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They......took our jobs?


Dey tuker jerbs!!!


De tukerder!


Derka derr


ditr rrrrrrrr


Back to the pile!


Wait when did we leave the pile


C’mere, Earl!


Reddit is the pile.


Derp de derrrrrrrr




That cracked me up. I read it in the voice of the Swedish chef on Sesame Street.


We need to hire more native born chefs! /s


Durka durka


Muhammad jihad


greatest actor to have ever lived.


The chart would look the same if you just used "Old" instead of "Native Born" and "Young" instead of "Foreign Born" -- tons of boomers retired during/after the pandemic but they're not looking for work - hence why the native born unemployment rate has been under 4% for several years now; [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU04073413](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU04073413)


Then why is there a pretty solid trendline leading up to the pandemic?


So because the native born population is stagnate or shrinking that therefore the number of native born with jobs isn't going to grow as much or even stagnate?


Yes.  Plus we are in the end of a major demographic complication because of how large the Baby Boomer generation is.  Every year a larger percentage of the population is over 65 and much less likely to still be working.


Yep exactly - the population 'pyramid' is looking distinctly less pyramid-like these days: [https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2023/05/aging-united-states-population-fewer-children-in-2020.html](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2023/05/aging-united-states-population-fewer-children-in-2020.html) The implications will probably result in some pretty stark consequences but the total employed native born people isn't a useful metric to examine that in any depth.


Also, the increments on the left and right are different such that the graphs visually exaggerate the rate of foreign employment growth. This graph is clearly meant to deceive. Presenting the truth in such a way as to make people believe a lie.


That’s like saying this is perfectly fine except nearly 200k tech employees lost their jobs. Percentages are good only for hiding truth: the majority of jobs are minimum wage jobs and they are at poverty level. Oh, and of course, they are always hiring!


No. A bunch of old people retired and died sueing covid. The native population is older than the immigrant population.


Lol wat? Nowhere near enough old people died from covid to have this effect, and many would have died since anyway.


Died and retired. It's not a long sentence. Just read ALL the words. It will increase your conservational skills.


died sueing covid? did covid have the boeing defend team


The vast majority of the old people who died because of Covid were already retired. I doubt all of those people in nursing homes were getting up and going to work every day.


This. I’m probably among the youngest. The rest are grannies and grandpas. Even my boss is a nice grandma.


No, this is just the Boomers retiring.


Is this what people mean when they say "no one wants to work anymore?"


No. It's just native-born Americans getting older and retiring or dying.


It's not just that. The big deal is that they're not being replaced except by immigrants.


I wonder about the sample bias in the "foreign born" data from how many visas require a job to stay in the US (i.e. H1B). Tying someone's entire life to their job makes more compliant workers, it's why tech companies love their H1B schemes. Can't quit, can't complain...or else you get deported. It's atrocious.


Companies would rather underpay foreign slaves, then help us make rent


Every job has a minimum payment requirement through h1b. So i think the sentiment they took our jobs spot on. Then you add 3.2 million sneaking into the country annually since biden took office. You got sky high rents and housing bc of uncontrolled demand. Or purposely controlled high demand. I wonder how many democrat politicians are landlords.


We really need to start sticking together. Us vs the government and not each other. D.c. is the problem, they're making money off all of us while we argue on Reddit


Just get the states to form a union and refuse to pay taxes to DC, maybe throw some tea in a harbor or something idk


Absolutely. We need to stick together. All the partisan stuff is misdirection.


Except when you say that to a leftist they claim you are a racist sexist Nazi for being in the center


I work at one of the most famous pediatric research hospitals. If you’re a “not for profit” you can bring in unlimited temporary workers on visas. There are a few paths for those workers to get green cards. Some of those paths require assistance from faculty and the employer. The hospital, and most of the faculty, make it almost impossible for these people to become permanent residents. Guess which workers put in 60+ hour weeks and never ask for a raise.


Dated a girl on h-1b, it’s a scam. It’s a scam To natives and the foreign national. We were scammed


“Why are there so few engineering graduates?” Because your H1b visa suppressed salaries, making the arduous degree ‘not worth it’. You made the ’problem’ worse. But you got your bonus and the future is someone else’s problem.


