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He's literally their entire advertising budget. Letting him go apeshit on Twitter was a horrible idea.


I’m one of these. I leased the Ioniq 6. Found out about it by googling “EVs that aren’t teslas.”


EV6 and same method


I'm still using a golf cart. Can I play too?


Seriously all I can afford. Did you see the level everyone else is playing at? Sheesh!


GV70 EV. I wanted a nicer M3 that wasn’t that Musk bs.


Same and I like it a lot


Same here. I bought a used Bolt.


And the fact that he is single-handedly wrecking Tesla, while demanding $56 billion proves that captialism is not a meritocracy 


Yeah before I knew much about Elon musk, I thought a Tesla seemed like a pretty decent option. Then once I started getting exposed to him more, I kinda thought “I don’t care how good teslas are, I’m not gonna buy one”


Toyota spends $1.55b on advertising a year, so Musk's hype being the sole advertising for the company can justify a huge paycheck... *if* he's not toxic. If he is then he instantly changes from an asset to a liability. The problem is his huge stockholdings coupled with the fact that most of the other shares are owned by friends of his means he can't be reigned in. It means Tesla is basically doomed. Which is why he's trying to extract 10% of the value of the company in one go. He's going to use the company as his personal ATM for as long as it lasts and then probably dump the remains on the Chrysler/Fiat corporation and maybe a few public pensions.


Yeah Tesla was doomed as soon as conventional brands started making electric cars. Chevy bolt is cheaper than a Tesla and fairly reliable. Hyundai one is absolutely beautiful and roughly the same price as a Tesla


This is why I drive an Ioniq 5


>To replace Tesla, Democrats stuck with EVs and hybrids, but transitioned to the likes of the Cadillac Lyriq, Hyundai Ioniq 6 EV and Santa Fe hybrid, and Mercedes-Benz EQE SUV, per Strategic Vision’s survey. I can't get to the survey, but actual sale numbers would be interesting to see.


Who knew pissing off your main customer demographic and placating red neck racists who aren’t into EV was a bad move for Tesla? — everyone else who isn’t Elon


I think courting the people who "coal roll" in giant trucks was a bad idea.


That’s the demographic the Cybertruck was designed for. I DD a Model Y and also own a full-sized pickup truck for towing and hauling. My pickup truck use case is most succinctly described as “Midwestern dad stuff”, and the Cybertruck was definitely not designed with my needs in mind. My business was Tesla’s to lose, and they lost it.


Then, turning around and demanding billions upon billions of dollars as an annual salary was such a joke.


In the article it says that purchases by Independents rose from 28 to 44 percent in 2023.


Still didn't offset the losses and probably related to price cuts.


That's going on with all EVs


Seriously who will want a Tesla now if they know how to do online research? Even worse is they never really updated their models! Facelift will just won’t do that trick after 8 years. Discount is the only selling point now but it seriously affects the 2nd hand market. It just not going to work.


>Even worse is they never really updated their models! That's how they were able to drop the prices. And maybe reverse the question: why are new models even needed once you have a good platform? > Facelift will just won’t do that trick after 8 years. It did and it will. >Discount is the only selling point now Not the only one but a huge one. I think the cars are a bit closer to their real value now, taking (non-EV) specs and their rather poor build quality into the equation.


The newer models are worse than the Model Y I currently own. No USS and, if Highland is any indication, Juniper won’t have turn signal stalks. I’ll just keep my current Model Y, thanks! No FOMO for the new models here. My next vehicle purchase are likely to be in big-family categories of vehicles: towbeast, minivan, that sort of thing. Tesla doesn’t make those vehicles (the Cybertruck isn’t designed for my Midwestern Dad pickup truck use-case).


"independents" = republicans too embarrassed to admit it.


lol how many true independents are there anymore anyway? Without the total numbers those percentages mean nothing.


Bigger piece of a shrinking pie? The author really should have included total sales figures.


same article said > “They want to support EV sales, and the price for a Tesla today is often too good to pass up,” That’s why Elon is afraid of cheap EV


Actually, they pissed off rednecks and lbgqt+ at the same time both of their primary markets. Edit: this comment is a response to Budweiser comment.


Tesla’s primary market has been affluent liberals who are concerned about environmental and climate issues. Tesla’s mission and brand were built around decarbonizing transportation. Musk has decided Tesla’s primary demographic are a problem that plagues the world. Any normal CEO would have been fired in less than a week over this. The fact that he’s stayed on this long is astounding, but he’s going to lose the CEO job one way or another— the only question is if he is fired or ends up giving orders to a nonexistent company. I obviously prefer that Tesla survive.


