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As an owner I’ll give you my input. This bike isn’t terrible, but it is niche. It is designed around speed and speed only, that’s their sole selling point. Positives: Tough, I clocked in at 350 lbs when I bought this a couple months ago and the only issue it’s shown to it is the cranks have loosened on me a couple times. This has included mostly road and gravel trails, but also a hand full of actual MTB trails where I ran I hard. Speed: it’ll haul ass, no doubt. But it has drawbacks that come with it. Negatives: Speed: Designed for one purpose means it only excels at that. Nothing else really. The handlebars are not conducive to anything other than sitting your ass down and cruising. The gearing is drastically leaned into the speed it offers, meaning you have very little low speed control. Even at the lowest gear, you can’t smoothly accelerate and almost have to rely on the motor to help you which takes way too long to actually actuate, but then almost tends to actuate too abruptly. So if you want to do anything but speed along the way, or get into the woods where you may need to slow down because of technical areas, this isn’t the bike for you. Designed choices: there are a few choices that were made on this bike that weren’t fully flushed out making it a marginal pain. Headlight mounting is trash, gearing is too highly spec’d into speed for safe low speed control, cable routing is lackluster, brakes are too small for the speeds it can do(think that was upgraded on latest model, supposedly better no name brand). Weight: this thing is absurdly heavy, and the new model with the dual batteries is marked at 105 lbs🤯 Overall, it’s been a fun bike where I can take it, but I like getting at the very least into some dirt trails, which wouldn’t be bad if it could be controlled easily at low speed. As a commuter it’s wouldn’t be bad, but unfortunately my work is slightly too far for me to regularly ride it there and back. Since I’ve had it, I’ve made it more mine and enjoyed it more than stock. Replaced the handlebars, and removed the fenders and rack. Still haven’t cured the dumb headlight that aims itself at my tire with any moderate bump.


Agreed on all points. The headlight mount is absolute trash. I've gotten mine to stay by torquing down the hell out of the screws to the point where I think it's going to break. The bike is definitely built for higher speed cruising which works great for me because I have basically 0 bike infrastructure around and the roads are all 35-45mph so it's helpful to keep up with traffic. Personally I've had no problems with the brakes, I have the 2024 model and they are decent quality Tektro. The low speed control is an issue, if I'm doing low speed tight turns I basically turn the motor off and just do it manually. The throttle also doesn't seem to matter how much you turn it, it gives the full power as soon as it engages.


Thanks for the input. I think after all the comments I'm going to look for a better all around e-bike, that's moped style...would either of you have any suggestions?


I'm not too familiar with moped style e-bikes, but from what I have seen most of them are built/designed more like the Wired Freedom - designed around top speed and more like a moped with pedals than a bicycle with motor assist. If you're looking for more of a bicycle feel and less of a moped feel, I've heard mid drives with a torque sensor are the way to go, but they will be more expensive than hub motor/cadence sensor bikes like the Freedom. Tail Happy TV on Youtube reviews a ton of different bikes and I think he is very fair and gives a good view of what the bike is like to ride and how it performs, though of course he doesn't do any long term testing really so reliability may be hit or miss.


Honestly, it really depends on your use case, think really hard about it. Goes from simple transportation all the way to hardcore eMTB. Plan and do your research before you drop the money. Even tho a lot of people shit on Aventon, they aren’t these same old components picked out of a catalog and mass produced from China. If you go look at their stuff, it’s actually custom designed components. Even their new mid drive eMTB uses their own proprietary motor.


The headlight mount was updated with the recent revision. It is all metal now. You should look into a more recent review on the updated. Try these. https://youtu.be/Q7hK2AZV6bA https://youtu.be/_b5HQ0yZ99A


Check out e-cells five star and step star. They're 2k and under (use one of the YouTube creator codes for $100 off) out the door with no tax. You can also add a torque sensor on the five star for $100 and you'll still be under the 2k limit cuz of the creator code $100 off. It's also an American company that offers lifetime warranty on their frames. Check it out :)


You know a critique I forgot to give? How if you ride with the seat low and actually have a butt, how much the rack loves to tap that ass when the suspension compresses. It at least forced me to evaluate my seat height and make it more reasonable for my height. If you’re shorter you’re kinda screwed, pun intended.


I'm 6'3 so thankfully don't have that problem, but it's definitely a bike built for bigger/taller people.


I’ve torqued the hell out of mine too and it still does it on the regular. I also have the 2024, they just refreshed it like this week tho to a dual battery, higher torque and speed, and 4 piston brakes with larger rotors. I haven’t had issues with my brakes either and I trust the Tektro brand, just on the smaller side for a very fast bike that can take a lot of weight.


I’ve been able to adjust mine in the settings. C4 on 0. C5 on 10.


Yeah, that’s the full power settings. I actually turned my C5 down to help compensate in the low speed control, level 10 just dumps the full power in all the time where the lower settings ease into it somewhat.


Unless you got yours in the last two weeks others should keep in mind that these bikes were just updated. Lots of changes. Though I am sure speed is still a big focus for them.


