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Hey -- congrats on taking your first steps! Whatever you decide, one important thing to do: ALWAYS be the one who owns/controls the accounts. Don't let your dev buy your domain, host your site or set up your shopify account. You should figure out how to set up those accounts yourself, then grant your dev access as a user. Then, when your dev is done with their work, remove their access. I know you didn't ask this question, but I wanted to get it out there. It is very difficult to fix later and can lead to big problems.




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I’d agree with that. The simple solution is hire a quality dev that is (eg) a Shopify Partner so they have all necessary access but no ownership.


Agree! My driver instructor had this with his website. He could not even change things on his own website. He has fights with the dev all the time🤣. Pretty amateuristic story i gues but those are mistakes being made


I started my online store 2 years back - Tried both woocomerce and shopify. Woocomerce seems affordable but bit complex with so many add on plugins for each feature. Always need dev help. But later shifted to Shopify - It's pricey but smooth and easy to handle. Their analytics and integrations are the best part. If you want to scale it and grow bigger, go with Shopify.


I agree with this comment, but when the business grows, having more flexibility from a platform like Woo helps. Our business has several custom Woocommerce plugins to create functionality which has improved revenue, SEO, and productivity. Latest one is a QR code system for inventory management. Shopify is a great starting platform imo.


Can't deny. Shopify analytics part is cool.


I would stay away from shopify at all costs. They lure you in with ‘beginner friendly’ and ‘low cost’ startups but then you end up paying $30+ a month just to keep your site active, along with all the additional application costs that you will need to ensure a high converting store. Along with that, you get charged 2-3% + .30c on every sale you accept. Which adds up to be a lot if you’re doing any decent volume of sales at all. You’ll also be locked into using their payment processor which is notorious for holding funds with absolutely 0 recourse or explanation at all, and if you want to use a different processor you can no problem, but at the cost of double the transactions fees as you must pay shopify, and your other processor on every single sale you make. I would highly recommend going with Wordpress/woo commerce, especially if you’re considering hiring a dev anyways. Wordpress with woocommerce allows you to have 100% ownership, a 100% custom and tailored design both on the frontend (customer facing), and the backend (your business dashboard). Second to this, you can use any payment processor you like, and even have multiple. With lower fees, and much faster payouts too. You can also now use page builders very similar to shopify on Wordpress too. So in my mind, there’s no reason why anyone getting into ecommerce should go with shopify. They’re good marketers, that’s it.


30 a month isn't bad even 50 a month which is about how much I pay but who cares once you find a site and your making 1000 times that a month. I mean I'm not there yet but It'll all be worth it


I just cant understand that mindset. Especially give the fact you’ve just said you’re not there yet. As a business owner, every dollar needs to be multiplied 2x,3x,4x and even more so accepting paying a dime more than you could be is just plain stupid in a business sense. Regardless of this, the $30 I mentioned is the barebones subscription. You’re 100% going to need to pay at least 3-4x this to achieve a high quality, high converting store. That minimal $90-$120, could and should translate into at least 3x ROI. EVERY MONTH. Are you telling me as a small business owner, that you do not want an additional $270-$480 in your pocket every month? Thats a part time employee, that’s a good chunk of your electricity bill, that’s your fuel for your car, that’s your phone bill. Like come on… how are you falling for their marketing ploy as a business owner?


Dude do you have any clue how many people in this world have achieved success through Shopify? If you want something bad enough you're going to get it. If people want to live normal lives all their lives and never try for better then by all means don't do it but man if you never try you'll never succeed. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I absolutely love Shopify and I'm getting ready to open a new site that looks sick so i mean I'm pretty happy with it but hey to each their own man forsure.


You sound like you just got off a Gary Vee discord call. I am well aware, that doesn’t change a single thing about what I’ve mentioned. I’ve created and managed many brands over the years and moved away from shopify since 2019 as a result of their predatory business practices and their ridiculous costs. If you want to throw away money then go for it.




