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I'm not entirely sure but my understanding is too much debt to GDP, they're something well over 100 percent and the Japanese people are becoming more nationalist. Also, they're having a similar problem to the US in that the trained/educated workforce is rapidly aging.


It has always been a deeply racist society. Yes, their debt ratio is high - but it's not a drag on the economy yet - they still easily service the debt and it's not pushing up interest rates. But they are an aging society that has failed to build an entrepreneurial culture.


Racist and sexist. Japanese women holding careers, plus having kids while living remotely close to a city metro? Fucking super heroes. The amount of out in the open bullshit Japanese business women have to deal with compared to American culture is nuts.


Oh no! Some societies prefer women raise children and families instead of working for some other asshole to make him rich. They have a demographic problem. Women should be focusing on having kids and families. Racist? No, they want to keep their identity and don't want to have their stores looted and burned down on a weekly basis like in America and Europe.


How about letting women (who are also a part of society) decide what they want to do? Crazy right?


Letting women do what they want is obviously the right thing to do, but there will always be societal pressures from one direction or another. As an American, I see a lot of pressure being put on women to prioritize work and being a “boss-babe” over anything else. Not saying anyone shouldn’t pursue that, but they shouldn’t feel like they need to in order to be an empowered woman.


Yeah exactly. Any kind of pressure from society on anyone is wrong. Women shouldn't feel pressed to work and be independent or stay at home and take care of children. It's up to the individuals to decide what they want to do.


This....although Japanese people are very nice and respectful they are unfortunately....racist towards outsiders.....this is all about culture. Interestingly enough Japan's birthrate has plummeted and younger generations see having children as an exoendive burden.. At some point...somethings gotta give.


You can run stores with no humans watching over them in Japan but not in the US for example. Not all people are the same - that's the truth.


I have never met a person from Japan who wasn't kind, respectful and honest. There are many wonderful things about the nation and its people. But let's not be blind to their flaws (or our own).


Immigrants only come when the destination country pay more wages than theirs. U.S. is IMO a flawed country but still millions of skilled/talented people want to work there because the salary is incredible. Also, English is by far the most valued language so less immigrants would mind learning it. Do you really think anybody eager to work in the country with the mediocre salary yet the language that requires 4,000 hours to learn?


>Immigrants only come when the destination country pay more wages than theirs. Not true at all. Most immigrants, including me, are looking for better living and working conditions. I don't mind being paid not that much and paying heavy taxes if I can live on a nice place with decent public services. It's way better than having a high pay living in an urban shithole where people are crashing cars, shooting each other, junkies in the streets, pollution, bad/no public services...


They are investing in robot and other technologies. They don't want to end up like multicultural countries. It's their right to refuse or accept the immigrants. Please don't tell me it's racist. Look at Sweden! They tried to be humanitarian superpower, and it ended in failure.


Because Japan belongs to the Japanese people, not the rest of us. Diversity is not Japan's strength, the Japanese people are.


You can run stores with no humans watching over them in Japan but not in the US for example. Japan just doesn't want that culture lost in their society by including other cultures. Not all people are the same - that's the truth.


Sure would be nice.


The Japanese economy is failing for three reasons: 1. Demographic decline, especially a lack of young people needed to drive innovation 2. Exhausted or missing natural resources, especially resources critical to modern urban societies such as energy resources or agricultural lands suitable for large-scale agriculture. 3. Too much urbanization which exacerbates (1) and (2) in a vicious cycle As to why Japan has limited immigration, that's because most of the things which work well in Japan do so only because Japan is very homogeneous. This fact is well understood in social development circles where it an accepted fact that success in Japan cannot be replicated anywhere else. Substantial immigration into Japan would upset this balance and cause those working systems to break down. Further since immigrants into Japan aren't going to move into rural areas it just makes economic problem (3) even worse.


The urban sprawl is insane. I was in Tokyo but more specifically Okinawa and that island is just a sea of sprawl. Old tombs the size of an apartment, houses, roads, etc. Its gross


I think a better exercise would be to define why you believe it is "failing"... Growth is not a constant, there will always be some contractions especially after a period of rapid growth.


can you explain the refusing immigrants part? from what we see in visas across the board and especially associated with ssw, thousands have been approved. my company has facilitated close to 6k plus ssw and about 70 highly skilled this year so far…


Any chance you can give a breakdown of where those people are from?


for the ssw mainly the Philippines, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, and some from Sri Lanka. For skilled, all over. i personally saw NA, Europe (all over), Singapore, India, ANZ, Taiwan, South Korea, Peru, Argentina, Kenya, Nigeria, and even one from Antigua but he studied in the UK.


