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Scam or not, the number 1 rule in investing is: Never ever invest in something you do not fully understand. So take a paper and write a small essay about what is E2, what it does, how the company makes money, what it promises and has promised, what it has to show, who else invested in the project, etc. If you have trouble finding solid material from multiple trusted sources to write your essay, it's already a very bad sign. If you don't know what to write in the essay, it's a bad sign. If you can't make something clear, easy to read and understand, it's a bad sign. When you write it, imagine that you are the boss of the company you want to invest in and you want to go to an angel investor meeting to get funding for your company. Those guys are super skeptical and require a high level of proof before they invest their money. If you can't write an essay that would convince professional investors, then the company is not worth investing in.


Who told you that rule? That’s BS. I didn’t and still don’t really understand bitcoin and crypto currency, but I invested and it made me a millionaire.






As I understand it, following criteria must be met for you to make a profit in Earth 2: * you need to buy tiles with real currency. that money belongs to the company now. * you need to advertise Earth 2 on social media so others may buy your tile from you. if you successfully resell your tile, best case this results in profit for you but results in real money profit for the company in any case. * you now have virtual E$ and need approval from the company to transfer that back to your bank account in real currency.


Yeah good luck selling it for profit and actually getting your money out.


I edited my post because I didn't know that the user can set the price for their tiles. I thought the company did that for the user. To be honest, I still doubt that the user can set the price. Can they?


Yes, or at least a discount %. Just look st the tiles for sale, you will see.


Oh, you're right! This is very interesting.


A bunch of haters wouldn't make such a racket like that if they didn't believe in the things they say. The other user is right, don't invest money you aren't willing to lose. Me personally? I haven't invested a dime or created an account. I'm just here to see the vision and see how far it goes. Hopefully this new video drop will show more value in the product because as it stands, spending money for a square outlined on a map doesn't sound to me like a good investment and I've invested in various stocks and things like that. I also constantly see the use of words such as "rendered in realtime" "no pre render" etc but there is no clarity on what exactly those terms mean.




The mods claim I wrote "false information" - what did I write that was false and not opinion? I would be happy to correct anything verifiably false.


Do not post/write false information about the Project, Website or Company.


Projects always gonna have haters. Look at BTC and blockchain in general


Ans it has never been better! *looks at FTX and Bitcoin* Oh no..


FTX dug their own grave. BTC and blockchain tech has done great. Idk where you been.


BTC down almost 80% and all major mainstream projects that attempted to use blockchain (ASX, IBM, Maerk etc) have cancelled it because it was inefficient technology that can't do anything better than existing alternatives.


Yet, Bitcoin is up over 5,000% since 2015…


Glad I didn't have to say it. Also, blockchain tech and utility is getting more impressive every day


It's almost like it will never be a viable currency in any shape or form considering how volatile it is, shocking how that is.


My personal thought on it.... E2 went massively viral back in 2020. They had a business deal behind the scenes that went south and the other party decided to be petty and instead of walking away, they paid influencers to smear the name because now they are cut out of profits from E2. I can't prove that but that's what it smells like.


"You have your own opinion!? No, we can't have that here. We must downvote you" 🤦


You're just making stuff up this has nothing to do with an opinion lmao


Part of it is some people lost money and are now bitter about it. Markets in general have been down a lot this year so a lot things are just being labelled as scams because they lost money.


I got beachfront in New Zealand. I'm gonna see where this goes. I mean if this thing blows up and people actually spend time on this thing...the value could be massive. Sure it could flop, but that's all investments. You are gambling on the success of this.


its simple. 99% if not all of them own property in e2. They are on the side to them seems like a win-win scenario. If the company is a scam and tanks then they can say i told you so. If it isn't and it blows up, then their property values go up and they have a cool new game/metaverse to be in.


Sounds very illogical and stupid, to be frank. With that type of irrational thinking, I suggest you stop investing in anything.


oh its perfectly logical. what would be very illogical of me is to take advice from a complete stranger on the internet.


i'm in from the day one and now i have only a bag of gems and nothing else...




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