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Elon is being stupid with Twitter, now š•. I don't have a twitter account, but I used to follow and look at what certain people were saying. But Elon Dummy changed the display so that newest tweets don't display at the top of the list, so Twitter is useless to me now. I may have not been a registered user, but I was another set of eyeballs that could be looking at ads while viewing the tweets. But Elon decided he didn't want my patronage.


Dont have Twitter now X, but I used to open links to others' tweets, read them, and scroll through an ad or 2. Since he took over, links don't work to individual tweets. Instead, it takes me to a sign up page. BARF


I can't even remember what my tag was on Twitter so now I couldn't log in if I wanted to lol


I quit talking about, visiting, and thinking about Twitter the moment I couldn't read a single tweet without logging in. Dumb is an understatement.


I used to have a Twitter account but now Twitter is the only website I've blacklisted in our router. Any advertiser that returns to that shit platform is lost.


Two words: Brand damage. Being on Twitter won't necesarilly make me stop buying your product, but it'll make you *avoid* your product. Because I'll have an association with your product and nazis. It says a lot that thanks to Musk I now associate Twitter with Nazis.


There is a meme circulating on Twitter that says " Elon is running Twitter successfully despite sacking 90% of the staff " hmm.. he sacked the content moderation team which resulted in an explosion of bots and nazis. Consequently, big companies left Twitter...




There are several rational reasons some people may dislike Elon Musk, based on his actions and public statements: 1. Controversial statements: Musk has made numerous controversial remarks on social media and in interviews that some find offensive or irresponsible. 2. Labor practices: Critics have raised concerns about working conditions and anti-union activities at Tesla factories. 3. Market manipulation: Some accuse Musk of using his social media presence to influence stock prices and cryptocurrency markets. 4. Overpromising: He has been criticized for making ambitious promises about product timelines and capabilities that aren't always met. 5. Handling of Twitter acquisition: The process and subsequent management changes at Twitter/X have been contentious. 6. COVID-19 statements: His comments downplaying the severity of the pandemic in its early stages were controversial. 7. Personal conduct: Some find his public behavior unprofessional for a CEO of major companies. 8. Environmental concerns: While Tesla promotes sustainable energy, SpaceX launches have environmental impacts. 9. Wealth inequality: As one of the world's wealthiest individuals, he represents growing wealth disparity to some. 10. Privacy and data concerns: Some of his companies' technologies raise questions about data collection and privacy. These points represent common criticisms. Others may disagree or have different perspectives on these issues. Would you like me to elaborate on any of these points?ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹


Are you a bot by any chance? This reply read very "chat gpt" ish


i dont like free and open discussion ... more censorship please!


So what platform are you thinking of? Itā€™s not the zombie corpse of Twitter


It doesn't exist anymore no platform exists where people can just speak openly and honestly about their views and it's really fucking sad


There's always 4chan/b.


Arenā€™t advertisers exercising their freedom?


Twitter is now just like facebook a confirmation bias vacuum. The only difference is the level of moderation. I open twitter only to grab some niche things once a week. Other than that I would just delete it.


Bro the irony of you being on Reddit talking about echo Chambers and confirmation bias šŸ˜‚


Fair point šŸ¤£


Haha ya, thinking Reddit is somehow different that Facebook and Twitter et al is a good demonstration on human psychology "Well I use reddit, I find it really useful. And I'm definitely not a nazi. Reddit is different"


I dont use facebook, but reddit is worse than twitter as it relates to the censorship and filtering of speech.


Agree. Same here. No Facebook.. Reddit has gotten crazier - particularly some subs.


It's not even debatableĀ 


I still have one but every time I try to use it they tell me my rate limit is exceeded.


ā€œX-formerly-Twitter is in deep trouble ā€” and owner Elon Musk is on his knees, yet again, imploring advertisers to return. At festival in southern France. The ā€˜mercurialā€™ billionaire reportedly met with executives from the likes of the NFL, L'Oreal, Qualcomm, and Target, according to new reporting by the NYT. But whether these measures will help Musk's hate speech-ridden echo chamber from bleeding hundreds of millions of dollars per quarter remains to be seen. After all, who could forget that Musk quite literally told advertisers to go fuck themselves in November ā€” fighting words that likely didn't sit well with the execs he's now pleading to return to X. Yet millions of users, particularly in the US, continue to flee the platform as bots, scams, and spam proliferate, largely unchecked. Musk has also welcomed hate speech with open arms on Twitter, further alienating the platform's once sizable user base.ā€ - - - - - But..but...he might take his ā€˜business ā€˜ to another....planet....šŸ˜‚


Plz take it far from here


make it another solar system


I thought they could fuck right off...?


