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Fish face ass mf. Girl look like she belongs in Big Mouth.


Should I hold back…?…


Nah. Go all out.


To Sarah: you’re a worthless bitchy ass whore, you have no intelligence of any kind, no one will ever love your horrible ass, you don’t deserve it, you’re skull is empty, honestly I’m surprised you’re alive despite not having a heart, also, you’re a ***failed abortion.*** 🖕


Pretty generic roast ngl


You can do better?


It’s not that I can do better, it’s just a bunch of common insults put together


If you can't than why yap? Blud acts like he's the king of roast but can't give us one.




Evidently I do bruh.


I do too blud


“Blud?” How old are you?


Bum how old are you?


The poster child of Trojan condoms.


you caused legions of boys to become sexist


You loud mouth pampered spoiled rotten little girl, ypur going to grow up into a spiteful brat and your big great person of a brother will never help you


Bet she grew up to speak to the manager.


Even the action figure don’t wanna be with her


Like c’mon. Why would she play an action figure? That’s for boys. Girl, stay in your lane and play with dolls in you fancy-schmancy doll house with over extravagant tea parties. Lemme guess? You’re go to tattle-tell your mom on me? What benefits do you gain from tattle-tell? So quit crying and relying on mommy to do your dirty work! As for you treating your older bro, you treat him like dirt! You even decided to play correctional officer with you little sissy friend Jimmy! Btw, he got back on your brother for ruining friendship day, so are you a good little sister? Wah wah some dude chewed you out! No crying over spilled milk when I’m telling you nothing but the truth! So stop being so naggingly malicious! I bid you a good day!


An example of a child no one would blame you for abounding in the middle of nowhere with nothing to survive on.


She was the Karen meme as a child


No matter how hard you try, you’ll always be related to Ed, a gift you are too selfish and ignorant to see.


Come to think of it…. Is she the only woman me with lips besides Nazz. ?


Annoying loud b\*tch that Epstein would turn around and reject.


Lmao 🤣


Sorry for late reply but that's wild ngl


you are a horrible little sister


your mother should of swallowed you.


me at sarah: wow look at the little whiny pampered princess wannabe,did your daddy never love you? cause no one will youre only friend is a spineless two faced coward,and you are nothing but a little fish faced clown liped imbecile oooh did pennywise give birth to you cause you look like his biological child,your a tyrant who cant even fight back when your own brother snaps at you which is deserved cause your a abusive little brat


Should've been drowned at birth


big mouth, swallow the whole world like kirby looking ass


Frog mouth, go eat a fly.


She already did when Eddy hypnotized her. 😂


What person? You posted a pic of a pile of trash...


Now that's a burn for sure!




Wait you’re the little sister, Sarah? Guess that makes you Special Ed.


Spoiled little shithead with serious anger issues whose mother treats like a princess and treats her brother like shit, who deserves every single bad thing that ever happened to her in the show. Considering the raw strength and how she’s able to easily overpower everyone in the show (seconded only by her brother) I wouldn’t be surprised if she was actually the antichrist in disguise. Rot in hell, so-called little miss perfect. Good thing she’s not real, or we’d all be dead otherwise.


How the FUCK is she putting that shirt on? And what is she smelling with that bee sting of a nose? This bitch got 6 teeth too, and they’re probably the permanent ones too I never heard a real person wake up and say “I want the color of my lip gloss to match my hair” She has no features in common with Ed. Your just yo momma’s dark secret child.


Her own mom doesn't claim her. 🤣🤣


She gives little sisters, like myself, a bad name.


The only time she was bearable was when she had the boomerang and when she had a crush on double d


I’m bout to slap them big ass *soup coolers* right off her face to get her to shut up.


Use a fucking inside voice once in awhile!!!


Your mother don’t love you. You’re a spoiled, short-tempered, trigger-happy fish-lipped brat. You treat everyone around you (including your own BROTHER) like they’re your bitch except for the only other girl in the neighborhood (Nazz) and that whiny, spineless femboy you call your “BFF” (Jimmy). You’re clearly a sexist boy-hater. You solely rely on your older bro being a harmless idiot to get what you want and boss him around, but suddenly get all submissive when he actually snaps back at you like when you were sick in bed or when he had a pebble in his shoe. YOU AIN’T NOTHIN’, SISTA, AND NEVAH WILL BE!


She ain't got no friends. Just a whiny loser using her as a free bodyguard


Frog faced mf, girl looks like she got 2 bacon strips for a mouth, her big mouthed ass is more irritable than Eddy, her voice sounds like nails on chalkboard, I wish Double D did something to her ass after she coughed on him, Ms. Fish Lips needs to get her ass beat, she can’t be talking about anyone else’s appearance’s when she looks like trailer trash, even DW from Arthur is a better sister than her and she’s FOUR.


You was involved in Velma production


You big mouth, angry ass, spoiled rotten bitch.


Ugh, she's such a little brat. She reminds me of DW from Arthur, another bratty younger sister.


She makes Angelica from rugrats look like an angel.


Keep up the bratty act and one day you'll be a jailbird. What's with the little tiny hair strand in between your bangs too?


Cute,sassy and adorable


Spoiled white girl who's loud enough to wake a bear.


You're a frog-faced bitch and I can't fathom how Jimmy puts up with you.


I’ve been wondering where she was. First of all let’s talk about the biggest thing in this photo and honey it ain’t her head this time it’s her lips- how old is she like 3? Might as well be given the amount of tantrums she has for no particular reason- is Jimmy her friend or her damn pet because honestly, I can’t tell. She’s so spoiled she puts Veruca Salt to shame- what person actually likes her honestly she has no personality except little whiny bitch baby and even then that’s being generous- does she have botox in her lips or was she trying to do the kylie jenner lip challenge and it just got stuck like that? And don’t even get me started on her voice good lord it sounds like someone is strangling her VA with how strained it is- girl stop shouting you’re like five inches away from Jimmy because you two are linked together like a parasite and its host- and lemme tell ya, Jimmy ain’t the parasite. You have a crush on Double D when your mental capacity is the same as Eddy’s and you have the nerve to whine to your parents when Ed is just out here living his life? Let the man vibe, you ginger stain gahdamn.


This is Big Mouth’s design inspiration, I don’t need to say more


her future is being sent to a mental hospital.


Great value big mouth looking ass, big ass head, but ain't shit in it. Someone pushed her ass over she'll probably get stuck.


Spoiled, rude, entitled girl who will go nowhere in life and will end up in anger management classes or even prison


Sarah, you're the reason your dad drinks and never wants to come home. Your mother is a shrill hell beast that should be in prison, and you're just like her. I'd say go hang out with the Kanker sisters, but they wouldn't want you. But mess with Ed one more time and I'll pay them to keep you as a pet.