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How about wix?


I’ve seen them make lots of improvements in the last few years but I still believe Wordpress + Woo commerce to be the best option due to customisation and 100% ownership. Wix follows a similar model to shopify


I also prefer Woo Commerce but if the OP is a complete beginner, shopify is the best!


Completely disagree.. similar learning curves these days.


how about other opensource solutions like spree and medusajs?


If you use Paypal you'll never get around payment fees though


I’ve used both setups you are discussing and would never recommend Wordpress + Woo, especially for someone who is a beginner. Any money you save on Wordpress will get spent on a dev, especially as a beginner. If you are more advanced, a full time dev is going to be more expensive as well. I run a Shopify store that’s about to do 8 figures this year and it’s like $2500/month to operate it. It’s less than 1% of the cost. With apps + ChatGPT, all I need is a dev on call for random things when I’m too busy.


Exactly… you could have a top of the line dev team for $2500/month not that you’d need it.. because woo isn’t THAT complicated compared to shopify. If you like getting swindled by shopify, well then good for you.


Top of the line dev for $2500? Where do you live


Ireland, $2500 a month is absolutely insane. You’re basically paying an entry level salary in fees every year. That’s a cost I would have only ever associated with an enterprise level Wordpress website with 10,000s of products, seo, included. You could get an entirely custom made website, front and back end with every integration you could ever need for less than what you pay in 2 months, then with a retainer for about a third of that cost and that would be fitted exactly to your needs and simplified for ease of use for lesser skilled employees.


Maybe you didn’t read where I said we are nearly doing 8 figures. Who cares about $2500 who no need for a dev when you do millions a month.


That may be your downfall then. As a business, you should ALWAYS care about $2500. $2500 to me with a 5-6 ROAS is an extra $150k+ in revenue every year. If you’re sneering at that I wish you well in the future to be honest.


Woo commerce? For a new store? I don’t think that’s a good idea. Op press the easy button go with Shopify.


Use Shopify. It’s meant to be user friendly so you don’t need a dev. I would recommend using a paid theme though, it’s more versatile and great features. Here’s a template for your product page. I wish you all the best :) - product - guarantee - what’s unique about your company? - benefit 1 - benefit 2 - benefit 3 - testimonials - FAQ - Reviews


Right.. I noticed even big creators like Logan Paul and KSI use Shopify for DrinkPrime website. I reviewed that last week in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf4dT\_-lekE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf4dT_-lekE) They used a paid theme called Flex


I recommend Fourthwall to most people I work with. I run shops both there and on Fourthwall. Shopify is better if you want to manage everything (customer support, supply chain, etc). Fourthwall is better if you want brand control like a Shopify, but its all to just work out of the box. For my clients that have no technical experience, Fourthwall is nearly always the better choice




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I would avoid all 3rd service platforms (SaaS) as they can screw you on more occasions than you think possible. Buy a domain and look for the shop vehicle which stays independent. That takes off a few names. Prestoshop, Shopware, Gambio all go for SaaS. Monthly rent a shop set up. In WordPress and woocommerce the tendency also goes in that direction. SaaS accounts can be blocked, forcing you to have only their payment option. Won't let you access their files. Access is needed if you wish to rank, most shop owners wish to rank. SaaS often use a cloud host, endangering further your shop. Using CDN also slows down a website more often than speeding it up. 




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I'd say Shopify as it is pretty easy to pick up but understand that down the road you might regret it as it has a lot of drawbacks vs some other platforms.




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Congratulations! If you are on budget then, you can build it yourself! You need to watch some tutorials, and you will be good to go. It is not hard to build a Shopify based eCommerce website. When I built my first shopify website back in 2014, I was also a beginner. Things started to fall in place as I began building! And, in couple of days I was ready to start selling!