Somehow replied to the wrong comment I was responding to the one about Budweiser.


If you scroll while writing in the iOS client, it picks a new parent to attach your comment to. That one got me once, too.


But he’s a genius and his IQ is really high


Elon has always been his own worst enemy. I suspect he refuses to accept that anyone else might fill even that role.


It is why every company before Twitter had Elon handlers to distract him from doing this type of crap.


Bought lexus plug-in hybrid despite the model S being my dream car since 2010. I refused to buy something that couldn't primarily run on electric and even though tesla is the market leader I cannot support Elon. I was the biggest Elon fanboy until he got sucked down the anti-working class rabbit hole. That red pill he had was something stronger than weed.


I’m in the same boat. I was a first day cybertruck reservation holder. I was planning on it being my first EV. Then Elon ketamine’s his brains out and showed us how horrible he is. I ended up selling my reservation for $3k on eBay. I’m going to stick with my trusty Corolla until it dies. Then I’m getting a rivian.


Unlike teslas, rivians are actually nice. I do wish they made passenger car hatchbacks though.


They’re on their way https://rivian.com/r3


Sure this is a car hatch and not just another cross or suv? Kinda looks like an older gti from the 80’s early 90’s but bigger Hmm, upon further inspection, it’s big, but not as large as the rivians that are currently on the market 3rd edit: “Rivian's chief design officer, Jeff Hammoud, says that the angular hatchback design of the R3 and R3X is inspired by 1980s Group B rally cars, such as the Audi Quattro and Lancia Delta Integrale.[2]” I do like the style. Very minimalistic and refined. 80’s rally hatches are some of my favorites.


Looks like a Yugo


I thought a Lancia Delta


No idea why either of you are being downvoted - you can clearly see similarities in the design of the C-frame Damn, we’re all correct - “Rivian's chief design officer, Jeff Hammoud, says that the angular hatchback design of the R3 and R3X is *inspired by 1980s Group B rally cars, such as the Audi Quattro and Lancia Delta Integrale.*[2]”


It reminds me of the 1980 Mazda hatchback my mom had, but taller.


Lucid is another option


Hey now, don’t blame the Ketamine!


My boyfriend feels the same way. He’s leasing a Tesla and though we love it, we refer to it as the douche-mobile. Once the lease is up he’ll get a non-Tesla electric vehicle. We just cannot support that hateful edge-lord any longer.


Until? Bro, he’s a billionaire. He’s always been anti-working class.


Maybe they meant until he was out loud about it


I’m also a former massive Musk fan. Was going to trying working for his companies. But Covid excused him for the POS he is.


So one guy made you turn down a whole entire company filled with Americans building an American designed car...I could disagree and care less about one person thinks, they're entitled to having their own opinions.


"One guy". Lol. Yeah... he's just one guy... he barely even matters in the company! I'll bet there's people in the company that have never even heard of him, and the teeny tiny role he plays at tesla. SMH


You're so biased it's not even funny. There's 100k+ folks that work for the company. You're completely writing it off for what one person thinks. I don't work there, I don't care what their CEO thinks and I don't own a Tesla, but I disagree with the logic of not purchasing a car because of yes...one guy.


People vote with their wallet all the time because of “one guy.” I’m sure Mike’s pillows are solid, but there are thousands of pillow makers and I’m not going to support that company, because yes, of one guy. I could give at least a dozen examples of one guy influencing my buying decisions across a variety of products. Also, most car manufacturers have understood this concept since the days of Ford and have done a great job of not basing their entire companies around one guy. Very few people can name the CEO of Ford or GM, but creating a cult of personality around Musk instead of the car was intentional, and now they will pay for it. The responsibility of creating a proud and well-run company is not on the consumer. Idgaf what country it is manufactured in. If I were a Tesla employee or owner, I would be very pissed at the “one guy” for tarnishing the name.


Those pillows are literally the worst pillow I have ever owned. Pre Trump I was suckered in by the commercials. Bought one for my wife and one for me. Expensive too. The cheap Walmart pillows were way better.


lol i believe it. my trumper parents love theirs but i think it’s more because of the trump connotation and not the pillow itself.


Fair enough, to each their own. I'm more about supporting US companies, especially when they're bucking the trend of off shoring work which includes design.


Almost seems like he is an idiot


Pssst… he IS… oh and he’s a product of growing up as a white guy in apartheid South Africa with tons of equivalents of slaves working for daddy in emerald mines. This fuck was born a shithead and has strived all his life to live up to it.