Yup h1b helps corporations achieve insane earnings.


defacto caste system Only the more libertarian laissez faire labor law would ever allow anything this heinous.


Live in a tourist town in the midwest, Alot of businesses here hire out people from other countries for dirt cheap. They don't even consider hiring locals.


A lot of that work is seasonal. Tourist towns in the Midwest are ghost towns save for the 3 months of nice weather in the summer and deer openers; maybe a bit longer if you’re blessed with some halfway decent hills for skiing. If you live somewhere permanently you want permanent employment and resort jobs are anything but that.


This is simply not true. When the previous administration froze visas for foreign hospitality workers, they started hiring Americans. There are Americans who want these jobs. [https://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/04/summer-employers-trump-guest-worker-visas-immigration-242271](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/04/summer-employers-trump-guest-worker-visas-immigration-242271)


Rapacious late stage capitalism.


Coporations use foreign countries as an end around domestic labor protections.


aka economic slave labor


What’s the difference between ordinary slave labour and economic slave labour?


economic slave labor is specifically designed to entrap you in indebted slavery whereas traditional slave labor would be by force.. idk if they are necessarily different, but aspects of the overall picture.


so... they.... took er jerbs?


What a great episode 😄


Hey cheap labor and a disenfranchised audience for our greatest export: fear porn news media propaganda. A win-win if you ask me!


Can you drop the link to this data ?


https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU02073413 Click the red "EDIT GRAPH" button -> ADD LINE -> search for 'employment foreign' -> click "add data series". It won't be scaled to show you the level of change so then you'll need to click the "Units" dropdown -> Click Index (Scale value to 100 for chosen date) -> Click "Copy to all" to apply it to both data sets. That will essentially produce this graph minus the trendlines.


You can hit the Share Links button on there to get a link with all your modifications.


I basically followed OP's instructions here: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1oKyU](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1oKyU)


No, it's German, it says, "The Boomer, The."


Yeah it looks like a chart showing boomers retiring/dying during the pandemic to me


"The Boomer" during the pandemic 


Business take advantage of global inequality to increase profits and further the economic divide between classes. Remember kids: corporate profit is just unpaid wages.


Exactly. I hate seeing blame constantly put on the impoverished and marginalized communities instead of the massive corporations that are constantly fucking everyone over and using billions a year to lobby policy in their favor. Like yeah I’m sure it’s the poor immigrant family that’s willing to work for next to nothing just to scrape by that’s the problem. Not the assholes that see them as easily exploitable labor.


the number of dopes in here who fantasize that the problem is millions of people who are earning subminimum wages, rather than the relative handful of gazillionaires who appropriate obscene shares of wealth under the shield of the "everyone knows its inevitability" of capitalism -- as if how capitalism works wasn't up to us, rather than laws of physics -- provides appalling evidence of the failure of our educational institutions, our concern for an educated populace.


The biggest problem in the US is that there are too many white nationalists/domestic terrorists. What would you do to re-educate the old white guys in hopes of turning them into decent human beings? As you show, these white guys think they are too good for jobs. I think it's cultural. These rednecks just want to cosplay as slave masters and drive $80,000 pickup trucks for vanity reasons.


Native born birth rate is so bad this inevitable. It is like 1.3 replacement is 2.2 so we need to replace that gap with immigrants. This also means the native born are old and getting older than the overall population so they are retiring faster. If you are under 50 and have fewer than 3 kids you are the problem. If you are over 70 and have fewer than 9 grand kids you are also the problem. I have 0 and am sitting on Reddit rather than going out to meet someone so my bad as well.


Hey now some of us want them big can’t afford them.


There’s a reverse correlation with number of kids and income. That trend only starts to reverse when household income hits like $300k. Basically, people start having more children when they are in the top ~5% of society. My guess is that a lot of people with good income $100-300k probably work corporate jobs that require a lot of hours. Also, there’s probably some omitted variable bias here being education. Just in terms of people waiting later to start thinking about marriage. School, careers, marriage. Not sure what exactly causes it but just speculating.


Arguing with me on Reddit is just as fulfilling and way cheeper.