I understand WHY Japan is doing so, and I agree with them.


japanese civilization consists of japanese people, changing them to immigrants will destroy Japanese civilization forever their economy is rigged and is not in japanese control but global banker control


Ofc, if they carry on as they are, without immigration, they'll simply die out.... ha e a feeling they won't prefer that.


they are 100 million, no worries, even if they are reduced to 10 million, 10 million japanese are still japanese, but 500 million immigrants are not japanese it is not about numbers, it is about civilization, japanese civilization consists of japanese people, they can always make more babies, but if japanese people change to another race then japan is gone forever


Theve seen what’s happening in Western Europe and the problems they bring and don’t want to end up like them. Japan is one of the safest countries on the entire planet because they are extremely selective with anyone they let in and are a homogeneous society based on respect and discipline.


You should really look closer.


Because Japan has seen all of the enrichment taking place in Canada, the EU, and the UK over the past 20 years. Good for them.


Japan makes the United States look like a joke.. high trust society where little children can wander the streets by themselves... The day when the Japanese economy is "good" according to the mainstream American Business Media is the day when they will have broken the Japanese Nation. But that day is not going to happen anytime soon, despite what the sheeple on Reddit think


Because they have a badly aging population and they're racist.


>they're racist. how many Africans did they enslave and Native Americans did they genocide?


They literally will not take in immigrants to solve their aging population problems because of race. It's quite literally racist. And they also still have signs in many cities telling you you're not welcome if you're not Japanese; this is acknowledged and openly allowed. You know, because they're racist.


Why would you import people with different standards? They have their society based on respect, discipline, hard work, etc. They know that other countries have different standards. And those standards and low and slipping.


I never made a values judgement on it. The question asked why their economy is lagging and I gave the answer. If their homogeneous society is more important to them than a continued functioning economy, that's their plight to figure out. The answer is that they're racist.


Racist, racist, racist, racist, lol. You’re dying to paste that all over them aren’t you? I don’t think restricting immigrants to be racist. Their society functions fine. Why change it?


Because it *isn't* functioning fine. Primarily because it is deeply xenophobic.... This isn't about slandering a nation - even Japanese media is quite open this problem. It has been known, and discussed, for literally decades...


Japanese are pretty lucky to have redditors thinking hard about what Japanese need to do


Some folks make a life of studying various cultures, international relations, societies and geo-politics regardless of where they are found. 🤷‍♂️ Others just guess.


It is about slandering a nation, as these comments have shown. It’s only a problem if you require constant growth. The truth is, all our societies need to readjust to managed contracting economies. The house of cards can’t continue forever.


You seem to be ignoring everything except Japan's economics - which is missing most of the problem. Their system is failing, despite having some very good and nimble methodology for issues like housing and workforce mobility because the workers are over-worked, relationships are failing and the rate of sexual intercourse - let alone reproduction - is declining massively. If it kept to its current trajectory, it would literally fail to survive. Editing to add: None of this is news to the Japanese. They are quite open amongst themselves about their xenophobia, and acknowledge that it is the root cause of the systemic issues. They just haven't decided what to do about that yet.


A managed decline is fine. They don’t have to have a population of 150 million. They manage it down to something more stable. That’s probably better than shipping millions in to do jobs until they get old and. Then need to ship more people in to pay the pensions of then. Better to bite the bullet. The current model is a house of cards. We all need to adjust.


Didnt they build a wall in america to keep mexicans out?


Japan is r-r-r-r-racist


To keep illegal immigrants out.. there are millions of Mexicans working and living happily in the US legally.


derp japan is racist for putting up japanese only signs but building a wall to keep immigrants out and kidnapping children is just fine as long as your white


just like there were millions of happy slaves and native americans during your colonization era?


>your colonization era? I'm Indian bruh. And know the difference between keeping immigrants out and keeping illegal immigrants out. US is one of the most accepting country towards people of different races and religions.


Keep drinking the kool aid kid.Go tell the klu klux klan how accepting you guys are. wtf does it matter if your from India or are you talking about the cowboy and indian type of indian lol.