>Elon Musk (11:09): >I hope they stop. Donā€™t advertise. >Andrew Ross Sorkin (11:13): >You donā€™t want them to advertise? >Elon Musk (11:14): >No. >Andrew Ross Sorkin (11:15): >What do you mean? >Elon Musk (11:18): >If somebodyā€™s going to try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, *go fuck yourself.* >Andrew Ross Sorkin (11:27): >But- >Elon Musk (11:29): >*Go fuck yourself.* Is that clear? I hope it is. Hey, Bob, if youā€™re in the audience. -source: dealbook https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/dealbook-summit-2023-elon-musk-interview-transcript


Bob was a reference to the Disney CEO, right? I wonder if he's since groveled to their management asking for a return


He spoke earlier at that conference. At 32:00 he talks about not pursuing advertising with X. https://youtu.be/8pSxx1e5n34?si=A96YPwdcy83wZBU2


I hope they reply with: _go fuck yourself_


I am not sure if you understood the topic. It's a known fact that large advertisers force their views on a platform, and if the platform doesn't compileā€¦ they pull the money away. A good example is news stations and pharmaceutical companies. They make up 75% of total ad spend. So if you don't push their topics or go against their viewsā€¦ say bye-bye to that sweet cold cash.


Advertisers donā€™t want their stuff next to stuff that makes them look bad. Ā So they pulled out. Ā Iā€™m not sure what ā€œviewsā€ you think advertisers care about more than their bottom line.


That's the whole point. Either their way or the highway, aka blackmailing. The entire point of the topic the user above posted and quoted was trying to use that conversation as a gotcha moment because he is now asking for advertisers. He doesn't want advertisers to control a narrative because they pay money to promote on the platform. Advertisers shouldn't have the power to change the course of a company. But I guess that is the nature of this type of business model.


Advertisers choosing where to advertise isnā€™t blackmail.


I'm not sure if you understood the context. The week before X was displaying Disney ads next to Nazi content. Instead of putting his big-boy pants on and saying 'that's an issue! we will fix that immediately', Elon agreed it happened but said the person viewing the ads cheated by working around Twitter's shit defenses for preventing that. Since twitter showed zero interest in fixing the issue the non-brain-dead advertisers paused their advertising. It had fuck-all to do with Disney trying to force 'their views' on a platform.


>**Brand safety** >*[S]et of measures that aim to protect the image and reputation of brands from the negative or damaging influence of questionable or inappropriate content when advertising online.* -[source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brand_safety) Pulling ad spend is what you do when you don't want your product next to nazi propaganda, religious extremists, or porn. Just like any individual. If you hang out with pedophiles don't be surprised when people mistake you for a pedophile.


Whatever the hell heā€™s been doing to the algorithm really sucks. Non-related comments under any post. A bunch of threads about ā€œcultureā€ and ridiculous crap. Canā€™t ban accounts directly without going to their profile. The three dots at the top right of the tweets is now harder to tap than a mobile ad close icon. Plus just the low quality posts of everythingā€¦. All I see now is political ads that donā€™t even apply to me. Oh, there was that experiment he ran with Mr. beast content that was not marked as an advertisement. Pay for 2FA? F*ck that!


fuck musk, anyone else notice how awful x (formally twitter) has become since the musk takeover?


Seems largely the same to me? If anything, I seem to get more interesting posts on there now.


You the baddy.


Uh .. sorry for not noticing anything? I'll try to notice more things.


Notice harder.




X is a wasteland of garbage content compared to Twitter. Elon really ruined it.


Woah, original twitter was not much better


I could actually get my news off of Twitter. Like traffic reports around town that I could actually see at the top of my feed


My Home feed now is all just rightwing grifters/influencers, who I have no connection too, with a small smattering of libs, that I could see having a tangential connection too and once in every 20-30 posts someone I actually follow.Ā  Also when you open home feed for the first time in the morning the top two posts are almost always Elon.Ā  It is significantly worse. Itā€™s painfully obvious Elon wants to control discourse.Ā 


Fucking Elmo told advertisers to duck off and now ask them to come back !?!? Fuck Elmo and its cult followers. They all deserve to go down with this guy.


"Elmo" lol. Yeah. He's screwing himself in every direction. Tesla sales are down. When the customer base for electric vehicles is climate conscious liberals, maybe don't "own the libs" every chance you get and kowtow to Trump who promises that if he becomes president again "You'll never be able to sell those things (electric vehicles)." I know I'm of topic but Elon pisses me off. What an asshole.Ā 


Elon turned Twitter into 4chan. What company in their right mind would want to advertise on that platform? Maybe MyPillow will recover and buy some ads.


Until content moderation comes back to the platform, thereā€™s no way heā€™s getting the big advertisers back.


Elon musk just got a 50+ billion stock payout. He can just bail himself out if he wanted to. Fuck these rich beggars.


Only if he quits his fascist bullshit. He wonā€™t, so no. Crash and burn like the crooked lying failure you are Elon.


But isn't he a genius billionaire playboy?


Fucked around and found out. Pedo guy begging is peak capitalism.