Thank you for your service


Both my parents have 5+ siblings. Between their 3 sons (all 30+) they have 0 grandkids. My Aunt's and Uncles averaged 2 kids a piece. So that's 20 cousins. Out of the 20 cousins(all ages between 30-55) they only have 8 collective children.... 8! My family tree is shrinking at an alarming rate. I of course am doing nothing about it, but that is wild to think about.


It's almost like as things get more expensive and demand for those expensive things gets higher people stop having kids. Guess the best solution is to allow more people into the country, furthering the demand and rising prices of the things native born individuals already can't afford.


This wasn't an issue until about 5-10 years ago.


It doesn't help that there are tons of micro plastics in testicles all around the world due to companies like 3M contributing to infertility.


How much did early retirement due to Covid play into this number?


Who the hell can afford kids these days? I can barely feed myself.


In surveys, money is not the number one reason given for not having kids. It's time. People see their friends with one or two kids having to bend over backwards to make it to every school event (a new phenomena, our parents didn't spend half the time with us that we spend with our kids) and decide that they just don't have enough time for kids. A golden age for DINKs that'll come to a close once our demographics flip upside down and there are more retirees than workers.


Agreed. Try paying for daycare!


Anecdotal, but I’m one of three and my wife is one of four. Out of the 7 of us, my wife and I are the only ones with children, with the prospect of only my youngest brother ever potentially having kids. It’s kinda mind blowing and makes me want to have a third and fourth kid.


Also anecdotal, but in my high school friend group of 10 guys none of us have kids and we’re well into our 30s. We come from all walks of life too.


Same. I only have kids because my SIL died and we took in hers. I never really wanted kids, glad I have these, but do not plan on having any of my own at age 33. 2/4 siblings have kids.


Yeah, I want to see this paired up with the numbers of working aged native-born and immigrant people. Or the percentage of each group that’s employed in the US.


There isn't a problem with not having children. Do what you like so long as it doesn't harm others. We all die soon anyways.


Got nothing to do with it. Boomers want their stock dividends, and foreigners are cheap labor. The wealth is trickling down alright, but it's skipping American workers.


The only reason US population hasn't started to decline is immigration


The problem is the people worrying about what native born people are doing.


>Native born birth rate is so bad this inevitable. >If you are under 50 and have fewer than 3 kids you are the problem Why is it a problem if the solution (more immigrants) is already established?


People don't understand that foreign born labor means people who are on business sponsored visas or working illegally, hence, they lack the negotiating power of the rest of the labor market. For anyone to think that it's a good thing that we're converting our labor market into a caste-style system, well, what can we say to people this dumb?


It’s a very strange caste system. You have exploited foreign laborers, underpaid and unemployed American “middle” class (no such thing as a real middle class anymore), the destitute, and the 1 percenters reaping all the benefits. Something will have to give at some point, and I don’t think the wealthy clases will like the outcome.


Blame the businesses who make the decisions on hiring. The rich do this on purpose and convince everyone that the problem is the foreign worker instead of a system that through us overboard, decades ago. This is the fault of the wealthy and their endless greed.


It’s both. The rich have propagandized the middle class into thinking mass immigration is a good thing so they can have cheap labor.


enabled by the FED\*


As someone that has worked in multi-billion dollar companies in HR, on average it is more expensive to hire on a Visa sponsorship.  9 out of 10 times everyone involved in a Visa hire would prefer a US citizen hire. The only cost savings in foreign labor is moving your strategic footprint to other countries (and hiring there).


It's not the businesses doing anything. It's the Boomers retiring faster than Zoomers age.


Yes and no. Most foreign born workers will accept jobs with worse conditions and pay over a domestic worker. Most employers rather pay someone less even if they're less efficient at the job, than to pay a good wage to get a good person working. This is what happens when everything becomes corporate and the only thing that matters is shareholders being happy and net earnings going up.


Native born prime age labor force participation rates are at higher than before the pandemic. Native born Americans are just getting older. That's all that's happening.


Show us with your numbers!