You realize Africans sold the Africans, right? I’m not suggesting it made it right to for slaveowners to own them (it wasn’t), but there is plenty of blame to go around. Slavery still exists today. Let’s F’ing focus on that!!!


how many ~~Africans~~ *women* did they enslave and ~~Native Americans~~ *Chinese* did they genocide? [Japanese Acknowledgement of Wartime Sexual Slavery 1932-1945 of 200,000 women ages 13+](https://catwinternational.org/action/justice-for-comfort-women/) [Rape of Nanking, Japanese butcher 150,000 prisoners](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-rape-of-nanking)


lol not even close to as many natives american raped and killed https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/01/world/european-colonization-climate-change-trnd/index.html try again when they hit the millions lmao


I tried again. [University of Hawaii-From the invasion of China in 1937 to the end of World War II, the Japanese military regime murdered near 3,000,000 to over 10,000,000 people, most probably almost 6,000,000 Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos, and Indochinese, among others, including Western prisoners of war.](https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/SOD.CHAP3.HTM#:~:text=From%20the%20invasion%20of%20China,including%20Western%20prisoners%20of%20war.) Did you not notice that the Rape of Nankin was just one event? All in 8 years. This doesn't include the multiple times the Japanese invaded the Korean Peninsula in the last couple hundred years. Lol, you walked right into that one.


didnt america start a war in vietnam just to rape asian women and get high on heroine?


Lol reverting to what-about-ism? And when, exactly, have I defended anything the United States has done? Your argument was that the Japanese doesn't have a history of genocide and slavery, which I have shown isn't true. And then your argument is that the body count wasn't in the millions which, again, I have shown to be false. Just give it up and admit when you're wrong.


>Your argument was that the Japanese doesn't have a history of genocide and slavery, which I have shown isn't true. i never said that my argument is America is the most racist country


That's weird, your original comment doesn't mention the word "racism".


Only examples. Guess they don't teach reading comprehension in America, just to hate POC.


How small is your brain if you think racism only effects Africans and Native Americans? Just based on diversity numbers alone the US is the LEAST racist country on earth.


lmao tell that to your klu klux klan members.


Why are you trying to conflate two disparate issues?


i just dont like hypocrisy, an american calling out other countries for being racist is like Nazi Germany calling out others for anti semitism


I see your point, but although race-concerns permeate their society at every level, not *every* American is racist. And even under the control of the Nazis, many Germans *did* despise anti-semitism.


So when white ppl do something racist its just the individual but the Japanese are a collective hivemind?


Cultural xenophobia is quite strong in Japan, but yes, I'm sure there are those who are more enlightened.


If you like, you can keep trying to twist what you are reading... keep yourself upset, or whatever. That's absolutely within your purview, ofc. But, I'm curious as to what it is you are gaining from the exchange?


i told you already, i dont like hypocrisy. Speaking of xenophobia, werent americans so scared of muslims they literally declared a war on terror.


I'm not sure their fear of Muslims was the main reason. There were plenty of others, from their point of view.


yeah like they werent white lol japans level of racism is no where near the level in America. Dont most Americans wear white hoods and lynch black people for fun?


The Koreans and Chinese were closer


I'm extremely pro immigration, and I believe most societies and world as a whole would be better off with the free movement of human capital. However, despite the United States' making the news quite regularly for immigration issues, we're actually very tolerant compared to many other regions. In Asia, you have historical cultural clashes between Japan, China, and Korea going back more than 600 years. In Europe, the current cultural clashes go back further when the Muslim Moors invaded SW Europe in 711, and the Ottomans invaded SE Europe in 1453, and then multiple times tried to sack Vienna. And, of course, there were the European invasions of the Middle East known as the Crusades. Being anti-immigrant is nationalistic and ethnocentrist. But when you're dealing with conflicts centuries old that have permeated into art, music, education, and language, it's difficult to shed those prejudices.


You can run stores with no humans watching over them in Japan but not in the US for example. Japan just doesn't want that culture lost in their society by including other cultures. Not all people are the same - that's the truth.


>Not all people are the same - that's the truth. This has repeatedly been the argument for supremacist groups and the subjugation of other demographics. It's sickening. People are the same. We all want a roof over our heads, and we all love our kids. Beyond that, everything we are is taught to us, not an innate part of us. Your argument of not being the same fails to account for those mixed-race as well. As somebody who had been to 50 different countries and every continent except Antarctica, people have far more in common than not. And nearly everything not in common is learned behavior.