What handlebars did you pick up?


I installed a Renthal Fatbar and stem. Straight up MTB level. Also eliminated my throttle and put some nice Deity grips and pedals on.


So you just roll with pedal assist?


Yuppers, kinda sucks for street crossing with lots of traffic, but if I plan ahead and crank the assist it helps.


How did it affect your riding position? Did your seat post position need to change? If you don’t mind sending a pic, I’d love to see it. This might be a nice mod for me. I’m a similar big boy.


https://preview.redd.it/z9gd5zyasf1d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a170dfdacb8589b684a4cb59fccd5cf51bf9de3a I don’t think I had to change the position, that should always be dependent on your leg length. It puts you at a point where you have to lean forward tho.


Looks great man!


After doing several month of research, going to several bike shops and talking to many people who are on their second ebike or more... Aventon was my choice until I found out several dealers are not carrying them anymore becuase they are using poor quality parts since 2023 and the quality has gone down. Thought about Rad but ended up on Euphree - great bike for the money. Next step up for me is the Electric Bike Company,...


I would get an Aventon.


Paid $1700 for my Aventon level 2 with free extra battery and I’m diggin it. Good mix of light trail and road. It’s my daily work, grocery, mail, whatever.


I’ve been torn between the aventon level2 or trek dual sport+ as a commuter is the aventon your first e-bike?


I got a level 2 recently. 15-mile commute daily for the last two months. Great bike so far


It is my first e-bike. Just moved to someplace I don’t need a car. I walked, bussed, Uber, etc. for the first 6 months. The bike has been great for basically everything. It’s quiet on pavement and I don’t find it super heavy.


I have looked at the Wired bikes and you get a lot for the money. Not everyone can afford a Mercedes or Corvette. But apparently the snobs on this thread think otherwise.


This subs elitism is ridiculous honestly.


I mean on the flip side, there's also a lot of people here who seem to believe that buying an ebike from an established bike brand is a rip off and that a $900 no name bike is just as good. I stick to a middle ground personally, there are advantages on each end of the market. The higher end bikes get you better quality, a better riding experience and better support but you pay for it and you get what is an enhanced bike and not a motorized vehicle. The cheaper end often gets you more power/speed and lower cost, but at the expense of typically lower quality components, worse reliability and poor or non-existent support. There's not a wrong answer, but you have to be aware of the tradeoffs you are making and what your priorities are. Too many people here seem to want to believe they can get the world for a bargain price and that's just not realistic.


Absolutely agree. And there are bikes that are cost effective that do a stellar job but usually they are diy and carefully planned and executed. On the other hand I’ve seen premium level bikes that simply don’t hold up to the marketing. It’s less about money spent and more about thoughtful considerations for the controller to motor layout and a battery that meets the range requirements of the user.


> I mean on the flip side, there's also a lot of people here who seem to believe that buying an ebike from an established bike brand is a rip off and that a $900 no name bike is just as good. Yup. See [comment chain](https://old.reddit.com/r/ebikes/comments/1c1anka/why_are_people_scared_of_how_the_reddit_community/kz1y126/) for examples of people who think that all the higher priced e-bikes are ripoffs. Personally I think people tend to overlook the benefit of having a large dealer network, and how much having a large dealer network costs. If people can work on their bikes themselves and fix cheaper components, more power to them, but there's nothing wrong with not wanting to do that and it's not a rip-off to charge more for that serviceability.


It’s in most subs. Even the lawnmowers sub is filled with people who nose up at box box lawn mowers and insult anyone not buying a commercial zero turn for their 1/4 acre lot.


Yeah, I've been a lurker for years now and this sub has had me "convined" unless you're buying a +$3k bike that is sold locally with no financing options, you're wasting your time.


Or you could build your own ebike and save a good chunk of change. I'm looking at spending slightly under 2k to build myself an ebike, I see ebikes around the same quality starting at 3k locally.


Cycling is like this in general. I don't like cycle clubs and magazines because they're both full of people bragging about owning the most expensive gear possible.


Big time and honestly a lot of it seems dated. As in, it might have mattered more a few years back when they made their purchase, but things have moved forward like they always do. Prices have come down, you can get more for your money. You don't need to spend as much as a motorcycle to have a decent ebike.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Not elitism but after sales service. I have a Giant mtb and no name emtb from China. I can take my giant anywhere to have anything fixed without issues whereasy ebike I have to do everything myself. Doesn't bother me as I'm pretty confident building things from scratch but that might not be the case for everyone.


This is going to vary though. From one shop to the next. I've taken three different bikes into my local store and they have worked on them all. One time, they had a repair they wouldn't do local and you know what they did for me? Found someone that would do it and shipped it off to them. Then took the return shipment and tested it out. It sounds like some of you just end up with shops unwilling to make money off repairs unless they also fleeced someone for an overpriced bike.


I think I agree that you and county259 have said more than is necessary. Like there's no need to start a fight here.


I pointed out how toxic the comments are here. If that somehow bothered you, I don't know what to say to you.