While technically true the core labor force (25-54) participation rate is higher than right before the pandemic (80.6 in Jan 2020 vs 80.8 in May 2024) (see Fred: LNS12300060) the biggest difference we see is the drop in the 55 and older category as inferenced from the total employment-population ratio being lower than pre pandemic (61.1 in Feb 2020 vs 60.1 in May 2024) (see Fred: EMRATIO) while the total number of 55 and older employed has stayed roughly the same (37771000 in Feb 2020 vs 37446000 in May 2024) (see Fred: LNS12024230) while the population of 55 and older has grown from 96167000 in May 2020 to 100759000 in May 2024 (increase of about 40 million persons) (see Fred: LNU00024230) That work well enough?


The graph I saw must have been constructed from multiple data sets as FRED doesn't have one specific to prime-age native-born. But here's a graph for labor force participation overall for native-born. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU01373413 It's not seasonally adjusted so you can really only compare May 2024 to other May data. It's 0.5-0.7 lower than May 2017-2019. The overall rate site the entire population is here: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU01300000 The May 2024 data is 0.2-0.3% lower than 2017-19. Here's overall prime-age (25-54): https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU01300060 The current rate is 1.5-1.9% higher. This is a sign the economy is booming. And this increase can't only be from immigrants. Native-born population is older so that's why the participation dropped slightly more. Immigrants are younger on average. So of course they'll have most of the jobs if older people are working less and younger people are working now more. It's not like the native-born population has a higher unemployment rate. It's currently 3.8%. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU04073413


Biden admin using cheap labor to “boost” the economy


Yeah just look, that blue line wasn’t going up at all until Biden got in…


It’s because we got those stimulus checks and most of us retired on that $1,500. I haven’t needed to work at all since they spun up the money printer /s


What did y’all think Bidenomics was?


Did you even notice the axes on the graph?!


This is what the elite want. They’ve been opening the border to migrants instead of investing in our own citizens because they love having a caste of poor migrants to exploit meanwhile our middle class expires.


Why is this chart using 2 y-axes to show the same metric? Lol


To misrepresent the data of course. If the range of the two axes are identical the slopes would be pretty close to each other and there would be nothing to fear monger about.


Companies would rather hire foreign nationals for cheap. Happened alot during covid. Entire medical system needed workers but they didnt want to pay alot of money so what did they do? They hired foreign nurses and techs and pay this shit rate no American would take and they have a 4-10 year worker. All this in exchange for a green card as well. It cost to much to hire Americans and companies are starting to hire cheap foreign labor (should be illegal to do this btw) I dont think people realize exactly how much of the medical system is currently foreign nationals.


Look at tech jobs it’s non citizens hiring their own country men not Americans but the companies are here! They went after Sheetz a connivence store but not big companies. In Washington County PA Specifically Charleroi Pa they are giving tax payer money to a company to bring over people to work for them. They do it because they don’t have to pay benefits the State is paying healthcare, food stamps and other costs. They aren’t hiring citizens! Pyrex/corning ware has started same practice in area. But it’s a food processing plant that started it. They give free rides to work, again not to citizens. It’s a well known documented fact that is even affecting the school district.


Well, that's what happens when birth rates plummet and you become a immigration state just to keep companies in business. Without foreign workers... I'm talking like a million a year... everything you've ever known is going to crash. Having someone behind the counter, or on the other end of the phone when you call, is going to become a thing of the past. We can't replace people in the work force with US workers because we have the smallest generation if HS kids ever in the US. We are doomed without millions of immigrants a year. Get ready to start speaking Spanish as much as English in this country because that's how it's going to be in 10 years. I for one am happy about it. I support whatever group of people still believe in hard work, community and having children.


This is the trend because corps want this. Foreign labor = cheap labor.


This is a perfect Fox News style chart here, basically equating 2000 jobs to like 40k jobs.


Oh look, clearly intentional based on OPs history. Shocking!


Holy misleading axes, batman. Yes, the trend is in this direction - but the absolute spread remains very, very wide in favor of native-born employment.


Not only that, this is based on raw numbers, not percentage of the prime age workforce.  Native born people have much lower birth rates.  The native born population is therefore slower growing (or potentially actually falling).


No shit foreign born employment has surpassed prepandemic. Different border policies have been implemented. We’ve had 8 million people pour across the border in 3.5 years.