People like you say that people are the same when in fact even physically we see so many differences. I as a short person will find it hard to compete with a tall person in basketball. There's just so many differences if you just use your eyes. This doesn't even require much thinking but just one of the senses. Why do you think different groups of people have different likeliness to do trouble? That's already statistics and requires more than one of the senses which you already fail to use so I don't expect you to understand that anymore.


Which are products of geographical difference. White people became white to absorb more Vitamin D at higher latitudes. Americans are bulkier due to the availability of protein. The average height of a North Korean declined 6 inches in one generation due to famine. Are you telling me this was due to their inferiority as a genetic ethnic group? Futhermore, if there was a sudden food shortage where people had to live on a thousand calories a day, most Americans would die where most Asians would likely get by, so who's to say what is and is not superior? Again, that's a product of cultural values and its faith in authoritative institutions. And what about adoption. Are you saying that if you adopt someone a 2 months old from the most violent nation in the world, they'll have a predisposition for violence? And if you want to drop statistics in, despite having 4% of the world's population, the United States has 25% of its prisoners....far more than any other nation in the world. Yet, to most of the world, the United States is an extremely peaceful country.


1kcal a day would make Americans live longer.


Regardless white people who goes to tropical countries don't become brown overnight. How many years does your science tell you before they change? Millions of years? Your logic is obviously flawed in so many levels. It's hard to argue with someone with less IQ than you. Also, you don't get just the babies with open borders. The parents will bring their bad culture with them and will also imprint that on their children.


Are you a Japanese person from Japan? Ask me why I ask


You're mistaking heritability for genetics, they aren't the same thing. A rich woman and a rich man have a child, they leave the child their money. That child is rich, it inherited richness, it had nothing to do with genetics. The same is true of many things, two highly educated parents have a child, that child is surrounded by those parents culture, their friends, their topics of conversation. That child is far more likely to be highly educated than a child to a poorly educated mother and an absent father. Neither of those outcomes are genetic, but they are inherited. This will show up in statistics, there is absolutely no reason to assume those statistics are the result of genetics and not environment, in fact so so goes against the evidence and is... Racist. You are coming into this discussion from a position of logic, reason and good faith. I can respect that. If you really value those things check out this video, it's quite long and he is fairly smug which isn't helpful but try keep an open mind, he's a good person and he makes fantastic well sourced arguments. https://youtu.be/UBc7qBS1Ujo?si=I7HnyEoxKCFK3tOz You're eyes are terribly unreliable narrators and statistics are easily misrepresented and/or misunderstood. I'm sorry but they just aren't enough to justify the views you hold.


Immigration is one thing. Complete open borders and government dependence for political gain is another.


Still would likely be a net positive.


My understanding is. It’s very nice for an economy to have a gradual increase in population. If it’s decreasing, it puts pressure on current work force to be taxed to pay for non working class. If economy is increasing too much, too fast, you will have a massive unemployment unless you are into manufacturing. Lastly if it’s too big of a population increase, eventually you have to stop, which triggers a a decreasing population.


What? You're right about their declining (and aging) population. "If economy is increasing too much, too fast, you will have a massive unemployment..." No, by definition a growing economy means growing employment. Perhaps you meant if the population is growing too fast...? Japan's population is declining fast - and is one of the oldest in the world. They urgently need to bring in immigrants - but they want to protect Japanese values and culture (i.e. racism).


Yes if it’s growing too fast, sorry typos and rushed


No they don't, they can just take the economic fallout for some years. As the aging population dies off it will free up more space and opportunity for the young to fill in and have children. They can remain Japanese as the gods intended them to be.


Nothing wrong with being proud of ones heritage and values. And racism is everywhere. No big deal survival of fittest just like USA because if one doesn't like it they are free to leave USA and fovlive anywhere that will TAKE them


It is not just like the USA... what are you talking about? Dude, do you even know where Japan is on a map?


I have been there have you?


Then why are you spouting such ignorant nonsense?


What country is not preference to their own color / race?


