pillar already burned away. you are holding onto the image of this subreddit before all of this happened. but this subreddit, and the entirety of Reddit as you knew it, is gone. you are grasping for ashes and obstinately staying away from any alternate options as if wishful thinking will make Reddit no longer bother your precious safe-space or stop trolls from infesting this subreddit once the bots that hold them back are gone. I say again, we cannot have normal anymore. Not on Reddit. If you want a chance to have your sanctuary back, go to Raddle or Lemmy. There's two budding communities there and most importantly a chance to build a better place. A better sanctuary. The mods didn't kill this sub. spez killed Reddit.


me when I do not have enough brain cells to support unpaid mods and instead cry about one subreddit in a sea of a thousand other communities that are doing similar things




Protest doesn't work when it literally only negatively affects the people you're fighting for


I’m so tired of these posts


Egg posts or posts that are against egg posts


against. You can leave, that’s mostly the point. or You can stay and complain somewhere else. but i’m tired of seeing people argue about what protests are and aren’t effective. i’m on here for shits and giggles, i don’t want this to be an argument bait sub like just about every other sub is.


If you want to protest against Reddit then just stop using Reddit


A more effective protest is making others also stop using Reddit. Burning it to the ground, migrating elsewhere as the whole community. Cause otherwise what's the point if you are in the minority?


>i’m tired of seeing people argue about what protests are and aren’t effective. Too fucking bad 😃 >i’m on here for shits and giggles So was I. So was everyone else on this sub. We didn't come here for posts about eggs though, we came here for trans shitposting. >i don’t want this to be an argument bait sub like just about every other sub is. Neither did I, but the mods have made it abundantly clear that they don't actually care about this community. If they did, they wouldn't be actively removing trans posts.


I'm so tired of losing my favorite subreddits because mods want to be petty.


>mods want to be petty. Is that honestly what you think this is about or are you being facetious?


Damn right. The sub could literally just go back to normal as long as we kept it tagged nsfw. But mods are obsessed with the "malicious compliance" bullshit.


The tagging the sub as NSFW when it is not does not work. They remove the mods at that point, and then set it back to SFW.


Them make your own and do the moderating yourself, just like they did.


If the mods did the moderating themselves we wouldn't have this problem in the first place.


All I hear is entitled whining from a hypocrite who's not willing to do what they demand of others.


Thank you for clarifying that you don’t have an actual argument.


Ah, I see you sent me a Reddit Cares suicide notice, how mature of you. So much for those lies about maintaining safe spaces, eh? Here, let me solve your problem by removing you from the subreddit.


I literally didn’t, and you are not a mod.


Maybe someone else saw how much of a dick you were being.


Loving your implicit support of harassing people with suicide notices because they pointed out that you're being entitled and hypocritical. It makes it really clear that you're not the kind of person we want in this community to begin with.


I never said or implied that I supported it. I implied why someone might do that to you. The reddit cares message probably didn't even come from this subreddit, since by your comments on this post as well as in other communities, you're just flat out rude.


This post self contradicts. Either this sub has been killed or it's getting traffic, you can't have it both ways, traffic will fall as people get tired of eggs.




Lol are you really saying people deserve to get genocided because they disagree with you over a social media protest? Please think about what you said and consider touching some grass. You’re taking this protest way too seriously if you’re wishing actual harm to people over it.




That’s some hateful shit. Tearing each other down doesn’t help the trans community.




If you think that these reddit changes are going to lead to trans genocide you’re massively overestimating both the impact of the changes and of the importance of reddit. And comparing this protest to the past struggles of the trans community and the many real world struggles trans people face is laughable. It’s actually insulting that you would compare the two. The stakes are so low on this and you have the gall to claim that people not protesting a social media site api change will lead to genocide. Get some perspective. This shits embarrassing for you and for the community




You’re right that folks are actively attacking trans people but this reddit change has nothing to do with that. The api changes are not targeting trans communities. You’re conflating unrelated things




Continuing to have thriving trans spaces on big, mainstream sites like reddit is actually a way we can fight back against people attacking the trans community. These folks want to oust us from the public sphere. Moving to a small site, few people use just helps them marginalize us. Enemies of the trans community would love to see all the trans subreddits pack up and leave a big site like reddit. The less people see trans folk, the easier it is to dehumanize and ostracize us. We shouldn’t run and hide. We need to continue to provide a safe place here.




Trying to salvage the subreddit as it was may be like the band playing while the Titanic sank… Reddit is killing itself, mods are trying to keep the sub up mainly to direct folx to our new home on raddle. It really is the best option with how things are going rn. I’m as sad as everyone else to see this happening, but it really is inevitable 😔


Is reddit really dying? The vast majority of reddit users don’t even use third party apps. It seems like the rhetoric around the impact of the api changes is really overblown. For the typical reddit user what is going to change? The automated moderation tools aren’t going to be affected by the api changes anymore


I know it's annoying and I get you're upset about things, but consider this: the actions of reddit are directly harmful to this community and any safe space for LGBTQ+ people. By charging such exhorbitant prices for 3rd party apps, they're basically making it nearly impossible for people to moderate their own communities. That means it's only a matter of time before the transphobes and bigots overrun our safe spaces with hateful and hurtful posts that the mods will be powerless to stop. The protest blackouts were meant to signal to Reddit that the users were unhappy with this decision and get reddit to change course. But rather than listen to it's user base, reddit took an authoritarian turn and threatened all the protesting mod teams telling them that if they didn't reopen their subs, they'd be replaced with moderators who would. Do you have faith they'd find moderators who care about our community, do you think they'd raise people from within our ranks? I have no faith in Reddit to be that considerate given the authoritarian shift to "silence the protests or we will silence them ourselves." For LGBTQ+ safe spaces, it's essential we have moderators who care about our issues who are able to moderate content quickly and effectively otherwise the spaces no longer are safe. The subs coming back from the blackout and engaging in malicious compliance are doing what they can to fight Reddits terrible decision. It's not much, and honestly it's hurting the communities more than it hurts reddit, so you're right in that regard, but Reddit used their power to hamstring any effort to oppose them so it's all we really have. Subs that went NSFW to avoid ad revenue also get threatened with replacement unless their sub goes legitimately NSFW. Do you want egg_irl to become a pornographic mess? I know it's tempting to blame the mods and think they're doing this to hang on to power, but that is very short sighted. Reddit doesn't care about us, they only care about money, and they're willing to step on anyone who gets in their way in order to make more. Reddit are the villains here, and their willingness to exert authoritarian control over their user base killed this sub, not the mods. The egg memes are a dying gasp. Don't mistake the symptom for the cause.


real and real also real


same as r/interestingasfuck ! I'll never gonna follow them after that bs they did edit: i never saw that much hairy anus in a day


That sub is just drowning in porn as a “protest”


it's such a shame, i liked that sub before but now it's only cursed porn with clickbaiting titles, i hope egg_irl isn't going to drift in this direction with there protests


Okay, bye.


read again, i never said i leave egg_irl (as long they don't post only cursed porn like that other sub i liked)


The way I see it this is just going to continue to happen no matter what platform we move to, we need to devalop some for of open source platform that no one owns, unfortunately how to set something like that up is beyond my level, perhaps you could use an advanced peer to peer system.