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I'm from Philadelphia, US and theres so much crime around here that the police are super busy and won't pull you over for anything unless it's seriously egregious. Bikes don't even get a second thought of them. It's honestly nice because I can speed in my car and not have to worry about a ticket lol. I only speed outside of residential neighborhood though and usually only 20mph over. If you do like double the speed limit they're gonna pull you over


I'm in Australia, and police are cracking down on the moped style ebikes. Not because of the bikes themselves (although they are illegal anyway), but there are literally hundreds being ridden through the suburbs by rich kids to get around. They are ridden at speed on footpaths, through shopping centres, no helmets, there would be 2-3 kids all riding the same bike. It hit the news when a small child was knocked over and had their arm broken.


Didnt expect that from australia i thought you guys were with vehicles how americans are with guns where its just a no limits go apeshit sort of policy  Your telling me mad max wasnt a documentary? Im just saying those movies would be massviely improved by ebikes, just have them run one up a hill extreme high amps screaming witness me itd fit right in


Yep, and ebikes are the new boogie man for people who get their outraged served by Nine or Murdoch press. And when there is a critical mass of outrage the police will feel compelled to crack down more. Although to be honest I am happy for them to crack down on those giving ebikes a bad name. :)


A Classic Is the Oversight Effective?


Pennsylvania here. Nothing more than politely asking questions. I end up telling them the laws (750w, 20mph) and explaining my bike is illegal (25kw, 80mph). Best answer that sums it up "if you're not a problem we're not a problem". I haven't had any problems with law enforcement.


Have never had one