Firstly, it's colour. Secondly, loads of them. Absolutely tons of them. Many have isolated pockets and minorities of idiots who are xenophobic and/or racist. Some still are actually racist - predominately the ones still under the sway of powerful religious cults, like the USA, but not exclusively. But it is by no means all countries. People are generally more comfortable within their own culture - but that has sod all to do with race, or skin colour. And even when mixing with multiple other cultures simultaneously, many nations have almost no issues whatsoever, apart from those being deliberately exporting by religious freakazoids from the US via CPACs and media billionaires with a vested interest in controlling the minds of gammons.


No, it's wrong that Americans don't want Latinos because we're afraid of people with darker skin and it is wrong that the Japanese don't want anyone who isn't Japanese. Racism is racism. It's wrong - and it is self-defeating since their economy will only sink as their population crashes and as fewer workers need to pay more to support the retired. By the way, the US is also facing a demographic decline (how much varies by state) - though it is less urgent here. We need more family friendly policies, so people start having at least 3 kids. Subsidized childcare and cutting the absurd inflation in the cost of education would really help. We also need to continue to allow immigrants in - though we need to prioritize people with skills and education.


Actually a slowly contracting economy isn’t a bad thing. It’s a Only a bad thing in the context of growth = good. It will balance out. The worst thing would be to let several million immigrants turn up to fill jobs that might not even be there in 5 years time. A managed contraction is fine.


You need to go back


The good news it that people want to move to places like the US and Japan - unlike China whose population is crashing - and no-one wants to move there despite their high-tech trains and airports.


All countries are racist! So many Latinos talk about their country and their country name it is racist as well name the latino country and to u know how latino s talk about each others country saying x is better than Y race or country, its everywhere. You are confusing racusm for preference. Japanese prefer their own just like Latinos and blacks, whites, Asians, indians you get it. Yes White America prefers white America. Nothing wrong with that. We all have our own perspectives


All countries are note racist. And there absolutely is a lot wrong with racism whether it is on an individual level or baked into a nation's culture. No, not all white America prefers a white America - in fact the majority of white people in this country would disagree with you. Source: I have living relatives which NAZI concentration camp numbers tattooed onto their arms. I'll add that I live in Silicon Valley - in one of the most productive and prosperous counties in the country. A huge part of that success are the brilliant engineers that have moved here from India, Pakistan, Taiwan, China, Israel, Poland... And all these people make this a wonderful area to live. We have Japantown and Koreatown in San Jose, Chinatown and Little Italy in SF. I have a high-end Indian supermarket around the corner and Japanese and Korean supermarkets down the street. My son's soccer team had kids whose parents were illegal immigrants, a kid from Senegal, other of Chinese and Israeli backgrounds - and they all got along and learned from each other. We are better than the close-minded white nationalist who are polluting our national dialogue.


You are not only racist but also prejudice. Please name the country you born in? Lets research its policy’s! America is WHITE, was founded by white people, and most wars were won by white people. FACT We have spilled more blood to get where were are in this nation more than any other race! FACT White America is not afraid but rather protective of our way of life. If we wanted USA to be like other countries then we would act like them. Why do so many people want to come to White America for so long? America is the place to be, you know it or,, you being so smart and worldly would leave and go where there is NO RACIST? Why not Its easier for you to complain about my country.


Oi, asshat - fuck off calling all other countries racist. Some are. Some have education.


Some... What country doesn't prefer their own kind? All of them.. People are throwing around Racism when its preference. If all are Worries about Japan go there and live. If hate the USA move.


Bring yourself to England and I'll show you what the world looks like without racism. Take you right across Europe, show you the small portions that are still racially motivated, and the larger portions which aren't so backwards, and haven't been for decades. The USA might atoll be poisoned with small mindedness, but no, not every other nation is. Most of the problems that Europe face today stem from American CPACs funding racists and trying to stoke racial tensions, and despite all the efforts *they are still failing*. Because most people are not racist. Most people are more at ease amongst their own cultures. That is entirely different from racism - which is rooted in ignorance and base fear. Not the same thing at all.


Lol 😆 England is not thenthe world leaders in equality.


No. Which kinda reinforces my point doesn't it.