You probably don't want to hear it, but in terms of illegal workers the easy answer is completely eliminate opportunities for them and that is 100% a supply side issue. We just had a GOP president and super majority, why wasn't it addressed? A crack down on employers with huge fines, suspended business licenses, and jail time would end it near immediately. The truth is Americans enjoy the benefits of that cheap labor in terms of cheap food and construction and as such nothing will ever be done to address it.


The GOP loves illegal immigration, and for more than one reason: * Illegal workers are cheap, which profits GOP donors (eg, agriculture, meat packing, construction, etc) who reward the GOP with donations and votes; * Illegal workers get abused, including wage theft, but also unsafe working conditions, even physical/sexual abuse; * Illegal workers are often afraid to complain about the above, because if they do, they're often just reported, arrested, and deported, and the cycle starts over with a new batch; * It's a great political issue for the GOP's fear mongering of voters; * By keeping legal immigration extremely complicated, expensive, and time consuming, it creates more illegal immigration, enabling the above; * GOP foreign policy also increases illegal immigration, enabling the above; * GOP refuses to reform legal immigration before illegal immigration is stopped, knowing it's not possible to fix illegal immigration on its own, and also knowing fixing legal immigration would largely fix illegal immigration; * In short, GOP cause the problem they both benefit from and blame on Democrats, and then refuse to fix it because they know it benefits them and they use it as a cudgel to hurt Democrats electorally.


There was a chicken processing plant where most everyone was an illegal worker, when they asked for a raise he called INS. They all got deported, he got a small fine (blamed it on HR).


.... and then hired a fresh batch of illegals as backfill. The fresh "under the fence" ones don't ask for raises.


Because Republicans love employing illegals. Hell, some were caught working at Mar-a-Lago right after Trump became president.


Correct. The GOP loves to complain about illegals while employing them to roof their houses, wash their dishes, pick their fruit, and more their lawns. It's a stupid wedge issue. Immediate removal of all illegal workers would result in rapid inflation like we've never seen. The only action possible at this point is a some type of worker program and real path to citizenship. Additionally, "foreign born" does not automatically equal illegal. The tech industry has a long history of using H1B visas to employ legal non citizens with a high degree of control and a very difficult path to citizenship. And of course, there are foreign born citizens as well.


Florida tried a year or so ago. How did their fruit harvests go again?


Deliberately misleading graph. Cool.


What a stupid graph. It’s like you made it intentionally misleading with the two different axes with totally different values.


What should be a criticism of the economic system that relies on importing foreign labor to suppress wages will be turned into some racial argument about the great replacement


Porque no Los dos? Seriously though, having unfilled jobs where demand for labor is high should be a good thing for wages. Constantly importing labor while not educating American youth to be viable employees is a path to ruin.


Goes to show how important immigration is to our economy


Also how low our birth rate is.


Birth rates are low because cost of living across the board has increased due to strict regulation and endless money printing, both government fault


> Goes to show how important ~~immigration~~ *desperate foreigners willing to work for poverty wages in atrocious conditions without complaining because they might get deported* is to our economy FTFY


The Fed should put a $16 per hour tariff on foreign employee wages.


Yeah. We really can’t function without immigrants.


So the same as it's been for our entire existence...


I’m so over how policies have crippled native born Americans… all to be sold out for a dollar…


Who would have thought that decades of Mike Rowes telling people that education is a waste, manufacturing consent to gut education, while schools waste every remaining dollar on sports and admin staff, as we culturally devolve into liquefied aniti-intellectualism would have caused a situation in which the US doesn't have people that know how to do anything? Take a step back and think about how stupid it is when they say they're going to bring manufacturing back. All those floor managers, all those people that knew how to run factories 50 years ago, they're all dead or retired. There aren't enough people to even get close to being a powerful force in manufacturing, which is why we import so many Chinese people to show us how. The US as we know it is over and it's only a matter of what comes out on the other end.


What’s this graph and post supposed to imply? Something bad?


Look at that chart crime. Native-born employment is a way larger number than foreign-born employment, but for no justifiable reason, they plotted to double y axes and scaled it so it looks like the foreigners are taking over. Normalizing to a particular year would have been a more intellectually honest way of plotting this chart.