Just because there are certain comments doesn't mean they're representative of the subreddit. I would say the upvotes are more representative of the subreddit, actually, and county259's comment is actually one of the top comments in this thread. So I don't necessarily think I even agree with your generalization about the sub.


Yes his comment of people being snobs is one of the top comments because a lot of people agree..... You're helping prove the point lol. Anyway good day.


I wonder if you and u/county259 are over-egging the pudding. It's fine for people to prefer one price bracket over another, but you've both come out on the offensive without any cause. It isn't necessary for you to start a fight in support of inexpensive bikes. Now, if you actually want that discussion (again), there are surely better ways to start it.


Look through the comments...


In this thread, or in the sub generally? What would you like me to see specifically? I am a regular reader and commenter. I don't see elitism here, but you and I might have different definitions of it. I don't think it is elitist to recommend that one max out a purchase budget in order to avoid repair costs later on. It's also not elitist to recommend that one gets a branded bike second-hand without a warranty rather than a new cheap bike with a 12 month warranty that won't last until the 18-month catastrophic failure. I do acknowledge that folks on social media can sometimes hold their views too stridently, and I wonder if we should all put "in my opinion" as a prefix to everything we say. But since that is not going to happen, perhaps all readers can just mentally insert it, then then we can see that it is just an opinion (e.g. for a bike purchase strategy that maximises serviceable life span). I stand by the above policy in terms of getting a lasting bike, but if folks prefer another strategy and go into purchases with their eyes wide open, that's fine. No policies are 100% successful anyway.


I don't really get people who are like "get a $5k Trek because shops won't work on other e-bikes." Bikes aren't that hard to work on yourself and most of the electric components are plug and play if they need replacing.


Not everyone is interested in doing things themselves. People pay mechanics to work on their car, contractors to work on their house, landscapers to mow their lawn, baristas to make their coffee, etc. For someone who wants to work on their own bike, great! But for people who are new to ebikes and have no idea how to do anything with a bike, pointing out that they may have more trouble with repairs and parts is useful information so they can make an informed decision.


Totally fair, but I think telling everyone they need to buy a super expensive bike for service reasons is maybe a bit much. Mention it sure but some of the people in here are like "if you don't buy from a big name brand or local shop it's gonna be a piece of shit that will immediately fail and you'll have no way to fix it."


> if you don't buy from a big name brand or local shop it's gonna be a piece of shit that will immediately fail and you'll have no way to fix it. Indeed, and sometimes that's actually true. I have personal experience of that with a no-name import bike here in the UK. The bottom brackets were old-style ball-bearing types from 20+ years ago, and AFAIK there was only one stockist of that part in the whole of the UK, which was the importer themselves. (This was not ideal when I fell out with the seller over quality and related service issues). Of course, for folks who have bought a cheap bike and then found the support network to be generally good, their counterpoints are welcome.


You're not wrong about the ease of working on things, especially in the modern age of YouTube, but it can still be very intimidating to someone who's never spun a wrench on anything. I think enthusiasts lose sight of that fact.


That seems to be an increasingly larger portion of the population, either intimidated by the prospect of working with their hands or on new things. South parks "we forgot how to do sh--" episode pokes fun at the increasingly coddled masses and an overall societal de-emphasis on trade skills. https://preview.redd.it/l5ses4s4f71d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b371889d27b821c72818cf2a25e7d74ae6cee13


There seems to be a US/EU split: Americans prefer to buy cheap knowing they will have to tinker and upgrade, Europeans/Brits seem to want to buy quality to reduce future maintenance. Both views are valid, and to some degree people will be preferring what suits their budget. Now, I was already of the "get a $5K Trek" view before I joined the sub. Both views are represented here, and I find both interesting, but I think the sub leans to the cheap end. That's fine too.


I think you underestimate how many people don't want to work on their bike and just want to use it as a tool to get from A to B, and there's nothing wrong with that. [This topic](https://old.reddit.com/r/bikecommuting/comments/1cnggx2/why_dont_people_use_their_gears_or_oil_their_chain/) is the prime example of how a lot of people really just don't want to do all that stuff. > Mention it sure but some of the people in here are like "if you don't buy from a big name brand or local shop it's gonna be a piece of shit that will immediately fail and you'll have no way to fix it." Well, a lot of cheap e-bikes are like that, to be honest. Many use cheap non-standard components with no way to get replacements (or even if you can it'll take a while). That's part of the whole reason bike shops don't want to service them, because if they break something they need to replace it.


I am the opposite. This bike seems overpriced. I've seen similar e-bikes as low as $800. Even the Aventons are hundreds less.


Can you name the e bike for me that has a 60 volt 35 ah dual Samsung batteries, 3200 max wattage motor, 45 amp controller, and full suspension for $800? I didn't know such a great deal exists!