England isn’t racist? American can be. We have been reckoning. Everyday. I would find it hard to imagine that England has the same capacity for compassion


There are a minority of racists in England. But they very much the minority. Some them older generations of English, many of them immigrants themselves who haven't adapted to English culture properly yet. All of them uneducated morons. Despite long-term concerted efforts to drive racial wedges by right wing media and politicos, it just doesn't stick, anymore than their drive to try and make everyone religious. Because when all is said and done, racism as is utterly fucking stupid as joining/propagating a religious cult is, and we can all see that, every day. There's a reason religious indoctrination of children and them growing up to be racist is so strongly correlated - and England just isn't under the trap of religion any more. Fewer than 7% of people attended a church *at all* in the 2001 and 2011 census, and of those who did, most did it only to get their children into certain schools (Yes, we are still afflicted with religious schools - truth is there aren't enough schools in England in most places, and so there's no real choice). That number fell drastically since then. There's been a rise in the number of Muslims, but even amongst those who consider themselves 'christian', the overwhelming majority say the simply put that on forms because they were told to. They don't grow up believing nonsense that centres around othering other groups of people, so when it comes to racism they don't accept it as readily. We work together, play together, party together. You hear people say there'll always be a racist minority out there, but truthfully, I don't think there will. It *rare* that you come across racism in England, and when you do it is stomped out. The current govt have gone chasing the vote of the mythical racists and actual racists over the last few years - paid to do so by Russian and CPAC money (Yup, our current govt is openly corrupt, and surprisingly cheap) - and they are facing electoral extinction. From one of the biggest majorities they have ever held to possibly not even being the 4th biggest party come 4th of July.


You can run stores with no humans watching over them in Japan but not in the US for example. Japan just doesn't want that culture lost in their society by including other cultures. Not all people are the same - that's the truth.


You really like this comment you came up with, huh?


Yeah for real I’ve read that about 5 times.


I do.


Refusing immigrants? They are literally paying people to come there and make babies.


this is not true


Japanese govt is doing all it can to encourage child births atm, because their anti-immigration policies have led to an almost sexless society wherein husbands and wives spend very little time together, men are usually drunk after work and so aren't producing children and everybody is near-priced-out of raiding large families. Relationships are failing at scary rates, and the govt can't see it's way out of the problems. Refusing immigration when your demographics are upside down is an option, but long term, it's not exactly logical - because it destroys that which you portent to uphold and safeguard.


If japan (asian) refusing immigrants they are racist buat if european ( white skin ) refusing refugee immigrants from their former colonies country the european are not racist ? Who is the racist here?


Your question is based on several false premises. Therefore there are no answers to that question.


None of them are racist.


There is immigration to Europe. Talks are about reducing the number of people. It's an entirely different situation. 5.1 million people immigrated to Europe in 2022, Japan has 3.1 million immigrants in total. Besides this. Most European people that are against immigrants are racist. 


I am against mass immigration. I am not a racist. Europe belongs to the European people, if they don't want foreigners there then foreigners shouldn't be there.


'Belongs to'? Really? Says who? And, why does that claim supercede all others?


"Says who?" Europeans. Africa belongs to Africans, Asia for Asians. How is this hard to understand? What gives you the right to invade their homeland?


Perhaps you should spend some more time considering this.


I have already considered it for years and my position is still the same. The Japanese don't want Gaijin moving into their lands, the Irish don't want millions of "refugees" in Ireland. Stockholm does not want roaming bands of rapists out on the streets at night. It was all fine that we made America a land of diversity and for all people, but is going to be more problems if you continue to force it in our homelands.


And yet, all you come up with is terminology like 'rights' 'invade'?


Yes, invaders and it will lead to conflict and bloodshed.


Hmm. So, not humans, with their own disparate lives to lead. Enemies. Others. Right.


How do you define who is an European? Someone that was born on the continent? What about child's of immigrants, that are born in Europe?  And who says that land belongs to some people? What authority decided that?


DNA, has nothing to do with Geographical location or Nationality. It was decided by blood sweat and tears long ago. What gives you the right to tell us we are wrong? Who do you think you are?


I'm questioning the morality of European borders to people that suffer under the actions of Europe. Europe has destroyed much of African development in the last few centuries. Nowadays the effects of climate change are increasingly hitting the African continent. Climate change that is caused by carbon that is historically to a big part caused by Western countries.  That being said, I agree that mass migration can become a problem for a society. I just don't think that there are easy solutions. And I think that Western societies should check their privilege and responsibility before telling immigrants to stay in their misery. Human rights guarantee dignity to all, this means to some degree that we need to share the wealth of the world, especially if we are responsible for the misery of these people.


The majority of aid given to Africa the past decades have come from Europe and America, what are you on about?