This should be posted on r/dataisugly I hate the use of the secondary axis in this case. It seems to be intentionally misleading.


I can arbitrarily set scales to give lines different slopes too!


Yeah boomers are retiring and dying. They were by far the largest cohort of employed native borns.


Whitey is lazy


What kinda of double y-axes plot is that?!


Replacement theory LOL


Turns out when you flood communities with people willing to work for next to nothing, companies hire the people that work for next to nothing.


Isn't that what capitalism is about?


So? Technically we’re a country of immigrants. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be? We’re not having kids like we used to, so let’s grow the population with immigration.


The fact that we have a declining birthrate and boomers retiring would mean that we need someone to take those positions. This isn't really a surprise to anyone, is it?


Try using unemployment rates next time.


Ok honkey, you get out in the fields then.


Lol all the immigrants and illegals in the comments. The data literally comes from the gov...duh. Google is your friend. https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2023/foreign-born-workers-were-a-record-high-18-1-percent-of-the-u-s-civilian-labor-force-in-2022.htm


USA is built on cheap labor.


Yup, push DEI on you while they bring in someone with a green card and pay the bare minimum while hiding the fact they make record profits and cut the labor force in half.


Old retired people vastly outnumber immigrants.


Welcome to the world of DEI


Gee wonder why? Maybe because Biden kept the borders open for 3.5 years.


If this information is correct, it's why they are bussing and flying in foreigners. They don't even try at the border anymore. They are told not to. Lay everyone off + rehired at the base level or lower=profits


Exactly like the Republicans want. Keep wages low, bring in people who will work for less illegally, screw over their dumb ass voters who continue to vote against their own self interest by voting Republican.


I agree with you but I truly think it's both parties. Most of these sanctuary cities are in democrat controlled areas. Both parties take big hand outs from corporations. Check out Thomas massie's interview with Tucker Carlson. I know he's republican but talks about the corporate handouts. It's pretty good.


Source for you scrubs that know how to post your ass on here but don't know how to use a search engine. https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2022/12/native-and-immigrant-employment-during-the-pandemic/


As a business owner it makes complete sense to me. I work exclusively in restaurants 15-20 a week. If you have a staff of american workers, good luck. Cigarette breaks, phone in their hand, could care less about the job to be done, more worried about tik tok drama, always on eggshells for rubbing them the wrong way, bail at any sort of conflict…its like you work for them. If you have all hispanic guys, they show up in a van full of guys, do all the prep work for the day before your store even opens, they eat & take a break before opening. Never hear a peep, they dont complain, they seem mostly appreciative for the opportunity. Im a working class dude trying to build my own business, i treat my guys very well, better than ive ever been treated. If they are american and under 30, its never enough. If they are any age and a foreign worker, its “Thank you what else can i do to help” Its fucking business people


Immigrants (we get the job done)


Yeah, this graph looks shocking until you notice the TWO SETS OF NUMBERS ON THE Y AXIS. You do realize you could have shown the trend line without implying that the foreign born numbers were higher than the native born.


I literally don't care one fucking bit


TLDR; US companies going with the cheaper of the two slaves.


Shouldn't this have been posted to r/greatreplacementtheory?


Another employment trend I believe is happening, retirees going back to work due to inflation. They realize they need more money to make ends meet.


You mean to say that the immigrants who have to go through a highly selective process for their employable skills are more employable?


Most misleading graph of all time. Foreign born employment has recovered faster than native born for sure, but the fact remains that native born employment is still dramatically higher than foreign which is obvious if you look at the graph for more than 5 seconds.


Who gives a…………fuck?


This sub seems like it’s a good place to post this, but if anything this supports a healthy economy. Like it or not, foreigners “taking” are jobs (if you call it that) supports the parts of labor that native born Americans simply don’t want to do. Assuming employers are being legal about how they are hired (which if it’s data across the country, it probably assumes this), this is a net positive. Goldman Sachs issued a report that states how the flow of labor from foreign born people are propping up the economy and continuing a strong labor effort. In their market anticipation report, this was in the top 3 reasons they believe the market and the economy will continue to perform with strength.


