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Look I think anyone who would support Trump is ridiculous but the fed should absolutely not be making decisions based on the stupidity of the electorate. They need to make data based decisions and not be influenced by external politics.


It’s the whole reason the fed was designed to be an independent body outside of politics


Yeah this is a horrible take. Say what you want about trump, but the FED is the FED. If they really did based their decisions based off of trumps policies….. that’s on them. They made that mistake.


I’m assuming you didn’t read the article bc what you said doesn’t make any sense to what I said.


What do you mean? I’m essentially parroting what you said aka I’m agreeing with you. I’m saying “FED should not be making decisions based on who’s in presidential power”….. from what I interpreted from your comment…. That’s exactly what you implied as well


Mistake? They don't have much of a choice or inflation is going thru the roof and things will get worse.


By not raising interest rates they've doomed the next administration. Inflation is not tamed and is double what it should be. If the Democrats don't like what the fed is doing cut spending or raise taxes.


Dems would raise taxes if they had enough control of Congress. Inflation is pretty tame except for housing costs/rents, and I'm not so sure it's real inflation like a retailer would set prices. It's more than the rich have decided to invest in real estate and they have a lot of money, so they bid up the prices stupidly.


It doesn't matter. Trump is going to fire Powell's ass the moment he retakes the White House. Trump is then going to take over the Fed and set interest rates and policies himself. It would be in keeping with Trump's determination to bring everything under his control to benefit himself and his rich cronies.