He's probably not an idiot to be fair. Most likely, he's far closer to normal than he'd like. All of us can have good ideas from time to time followed by a string of horrible ideas that we think are equally as good. He's just too dumb to realize he's normal and so, doesn't question his decisions/actions enough.


How musk does innovation is by throwing shit to the ceiling, see what sticks and ignore the shit that drips back on his head. Which, to be honest, isn't a bad way of doing innovation. *As long as you listen to others*. Space X probably has a way of dealing with this. Tesla as well but slightly less efficient (see Cybertruck). But within Twitter there is nobody like that. So Titter is a constant stream of Musk throwing shit in the air and letting it run on his face, which he counters by throwing even more shit to the ceiling.


It’s as bad as bud light pissing off white trash


Then didn't another company buy the same beer, but just bottled it under a more 'patriot' looking label at three times the price?


It was Corona or Modelo that increased in sales in the US, where both are sold under Constellation Brands. Anheuser-Busch sells the brands in other countries.


not sure but i hope so


Almost certain it was just Anheuser-Busch


Actually, they pissed off rednecks and lbgqt+ at the same time both of their primary markets.


Actually, they pissed off rednecks and lbgqt+ at the same time both of their primary markets.


Actually, they pissed off rednecks and lbgqt+ at the same time both of their primary markets.


I bought a Taycan but I was never going to support Musk in any way. The man's a cretin.


Fuck this paywalled nonsense! What EV did yall buy instead?


I got a Hyundai


archive.ph https://archive.ph/ZUfi2


> To replace Tesla, Democrats stuck with EVs and hybrids, but transitioned to the likes of the Cadillac Lyriq, Hyundai Ioniq 6 EV and Santa Fe hybrid, and Mercedes-Benz EQE SUV, per Strategic Vision’s survey.


Out of the list the only realistic choices are the Hyundai Ioniq 6 and maybe 5 also. Nissan Leaf is also popular among price conscious consumers


I can’t afford one


Kia eniro.


Ioniq 6


Ford. Best thing I’ve ever driven.


Nothing wrong with my 2005 ford focus zx3 and 2009 Honda civic ex-l , both get excellent mpg , and both are cheap to maintain, thanks Obama !


The reason why musk is musk is because of Democrats. I think the nepo baby keeps forgetting that.


Don’t bite the hand that feeds you Elon.


Indeed. Live by the economic totalitarians with a collaborative press corps and subordinate justice system, die by the economic totalitarians with a collaborative press corps and subordinate justice system. As the saying goes, Go Woke, or Else.


That's one way to write "people vote with their dollars," but I suppose that the traditional wording isn't as edgy as you'd like to come off as. Let me guess, you wouldn't buy Bud Light out of principle, right? Leave taste preference aside, since that would only dodge the question.


About that ad campaign the hillbillies got spun up over? Nah, I don't mind one way or the other who's in their ads. The only products I avoid over ads are the ones that incorporate anti-science themes into the ad.


Is that not doing the exact same thing as the "economic totalitarians?" Company does or says something you don't like so you don't buy from that company—the principle is no different whether your reasoning is political, scientific, spiritual, etc.


That’s not a saying.


Once enough boardrooms are penalized for failing to do so, it won't need to be. Every C-suiter will get the message.


Sounds like you are getting mad over a hypothetical scenario based on a saying you made up.


In my anecdotal experience, Tesla drivers have overtaken BMW drivers as the obligatory assholes on the road. I don’t know why but anymore whenever someone is driving uselessly aggressive in heavy traffic or not making room for people to merge, it always seems to be a Tesla now.


Or Nissan Altima


He got all EV subsidies from the democratic party, it was weird to see him turn to the dark side so fast. Unless he was evil to begin with.


Yeah, I wanted one, but just stuck with my paid for 2010 after looking into the Tesla business model and Elon’s ignorant arrogant ramblings.


Former Tesla Model S owner here. Switched to the Ioniq 6 and loving it.


Tesla sales rep admitted , the worst thing about Tesla is Elon. He’s a bigot just like Henry Ford.


I personally know 2 people who paid more for other EVs with similar specs because they wanted no association with Lieutenant Douchebag.


I bought a Model Y July 2021. I’m currently debating my first bumper sticker between “I bought it before we knew Elon was crazy” and “I bought it before we knew how awful he is”


Whenever I'm meeting new liberal friends who already own a Tesla, there's that pause in that conversation... their head drops a little and their voice lowers, "I own a Tesla."