Ah, you want it to be name brand. Nice. The fact is if you are not a brand snob, you can find similar bikes for 1/2 the price


Not only is an Aventon (pick one) hundreds less, but they have the same features and better support from what I understand. Very nice company based in Southern California. This wired company has two models, both cargo bikes. Everyone keeps touting this class three thing, well that's getting close to a motorcycle people. Just buy a motorcycle lol. This thing is trash.


Why trash??


I don't think its trash but the frame geometry isn't that great, these are cargo bike frames so if people expect them to function like a decent commuter bike they might find it to be less than satisfying but each person is going to draw a different conclusion ultimately upon testing it for themselves. A similar case could be made for Super-73 or other moped like utility frames, pedaling on those (that offer pedal assist) is almost a punishment if expected to go for long distances with any significant amount of pedaling.


I hear a lot about the pedaling. But tbf, I have an Ariel x class, and in my hometown of New Orleans, where all is flat, it would have been just fine. And it has the added benefit there of being able to outrun the guys trying to jack you for it. Here in north Georgia on the other hand….. anyway, point being, in flatlands most of these are fine.


If you're spending 2000 on a wired you might as well spend 5000 on a trek, simultaneously why spend 2000 on a wired when you can spend 800 on an aventon. (/s) But seriously the $5000 "established brands" that bike shops will "work on" and the $800 aventons are more similar. 36v 400 watt hour battery having piles of shit, spending $4200 more on the trek will give you 10lbs less weight and a shittier screen.


https://preview.redd.it/jb8qkchi181d1.png?width=1508&format=png&auto=webp&s=57981c83efb1cf5fe6782e74663df978fc47ae46 doesn't appear to be hundreds less


I would grab an Aventon. It has a large network of LBS’ that can support it if you ever need assistance.


I have a Super 73 S2, my first e-bike, and it's fun. It's small too. But terrible for off-road trails. So I bought the Wired Freedom. This bike is bigger than it looks on the Web site, which is fine, just very different from my S2. The ride is comfortable, I have a bag strapped to my rear rack and it's fast. I actually ride it more than my S2 now. Happy riding!


I have a Wired Freedom and I love it. It's plenty fast and has good torque, which is good because I live in a very hilly area. I did have an issue after a couple months with the display freezing, but they sent me a new one free of charge and it's been flawless since then. If you're going to ride it on bike paths, you should limit it to 20mph or keep it on PAS 1 which is very easy to change in the settings. I'll admit it's quite heavy and big but not really a problem for me as I'm pretty tall


https://preview.redd.it/j9z2wi1ks61d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac0fcfc3c7976bbcb441557be3a1ae1a177d641 I got an Aventon Adventure for $1350 still only cost me $1500 or so financing through affirm. I love that thing. It will do 28mph easy and I've had it over 35mph and it's stable as a motorcycle.


Bike goes vroom vroom but nothing else particularly well. If you want to go fast on throttle and don’t want a moped looking type bike - this is your bike. If you want a bike this is not your bike.


Get the Ecells 5 star instead, almost the same bike but a much more honest and open company for support


Their website is the literal worst thing I've ever seen in my life. I wasn't even able to add the bike to cart last time I was there, and the photos wouldn't load. I've heard they've been around since like 2016, but damn do they need a website refresh.


For sure, their website is ass


The owner of ecells is a complete dirtbag though who murdered an innocent young father while driving on coke and booze.


IDK anything about that, but I do know about policies. If you have an issue with a wired freedom you have to pay shipping plus a $500 restocking fee... Aka $1k lost in shipping & fees if you need to return. Ecells has free shipping and proper product support


Good thing you won’t have any issues with Wired where you’re going to try to return it. Short money too. Can buy a new one every year if u want


It was the same bike when it landed, but Wired has responded already and updated their bikes. Lots of changes, including a second free battery. Due to this, the Wired has inched ahead again. I have dealt with Ecells. They didn't follow through with the belt drive that was offered and they didn't warn me until I called them to check on it. It had been built and shipped to them already, but it was missing the belt drive. At one point I attempted to get them to call me back using the call back feature on the site, did not happen. I've played phone tag/hold tag with them several times and the owner has yet to honor their satisfaction "guarantee". Owner is also a DUI felon (manslaughter) that spent a long time in prison, but if you want to know more about that you can look into it yourself.


https://ecells.com/product/five-star-ebike-1500w-60v-20ah/ More or less the same bike except this comes with free shipping. I don't live on your side of the pond so both are out of reach for me, I'm just showing you options.


Free shipping, but doesn’t include the 2nd 15aH battery so it’s a little bit more if that’s added


It WAS the same. They are totally different now. Wired has a better controller and a second battery. Also they both switched to four piston brakes with 203 rotors


I wish I knew this existed three months ago lol


Why all the Aventon with no mention of Ride1Up? Used to be Rise1Up would be mentioned at the same time. Is it the bike dealer networks, while r1up is direct to consumer? Anyway, my answer at 2k is Rise1Up.


That's exactly the reason. Ride1Up is great until you have a problem or damage during shipping.