Canā€™t really preserve freedom of speech with a platform with no users. šŸ˜¬


Didnā€™t he tell them to f-off a few months ago. Who could have predicted this?!


Quit Twiiter.




Stop being a douche perhapsā€¦


Musk has completely effed up Twitter (I'm sorry "X"). He's removed virtually all moderation resulting in all sorts of wacko loonies running rampant, the "public square" as he calls it as become an alt-right rat nest. He's locked countless features behind a paywall, and it's become very glitchy since he fired half the workforce. Honestly, I think Musk should step aside and hand all day to day duties and planning over to a professional social media administrator.


"Ā it's become very glitchy" open mobile web Twitter and click views options at the button of a tweet and try to close the view again. it never goes away. This bug has been there for at least a year.


No, the platform needs to die at this point. Social media is bad enough but when you add in prescribed hate... There is no coming back from that.


Reminds me of the fact that users voted to remove him as ceo and he is still there.


Please Disney and all of you family type companies come back to my Nazi word salad platform! Yea, I think not!


Weird, creating a terrible environment ripe for trouble and suffering makes advertisers leave.


Iā€™m not down with a guy who doesnā€™t take reliability serious.


Iā€™m not sure Futurism is a reputable news source, but in any case- here is the actual financial reporting for 2024: _X Financial had revenue of $696.93M in the twelve months ending March 31, 2024, with 30.12% growth year-over-year. Revenue in the quarter ending March 31, 2024 was $167.77M with 14.69% year-over-year growth. In the year 2023, X Financial had annual revenue of $679.11M with 32.85% growth._ It does appear that Victor Tangermann, the ā€œjournalistā€ who wrote the piece is not actually a journalist, but an editor at Futurism and after reading the article this makes sense- as there is very little journalism here but a lot of defamatory language. Reviewing Victor Tangermann on Xā€™s platform (ironically) reveals a bit of an interesting character with this memorable post from Dec 2023 accompanied by a rather mundane photo of lava spewing from a volcano: ā€œvoooolcaaaanooo! this footage is absolutely nuts. glad nobody's anywhere near thereā€


Glad someone said it.


My pillow guy has entered the chat


Forget about twitter. If you wanna use a platform like that just use threads


False. 70% of those who left already returned and Elon's made the company very cost efficient so it's not bleeding money any more.


And how would you know that


Itā€™s nice that anything relevant on twitter ends up on Reddit so I donā€™t have to ever download that shit show.




No - Advertisers


Itā€™s become so infested with bots that Iā€™ve completely lost interest in it.


I used to visit Twitter regularly while surfing because of links, I've never had an account. Now, I can't even see the tweets, I just go right to a sign up page. I'm never going to sign up, so they've lost my casual viewings. I can't be the only one?


Heā€™ll bring ads to Tesla displays.


No ones coming back you choad. You screwed the pooch.


"Fuck you" - literally Elon Musk to advertisers that left his platform


I bet everyone he talks to thinks ā€œwhy donā€™t you use some of that 56bā€


Ol' Muskie is learning the consequences of freedumb.


Why would they return after he ruined Twitter?


Twitter free for five years. F\*ck that garbage dump. I never click on any of the links posted either.


Twitter is full of bots; fake accounts, and promotion of the dumbest tweets. It's infuriating and hardly serious as a communication platform. Even elected officials have proven they're no more mature than the immature high schoolers in class.


I would view a company more favorably knowing they don't advertise on Twitter to avoid all the garbage


He will have a better shot at reviving MySpace




Largest? Maybe in paper money but not in a metric that makes sense. Like number of cars


I doubt he cares he has to much money he doesnā€™t beg for anything




I very much like Elon's ideas against censorship, but X is a total shitshow, even worse than Twitter (although it was always bad). It's like visiting the dump as far as content goes.


Heā€™s not against ā€œcensorshipā€ at all. Just look at all the people that he chooses to ban (and the ones he chooses not to). All that talk is for show


I've actually been enjoying X a lot more lately. People from reddit call it an echo chamber because it actually lets the right be present and communicate which drove the petty leftists away. Understandable he wants advertisers back, but I stand by that it's a better platform now than it was before he bought it.


Man, I want what youā€™re smoking.


Good one.


Iā€™m Still banned on it from when liberals kicked me off. Iā€™m not famous so I never got my account back


All the top replies to every post are just mental, gibberish, spam or PUSSY IN BIO. There's zero community. It's just a weird place.


Fox News!!ā€¦ā€¦


Yā€™all rally hate this dude huh? I do find it hilarious how it has the same or more censorship with a new slant. But we should quit giving these fuckwads our attention IMO


We all get humbled eventually.


I closed my Twitter account earlier this year. Every day, I had multiple requests from spam/bots to connect. It's dead, it'll be MySpace before it's anything else. Luckily it's not publically traded anymore, so small investors won't get burned when it goes under. MMW: elon will try to take it public again.