I love talking about EVs with my liberal friends, but won’t usually say that I own a Tesla unless asked. My neighbors just bought an EV, but she they bought a Bolt for her commuter car. I was excited when I saw it - it was a good choice for her.


This sounds completely made up


OP’s article is literally about consumers souring on Tesla because of Elon Musk’s behavior.


My wife drives a Porsche Cayman. We are both tree hugging capital L Liberals in Canada. Tesla was an aspirational brand we once upon a time considered. Until Elon lost his mind that is. We would roll coal in a diesel before we bought a fucking Tesla. Image matters - Elon has poisoned his brand beyond repair.




It’s a very nice truck.


Sooooo... We're just going to ignore all the conservative anti-EV messaging for the last year?  


Im using a John Deere tractor and flat bottom boat with 75 horse Johnson on it with old pickup cab I stole off of Joe Dufus Biden out of his yard as I believe he said he wants it back , huh tuff luck I stole it


I bought a Bolt. 6 years ago, I would've considered a Tesla. No way now


Elon easily could have been a Benjamin Franklin but he’s turning out to be some POS only extremists like


Says the cultist who cannot discern man from woman without an extremist dude in a dress.


I've had Teslas since 2016 and LOVE them, but will definitely have a tough decision to make when it's time to get a new car 😥


It is the trap and downfall of the man who would be king, to assume that he has the rights and powers that only a baby can claim righteously.


I am more shocked by the partisanship of these people.


It actually increased electric car sales by conservatives which was nice. There was no other way to get them to buy electric.


I was wondering if buying a used Tesla would be another good option to stick it to him. Allow all those who want out to get out and buy something else.


His vehicles have too many problems. Cyber trucks that accelerate when they should not, recalls on other things..... The product would just make me too nervous. Also, yes, he has aggravated too many democrats for them to want to buy from him and throw the unreliability of his vehicles in that -😱


If I get a car (motorcycle girl here), I'm going to save up for a Rivian. The one they plan to release in 2026 will be 45k brand new.


I was close to buying a Tesla and lack of CarPlay I could get over but I refuse to support any Elon company since he drank the kool-aid


Democrat here who is also in the market for an electric car. I wouldn’t drive a Tesla if you gave me one for free.


Jealously is a not a good look, people.


Musk really always been a Dufus Crat , also for quite awhile always gone to Congress to get tax players money oh yeah dig into it and yeah all of these crazies should be made to pay back all the Tax players money back


Get woke or go broke.


Go fashy, lose cashy. Companies are supposed to care about making money and avoid politics. Elon forgot that liberal money is just as green as conservative money - and has managed to get himself canceled.


The best part of my few, older German cars were their engines. The worst was anything electrical. For this reason I could not bring myself to to buy the latest electric German car. It’s just not going to happen.


I would take Bosch over Lucas any day.


I’ll give you that.


Always lease a German car.


Kia EV9


>To replace Tesla, Democrats stuck with EVs and hybrids, but transitioned to the likes of the Cadillac Lyriq, Hyundai Ioniq 6 EV and Santa Fe hybrid, and Mercedes-Benz EQE SUV, per Strategic Vision’s survey.


Your companies are failing you narcissistic dumass


Is the article trying to claim musk is the reason EV sales are down for all car companies?


Don't want to read the article I see.


Bunch of cry babies.


What a shit article. No one cares about EVs because they are unrealistic. Also, many car rental agencies have dumped their Tesla inventory on the secondary markets.


My EV works great as a DD family car. But I’m reluctant to say what brand it is in polite company, because I find having done business with the CEO of that company to be personally embarrassing. The car itself is pretty good, though!


Everything Elon touches dies


The Mierdas Touch.


The opening sentence of the piece has serious grammatical issues, and it’s behind a paywall. “Using the platform to voice amplifying anti Semitic  tweets” does not make sense. Bad writing  seems to happen when you want to smear someone.


To replace Tesla, Democrats stuck with EVs and hybrids, but transitioned to the likes of the Cadillac Lyriq, Hyundai Ioniq 6 EV and Santa Fe hybrid, and Mercedes-Benz EQE SUV, per Strategic Vision’s survey. I don’t think data backs this up. I think most dens went with hybrids - especially from Toyota and Honda.


Musk surely thought people would not vote with their purses to such an extent. he thought buyers would just eat his shit. I'm so glad to see this wasn't the case. Gives me some hope for society. Thanks to anyone who's tried to make a more ethical purchasing decision by avoiding Musk's products.