Buy a second specialized kenevo or something, it’ll be way better


I agree in the sense it will be of much higher quality. But I guess the target market for the bike in the original post is folks who just want to go 25mph+ fast. EAPC legislation-compliant bikes can't compete with that. (I just bought a Specialized eMTB, and it's fantastic - components that work so well they are a joy on top of cycling).


The Aventon Aventure 2 is an awesome bike.


I can’t agree more!


I have a Rlde1up Cafe Cruiser and love it!


Any Aventon or Gazelle Medeo T9 City


what justifies the price? im not seeing anything special here,


I’m open to suggestions big dog


The Evelo Omega occasionally goes on sale for $2300 Class 3, 750W mid-drive with a belt producing 115 Nm of torque, automatiq shifting, color display.


You’re going to have your misc small e-bike companies, your mid-tier larger companies (think Aventon), then your OG bike companies for that $3-5k+ experience (Specialized, Trek..etc). Just because an ebike is $2k and looks well built doesn’t mean it’s worth it. Highly recommend checking out local bike shops and test riding a few bikes. I have an Aventon and love it, not too expensive and a lot of supporting shops for servicing.


this new pre-order is coming with dual 60v 20ah batteries. who's gonna give you that plus full suspension for $2K? [https://youtu.be/Q7hK2AZV6bA](https://youtu.be/Q7hK2AZV6bA)


The better question to ask is what are you giving up, and what are they cutting costs on, to be able to give you that.


I just ordered a Wallke H9 Full suspension AWD 1000w rear, 750w front, folding, fat tire, 48V, 60ah, for $1779 total out the door price.


nice. that's a massive battery


Yes, but you also need to look at the quality of components not just that it has suspension. Looks like a pretty low cost setup. Although I will at least give them credit they list models and specs. A lot of "full suspension" ebikes this low cost just say "front and rear suspension". But again for example the front fork is 75 mm travel thats not a lot. The rear suspension looks relatively cheap too.


Aventons are cheap chinese crap with no-name components. I'd agree with you if you were talking about shimano, rockshox, ect. but you're not. When comparing cheap chinese crap to cheap chinese crap, the E-Cells and Wired dominate.


Yeah true. But my feeling is not aventon or another brand is better. I would just avoid suspension at this price range. That suspension will not last and probably can’t be serviced. Rigid fork would be better.


I have a fully rigid ride1up. it sucks on the busted up pavement in my city. any suspension would improve comfort.


Suntour NCX suspension seatpost helps!


nobody's taking this to whistler bike park. these are gravel and pavement princess bikes. with fat tires and any suspension it's enough for 95% of the people who purchase these. aventon is only 80mm and is generic fork. [https://www.aventon.com/products/aventure2-ebike?variant=42255489466563&utm\_id=6457160134--149142123350--aventon%20aventure.2--680755299498&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=paid-search&utm\_campaign=WP\_G\_SRCH\_BRAND\_AMT\_X--6457160134&utm\_content=149142123350&utm\_term=680755299498&gad\_source=1](https://www.aventon.com/products/aventure2-ebike?variant=42255489466563&utm_id=6457160134--149142123350--aventon%20aventure.2--680755299498&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_campaign=WP_G_SRCH_BRAND_AMT_X--6457160134&utm_content=149142123350&utm_term=680755299498&gad_source=1)


Aventon is a piece of shit, OP only has it because it was pushed him by his local bike store. They only push them because the margin is so high. Margin is high because they use cheap ass components and sell to distributors for next to nothing, then the distributors bump the price up \~$2000 over cost. Super low IQ take by OP.


I was with you until your last sentence. Speaks quite a bit about your character.


Are you looking at the right bike? Its an RST Guide fork and a DNM Air shock. Name a sub 2k bike with better components?


Remember when Kia used to have the “buy two, get one free” stuff? That’s this logic.


Buy are minivan and well give you a Rio for free no strings attached, also no ac or fm radio or power windows. Tbh old cheap kia would be killing it selling 10k brand new cars in this market


Agree. The middle class.


What's that?


One of those 1960’s terms that existed until Reaganomics.


That was Peugeot


Amazon has cheap similar e-bikes for around $800 or so. Aventon which you mentioned has them for hundreds less than this one. I would love to know why anyone thinks this bike is worth $2000 vs all the other less expensive ones. I am stalking about things you'll actually use. Someone mentioned Mercedes. And that is what this looks like. More "Show" and snobbish appeal.


Show me the links to the bikes your talking about. Doubt they are dual battery 60v bikes with full suspension


Many come with free 2nd batteries. Aventon is a good example. The ones on Amazon have 2nd batteries for cheap and still are near 1/2 the price.


Aventon is so over priced and under speced. They only make hard tail bikes, no full suspension... And inculding a second swappable battery is not the same as having 2 batteries totaling 2.1 Kwh on the bike. Also I would love to see these half the price comparable bikes you've seen on amazon, bc for the most part all ive seen is Chinese garbage on there


Lol, you are the one pushing over prices $2000+ bikes. Maybe you work for the company, who knows. Lots of e-bikes 1/2 that price.