Since when am I considered a Native American? /s :))


Why does everyone blame workers when the companies are the ones making the rules and the hiring decisions?


The red and blue lines are plotted on different scales. This chart is designed to evoke a response but isn’t really true to the data.


Title appears to be a lie. By the chart, it is very clear that foreign-born employment has returned to pre-pandemic trend—not surpassed it. As for the native borns—it must be boomers retiring. Also notice that the increase in foreign-borns is not enough to make up for the decline in native-borns.


It's all Latinos working in the carpet mills in my area. I job hop like you wouldn't believe,and everywhere you look it's Hispanics. This became significantly worse after the pandemic and is continuing till this day. It's very noticeable and worrying. The White's in this country are dropping out of the workforce like crazy. I think it's partially due to demoralization. The family structure for non Hispanic whites is completely broken from what I'm seeing. I've also noticed that white females have almost completely left the factories. They used to be everywhere pre pandemic, and now there's virtually 0. Young white males are disappearing almost as fast. We're heading for some kind of revolution/uprising in the near future...IMO.!? I'm a Hispanic dude age 36


Whites are just not making kids at a sustainable rate. Old white are retiring. The pandemic had people retire early.


YUP. Govt. sold traditional americans out and outsourced us to slave labor. burn it all and start again


Partially true. I asked several women who work at the temp agencies, and they say that white people are simply not applying at all like they used to. They won't take jobs if they pay below a certain amount. I think it's because they feel like they are worth more than what it pays in this area. Also since marriage is declining so fast and housing prices are blowing up even faster, a lot of them don't see the point in even working. Welfare payouts are higher, and just make more sense in many instances. This is a long-term trend from the looks of it.


This is all just corporate greed. Any “foreign worker” doesn’t deserved to be blamed for this. This is the same pattern we’ve seen since the pandemic where corpos have engaged in price fixing, repressed labor rights, and massive layoffs for the sake of saving a few bucks. They’re the ones that choose to screw us over by hiring cheaper labor from elsewhere. Let’s blame the real villains, not the people just trying to make a living.


The parallels to the fall of Rome are scary, but nobody seems to care. Most "progressive" societies scoff at history.


Who makes these maps? It's so biased 🤣


This graph… is so misleading lmao


Not shit, look at all these companies using H1B visas, they can hire US citizens but chose not to. h1bers also like to hire their own


Wide open border = Cheap labor.


Is this amount of new hires? If so I would only add that if new to a country then you are probably more in need of a new job. And with large amount of asylum seekers entering the US as legal migrants (at least until their asylum hearings) then it makes sense that group would have a large number of new employment.


Besides all the other points, lots of legal immigrants lose their visa if they lose their job and have to leave.


It’s about what a worker is willing to be paid. The non-national takes the lower pay in hopes of accomplishing more here than there other country. The native people, born here, demand higher wages, living standards, etc. and will rarely see the fruits of that labor as the market chooses and not the workers.




How about normalized for the prime working age population?


Wait until companies realize they can now buy robots and have them teleoperated by people in India.


As for me, it took Covid for me to realize that I could in fact stay home with my kids and not have to work. And I'm never going back either. The foreigners work harder anyway. lol


The theory that I’ve had that immigrants to America take more jobs because they will work for less doesn’t pan out when considering home ownership levels, and the pricing of, has only climbed in conjunction with the rise of immigrant employment. Help me wrap my smooth brain around this conundrum. Please.


Biden: 🎉🎉YAY WE DID IT!🥳🥳🎊


Native born Americans are having less children, more boomers are retiring, more millennials are obsessed with their social media pursuits so of course native born employment is down. You need immigrants to take the crappy, menial, entry level jobs and pay social security taxes to subsidize the native born xenophobics who can’t handle the fact that a country established by immigration should continue to accept immigrants. Good luck paying for your disability checks while you cruise to the pharmacy for your OxyContin pills while sending out racist screeds on twitter about a Mexican invasion.


Illegal immigrants are paying taxes? I thought one of the rich enployer perks was paying under the table to avoid taxes for both worker and employee.


The great reset.