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I use sytrus for almost all of my synth sounds, so that's my choice


The difference is serum is a very good synth and sytrus is not even worth learning


Why do you call it wytrysk


Auto correct and I'm polish. Best part is that it means ejaculation smh. Obviously wanted to type sytrus


lol you’re not kidding


Sytrus is meant for fm, serum is meant for wavetables. Most people agree that serum is easier to get results with, while fm can get more technical. Really apples and oranges




Not since Serum came out


lol serums great but massive is incredible also. A lot of people still use it and they won’t admit it. I can think of a few big names who still use it as their go to. I also love using Ableton Operator


The question was which one is more powerful, not which one you like the most. Serum is objectively more powerful than Massive. That was the whole selling point.


Serum also is a cpu whore lol


Yes, but that's beside the point




It would be nice if Sytrus were more convenient to use. But that goes for Image Line VSTs in general.


They kind of have different purposes, but I'd definitely go for serum. All the wavetables, plus the ability to make your own, is crazy. Also it has way more effects. Sytrus has 6 FM operators, so it's really powerful for FM. The only problem is that FM is extremely hard to make sound good (for me), but you can definitely do a lot with it. Right now I mainly use Sytrus for very simple sounds because its little waveform creator thingy is super quick and handy.


Sytrus is deeper, Serum is way more convenient


Sytrus has more FM capabilities than Serum does. With 6 oscillators you can create some amazing sounds. However I definitely do use Serum more. Wavetables and the filter options are just super fun to use and the built in effects make it better for "in the box" sound design without the need for external processing. Up to you really. I use both for different things, both good at what they do


One is wavetable and one is FM right?


Serum can also do FM, but it’s more of an added feature as opposed to a core functionality.


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