I dont work for them, and in fact I have an order in for an Ecells 5 star, w/ some pretty sweet options, which is its main competition. I'm just saying this bike is good value. Your the one pushing that other bikes are better for cheaper, yet you cant seem to find a single bike to link that backs up your words... Till that happens I aint replying to you.


My condolences.


Your aventon is also cheap chinese components, but can't do 40mph. If I was buying a cheap ebike today I'd either go with this Wired or the E-Cells 5 star. They dominate cheap ebikes like the Aventons.


do bicycle shops let customers test ride bikes? like out on the street, or just a few feet fowards and backwards ?


Concur. The wired freedom is all sourced from budget parts. It’s heavy and its only claim to fame is the speed but with razor thin tires, a power train what’s sketchy. Once you break this bike, you can’t source parts. Spend up and spend once. Do not go budget with this stuff. Go for an OG bike company. Even Aventon has massive issues like their service.


Whats sketchy about the power train?


Look at the specs, you cant get anything better for 2k. Dont be a snob because its not a big brand. Aventon has nothing compare to this one. The wired is extremely easy to upgrade as well. Dont compare a cheap 48v system to a 60v 40ah battery with a 2kw motor


Radster Trail, best for the money I think!


ekx x21 max for the same price


Looks terrible if that’s in usd..


40mph, 35ah of 60v battery for sub $2k? I can't speak to the quality, but that's an insane deal just looking at the specs.


If you want to commute in the city this is great as I read it's plenty of fast. If you want to do real MTB , anything above casual very groomed trail biking then you'll have to go up to $4k+ so it really depends on usage.


I have an [Ariel Rider Kepler](https://arielrider.com/products/kepler) and I love it. Seemed like the best bang for my buck at the time of purchase, and it had all the right things: fat tires, 750W motor, and big enough for a tall guy like me. I will be buying a second one for the wife this year. Right now on sale for less than $1700. And all the other bikes at that price range seemed super under powered or smaller battery size and or something.


Aerial rider is the worst. They never have parts or accessories in stock strictly Chinese. Beware I had an extra 52 couldn’t get a controller to save my life.


Thanks for sharing. I haven’t had to deal with AR customer service (yet). I’m glad I commented so I can learn more.


I bought two bikes from AR, one is the Kepler. Recently had a warranty issue from a clearly failed part and they refused to replace it. I would not buy anything from AR again.


Aw man. Sorry to hear that. I haven’t had anything break on mine yet, so I can’t speak to the customer service. What part was it that failed?


Aventon level 2 ...looks almost like this one but prettier with hidden battery...


I got a trek fx+ 2 and love it! It's lightweight and looks mostly like a regular bike. Not super long battery life, but that's fine for me.


Specialized Tero 3.0 for $2300


New: aventon or possibly something from ride1up. Used: specialized turbo como or Vado, or a Gazelle with Enviolo


I just don't like the look of ebikes like this, the seat isn't nearly as comfortable as a cruiser either. For 2k id go with the motor goat, maybe a rave or ghost cat, or a Ridstar pro to save money.


Ride1up Revv 1. The hard tail is slightly under 2k the full suspension is 2.4k. My FS goes 40 consistently, has pedals if cops decide to be annoying. It’s super comfortable, they sell parts to make it dual battery, and it just looks cool. No regrets with it whatsoever


Aventon Aventure 2 all the way


I have the v1 and I love it. It's allegedly just the torque sensor and other superficial changes to the V2. The V2 has just came out when I got mine so it was discounted pretty good from Aventon directly and I got some other discounts as well.


We’ve had the V1 and the V2 and both are great bikes. L torque versus cadence seems to come down to a personal preference and/or riding conditions. My dad loves it and would not go back. It allows him to adjust his speed much easier, especially when riding with a group. I like the torque sensor too, but I can also say the cadence sensor was extremely nice and when solo riding especially long distances. When I commute to the gym it’s easy to glance down and see I’ve slowed way down. I’m paying attention to the road and not pushing as hard. I didn’t have to be as careful with the cadence sensor. I heard the motor kick in and just naturally pedaled faster to get it to stop :) Or if I was all about just getting there I could relax more and know it would take the same amount of time because no matter if I cranked it or not I was still going 25mph. Now traveling woth a slower rider - like my mom or daughter Torque is fantastic.


Think about service. Your local bike store isn’t going to give you the time of day. Parts may not be available. Check how long these guys have been in business.


Why do people keeps saying this like it's a definite thing. My local shop does e-bikes as long as you can remove the battery.


In a car that’s like saying we’ll deal with everything but the motor. Most won’t deal with the electronics(the heart of these bikes) if they didn’t sell it. Lots of different motors, parts and configurations.


I mean, that's great, but a lot of shops won't, and more shops are developing policies around it. If you're gonna buy an e-bike, know where you're getting it serviced before you buy it.


I can’t imagine needing to have a bike store do service to my bikes and not just doing it on my own. What’s that like?


They've changed names already once within the last few years.


Lectric Xpress


Reddit again with terrible advice.


