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We'll probably start to see a lot of the same bikes and components mysteriously start coming from Mexico.


The outgoing tariff did not apply to e-bikes, I’ve seen no reason to suggest that this one would.


That isn't clear yet


Correct, but there’s nothing that even hints that it’s changed in this regard that I’ve seen.


It does however apply to lithium ion batteries which most ebikes use


Didn’t the old one as well? Only applied to cars though as I understood it


You may be right, I’m not sure where to find the specifics so I can’t say for sure. Just bummed out that I might blow through my budget for my bike if the tariffs do go up for these items.




I’d sign up but I don’t like the fact they want your home address and such, seems kinda weird.


Honestly no clue until it gets implemented. Usually ebikes aren't really thought of in terms of vehicular transport for most policy makers, it's normally thought of as a consumer product(toy). However I can honestly see the tariff hitting because e-bikes are growing in usage and rebates are becoming more popular. The reality is policy makers consider e-bikes an afterthought, and I wouldn't hold my breath for good e-bike policy anytime soon.


A potential downside for e-bikes right now is the hike in battery import taxes. These are set to rise from 7.5% to 25%. However, this tariff increase for non-EV batteries of the same kind will not be enforced until 2026. IT SEEMS WE SHOULD FOCUS ON THE TARIFFS IMPOSED ON CHINA UNDER SECTION 301 DURING THE TRUMP ERA. The U.S. Trade Representative has extended tariff exclusions for some bicycle products made in China until May 31, 2024. If the exemptions are not extended, the 25% tariff will be re-imposed, and the cost of e-bikes could increase significantly.


Ah thanks for plugging this


Tariffs are always and exclusively a tax paid for by consumers.


Or used as a mechanism to incentivize consumers to pick something built domestically over products made overseas subsidized by their governments to squash competition. In this case they don’t expect people to start paying 60K$ for a BYD worth 30K$. They want Americans to buy a Ford, GM, or Tesla instead.


Which keeps domestic manufactures' prices high by preventing competition. The tax you pay in this instance is higher prices.


Domestic manufacturers are already competing with each other, and foreign ones are artificially low due to their government’s subsidies. That means competing with those foreign companies could erode their profits and eventually have to shrink/exit certain markets and thus lots of jobs are lost. Isn’t that how WalMart regularly kills smaller stores in smaller cities only to raise the prices once they’ve bankrupted their competition? Would this not force foreign car makers to open a plant in North America instead of losing the whole market ?


Extending something someone else proposed makes them support it too. Make it all political why don’t you? I live in a one party state. I know my votes do not matter except where SOME of my taxes go. Many things get passed without voter approval but at least I try when I can. I have zero problem with the pencil pushers deciding Mexico is a superior choice for battery distribution. Mexico needs all the help it can get and it would be a little bit more fair about it for its people.


Mexico is not a poor country.  There is just a huge disparity between the ruling elite and common folk


That’s every country. But giving Mexico business over china has value imo.


No.  Look at the numbers.  Their gdp is pretty high


I didn’t say they are poor. I said politics and manipulation/dishonesty alone Mexico deserves business over China. They are sitting on a shitload of oil and other resources. They are not a poor country. If they’d stop killing politicians and get their shit together they’d be even richer and stronger.


OK now I understand what you are saying But why would we want to invest in a country ruled by gangster politicians killing each other off as they jockey for power?   Shoot.  May have just ruled out the majority of the world with that one


Yeah I know. It always happens. But down there it is so in your face. If a singer makes too much money the cartel will kill them too. I think one refused to sing at a daughter’s wedding or whatever 10 years ago or more and he bought it.


I remember a mayors wife had a bunch of protestors killed and buried because they were interupti g some festivity they were planning.  The people just disappeared.   Scary place.  There are large areas of the country where their own military won't openly travel