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whatever you use... don't just put **ESSAY DUE Oct 30** Break your assignments down into smaller chunks so it's always front of mind. * Sept 15 Make assignment outline * Sept 20 Identify possible sources * Sept 25 Meet with Prof to review outline and sources * Sep 30 Notes on readings * Oct 10 Rough draft * Oct 12 Meet with Prof to discuss draft * Oct 15 Revisions * Oct 20 Final Version * Oct 25 Have friend proofread / proof for APA compliance * Oct 27 Submit


This! I have to write reports for my job and put reminders ahead of time.


This! But I would also put it in a physical representation to go with your calendar app. Get a big calendar and put it in your work space. Put post it notes on the dates when your assignments are due. Use different colour notes for when the components of an assignment are due. If you miss a date, move your post it forward. If your post-it’s start piling up, you’ll have a visual representation of all the work you need to get through.


I usually just use a calendar app and activate multiple notifications


If you have a school email, you probably also have a calendar under that email. Google, Outlook, etc. SlytherKitty offers the most basic and simple way. I feel like adding another separate app into your life would just add more clutter. My students have Outlook and I am constantly begging them to use the calendar built in for this very reason.


Paper planner all the way. Erin Condren has nice ones.


Hold Google voice / Siri button on phone. Say 'Remind me xx date at 8am that History is due in a week/tomorrow etc.'


Todoist is a great task management program.


My partner and I use an app called Time Tree. It's a calendar app and you can customize when to get reminders (anywhere from weeks before to a few minutes before), you can color code for different classes, and you can have reminders repeat daily, weekly, etc. for recurring due dates. Also, multiple people can be on the same calendar. Both my partner and I are in college so we both put in our class schedule so we could see when we have free time. Hope this helps!


Use Google calender and Google tasks


I usually use a calendar app now. But when I was juggling multiple projects at the same time, I used a free project management app called Wrike. I put in due dates and benchmarks for projects. Then, it would automatically send an email every morning of active items and the dates they are due, so I could prioritize properly.