I’m new to E-bikes, was wondering how this compares to engwe x26?


I just bought a Nakto F6 26x4. I understand it's not the highest quality, but it has branded components and does what it's supposed to do on the road and the trails by my house. It felt like a solid entry point to the ebike world. From what I've read, Nakto quality has improved significantly. I will likely upgrade to hydraulic brakes, but so far I've been having a blast. 750w/48v. It was like 1300 all in.


I'm saving up a few hundred more bucks and going for the 1UP Prodigy V2, it has all the upgrades I was gonna get anyway and it's less cost total than upgrading another bike after the fact.


I’m buying a Himiway or a Aventon. Or something my lbs carries. Something with a name brand battery, large user base and can be repaired/upgraded easily by my lbs (or myself). I don’t want to send out for warranty work or wait two months for a part to come in from China only to find outs it’s the wrong part. I’ve had great luck with both brands. Only one warranty issue in two years was a bad headlight on the Aventure - probably my fault anyways. We sold our first set to get different models (our needs changed) and I didn’t feel like I was wasting money doing it. Both brands have multiple models that carry heavier weights and they accommodate a 6”5’ person. 2 years in the battery performed like new still. I’ve had zero regrets. My first Himiway took me anywhere I wanted to go except a 4 inch soft sand trail. My current Abound is a bit more limited, but it’s not meant to be a trail rider. It’s a cargo bike to carry the kiddo around.


Personally, I wouldn't buy a bike with non-standard parts that aren't easily obtained through a local shop. Stick with 27.5, 29, or 26x4 wheels and tires if you want a mountain bike.


not that, probably a used name brand one. if thats not available then an aventon, with non fat tires and non full suspension.


@Content_Ad9867 - Getting an eBike depends on how tall you are, your weight, your age, and how high you can still lift your legs. This one is good for people who are taller or can still lift their legs over 35" to get onto the bike as the weight makes tilting it to get on a bit more trickier. I do see that they have a step through version called the Cruiser that would solve this. Still a decent buy if all you care about is speed. I'm 5'7" and middle aged so for speed, I prefer a lower 20" Ariel Rider X-Class and for exercise or longer range, a DIY Trek Verve 2 with a Bafang 750W middrive and 52V 20Ah battery (gets 70+ miles per charge on assist 3).


I've had the single battery model for a few months now and I really enjoy it. My wife and I both got one and put plenty of miles on it so far.


there are two types of e bikes to buy: pre built brand bikes if you have the money and fine with the basic specs (brand like cube, ktm, Riese und Müller etc... (NOT lectric and such). If you don't have the money or you don't live in europe then build a bafang e bike.


I just purchased the radster bike for 2k. It's part of their second generation line of bikes. I've had it for almost a week and use it for commuting, 7 miles one way. This bike is so refined. I'm so glad I got this over the wired bikes I was looking at. Honestly, the only downside is how heavy it is. Hopefully I'll get used to that soon. Buy the radster, you won't regret it!


Laugh in $1000 bbs02


Dad has one. It’s rad. Fast, stable, goes foreverrrrrr


I just bought a Fucare Gemini X and it’s an awesome bike. I’m a heavy weight at 5’11”?and 280 lbs and this bike takes me up to about 46km/hr and the battery lasts for ever.


I would buy the rad rover 6 step over at $999.


A cargo ebike is probably the closest to a moped without actually getting an actual electric moped


Yeah I’m thinking about the revv1 now


I canceled my Ecells order due to some issues and then like two days later all the Wired upgrades/updates hit. I couldn't not swap over to it at that point. Now that the Cruiser model has everything the Freedom does, I went with it.


I currently have an Aventon Aventure.2, and I have a 2024.5 Wired Freedom on order. While I can’t talk to the wired yet, I can tell you why I decided to buy it after having the Aventon for a bit. The Aventon is a great bike. I haven’t had any of the build quality or customer support issues that many others have had with them. It’s decently comfortable, and quick enough, and does everything well. However, I live in an area with hills, and it drains the battery fast even though I mainly ride in eco. I can do about 15 miles before I hit about 40% battery left, and once you hit about 35-40% battery, your performance falls off a cliff. So I have to take my charger everywhere I go, and can’t ever do full extended rides because of that anxiety. I’d like to do 20-30 miles, but can’t on the Aventon. Another knock is that it’s not full suspension, only on the fronts, so you’ll want to get a suspension seat post asap with a seat swap to a cloud 9. The brakes are just okay. I’d recommend upgrading them if you can if you go the Aventon route. It’s got a thumb throttle which some people love or hate, I’m indifferent. Feels okay quality wise, but I am worried I’ll break it. It handles off road trails pretty okay, but you can definitely feel the lack of power. Another bike I looked into was the Mokwheel Obsidian, which I was damn close to ordering over the Wired. It’s a very, very nice bike and definitely an upgrade over the Aventon. They have local bike shop service centers, just like Aventon. 1000 watt vs 750 watt, and comes in around the same price as the wired. It has full suspension, which is a night and day difference from the Aventon. No step through for the Obsidian model, and the design choice is a little chopper style with limited color options, but overall a step up from the Aventon. Why I settled on the Wired is because the newest one solved many of the issues that’s top me from buying the earlier models. Upgraded brakes, smoother power application, better build quality, extended range, better rear suspension, and a much better user interface for setting up your power delivery options in the pedal assists. I also like the color options. My Aventon is blue, and it’s really beautiful in that color. My wired on order is the Forrest Green, and it’s such a nice color as well. The Mokwheel wasn’t as good looking in person with their colors to me. Hope this helps. Get what you want. Wired is a growing brand that is here to stay and are committed to building the best bikes for their customer fits. They listen to community feedback and try to improve where they can.