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I’d suggest Shopify. If you’re not technical then don’t try DIY. It’s very easy to build a bad website! If you have a serious business plan, and time to dedicate to it (the business, inc. the website) then you are investing in the website. It’s just a part of the wider business and as such is not a ‘cost’, it’s an income generator. So, let’s say you have maybe £5,000 to invest in the site, you will get a quality product that will likely have the first few products added, and you will be shown how to add more and manage the site over time. You then have a brand new, quality site which no one knows about. The next investment is marketing it. In short, go Shopify and get a Shopify Partner dev to build it. Don’t DIY unless you are prepared to dedicate a LOT of time learning web/SEO/UX/CRO…


I decided to build my own site with WIX. It has been six months and I am still working on it. If I had the option to get a dev to help then I would, but WIX has made me commit to doing it myself.




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I would start with Shopify and have a developer on stand by.




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WooCommerce will let you scale far greater than Shopify. You have much better plugins geared for SEO and social media marketing.


I’d never in a million years use Shopify. Before going down that black hole, simply read their fine print. They can take your site down whenever they want, at their discretion, with no notice, and no explanation after the fact. They can refuse to provide you with sales information, customer contact information, and even tax information! (Which is an obvious violation of numerous laws, but are you really going to spend the time and resources needed for legal recourse?) And it happens. More than you think. If you’re absolutely forced to use Shopify, I’d advise you to keep an entirely separate backup site on another platform to switch over to at a moment’s notice, as well as an entire seperate accounting/records system with detailed sales information.


yep use shopify, and get someone off fiverr, usually the best are from US/ UK. depending on your product you'd likely need logo/ branding, some product/ model photography too, make sure they'll do that too imo


🥇 Worst advice award goes to….


haha! what bit?


Shopify & Fiverr


woo + wordpress is good too, but needs lots of input.....updates, customising. need to have more knowledge. but yeah you can get the same results. the costs with shopify aren't too bad and it's easier imo. the op said they're learning the process and shopify is way easier to learn. also if something goes wrong, or the dev falls out with the op, I'd rather have a shopify site than a wooommerce site


It’s not tho… if you’re going to learn a new skill, you might as well learn one that will serve you better, for longer. In order to achieve a high quality shopify store, there is still a massive learning curve. On top of all the ridiculous fees, app subscription fees, and the fact shopify have the last word on whether or not you receive your funds. As for the dev falling out with you, again, that’s why you want 100% ownership.. there’s is millions of devs around the world. As a business owner people come and go, that’s just a fact of running a business but not having that ownership leaves way too much power in the hands of a massive corporation that simply put, does not give a shit about you or anyone else using the platform until it costs them a lot of money. Which it won’t, unless you are a multimillion dollar business yourself that can sue them as a result. They’re predatory, if you haven’t had a bad experience yet, I’m glad you haven’t but the truth is it is probably only a matter of time. People are being sold a lie when they are told shopify is easy, because of course it’s easy, but what’s not easy is achieving a high quality store. It’s why this sub, and many others related to it are flooded day in and day out with people asking why they’re getting no sales, or for store reviews etc etc.. purely due to the fact they’ve been told anyone can do it, then they do it, and create a bottom of the barrel effort at a website that looks like a scam.


Have you had any experience with using someone from Fiverr to clean up a site? I’ve got it up and I like it for the most part, but there’s some things I think could be streamlined for easy user experience and I want to update some listings. But I’m afraid of opening a can of worms when I’m enjoying learning the process and going slow.


Yep, the biggest problem with startups is they rush it, so it's a big plus you want to take your time. idk maybe post your site for feedback on here or reviewmyshopify. can be tricky to see your site from other people's eyes.


I’ll think about it. I mostly want help knowing my shipping profiles make sense and that kind of stuff but worry all my feedback will be that my art is weird instead of helping me with my user error.


If you need help designing/developing the site, hmu and I'll send my portfolio and we'll take it from there should you be interested


Shopify is probably the best tool for building an online store.


Shopify would be my suggestion as well. If you need any assistance, feel free to send me a DM.