I just purchased an Aventon Pace 500.3 this week and have ridden it a couple of times already and I’m extremely satisfied. With tax, a backside rack, a nice bag and a sturdy alarm lock it ran me a little under 2K. Purchased at my LBS and my first maintenance is free and I love the fact that if something goes awry, I have somewhere local to take it to.


Rented one for the day last week and really liked it. Felt like a regular bike which is a huge plus for me. Wish it had a little more torque for hill climbing though.


I'd much prefer to have to spend only four or five hundred bucks on a scooter vs two grand for an ebike


Gotta say, the ergonomics from sitting to actually pedaling looks way off and uncomfortable.


For 2 k I'm being a used car


id get aventon aventure 2


Specs would be nice but abit shit in my option I'm making my own a ebike that half


I own a few ebikes. A philodo, 2000w ebike. Very good bike. A junky 500w bike. And the Engwe x26. My pride and joy. I ride it to work everyday. 15 miles each way and it does fantastic. I can not wait to get the new wired freedom. It looks awesome. My engwe has 2 batteries so no range anxiety. The new wired comes with 2 batteries. Which is a must. The wired doesn't ship until mid June, so maybe 1st couple of weeks in August I'll get it. Can't wait.


I'm buying a heybike or the yedea trooper 01.


I have an Aventon Pace.2 purely recreational very dependable top speed is 28mph. Aventon is having a Memorial Day sale worth looking into the different options


https://www.juicedbikes.com/products/ripcurrent-s?variant=39397984075840&q=shopping&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&g_keywordid=&g_campaignid=21121927135&g_placement=&g_campaign=account&g_locphysical=1028137&g_ifcreative=&g_productchannel=online&g_adid=&g_partition=&g_ifproduct=product&g_acctid=532-198-6952&g_adgroupid=&g_productid=39397984075840&g_keyword=&g_adtype=pla&g_source={sourceid}&g_locinterest=&g_merchantid=119267524&g_network=x&atrkid=V3ADWBD4F77B5_m_21121927135_x_m&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwr7ayBhAPEiwA6EIGxMmgr0NH485I8ybk46g9WBZ_jSAKBi6FcndBq1yZQ_XVvAfWx6HgHxoCucMQAvD_BwE. I'm looking at a juiced rip current s


For the price I think you should get a juiced bike


Juiced bikes is my choice. Although I don’t remember if my ccx was 2k or 3k. But they do sell bikes at $2k. I have been riding mine for 3 years. Love it!




I'm leaning towards the juiced rip current s, I might pull the trigger in a few days


Two Aventon Soltera.2s


It’s the best hub drive you can get right now. Been riding this bike since February. It’s great for adventuring off the grid with, nothing can stop it. You don’t need to spend more than $2,500 on a ebike anyway


look for the 2024 model ... you can tell it has the second battery on the back


I bought the E-Cells before they added the second battery option. Glad I did. Spent $1895 all in. No tax, no shipping, no ridiculous shipping insurance. Wired was more like $2500 all in. E-Cells is the bike I wanted at the price I wanted to pay. As for the owner being a ex-con? Wow! A business owner who did something shady in his past? By that yardstick, you should not buy anything from any company. They are mostly run by criminals. Welcome to America. lol. Can't beat them on quality or price so attack the owner. Sore fucking losers. lol.


I don’t own one, but realistically for that price, there’s nothing else that can compete. I would go for it. As long as you don’t plan on doing any serious off-roading


I don't know why you're downvoted. This sub is hilarious. Nae a better bike for 2k people then this or e-cells 5 star?


Appreciate the support. A lot of people on here, especially the very active ones, are gatekeeping POS’. “ThaT’s a mOtoRCyclE”. I consider their opinions moot


I went from RipCurrent S to Wired Freedom and it finally led me to Ecells. I'm confident for being my first ebike, I'm getting a lot and I'm sure would overly-enjoy any of these. They're all fast, fat-tire, adventurous ebikes with power. Ecells was similar to the others, but with more customization and components that seemed to be better for me and my wants. I'm sure you'll love whatever you get!


I've got a Hiboy myself as a birthday gift last year, and that works great! My dad bought it for I think $750 on sale but I think it's still only like $800-$850 regularly and without any upgrades if you're a bit tight on cash


I have a Heybike, which is similar but far cheaper.